Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 15 Sect-level Heavenly Beast Yizhu Top Seal 2

"Be careful, don't accidentally break the seal. The heavenly beast is more terrible than the heavenly pearl master of the same level." Even Shangguan Bing'er himself wondered why he said this to Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing turned around and smiled at her. After making a confident gesture, he walked into the channel.

Looking at his departing back, Shangguan Binger frowned slightly. How did Xiaopang change his sex today? In the past, he used to say bad words every day, constantly stimulating his limits, but today he seems to have changed, as if he is really as honest and honest as his appearance.

Unexpectedly, after entering the passage, Zhou Weiqing pinched his face uncompassed. He forced himself not to say bad words and didn't know how hard it was.

"It seems to have some effect! It seems that the old man's words really make sense. I want the beautiful battalion commander to accept me, but it seems that I can't do it.

Walking straight along the passage, Zhou Weiqing felt that the passage was going diagonally downward. After walking 200 meters, he began to turn. After walking a distance, an open hall appeared in front of him.

There is not too much decoration in the hall, and the entrances of three corridors are presented in front of Zhou Weiqing, with three bronzing characters, Shi, Zun and Zong.

Behind a table next to him sat an old man in a Tianzhu master's robe, but there was no sign of rank on his robe. At this time, it seems that it is still early and no one else will come.

"De pay." The old man said to Zhou Weiqing inadvertently.

Zhou Weiqing stepped forward, handed over the red gold coin stored value card that Shangguan Binger had just given him, and said, "Senior, I want to enter the sect-level wind attribute rubbing."

"Son-level?" The old man was stunned for a moment and looked up and down at Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Actually, I just want to see what the clan-level heavenly beast looks like. I heard that this clan-level heavenly beast is extremely powerful."

The old man said lightly, "Whatever you want, you just need to pay." With that, he took out a card swiping device with a special space attribute to record gold coins, and quickly swiped out 10,000 gold coins, as if he was afraid that Zhou Weiqing would regret it. He exchanged the red prepaid card and handed him a small round card.

"Come out within four hours, when rubbing, press the head of the beast with your hand. Go ahead."

"Thank you, senior."

The old man had been looking at Zhou Weiqing, who was holding a round card, to enter the rubbing channel of the clan-level wind beast, and then snorted disdainfully, "I can't measure myself. I don't know if this stupid boy is going to try his luck or a prodigal son."

In less than half an hour, the old man who had begun to sleep saw Zhou Weiqing hurried out of the clan-level channel, with a look of disrepour.

Zhou Weiqing returned the small round card to the old man, sighed and said, "The sect-level heavenly beast is too horrible."

The old man snorted and said, "Young people, don't be so ambitious. Next time you enter the teacher-level channel, the opportunity is still higher. The clan-level channel of 10,000 gold coins at a time. At your age, even if your father is a prince, he can't support your successful rubbing.

"Yes, yes, you taught me the right lesson." Zhou Weiqing answered submissively and turned around and left in dismay.

When he walked back into the passage, his face suddenly changed, and his eyebrows were full of pride, and he waved his fist hard.

In the next few days, Zhou Weiqing will come to Tuoyin Palace once a day. Every time he enters, there are almost different corridors, and only the last two days are the same. Shangguan Binger rarely left the room and continued to work hard to shape her boot.

Five days later, after Zhou Weiqing spent all the stored value card given to him by Shangguan Binger, he also stayed in the room to practice Tianli silently, as if nothing had happened.

Shangguan Binger's condensation time fully proved the difficulty of condensation to Zhou Weiqing. For two months, it took 61 days for her to complete the condensation of the royal wind boots.

Seeing that the new barracks was coming to an end, as the battalion commander, she naturally had to rush back immediately and said goodbye to Fengyu and Huyan Aobo with Zhou Weiqing. The two left Feituo City and went straight to the Tiangong Empire.

"Zhou Xiaopang, I haven't had time to ask you, have you succeeded in printing?" Shangguan Binger asked Zhou Weiqing beside her as she accelerated forward.

In the past two months, except for occasionally saying something at dinner, the two have hardly talked about it, and it is difficult for her to ask Zhou Weiqing about Tuoyin in the small yard of Huyan Aobo. To her very strange, Zhou Weiqing seemed to have really become her own soldier. Since he went to the Tuoyin Palace for the second time that day, he had not said anything too much to her.

"Can you keep it secret? Battalion commander, didn't you say that? Yizhu skill is the most important secret of Tianzhu Master. Zhou Weiqing said mysteriously.

Shangguan Bing'er said in surprise, "Did you really succeed?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "You will know later."

"Forget it." Shangguan Binger snorted angrily, ignored him, and continued on his way.

With the passage of time, Shangguan Binger obviously felt that Zhou Weiqing's natural strength had made a lot of progress. Although she still could not compare with herself, it took much longer to maintain the growth rate than when she came.

In fact, when Zhou Weiqing was awakened by Tianzhu at the beginning, he did not actually have a natural cultivation equivalent to the four-fold heavenly energy, but he broke through the realm in an instant. With these two months of practice, the natural power in his body is indeed much more sufficient.

Zhou Weiqing was still cooking along the way. Although he occasionally laughed at Shangguan Binger, he was still different from when he came. Until the two returned to the barracks ten days later, Shangguan Binger still felt a little awkward. Anyway, Zhou Weiqing is the man who makes her **. Whether she loves or hates, she will inevitably observe him more. Zhou Weiqing's transformation can't even tell whether it is good or bad.

Outside Tiangong City, the barracks.

"Bion commander, you're back." Xiao Se looked at Shangguan Binger with a smile and saluted her.

As soon as Shangguan Binger and Zhou Weiqing returned to the barracks and put on their military uniforms, she came to her middle military tent. After leaving for nearly three months, she was eager to know the situation of the recruits.

"Captain Xiao, how is the situation in the new barracks? It should be over soon, right?"

Xiao Se glanced at Zhou Weiqing, who was standing behind Shangguan Binger, and said, "The new barracks will end in three days. You shouldn't ask me about the situation of the new barracks. Didn't you send Captain Maori to take charge of this group of new recruits before you left?"


There must be three updates today, and the third update will be around five or six o'clock in the afternoon. The fourth update will break out tomorrow, thank you for your support, hehe.

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