The only immortal in the world

Chapter 361 He can help you

Along the way, Bai Weixuan thought about the appearance of many snow foxes, but did not expect it to be such a cruel form.

The limbs of the snow fox have been completely separated, and the limbs are pulled apart by inexplicable force and suspended in all directions. The snow-white head is closed and suspended in the middle of the limbs, as if it will be swallowed up by the white fog around it at any time.

And the snow fox's body doesn't know where it has gone, may disappear, or may still exist behind the white fog.

Bai Weixuan can't imagine what kind of mentality the snow fox had to accept such a cruel separation. Tianyuan has occupied Saturn for decades, and the snow fox has existed in this form for decades.

"Snow Fox Senior..." Bai Weixuan felt that her voice was a little hoarse. She saw the noble and mysterious snow fox again. Looking at the tragic state of its limb separation, her heart was inexplicably complex and sour.

Xuehu slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of fatigue appeared in his once invincible pupils. It looked at Bai Weixuan and smiled, "You're here!" Like the usual and whispers of old friends, it seems that it knew she would come a long time ago.

"I'm coming!" Bai Weixuan resisted the sourness of the corners of her eyes. She knew that the arrogant snow fox in front of her did not need other people's sympathy.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" The snow fox said calmly.

"A lot, a lot." Bai Weixuan murmured and tried her best to calm herself down.

"Then let me tell you something I know first!" Xuehu smiled and said, "You should be very confused. Why did the little guy in Baili tell you that I was captured by Tianyuan, but now I still maintain the seal here?"

"Actually, it was my split that was captured, which is somewhat similar to the split that Tian Miao left in Tianyuan's vein." Snow Fox said, "All this starts from the day Tianmiao came to Saturn..."

hundreds of millions of years ago, when the snow fox was still a chaos in the boundless universe, the earth world had just appeared. At that time, it was still turbid and there was no life.

Until Tianmiao threw a seed, a seed of life, it triggered a chain reaction, and many of the world's initial gods appeared in the earth world. In contrast, demons have also bred, which is the demon clan led by chaotic demons.

The war between gods and demons took place from the beginning of the earth world. Hundreds of millions of years continued until more than a thousand years ago, when demons were sealed and gods fell.

For hundreds of millions of years, Tianmiao has divided herself into two existences from the beginning, one exists in the light, one exists in the dark, the other coordinates her consciousness, and the other turns her power.

This is the original Tianmiao and Tianxuan.

hundreds of millions of years ago, Xuanwu came to the earth with Tianmiao. Xuanwu was the leader of Xuanwu's lineage. At that time, Xuanwu's lineage was still in its heyday.

The snow fox does not know the reason why they came to the earth world, but for it, which was born with the earth world, as long as the two are maintaining the earth world and doing nothing to hurt the earth world, it is not its enemy.

The three maintained a simple and peaceful relationship for hundreds of millions of years, until one day, Xuanwu was inexplicably severely damaged and fell in the monster mountains.

Xuanwu entrusted the seal of the four mythical beasts to the snow fox before his death, and told him not to let the people of Tianyuan become the guardians of Saturn.

Since then, Tianmiao has disappeared for a long time. During this period, an uninvited guest appeared in the world of the earth, Miluo Tian, a robber on the dark corridor, with a hypocritical face and became the god king of the earth world.

And when Miao appeared again that day, she brought back the four mythical beasts, and she remained silent about the appearance of Miluo Tian. However, soon after, the green dragon died inexplicably in the process of the confrontation of the demon clan. Soon after, Xuanwu dried up and died, and the rosefinch disappeared from the world, and only the white tiger fell into an endless sleep.

When the snow fox couldn't help but want to take action, Tianmiao stopped it. She gave it the method of incarnation of the same life and taught it the method of sealing against the four mythical beasts. She said that when she was in trouble, if the snow fox was willing to, the anti-four mythical beasts would save Saturn's life.

Otherwise, once the Cang Saturn falls into the hands of Tianyuan, the only way to destroy it can be taken.

Subsequently, Tianmiao made one lie after another in the world. She deliberately cast a spell of infatuation and deliberately sealed her power in the sea of desire. She triggered the last battle of the gods and demons, and then successfully refined a peerless divine object - the seventh generation of spiritual crystal pin.

And in the end, even she herself fell before the seventh cycle.

Then there was the cycle of seven generations, until one day more than 100 years ago, Bai Weixuan appeared in the earth world.


"I don't know where they come from or what they are going to do. I just intuitively tell me that they won't hurt Saturn. What they say is worth believing." The snow fox finally said calmly, as if the clouds and smoke of these endless years were just floating clouds in front of him, drifting by, unable to attract the slightest dust in its heart.

