Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 31 Misunderstanding

Seeing that Wang's voice was getting lower and lower, Cui Shifu said coldly, "Okay, don't fight anymore, boss. I'll take Wei'er to the county to have a look first, and Ah Shu will get some copper money out."

As soon as Yang heard this, his eyes flashed and hesitantly said, "Master, these are busy these days, and the corn in the field can't be moved. If it is delayed, I'm afraid it won't be enough to eat at home this year." After she finished speaking, Cui Shifu hesitated for a moment. The harvest in the field was really related to the family's food and drink. I'm afraid that it will take four or five days to go to the county. Cui Shifu thought for a moment and gritted his teeth and said, "Then go to the town. I'll be back the day after You help me with the things inside, and Sanlang is also sensible now. If he knows how to help with things, he will let him do something light.

"How did that work!" As soon as Yang heard that he wanted his precious son to do something, he was immediately a little dissatisfied, but Cui Jingping didn't say a word. When he heard his mother's mouth, he frowned and stood up. His concerned eyes looked at Cui Wei lying in Cui Shifu's arms and sucked his nose. Although there was some crying in his voice, he "I helped with the work. Dad took my sister to the town to find a doctor!" He was just pulled by the Yang family and did not save Cui Wei. At this time, he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed, regretful or distressed. All kinds of emotions were mixed together, which made him burp when he spoke.

Yang was so angry when she heard her son's words, but Cui Shifu's eyes came out softly and touched his old son's head. After a long time, he sighed: "Sanlang has grown up and is obedient."

Cui Shifu said, indicating that the matter had been fixed on the iron plate. Yang bit his lip and was so angry that he was about to open his mouth again. When she wanted to open his mouth again, a string of footsteps came from the door. Her scalp was numb, and she saw that her mother-in-law Lin brought her sister-in-law

"What's going on? It doesn't let people stop at the end of three days. What's going on!" Lin had heard Wang's crying and howling for a long time. At this time, she really wished to find a ball of cow shit to burn her mouth. Although she didn't name her name as soon as she entered the door, she clearly wrote Wang's trouble on her face. At this time, Wang was almost beaten and could not refute it. Otherwise, she would have jumped up long ago when she heard Lin's words.

"Why did my mother-in-law come here?" Yang didn't say well in her heart, but on the other hand, she greeted her, but Lin didn't give her a good face. As soon as she pulled her clothes, she saw her granddaughter lying in Cui Shifu's arms. She ignored Yang and was just worried and said, "What's wrong with Weier?"

"I don't know yet. I just vomited a mouthful of blood..." Cui Shifu's face was gloomy. As soon as he said a word, Lin's face suddenly drooped down. He turned his finger and folded his finger to Yang's. He almost poked Yang's nostrils and scolded: "You are a lot of age, and now you are a mother-in-law. The affairs at home are getting more and more unclear, to the point of beating people to the point of spitting blood. Did you pick up this daughter?" Lin was really a little angry. In the past, she saw that this daughter-in-law was good, but the more she became more and more out of tune, and she didn't care about it. But she was really too confused. The previous shrewdness seemed to be forced to make a daughter-in-law. It was also a blind person to marry Wang, What else can she do? One day, the Cui family will be defeated!

Yang has been married into the Cui family for decades. Since she was young, she has never been scolded by her mother-in-law pointing at her nostrils like this. Now she can't stand being scolded. She whispered, "I didn't know why I hit her. I didn't expect her I've been busy all day today, how can I take care of this!" As Yang said, he couldn't help crying. As soon as the Yang's sister-in-law, Liu, saw her crying, she was embarrassed. She turned into the room to coax Cui Youzu, who was crying so hard. Without the sister-in-law watching, the heat on Yang's face subsided a little. If it was in the past, Lin could not listen to this daughter-in-law Forget it, but as soon as I heard that Cui Wei had been beaten to vomit blood today, I was not happy with this daughter-in-law. After listening to her, she sneered:

"The restless house is a sign of a prodigal family! At least you have lived to this age, and you still come to make trouble with me. It's okay for you to despise the girl's family. I don't stop talking about you. I just want to come to you. You are also a woman's family. You must have suffered such hardships when you were in your mother's family. You have tasted That's all for the Wang family. Now it's so serious that I think you have lived to the dog's stomach at your age!" Yang was scolded with a flushed face, and her heart was a little unwilling, so she blurted out, "Cui Wei, a dead girl, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She took a knife and cut her sister-in-law like this..."

Yang's words blurted out in anger suddenly made everyone present feel cold, and her eyes changed. Lin laughed and slapped her and said, "Cut well! Not only can you cut it well, but you should also cut a few more knives! Such a lazy woman dares to abuse her sister-in-law at home until she vomited blood. I won't cut such a vicious woman, and I'll cut it!" Hearing this, Wang Shi, who had been beaten so much that she could not take care of herself, suddenly shivered. She was afraid that Lin Shi would really come to cut herself. She had tasted the taste of the knife cut on the meat, but it really hurt into the bone marrow. At this time, she was really scared. If she had known that Cui Wei, I messed with her.

"Mom, I'm going to send Wei Er to the town to see a doctor. I'm afraid she has something..." Cui Shifu's figure is three or five thick. He is usually honest and honest. At this time, he can't help choking. Obviously, he is worried. Lin knows his concerns. Now it's the time when The head had already heard Yang's words, so now he said, "Just go. I'll go to the field tomorrow to help Dalang work. I'm old, but I'm always better than some lazy mothers all day long!" Speaking of this, Lin Shi stared at Wang, who was paralyzed on the ground. Seeing that her skirt was wet, a smell came from her lower body, and her heart was bright, and she looked at the woman. However, at the beginning, Yang thought that she was easy to raise and insisted on pulling her back. As a result, it was so noisy. Now she

Lin Shi opened his mouth like this, and Cui Shifu did not delay, and his eyes fell on Yang Shi. Cui Wei had already cleaned up Wang's connection. When she was angry, she had the idea of breaking the net with Cui Jiayu. But now Cui Shifu, Lin Shi and Cui Jingping's maintenance of her made her eyes very hot, and tears did not stay in her eyes. She knew in her heart that Wang Shi had just slapped her face and was not I'm afraid the blood just now was shed from the mouth of the tooth.

Hehehehehe, I have something to go out, so I uploaded it in advance...