The only immortal in the world

Chapter 354 Goodbye to the White Tiger Beast

In a flash, after getting the elixir refined by Bai Weixuan, everyone's cultivation has been greatly improved, and their personal shortcomings have been more or less made up, even Bai Liyu, who has been a sandbag for Bai Weixuan for a month.

Although Bai Liyu was beaten to death every time, his physical cultivation has steadily improved. In the past, his defense ability could only be regarded as the bottom, but now he has surpassed Li Meng and the two teenagers who received the inheritance of Bai Weixuan.

While making him proud, he also had some lingering palpitation for Bai Weixuan's devil training. Is it true that copper and iron bones are all made?

In this month, Bai Weixuan, in addition to tapping Bai Liyu in her spare time, was on missions and alchemy. At the same time, she also visited and received a lot of news about Tianyuan's vein.

Among them, Tianmiao was also included. Among these messages, Tianmiao was a relatively mysterious master, and his status in Tianyuan was not low, and as a space controller, there were four mythical beasts, which was the only one.

These are all the information that Bai Weixuan can find out. She wants to know more about it, but no one can explain it clearly. Tianmiao is too mysterious and indifferent, and few people can clearly know about her.

After exploring these, Bai Weixuan was more confused, and after a month of training, Bai Weixuan knew that it was time to start. Although Bai Liyu brought Snow Fox's words, Bai Weixuan still had a lot of questions about Cang Saturn and Tianmiao.

She needs to go to some places to solve these questions, which include the beast god.

The star field where the beast god's vein is located is not far from here. Bai Weixuan and others only changed the space transmission array once and came to the territory of the beast god's vein.

Here, they entered and got a token representing their identity. Without any obstruction, they entered the city of the beast god.

The orcs here live like human beings, and the large and small markets are bustling. When they see people from outside, they all look curious and strange. Perhaps because few human Taoists came here, Bai Weixuan and her party became a living treasure in the eyes of all beasts.

However, even if some vicious people will show a greedy look on several people, they dare not act rashly because of the existence of tokens on them.

"These beasts' eyes are really creepy." Bai Liyu shivered and dared not look at the beasts around him. There are many beasts here at the level of Taoist immortals, and there are still a lot of deterrents for Bailiyu, the little Taoist who wanders in the later stage of our Xuanxian.

"Bang, pop!!" All of a time, a figure broke the window and rolled to the ground, and the broken glass slapped all over half of the street. Many beasts retreated in panic. The figure was about to get up and escape when another agile figure fell from the broken window and stepped on the former's chest.

The incomparable domineering deterrent suddenly came from the body of this beast. He was a tiger-headed person, with a clear king character on his forehead, with shocking domineering.

"Hu Daowei, take him away!" Later, the beast shouted in a low voice, and immediately a group of mighty guards with knives took away the beasts on the soles of his feet. For a while, many beasts whispered, with praise, dissatisfaction and resentment. However, the tiger-headed beast did not care, but turned to Bai Weixuan and her party.

"The White Tiger Beast King is all good!" Bai Weixuan smiled and greeted the tiger-headed man quite familiarly in everyone's surprised eyes.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect you to come to me so soon, and they are all so awesome, especially Miss Bai. I'm really surprised and admired!" The White Tiger is the White Tiger Beast King who left Cang Saturn at the beginning. More than a hundred years have passed, and now he has become the leader of the clan and is in charge of one side.

The Tiger City that Bai Weixuan and others entered is the area under his jurisdiction.

"I dare not be, can the senior beast king know the changes of Saturn?" Bai Weixuan smiled and asked straight to the topic.

"Saturn... I heard a little about it, but Tianyuan's pulse is very strong. With my status in the clan, it's not enough to lead the troops to talk to Cang Saturn..." The White Tiger Beast King's face was bitter and said helplessly. He suddenly narrowed his eyes and glanced around, scaring the beasts to leave in a hurry, and then said, "Go to my house to talk about it. ! The orcs have not been very stable recently.

"Hmm!" Bai Weixuan and others nodded and walked to the Tiger God Mansion with the White Tiger Beast King.


In the Tiger God Mansion, in addition to the neat and serious tiger knife guard, only a few servants appeared. Bai Weixuan and others sat in the living room of the Tiger God Mansion under the leadership of the White Tiger Beast King. The White Tiger Beast King said, "You have worked hard all the way. I will arrange for you to rest when you are young. This Tiger God Mansion is slightly simple. I hope you don't It's strange."

"Senior Beast King, how much do you know about Xuanwu?" Bai Weixuan opened her mouth again, and she obviously saw that the White Tiger Beast King's hand stagnated and froze when he heard Xuanwu.

