The only immortal in the world

Chapter 359 Ice Tunnel

The vast starry sky, flying meteors, the blue space is distorted to the limit, and a golden fireball crosses the endless void and rushes to the green planet below.

The golden fireball came very fast, but it suddenly stopped next to the atmosphere outside the planet, and several figures were exposed. It was Bai Weixuan, Qing Hanxuan and others, and the planet in front of them was Saturn.

Bai Weixuan stood in the void, looked at the green and magnificent Saturn with complicated eyes, and then nod to Qing Hanxuan, Pluto and others, and her body suddenly disappeared in place.

Qing Hanxuan looked at the place where she disappeared, and then looked at Saturn. He looked stunned for a moment, and then said, "Let's go too!"

Pluto and others nodded, and a group of eight flew straight to Saturn.


When the eight people of Qinghanxuan swaggered to Saturn, Bai Weixuan had already appeared in the unicorn continent of Saturn. With the impulse to go to the ancient rock continent to find Guang Shihan, Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth and walked into the depths of the snowy mountains.

This was the place where she was most depressed. Here, it also made her try to lose the feeling of Guangshihan for the first time and face her heart. Here, for the first time, she was so close to extinction. This is also the burial place of her monster father...

Although this world is not the place where she was born, it has brought her countless memories and warmth. Although there are also pains, everything has passed. As long as she returns to this land and returns to all her relatives and friends, this is her home, the place she will always protect.

In the mouth of the beast god, Bai Weixuan learned the way to become a guardian. She must go to the center of the earth and control the seal of the four mythical beasts left by the snow fox.

Unsealed, enter the heart of Saturn, and open the new path of this star.

Saturn is very special, and the identity of the snow fox also strangely the remaining three mythical beasts of the four mythical beasts. Although the beast god passed on Bai Weixuan the way to become a guardian, she still warned her to be careful. Even with her cultivation in the realm of the fairy king now, she may not have a smooth journey.

Otherwise, people with Tianyuan's lineage will not have got Saturn yet. Bai Weixuan was deeply convinced that after visiting the four mythical beasts, she did see the strength of these big families, and this was superficial. The family of the four mythical beasts is like this. Tianyuan is the first vein in the world of Tiandao, and naturally it is only strong but not weak.

And such a vein has not been able to get the identity of a guardian decades after getting Saturn, which can explain many problems. Therefore, Bai Weixuan is also on full alert while looking for the path to the center of the earth with the method granted by the beast god.

There are also people guarded by Tianyuan in the snowy mountains. Although these heavenly Taoists in the realm of the fairy realm could not hinder Bai Weixuan, she still did not rush in head-on, but directly through the wall from another place after finding the most suitable passage.

With her fairy king's cultivation, it is not difficult to do this, nor will it make any movement.

When she came to the deep ice-blue tunnel, she saw that there were beating bright lights on her palms. Bai Weixuan was slightly stunned. These bright lights seemed to be old and did not seem to have existed for nearly a hundred years. It should have existed before Saturn was discovered, and it may be longer.

Seeing the complicated and strange decorations on the lamp, Bai Weixuan felt very familiar. She was about it, but she felt that there was a strange movement in the tunnel. She quickly hid her figure and pasted it into the ice wall.

"Hey, what do you think is going on this broken planet? There are so many people out, why can't you deal with it? The sound of a man complaining came from afar.

"What's more, I have never seen a planet that makes Tianyuan's vein suffer so much? Do you know that the heavenly Taoists who enter that inheritance land have died! Tut, it is said that another fairy king has entered, but there has been no news. Another voice also lowered his voice.

At this time, two young men came from the ice tunnel and appeared in Bai Weixuan's sight. They held long dragons and analyzed Tianyuan's vein. These two should belong to a special institution of Tianyuan's vein, the Shenyi Legion.

All the people of the Shenjue Legion are used to make long-terms, and can form powerful formations with strong combat effectiveness. It is one of the core forces of the Tianyuan vein. The thirteenth team of the highest legion is even composed of Tiandao people in the later period of Tianxian, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the immortal king.

I didn't expect that the Shenjue Legion was sent here to patrol and guard. It seems that Tianyuan's lineage has the intention of not getting Cang Saturn to stop. Bai Weixuan thought to himself and was about to bypass the two and continue to go deeper, but she heard one of them say, "In those years, Xuanwu's veins all died in just one year, but she didn't expect to leave an inheritance in such a place. However, not to mention that these inheritances seem to make those fairy kings care very much. I really don't know what kind of inheritance it is. Those fairy kings usually have whatever they want. I really don't understand what they lack. They are so persistent this time.

