Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 3 The battalion commander's chest muscles are really good 2

"Zhou Xiaopang, come here." Shangguan Binger's stern voice came from inside. Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment. Then he remembered that he was calling himself and hurried in.

There are all kinds of military supplies in the huge camp, most of which are the standard equipment of archers. Shangguan Binger's sword did not take back the scabbard, but directly patted it on the table and said to the soldier in charge of distributing the equipment in the camp, "Give him a set of equipment, and let him get out of here quickly."

There are more than a dozen soldiers in the camp who are responsible for sorting out and distributing equipment. They don't know what happened before, but they are very strange. How could the battalion commander, who has always been kind, suddenly become so angry? A veteran quickly took out a set of archer's equipment and went to Zhou Weiqing and handed it to him.

Zhou Weiqing hurriedly followed. They were two sets of military uniforms, including socks, shoes and clothes, as well as a leather armor, one with a long bow and two pots of feather arrows, which were a little taller than Zhou Weiqing, plus a hood.

The hood is only available to archers in all arms. Its function is not to block the wind, but to block the light. Archers need good eyesight to aim. If they are facing the sun, they will obviously be greatly affected. Therefore, archers will have such a hat to shade the sun to enhance the shooting accuracy.

The veteran finally gave Zhou Weiqing three gold coins and said, "This is the first year's military pay. You can go home and settle down one day. We will gather here tomorrow morning. Remember, don't abuse ordnance. When you come to gather tomorrow, you must wear military uniforms. Do you understand?"

"I see." If it hadn't been for Shangguan Binger's appearance, Zhou Weiqing might have been excited to get these things, but he is still addicted to the feeling and is thinking that he will never wash his hands in a short time after going back. Naturally, there is nothing to be excited about.

According to the normal procedure, Shangguan Binger, as the battalion commander, should say a few encouraging words at this time, but how can she say it now? He just looked at Zhou Weiqing viciously. Zhou Weiqing was seen by her and didn't dare to stay longer. He took something and hurried out of the tent.

Shangguan Binger looked at his back as he left and thought to himself: Zhou Xiaopang, Zhou Xiaopang, wait for me. You can't touch it in vain.

If Zhou Weiqing knows what Shangguan Binger is thinking now, then the bitch will definitely answer: Why don't you touch it back? Or: My chest muscles are not as developed as you!

Walking out of the tent, Zhou Weiqing looked at the few people around him. As soon as he turned around, he saw a place with a toilet written next to the tent. There is also a strange mark on it that he doesn't know.

Toilet? Great.

He hurried in with his equipment. The toilet is much cleaner than expected, but there is only one seat, a special wooden door, and there is no smell inside.

Zhou Weiqing found a clean place to put his equipment there, and tore off his clothes with three or two handfuls. Before that, there was only a big coat left, no underwear, and it was very uncomfortable to wear. Now that you have received the military uniform, you naturally have to put it on first.

After taking off his coat, he was clean all over and had nothing left. He was not in a hurry to get dressed, so he stood there and put some water in a big way.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of the door behind him. While Zhou Weiqing put the water, he subconsciously looked back and walked in from the outside. Isn't it Shangguan Binger who was angry in the camp just now?

As soon as Shangguan Binger entered the toilet, he saw Zhou Wei's white buttocks at a glance, and he was shaking there after putting the water. This scene made Shangguan Binger suddenly sluggish, and Zhou Weiqing was also turning back at this time. The two looked at each other, and the two screams sounded almost at the same time. The strangest thing is that Zhou Weiqing's call of a bitch is even more exaggerated than Shangguan Binger.

Shangguan Bing'er blushed shyly, and she retreated as soon as she flashed. Zhou Weiqing also hurriedly shook the bird and put on the military uniform quickly. He said secretly that it was bad. Put a long bow on your back, hang an arrow pot, put on a hood, deliberately lower the brim, and walk out quickly. I think it's best to get out.

"Stop." Shangguan Bing'er shouted angrily and looked at Zhou Weiqing. Her face turned pale with anger, "You are a ** crazy person with ** fetish. Stand here and wait for me. I'll clean you up when I come out." As she spoke, she had rushed into the toilet.

Coincidentally, Shangguan Bing'er came out to go to the toilet before, and the special symbol on the toilet meant to be dedicated to the battalion commander. She was the only one to use the toilet. After all, she is a girl and has the special identity of Tianzhushi. It is no exaggeration to say that Shangguan Binger is the Therefore, the captain of the joint team specially approved such a special toilet for her.

She was caught by Zhou Weiqing when she wanted to go to the toilet before, which delayed. After Zhou Weiqing left, she calmed down a little, and then she walked out of the camp and went to the toilet. But who knew, she actually saw Zhou Weiqing again and a naked Zhou Weiqing. For a moment, he was ashamed and angry, but he was also in a mess. At this time, I was even more anxious. I wanted to beat Zhou Weiqing fiercely to relieve my hatred, but I also had to solve my own physiological problems first!

St here and wait? Zhou Weiqing said that the fool is waiting here. Maybe you will be angry tomorrow.

This guy didn't take the order of the beautiful battalion commander seriously at all and ran away with a bow. He quickly got out of the tent, turned his head and entered the Tiangong City.

When Shangguan Binger came out of the toilet, the ** crazy Zhou Xiaopang in her eyes had already disappeared. She hated Shangguan Binger's itchy teeth, but she couldn't find anyone.

Back to Tiangong City, Zhou Weiqing first found a hotel to live in, and then asked the shopkeeper for paper and pen, and wrote a letter to his father. The content is as follows:

Dad, you always say that I'm a waste, and I also feel that I'm a waste, so I won't bother you at home. People say that it's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. I decided to go out by myself, and maybe I can make a name for myself. Also, please help me cancel Princess Difuya's marriage. She is a talented girl. I'm a loser. Don't delay her. What's more, Her Royal Highness doesn't like us. I won't say anything else. Take care of my mother and don't look for me. I'm more afraid of death than anyone else. I will definitely jump back alive. Don't worry.

After writing the letter, I went out to find a store specializing in delivery, and paid the money to let the delivery person deliver the letter home tomorrow. Then go straight to the blacksmith's shop. Since he is going to be a soldier, he should also put safety first. As he wrote in his letter, he is more afraid of death than anyone else. He will enter the new barracks tomorrow and can't leave easily. Naturally, he has to take advantage of today's time to make some preparations.

Growing up in Tiangong City, Zhou Weiqing is really too familiar with the environment here. He is young and is scolded every day at home. When he decides to leave, he suddenly has a bird-like pleasure. As for the feeling of homesickness, at least for the time being.

Soon, Zhou Weiqing found the nearest blacksmith's shop and walked in.


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