"What can Xuanwu do? It's just an accident..." The White Tiger Beast King picked up the teacup on his side and said while drinking tea, "Why did you suddenly remember to ask it?"

"Why did the Elder Snow Fox accept the inheritance of Xuanwu? Does Tianyuan take away the elder Xuehu? Do you have any thoughts on the inheritance of Xuanwu? Bai Weixuan did not answer the words of the White Tiger Beast King, but opened her mouth lightly and asked one question after another.

"This..." The White Tiger Beast King hurriedly covered up the panic in his eyes and took another sip of water.

"What does the senior beast king know? Can you tell us? These are related to the future of Saturn. Bai Weixuan stared at the White Tiger Beast King and said solemnly.

"Oh... It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's really fate..." The White Tiger Beast King sighed, was silent for a long time, and then said as if he had made up his mind, "I can only tell you that the reason why Xuanwu's vein died is because their Xuanwu god has violated the dignity of heaven. Since then, Xuanwu Wu's blood began to dry up until all the Xuanwu people died because of this, and the inheritance of Xuanwu was also lost.

"What about the snow fox predecessor?" Bai Weixuan frowned.

"Xuehu was the last apprentice received before Xuanwu died. It may be because it did not have Xuanwu bloodline, so it was saved." The White Tiger Beast King said.

"So why did you go to Cang Saturn at the beginning? Why did you go there?" Bai Weixuan asked again.

"I don't know. At that time, it was Tianmiaolai that the Beast God asked the Beast God to send a young man with white tiger blood to help her manage the space, so the Beast God agreed and sent me." The White Tiger Beast King explained.

"Does Tianmiao have a high status? Can she talk to the beast god directly? Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and Tianmiao's identity was a little mysterious. Moreover, with her cultivation, why did she turn to the help of the four mythical beasts?

"Well, Tianmiao is the proud son of Tianyuan's vein. Her cultivation is also extremely high, and the beast god also attaches great importance to her. However, I can't understand what she did on Saturn." The White Tiger Beast King said, obviously also confused.

"Oh? How to say?" Bai Weixuan said hurriedly.

"Her cultivation is very high, but when she entered Cang Saturn, she deliberately differentiated into yin and yang, weakening her cultivation, and allowing the dark corridor robber to stay in Cang Saturn. Moreover, when fighting against the demon clan, she did not do her best. Instead, she repeatedly let go of the growth of the demon clan power, which later made me fall. After falling asleep, Jinlong died in a battle. The White Tiger Beast King said.

"After that, she fell into love and threw herself into the reincarnation tunnel. From then on, she disappeared. If it hadn't been for the appearance of the white girl, I would have thought she would have died long ago and didn't care about Saturn." The White Tiger Beast King obviously couldn't understand Tianmiao's actions. He always felt that the latter was tossing around, and in the end, he really put his life in it.

"What about me? Does the Beast King know how I came to Saturn? I don't remember the past at all. Pluto quickly asked that he had no clue about his background for more than a hundred years.

"You should be the soul that appeared with the turbulence of space. Although I don't know why you have the power of Pluto, there is no harm to you now. Moreover, if you can find the memory of the past, your cultivation may advance rapidly." The White Tiger Beast King said.

Pluto was silent when he heard the words, and there seemed to be a chaotic scene in his mind. Then he couldn't remember anything. He couldn't help smiling bitterly. It seemed that if he wanted to find his past memory, he had to experience another space turbulence in the mouth of the White Tiger Beast King.

Just with his current cultivation, he blindly plunges into the space turbulence, and there is only one way to die.

"Senior Beast King, how much do you know about what happened before Tianmiao went to Cang Saturn?" The more he knew, the more confused he felt. Bai Weixuan continued to ask, but the White Tiger Beast King shook his head. He really didn't know anything about the wonderful thing.

"Maybe I can introduce you to the Beast God, and he may be very interested in your identity." The last words of the White Tiger Beast King brought hope to Bai Weixuan. Will the beast god who talked directly with Tianmiao tell her about Tianmiao?

What kind of role does Tianmiao play in the Tianyuan vein, and even in the whole world of Tiandao?

Borrowing the four mythical beasts, refining the seven generations of spiritual crystal, entering the six reincarnations, experiencing the disaster, and even finally disappearing. What on earth is Tianmiao going to do? What exactly is her purpose?

What about Guang Shihan? What is the existence of this man who is as noble as ice and snow and as gentle as the spring breeze? What kind of secrets are hidden in the rising planet of Cang Saturn?

Bai Weixuan intuitively felt that her mind was full of doubts. She couldn't even wait to see the Beast God and ask everything clearly.

However, the beast god is not what she wants to see. Even if there is a white tiger beast king, they still need to wait for half a month.