Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 167 Sending Cats

Although the Cui family is still a little unlucky in the past two years, this year's harvest is quite good. The millet has also been harvested a lot, and some have been sold to pay off Lin's debts. Now the rest is barely enough for the whole family to eat. These peanuts are well knotted, and they are almost full, However, I was so happy that as soon as I dug it back and pulled the leaves, I couldn't wait to send it to my daughter. Cui Wei picked a peanut and didn't care about the soil on it. She couldn't help peeling it off and eating two of them.

Unlike dried peanuts, the raw peanuts are more hydrated, and there is also a trace of fragrance that has just been dug out of the soil. She thought that there seemed to be star anise, shannai, fennel and other seasonings in her kitchen. Suddenly, she had an idea. She looked at the peanuts in her back, When it came, he looked up and asked, "Dad, why don't you send me so many peanuts?"

"What did she say? Just eat it. If you like it, I still have two pieces of soil that haven't been dug. I'll send it to you. Sanlang is no more obedient than you. I'll cause you trouble here. I used to rely on you at home, and now I still owe so much copper, otherwise I can' Cui Shifu smiled, and the beard on his face trembled. In the past two years, he has aged very fast, as if his back is a little bent. He not only wants to raise a family, but also a son like Cui Jingzhong. Cui's family spends far more than the people in the same village in Xiaowan Village, and there are not many men in the family. Cui Shifu's whole body has suffered a lot When it came to Yang's family, she saw a lot of white hair on her face, but she didn't know what she would think if she knew that her son she thought was reliable in the end.

"Dad, why don't you just sell me this peanut, and don't take it out. Why don't you stop farming next year? I'll find a good job for you to do. Your annual harvest is much higher than planting, and it's easier." Cui Wei thought for a moment and sighed. While reaching out to play with the peanuts in her back, she looked up at Cui Shifu.

The eight or nine acres of land she bought didn't know it was hers, but in fact it's in her hands now. She was going to wait for the farmer to be busy and ask someone to surround the land, so that no one else would pick some. If you are only greedy and the fruit is ripe and someone will eat a few pieces, but you are afraid that some children will be naughty, or adults deliberately want to pick more, so they decided to spend some money to surround the ground, ask people to grow fruits, and then help take care of and wait for it. You can watch it at any time, so as to prevent others from Come and do it for yourself. Just give him more salary at that time, but she was unwilling before. She thought that this kind of money would eventually make Cui Jingzhong cheaper. Now when she saw Cui Shifu, Cui Wei couldn't help it, so she put forward her previous thoughts.

Cui Shifu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to what she said that she wanted to find a way to live for him. She only thought that she was considerate of herself. She was greatly relieved. She reached out and touched her head and smiled and said:

"That's right, Wei Er. If you like to eat these peanuts, Dad won't sell them. After receiving them, I'll send them all to you. Anyway, it's not worth the money. It's just a few hundred coppers."

The Cui family has had such a hard time. How could Cui Wei take advantage of him? After thinking about it, she didn't say that she wanted to buy peanuts at this time. Now if she gives the money to Cui Shifu, he will definitely not want it. It's better to wait until he sends the peanuts over Seeing that she nodded and didn't say more, Cui Shifu smiled with satisfaction. While watching that it was getting late, he refused Cui Wei to stay for dinner and wanted to go back. Before going out, he told Cui Wei, "Today is July 14th. This is the day when the ghost door has not been opened for a long time. You two Don't go out, children. They are splashing water and rice everywhere. It's not good if they go out and bump into each other. In this Xiaowan Village, there is a ghost story in July and a half. At this time, many people think that their dead relatives are still waiting for a mouthful of rice given by their family, so they will take a bowl of rice with cold boiled water and buckle it upsideside, and sometimes Xiaowan Village can see these things. Obviously, Cui Wei felt that she was skeptical about these things, but when Cui Shifu said this, she looked dark outside, and there was no moon around her. Suddenly, she was a little nervous and nodded quickly.

After sending Cui Shifu away, Cui Wei closed the door hurriedly. Looking back, she saw that Cui Jingping was also blue-faced. While whispering a win-eye with her, the two brothers and sisters didn't even dare to say ghost words, and nodded understanding. Fortunately, I didn't live alone. It's okay to have someone to accompany me. Cui Wei asked Cui Jingping to get some water out. She took a wooden basin that usually washed vegetables and poured most of the peanuts into it. While squatted down, she rubbed them a few times. After washing it four or five times, the mud on the peanut There is not enough water. Now it's dark. If there is no water, it will be troublesome. Then she picked up the peanuts with a big dustpan.

