Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 170 Invite

Originally, I thought that it was time to go home and rest after the wall was built at the end of October. Many people were also very satisfied with this. This year, they could earn hundreds of dollars. Many families went out together, and they also earned more than one or two of silver. They originally thought that it was not bad to meet such a good thing this year After earning such a sum of money this year, seeing that the Spring Festival is coming soon, this money is enough for the whole family to have a good year. Unexpectedly, after the wall was built, the nobleman invited some people and then began to dig the land. On the other hand, he hired a small number of people and buried some seeds. It was not until a few pieces of land were fully planted, leaving only one house that could accommodate people in the middle.

The door of the outer courtyard was locked, and the seeds planted inside could not be planted in a while. It seems that since the wall was built last time, the nobleman has gone forever. With the coming of the New Year's Day, many people have rarely talked about the nobleman's affairs, and now, Cui Wei's heart is also With a sigh of relief, she occasionally opened the door and went in at night. Next to the house in the middle of the field, in order to water the fruit trees, she also dug a well. Occasionally, she and Cui Jingping went in to sn water to sprinkle some water the plants. There are a lot of eight or nine acres of land, and the two of them are naturally exhausted to death. However, Cui Wei did not hide the matter of this land from Cui Jingping, but she did not dare to tell others. Occasionally, Nie Qiuran could come back to help her, and the rest of the time was spent by herself. At this time, Cui Wei remembered

The Cui family now has a lot of places for Cui Jingzhong to spend money, and Cui Shifu's farming ability is limited. Cui Wei wants to help him, but she can't come forward directly by herself. Cui Shifu is honest. If Nie Qiuran is helped by someone to keep the orchard, he can be more relaxed every day. Anyway, if there He can take care of it at most every day. I don't know how much easier it will be compared with his years of farming and only two months of rest.

I had this idea in my heart. Originally, Cui Wei wanted to wait until after the Spring Festival to tell Nie Qiuran. After all, the fruit trees are not watered every day. Occasionally, they should be watered. They grow well by themselves. Those acres of land are good fields, and there is no need to fertilize much. In a few months Looking at these fruit seedlings, Cui Wei always felt as if she had become more at ease. Although she hasn't opened a shop to make money yet, as long as these fruits grow out, it will be the time for her to only collect money. The days of making money are in the future. With her ability to make pastries, she has the fruits and land that have now spent the capital. It is certain to get back the money with the capital in the future!

Once the matter of land and fruit grows to an end, Cui Wei was relieved and naturally settled down. She still has about ten taels of silver left now. This money is enough for her for the Spring Festival. This year, Nie Qiuran has helped her a lot. She will always thank him well during the holiday this year.

It has been many years since she came to ancient times. It was not until this time that Cui Wei really had some sense of security. Now there is a house, a shop, and even the ground. Nie Qiuran, the shop, is slowly saving money to find someone to change it for her. Cui Wei is not in a hurry now. Everything is ready. She only owes the east wind. She is still young now. She is just eleven years old this year, just waiting for some fruits to ripen and slowly In a few years, when the planted fruit trees mature, she will grow up, and she will not be in a hurry to open the store slowly.

Once she is idle and doesn't have to worry about such things, Cui Wei really has leisure and begins to enjoy her current life. There is no Yang and Wang around her, and she doesn't have to do endless work all day long and the tightness of being beaten and scolded at any time. She is much more relaxed. Early in the morning, she followed Nie Qiuran and others all the way to the market. After sending what Linfu wanted, Cui Wei followed Nie Qiuran around on the street. Cui Jingping, Wang Baoxue and Nie Qiuwen went to play by themselves. With Nie Qiuran following Cui Wei, Cui Jingping did not have to follow her all the time. The two walked around. It was almost the Spring Festival. There were many people selling and shopping in the town, especially lively.

Cui Wei first bought some rice noodles and other things, and then cut two kilograms of meat. Nie Qiuran loves to eat meat with wheat sauce. This year, she has made a lot of meat one after another. The meat at home is ready-made, and several people can't eat much at home. She is afraid that she will buy too much and go Nowadays, pork is the cheapest price in a year. Almost every family kills pigs during the Spring Festival. Many people sell almost half of the pigs in order to get money. The rest are eaten by themselves. The pigs kill more, and the meat is also more, so the price is naturally cheaper. I bought two eggs each and put them in the basket, and picked some ingredients such as green onion and ginger, so there was nothing to buy.

