Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 141 Gifts

"What are you howling? If you cry again, go back to your mother's house. It looks like a piece of wood. Do you want me to offer it to you when I marry you back? Now that everyone is hungry, why don't you get out of here and cook!" Yang pointed to Kong's nose and scolded indiscriminately. Kong's eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't fall off. He was so afraid that his lips trembled. He quickly answered and hurried into the kitchen. The anger in Yang's heart had not been extinguished, and he didn't even look at Cui Jingzhong. Thinking of his eyes just now, he was still a little uncomfortable. Thinking of what Cui Shifu usually said to himself, he was a little dissatisfied with Cui Jingzhong.

Cui Jingzhong could naturally see that Yang was not happy, but he was not happy. Yang fought with people outside, which was really humiliating. If he was seen, where would he put his face back? Doesn't this affect his reputation? Looking at Yang's appearance, it seems that he wants him to help fight together. It's really difficult to raise only women and villains!

Everyone calmed down a little. Kong quickly boiled hot water to wash everyone's faces. Although this daughter-in-law was a little timid, she was still diligent. She didn't know how much more diligent she was than Wang's. Yang was also satisfied. However, when she thought that Wang also helped her when she had just fought, she immediately It was also a lot less. Everyone washed their faces and pulled their hair again. Diao and the other two were burned a lot. Naturally, they inevitably cursed Cui Wei again. Hearing that Cui Shifu's face was dark, he looked like he was going to turn over.

Tang was arrested by people from the government early in the morning. Those people were fierce. Diao and other rural women have never seen the world. How dare they dare to stop them? They can only make a scene here. Don't say that they are angry. By the way, they want Cui Wei to give some money and let them take the Tang family back, but But it was not easy to get a teacher, and the money was not enough. The Nie family's boy was so difficult to deal with, and he had a lot of crooked ideas. On the contrary, he suffered a loss. Diao's heart was so angry that he simply put all his anger on the Yang family, but in a fight, she could also saw that Her own daughter, Diao, didn't care about it in anger. Only Tang's mother pretended to cry. As soon as she heard that she would stay at Cui's house for dinner, she immediately stopped making trouble.

It calmed down again. Cui Wei had just poured boiling water on these people, and she felt so comfortable that she brought out the food. Several people had eaten. Nie Qiuran was afraid that the Yang family would come to find trouble. It was not until the evening that she saw them go back by themselves that she was relieved. Finally, I heard Cui Jingping say that the Tang family was still released, but the people from the government came to catch her once, but no one paid for her to protect her. Suddenly, the people in the government were not very happy. They beat her ten boards before Yang Dalang took her back. It is said that the legs were broken at that time, and the buttocks were blurred I woke up and suffered a loss this time. Tang Shi was beaten for nothing. Cui Wei's money had not been relied on, and the Yang family did not dare to make trouble again, and they couldn't hide.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Nie Qiuran was still ready to leave. Before he left, he came to Cui Wei's side. Cui Wei put a few pieces of wheat sauce meat she had wrapped for him and more than a dozen blue candy prepared in advance. The dessert cake and other items were also packed with a square bamboo frame, and the lid It was both dust-proof and clean. The clothes made for Nie Qiuran happened to be cold at this time. He simply put them on and left. Before leaving, Nie Qiuran told her a lot, and then left with something.

After the New Year, Cui Wei gradually became idle again. She bought two milk-producing sheep one after another. There were seven or eight sheep closed in the circle. Cui Jingping helped cut some grass every day. Cui Wei thought about the idea of furniture before the Spring Festival. After this year, she naturally gave the Cao carpenter to Called here. She had only made a few simple things because she was in a hurry to ask for furniture. Now she is not short of silver in her hand, and she has old generals to use it. Naturally, she is not in a hurry now. Her house is empty, and she has written down what she wants to do. There is no furniture in the house where Cui Jingping lives now. Month, but even if it's only two months, it won't cost much to make furniture anyway, so Cui Wei did it together.

When the weather gradually warmed up, the people in the village began to sow seeds again, and Yang's family gradually became busy. Nie Qiuran left just after the Lantern Festival last month. She didn't come back in February, and she didn't come back until mid-March. At this time, Cui Wei's family was almost done. She was Putting it in the room, there is gradually more feeling of home in the room. Unlike in the past, Nie Qiuran left her side first when she came back this time. Cui Wei opened the door and saw him a little unbelievable. At this time, it was already dark. Nie Qiuran's carriage stopped outside the door. He jumped off and gave it to He waved his hand and moved things under the carriage.