"So what Tianxuan said is not true?" Bai Weixuan was stunned for a long time before asking in a daze.

"Well, Tianxuan's memory was made for him by Tianmiao. Strictly speaking, Tianxuan is only the power of Tianmiao, and that Tianxuan's tears are the last guardian left by Tianmiao to you." Snow Fox nodded and said.

"Tianmiao, who is she?" Bai Weixuan became a little confused. The more she knew more wonderful things, the less she knew about this person, who might be her before the seventh generation.

"Maybe she is not a human at all. She is a real god." Snow Fox smiled and gave a high evaluation of Tianmiao.

Bai Weixuan was slightly distracted. She suddenly thought of Shi Yueming and hurriedly said, "So, what about Guang Shihan? Why is Shi Yueming's breath the same as his? The heart couldn't help beating rapidly. Seeing that Xuehu fell silent because of this problem, Bai Weixuan's heart immediately sank.

No, the cold will be fine. He shouted secretly in his heart, but the bad feeling became stronger and stronger.

"He... is the reincarnation of Guang Shihan." The snow fox said quietly.

"What?" Bai Weixuan felt a sudden hit in her mind, and her whole body was frozen in place. Shi Yueming was the reincarnation of Guangshihan? What, what do you mean?"

How could it be? Didn't Guang Shihan incarnate into a lotus? Shouldn't he be cultivated from white lotus and appear in front of her with a smile as before? Is Shi Yueming the reincarnation of Guang Shihan? What does this mean? This is impossible!

Bai Weixuan stared at the snow fox tightly and wanted to get a perfect explanation from it. For example, it was also a lifelike.

"Literal meaning, Guang Shihan entered the six reincarnations and was reincarnated to the Kirin mainland soon after you left." Xuehu sighed and gave the answer, but Bai Weixuan couldn't breathe.

Guang Shihan was reincarnated soon after she left. How could he be reincarnated?

"Impossible! Isn't it only Tianmiao that can start the six reincarnations? Why did Guang Shihan enter the reincarnation tunnel? Why does he want to reincarnation? Bai Weixuan was stunned for a moment, and her body involuntarily stepped back a few steps. She suddenly thought of something and shook her head in disbelief. It seems to be questioning again.

"I don't know, but at the beginning, I felt the breath of Guangshihan appearing in the Kirin Continent, so I brought him back to practice in the snowy mountains." Xuehu said with a wry smile that Bai Weixuan's reaction did not understand, but she took it for granted.

"I'm going to see the ancient rock continent clearly!" Bai Weixuan was about to rush out of here, but she was blocked by an invisible wall.

"Bai Weixuan, this is not the time for our children to fall in love. We don't have much time. A fairy king has entered the inheritance of Xuanwu. If you don't seize the time, Cang Saturn will be destroyed in the hands of Tianyuan." The snow fox shouted in a low voice.

"If you destroy, you will be destroyed. I'm not from Saturn. If they love to destroy, they will be destroyed. Let me go. I'm going to the ancient rock continent!" Bai Weixuan suddenly struggled, and the barrier in front of her suddenly shook, and there were already traces of cracking.

"Even if it's not for yourself, do you have the heart to make your brother and your friends sad? They are now on Saturn. Even if you are not for them, can you bear to see the only trace of Guang Shihan in the world disappearing? It is impossible for Shi Yueming to leave Saturn!" Xuehu shouted angrily, like a blow in the head, waking up Bai Weixuan.

"Why do I bear everything? Why can't I even protect the people I want to protect? Why..." collapsed weakly to the ground, and the woman choked silently.

Yes! From the beginning, she has carried too many hardships imposed on her. She struggled back from the edge of death again and again, and was resented by Mo Linglan. When she went through many hardships and thought that she finally broke through the dark clouds and saw the sun, she fell into another conspiracy prepared by Tianmiao for her...

She was sad, painful and desperate. She finally made some friends and found her true love, but after she returned as a powerful fairy king, she changed.

The partner is still there, but the person who came to the bottom of her heart is no longer there. Reincarnation, Bai Weixuan hated reincarnation so much for the first time.

But what can she do?

How can she bear to make this place where they remember disappear?

"This is fate..." The sigh of the snow fox echoed in her ears, and the sourness in Bai Weixuan's eyes quietly stopped. She rose from the ice numbly, and her whole body was lost, as if her life had been drained.

"I know, help me protect Shi Yueming, and send me to Xuanwu to inherit now." Bai Weixuan said blankly.

"No, he went in with him." However, the snow fox shook his head.

"Why?" Bai Weixuan frowned.

"He can help you!"