After washing, the peanuts looked extremely gratifying. The white and fat one. Cui Wei first took a dustpan and hung it in the yard and let the wind blow it. The black back and Cui Jingping were hungry at this time. They circled around her. She hurried into the kitchen to make food. Before she could eat it, she washed the pot and After adding soy sauce, I put a small spoonful of shrimp sauce in it. I took the chopsticks to dip it in water and tasted it. Then I nodded with satisfaction and went out to take the washed peanuts and pour them into the pot. I saw that the previously made brine just flooded the peanuts and added some corn kernels to the stove. Then I .

As soon as he was eating, the peanuts in the pot emitted bursts of fragrance, which attracted Cui Jingping several times and couldn't help but want to put chopsticks to wait for peanuts. Cui Wei stared at him and took a bowl of rice: "Third brother, I won't stop you when you want to eat, but if You are not even allowed to eat peanuts!" This time, Cui Shifu brought about ten catties of peanuts. At this time, Cui Wei only cooked three or four catties. The two brothers and sisters ate them, and no one came to grab them. It's okay for him to eat enough. There is no need to think about it now.

As soon as the two of them were talking, there was a knock on the door outside. At this time, I don't know who will come. Cui Wei instinctively thought that Cui Shifu had just solemnly told him that he would not go out and run around the Ghost Festival, and suddenly Han Mao stood up.

Fortunately, it was not a demon outside, but Nie Qiuran, who should have come back on the 15th. Cui Wei saw that he didn't know what he was holding in his arms. With a white ball, she was quickly surprised and said, "Brother Nie is back." As soon as she finished speaking, she looked out and saw that Nie Qiuran's carriage was also behind him. It didn't look like she had gone back to Nie's house first. Cui Wei was immediately shocked: "Brother Nie hasn't gone back yet, so he came here directly?"

Nie Qiuran is not polite to her now. Although Cui Wei seemed to be no different from before after the two met the snake last time, she never said that she would not marry him. As Nie Qiuran came in, Cui Jingping hurriedly greeted her in the yard. While pulling the horse into the room for him, he listened to Nie Qiuran say, "I When you came back, didn't you say you wanted to find a cat and mouse last time? I brought you something awesome this time.

After saying that, Nie Qiuran reached out and twisted the neck of the little thing in her arms. As she lifted it up and shook it, the milky white little thing suddenly became dissatisfied. She waved her claws and shouted, "Meow, meow!"

It's a snow-white Persian cat! At this time, Cui Jingping suddenly became excited. At this time, the Persian cat is not visible everywhere in modern times, but a really rare thing. This cat looks like it hasn't been born long ago. It's probably not much bigger than a palm, but it's in good spirits. The sound is milky. This little thing is generally When the pet was kept, Cui Wei thought that she had found a mouse in her kitchen last time, which scared her to death. Later, she told Nie Qiuran that she wanted to keep a cat to catch a mouse. He said that he would wrap the matter on him. He thought he would catch a flower cat for himself, but he didn't expect to catch such a milky

Cui Wei suddenly twitched the corners of her mouth. As she took the kitten and held it in her arms. As soon as the little thing lay on her chest, it made a sound of 'snoring'. Her eyes were half narrowed, as if she were about to fall asleep. Through the dim light in the room, her eyes looked like two She rubbed in her arms and looked coquettish. How could she look so cruel that she could catch mice? Cui Wei was a little speechless and looked at Nie Qiuran suspiciously. This guy always preferred white fluffy things. Shouldn't he always want to raise it? Unfortunately, there is no excuse to raise it. This time, when he heard that he wanted a cat, he took the opportunity to catch it back, right?

Although she didn't say what she thought, she showed everything on her face. Nie Qiuran smiled gently and said to Cui Wei, "Weier, you will know that you put this little thing on the ground. It's humane. I finally asked Qin Huai to find it for me. If you didn't want it, I wouldn't buy it. When he said the last sentence, his voice was a little soft, his eyes fluttered twice, and his expression made him feel guilty. Cui Wei's eyelids jumped more fiercely, but she put the cat on the ground. The little guy seemed to be a little afraid of life. He refused to leave at her feet. He meowed coquettishly and rubbed her chin on the instep twice. RS