Large and small bags will be everywhere in a short time. Cui Wei was stunned for a moment. When she saw the things on the ground, she was a little surprised and said, "Brother Nie, why did you buy so many things?" As she spoke, Nie Qiuran twisted things by herself and walked in. At the same time, she greeted Cui Jingping, who was still sitting in the hall, and came out to move with him. Several people walked several times before moving the things that Nie Qiuran had put outside into the house, which was full of piles. Cui Wei opened a package and looked at it. There were head ropes, silk flowers, and some small hairs and other things in it. They were all for girls, as well as a large piece of neatly folded satin. It seemed that they were all things that little girls liked. Cui Wei picked them up twice and her face suddenly turned a little blue: "Brother Nie, "?" As she spoke, she picked up a small white fluffy hairpin from the package. It seemed to be made of rabbit hair. It was snow-white and cute. Even if it was a small hairpin, it would not make people feel mature. Cui Wei was sure that wearing this thing would definitely lower her age.

"It's for you." After saying that, Nie Qiuran took a box out of her chest and opened it. There was a colorful tourmaline bracelet in it. As she spoke, she motioned Cui Wei to stretch out her hand and put it on her hand. He bought a lot of things this time. Cui Wei felt the cold bracelet on her wrist and was stunned: "It's all for me?" All the things brought back by Nie Qiuran are used by ordinary girls. I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money for such a lot of things. It can be seen that there are many rich classmates in the place where he went to school this time.

"It's all yours, Wei Er, wear this tomorrow." After saying that, Nie Qiuran picked up the pair of small white fluff hairpins and stroked at her twice. After thinking about it, he opened another package. There was a small pink cloak wrapped in thin white fluff in it. He picked it up, trembled, and his eyes were shining: "Come on, let's see if it fits." There was a hat behind the little cloak, and the white fur was also rolled on the top. Cui Wei was a little helpless. She just wanted to say that there was no need to try. Nie Qiuran had pulled her up by herself, took the cloak to put it on her, and even put on her hat.

Suddenly, Cui Wei's whole body was wrapped in the cloak, warm but warm. There was cotton in it, which was warm on her body. The soft white hair on her head was brushed on her face, which was extremely comfortable. The hem of the cloak and the edge of the wrap were inlaid with fur. Cui Jing Cui Wei couldn't help but light up her eyes like this: "It's so cute!"

Nie Qiuran couldn't help smiling. She turned around and began to turn over the package. After a while, she tried the silk flower and the hairpin made of the small velvet ball with her. Cui Wei felt like he was dressing up as a doll. After a while, she finally couldn't help breaking down. She took off the cloak and took it. With a head full of things: "Brother Nie, you've been on your way for a day. You should be hungry, right? Have you eaten yet? I'll make you something to eat." As soon as Nie Qiuran saw that her face was dark and did not mention anything to dress her up, she quickly pulled her to sit down, took out a small purse from her arms, and handed it to Cui Wei: "This is for you."

Cui Wei pinched the bag, as if it was silver again. She quickly opened her purse and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a silver fruit of about three or two weights lying in it. Suddenly, she was stunned. I'm afraid that the things that Nie Qiuran just bought should be about two taels of silver. He still has so much left People really have so much money that they have nowhere to use. How much money do you have to ask someone to help with their homework?

"I sold the pastry you brought me last time. I got two taels of silver, and I made some more. You can leave it and make some snacks for me when I leave next time." After saying that, Nie Qiuran smiled at Cui Wei. The little girl was still a little stupid and urged her to collect the silver, and then turned her head to talk to Cui Jingping.

Such a thing full of things on the table also added the silver in her hand. Cui Wei always felt a little strange. Although Nie Qiuran mentioned that this was the silver he sold for cakes, she turned her head and took a look at Nie Qiuran, who was talking to Cui Jingping. Cui Wei knew his character and was not allowed to take back the five taels There was no intention to take back the money given, so Cui Wei hesitated to take the money and went into the kitchen.

Nie Qiuran saw that she had collected the money, and she couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth. Cui Jingping looked at it very seriously and couldn't help saying, "Brother Nie, sister, have you bought me a gift?" He just said casually. Unexpectedly, Nie Qiuran really took out a small bag from the package beside him and put it in front of Cui Jing's plane. Cui Jingping opened it and saw that there were a few cakes in it. Compared with Cui Wei, who was full of the table, he suddenly lost his color. What he has more cakes now is that Cui Wei usually has Just make some. He was used to Cui Wei's cooking, and he naturally lost interest in selling it outside. He still took a piece for Nie Qiuran's sake and tasted it: "It's not bad. There are almond slices in it, but it's not as delicious as my sister's." RS