The shops selling snack in the town are now full of people, selling melons and peanuts, as well as all kinds of pastries and candies, and they are full of people, and they are bustling everywhere. Nie Qiuran protected the little girl in his arms and looked at her curiously. Someone was rolling with a few monkeys not far away. The monkey made all kinds of movements, but he couldn't help laughing. Someone held a copper plate, and the people around him were also simple. After watching it, they did not dodge. Instead, he took out the copper money from his pocket and threw it away. Generally, there is only one, but fortunately, there are many people who watch it. The man turned around and received a lot of copper money. He was so happy that he couldn't help smiling on his face. It seemed that Cui Wei had infected them with their joy and couldn't help bending the corners of her mouth.

"The Pan family has donated a nine-grade official now. Now I'm afraid the news can't be covered in two days. They should invite people to play. If you like it, let's go to Pan's house to see it." There were many people around and crowded. Cui Wei was protected by Nie Qiuran in her arms and was squeezed several times. She pressed her hand on the five taels of silver on her chest. This was the silver that Manager Lin just paid her to send during the Spring Festival, and the rest was her reward. Now that there are many people, she is really afraid of being touched in the Go.

Outside the crowd of monkey play, a few beggars in shabby clothes, holding broken bowls and bamboo sticks in their hands gathered around, saying flattering words. From time to time, some people saw that they were pitiful, and they would take out more or less a copper plate and handed it to their bowl. There was a feeling of joy everywhere. He made an appointment with Cui Jingping and others to gather at the edge of the town. When she finally squeezed into that place, Cui Wei felt relieved. Nie Qiuran's appearance was also a little embarrassed, and his clothes were wrinkled. He was constantly tidying up his neckline. When Cui Wei leaned aside and looked Several people came over slowly.

After a hard time to celebrate the New Year, Wang Baoxue's family did not restrain him. Even Nie Qiuwen was released to play by Nie Fuzi. Now there are several groups of artists in the town, and several people are reluctant to blink their eyes. If it's still early today, they hear Cui Jingping urging him When they came back, Nie Qiuwen, who rarely came out, was a little unhappy.

"Third brother, what's wrong with you?" It can be seen that Nie Qiuwen rolled his eyes from time to time. Cui Wei and others such as Cui Jingping approached, and then he smiled. Cui Jingping was about to go to the back of the back. As soon as he heard this, before he could speak, Nie Qiuwen was already a little dissatisfied and said, "It's rare to come out, big brother. Why do you go back so early? There are still big knives over there. It's so majestic!" Every time he said a word, Wang Baoxue nodded and agreed. Cui Wei was a little funny. He looked up at Nie Qiuran. Thinking that it was rare that the Spring Festival was coming, he did not want to detain Cui Jingping. He hurriedly said to Nie Qiuran, "Brother Nie, why don't we go back first and let my third brothers After a while, they are not ignorant of the way anyway. Besides, a few people are together, and they are not afraid of anything.

Although Nie Qiuwen is straightforward and has a good temper, he has no intentions, but Cui Jingping and Wang Baoxue are not sure. The two are treacherous one by one. If the three of them are together, they can't suffer any loss. These people dared to go up the mountain to catch snakes before, and they can see it She had already opened her mouth. Naturally, Nie Qiuran would not lose face for her. After thinking about it, she nodded and waved to Nie Qiuwen. Nie Qiuwen immediately cheered, pulled Cui Jingping down his back and ran into the town again.

These people were like birds out of the cage, but they were also happy. Cui Wei told them loudly in the back, and Cui Jingping waved his hand without looking back. After all, he is still a child. There is no reason to be moved when he hears that there is fun, but he can barely hold it. At this time, when he saw Cui Wei, he opened his mouth, and naturally he ran faster than anyone else.

Nie Qiuran smiled at the corners of his mouth. He stretched out his hand and raised his back. The other hand pulled Cui Wei and walked home. On the way, the two walked slowly. When they got home, it was getting late. Many families in the village had begun to raise cooking smoke. Nie Qiuran did not go home, so he went back to the house Before he opened the door, a white shadow with something in his back, rushed over from the Cui family like lightning, and suddenly went into the yard.

Cui Wei was stunned for a moment. When she opened the door, she saw a fish weighing about two catties in Maoqiu's mouth was nibbling happily. The fish was bitten by it a few times, and the tail was still shaking, leaving some traces of water in the yard. I don't know where the fish came from. Cui Wei's eyelids suddenly jumped, and a bad premonition surged up in her heart. This fish is not small at a glance. It can't be thrown away by others. The fur ball should not be picked up from someone's house, right? RS