"Yes! It's really strange, but what's more strange is that this planet has just formed, how can there be such a horrible forbidden place? Even the immortals are going to die." Another person also sighed, a little sad, "Oh, I really don't know how many more people will die?"

"Hey..." Speaking of this heavy topic, both of them sighed and left silently.

Bai Weixuan looked at the place where the two left and frowned slightly. Xuanwu inheritance? Did Xuanwu leave an inheritance on Saturn at the beginning?

Moreover, Tianyuan's vein has held such a inheritance for so many years, and no news has been revealed. Sure enough, it is worthy of being the first vein in the world of Tiandao.

At the same time, this cognition also made Bai Weixuan a little afraid. If she hadn't inadvertently broken through to the early stage of the Fairy King, she would have been found as soon as she arrived at Saturn, not to mention sneaking in to find the heart of Saturn and become the guardian here.

Is it the inheritance of Xuanwu? I don't know what it has to do with the seal of the four mythical beasts, and the passage here is also the best place to get to the center of the earth. Is there any connection between these? Bai Weixuan speculated secretly, moved her figure, and continued to go deep into the ice tunnel.

The lights of the long bright lamp are flickering and strange in the ice-blue ice tunnel.

The deeper Bai Weixuan went into the ice tunnel, she found that there were more people patrolling in it. Tianyuan seemed to be preparing for something, and the ground was very well prepared for this. Bai Weixuan could easily see some immortals in the later period of the Tianxian army guarding in the tunnel.

Exploring the entrances behind the guards one by one, Bai Weixuan found a place with the most guards, where she even felt the existence of a fairy king level.

Although her spiritual cultivation has now reached a higher level than that of the fairy king, Bai Weixuan still cautiously withdrew the consciousness placed on the fairy king and hid in the ice with her breath.

The eyes of the fairy king-level heavenly Taoist glanced over, paused, and finally looked elsewhere under Bai Weixuan's trembling waiting.

"This guy's spiritual cultivation is not low! It seems that it should be the middle and late period of the Fairy King. Bai Weixuan said in her heart that the divine consciousness bypassed the heavenly Taoist and spread towards the space behind them.

Soon, Bai Weixuan found the difference in this place.

Behind these heavenly Taoists, she found some strange space channels hanging upside down on the ice wall like silkworm chrysalis. In these space passages, Bai Weixuan felt an extremely strange power.

seemed to be the power of some kind of formation, but when Bai Weixuan wanted to explore these forces more deeply, she was squeezed out by a strong squeeze.

"What a strange power!" Bai Weixuan sighed in her heart and explored these forces with her divine consciousness. Again and again, she was squeezed out every time.

"I don't believe it." The divine consciousness was squeezed into extremely boredom. Bai Weixuan was cruel, and the divine consciousness directly turned into a sharp sword and plunged into the space.

In a moment, she only felt a buzz in her head, and her consciousness suddenly trembled. It seemed that countless fine needles had been pricked in her head, which was extremely painful.

She hugged her head and hurriedly sat down in the ice. Bai Weixuan held on and began to adjust her breath, but her mind seemed to be twisted. A burst of tingling came from the depths of her consciousness, making her beautiful face slightly deformed.

This is the tingling pain deep into the soul in the divine consciousness, which is countless times stronger than the pain in the body. Even with Bai Weixuan's current spiritual cultivation, she sweated coldly for a while.

Moreover, what's worse, at this moment, the immortal power in her body quickly dispersed into the air, and there were bursts of dizziness in her nerves.

Bai Weixuan secretly shouted bad. She looked at the strictly guarded heavenly Taoists around her, gritted her teeth, and forced herself to go back. At this time, there was a violent vibration in the ice caves behind them.

"What's going on?" The fairy king rushed into the cave behind him in the blink of an eye, and the guards also looked inside one by one in surprise. The noisy voices sounded everywhere, but due to the good admonition of Tianyuan, these guards have never left their positions. Only some free-moving people go inside to check the situation like the fairy king.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Weixuan hurriedly ran in the direction she came. She was so fast that she had bypassed many guards and came to the place she had originally entered in a moment.

"Everyone should be vigilant and take no action without my order." However, at this time, a majestic voice suddenly came from the depths of the tunnel. Bai Weixuan's body stiffened and immediately felt a overwhelming consciousness covering the whole ice area.

She felt heavy and knew that the road ahead could no longer be taken. Although her spiritual cultivation was higher than that of the fairy king, it was not stable enough. Coupled with the recent changes, her spirit was in a period of weakness, and now she could not completely avoid the exploration of the other party.

In desperation, Bai Weixuan had to drill into the ice, directly called out the ice fairy mark, integrated into the ice, and completely sealed her breath.