Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 25 Marshal Zhou is coming

"Woo-hoo..." An angry cry sounded. A small white head came out of Zhou Weiqing's leather armor and cracked his mouth at Marshal Zhou Da. This time, Zhou Weiqing stood there so honestly and was beaten. His right foot was on the ground. With a squeak, his body leaped back a few meters and dodged his father's slap.

Usually, when his father beats him, he naturally won't resist. I beat my son. This is a natural and righteous thing, but this is completely wrong in front of him. He is not so stupid.

"Do you still dare to run? Huh..." Although Marshal Zhou was angry at that moment, his son's speed made him eat it. He said in his heart: Is this stinky boy really...

"Dad, your middle-ranking Tianzong, you don't even know the stone cat's eye, do you?" Zhou Weiqing shouted unjustly while raising his right hand. The power of heaven was running. With the spread of ice and fog, the overlord bow was under control. It turns out everything. The ability of this body bead to condense is never fake.

As soon as the overlord bow came out, the air in the Chinese army's tent suddenly became solemn, and the strong fluctuation of pure power beads completely attracted the attention of Marshal Zhou.

Marshal Zhou stared at the overlord bow in his son's hand and suddenly made a move that made Zhou Weiqing and Xiao Ruse laugh and cry. He actually raised his hands and rubbed his eyes hard.

"Bearl condensation?"

Zhou Weiqing was afraid that he would beat him again, so he hurriedly said, "Yes! This is the condensation ability of my first body bead, called the overlord bow, with an attack distance of 1,500 meters, with blasting skills, and can also be inlaid with Italian beads and use Italian fusion skills.

Marshal Zhou shook his body slightly and withdrew a step back. His breathing obviously became heavy. "Wei Qing, use your strongest ability to shoot me with an arrow."

As an archer, Zhou Weiqing is of course full of bows and arrows, but he is not so bold to let him shoot his father.

"Dad, this..."

"Less talk nonsense, do your best. Otherwise, I'll smoke you." After a short period of dullness, shock and incredible emotions, Marshal Zhou gradually showed uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

Zhou Weiqing is familiar with his father's temper, which is absolutely different. At the moment, he dares not say anything more. Calm down, pull out a feather arrow and put it on the overlord's bow string. His arms are hard, the bow is like a full moon, the left hand beads move, and the stone cat's eye has been quietly embedded in the overlord's bow. After all, it is the father and son. Although he is going all out, his attribute wheel does not turn to the strongest blue thunder attribute area of attack, but the black dark attribute.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing was no more than ten meters away from his father. When he pulled the overlord bow, Marshal Zhou's face was already surprised. With his cultivation, of course, he felt how much power Zhou Weiqing's overlord bow contained.

"Dad, be careful." With that, Zhou Weiqing has loosened the bow string.

The explosion of Li Xiao and the bow string sounded almost at the same time. With Xiao Ruse's eyesight, he didn't see clearly how the arrow went out. However, the next moment, Marshal Zhou already had a black feather arrow in front of him.

Zhou Weiqing stared at the scene in front of him. The arrow he shot with the overlord's bow stopped in front of his father at this time. Moreover, he didn't feel that his father used any skills at all.

A slight explosion sounded, the feather arrow had turned into flying ash, and the dark touch hidden in it stretched out twelve black light less than half a foot long flashed slightly, and then disappeared. It looks like a small octopus opening its teeth and claws in front of Marshal Zhou.

Zhou Weiqing is very familiar with the blasting ability of the overlord's bow. He did use all his strength with this arrow just now, but in any case, he didn't expect that his father didn't even release his life beads, so it was easy to resolve. He had never really seen his father's strength, and then he realized that the middle Tianzong was so horrible.

Xiao Ruse stood on the side and saw it slightly more clearly. She faintly saw that at the same time as Zhou Weiqing released the bow string, Marshal Zhou seemed to blow gently.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned, but Marshal Zhou Da on the other side was even more stunned. With Zhou Weiqing's cultivation, how could he hurt him? However, this arrow also gave him a general understanding of his son's strength.

"Ruse, you go out first. I want to talk to this stinky boy alone." Marshal Zhou said lightly.

"Yes." Xiao Ruse answered respectfully and turned around and went out.

Marshal Zhou's face was as heavy as water, and his body flashed. He had come to Zhou Weiqing's side, grabbed his shoulder, and his figure flashed again. Zhou Weiqing couldn't see the scenery around him clearly, and only felt that there was a strong wind blowing through both sides of his body. Now he is also a heavenly pearl master. Naturally, he can feel that his father is useless with any natural pearl skill. He relies entirely on the heavenly power to accelerate, which is just like flying close to the ground. This is the strength of Bazhu's cultivation as the middle Tianzong!

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Marshal Zhou's figure stopped. Zhou Weiqing found that his father had brought him to a small mountain bag.

Marshal Zhou put his son on the ground, and suddenly put his hands on his waist, "Haha, wow ha ha ha. Damn it, next door, my son is finally no longer a waste, wow ha ha.

It didn't matter that Marshal Zhou laughed wildly. He almost scared Zhou Weiqing to fall off the top of the mountain. Since he had the memory, he had never seen his black-faced father so happy.

Marshal Zhou laughed a lot before he stopped, but when he looked at Zhou Weiqing, his eyes were still as strict as before.

"Stinky boy, tell me, how did you become a Tianzhu master? Every detail should be made clear.

Zhou Weiqing said tentatively, "Dad, the process of my awakening is a little strange. If I do something wrong. Can you not beat me up?"

Marshal Zhou snorted and said, "Okay. I won't beat you. You are already a Tianzhu master. In the future, I don't have to worry about your future, and I will beat you up! Do you think I don't feel sorry for beating you? If I'm not afraid that you won't even have a mouthful of food after I die, why would I beat my son every day when I have nothing to do?"

Although Dad's tone was still so cold and hard, listening to his words, Zhou Weiqing felt warm in his heart. Yes! No matter how much my father beats me, he is also my father.

When this person is excited, it is easy to tell the truth..., for example. That's what Zhou Weiqing said, "Dad, I'll take Shangguan Binger."

"That's just that. What does this have to do with your Tianzhu's awakening? At this time, Marshal Zhou was still excited, but as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately reflected. He grabbed his son's chest armor, and the little white tiger inside was so scared that he hurriedly shrank his head, "What are you talking about? What did you do to Shangguan Bing'er?

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "That's it..." At the moment, he talked about everything after he got the black pearl and told his father in detail after running away from home.

Even if Marshal Zhou, as the middle emperor, listened to his son talk about what had happened in the past few months, his face changed a lot. Among them, the biggest change in his expression was Zhou Weiqing's top official Bing'er Bixi Yizhu to sacrifice the awakening of his life pearl and worshiping Huyan Aobo as his teacher.

Zhou Weiqing talked for half an hour before he explained his situation in detail in the past few months and handed the immortal skill he carried closely to his father.

Marshal Zhou opened the immortality, but his face changed greatly after a few glances. He raised his hand and habitually wanted to draw Zhou Weiqing, but his hand stopped halfway.

"Dad, you keep your word. You said you wouldn't hit me." Zhou Weiqing looked at Marshal Zhou pitifully.

Marshal Zhou raised his hand and smashed the immortal skill on him. Zhou Weiqing hurriedly took it over carefully.

General Zhou said in a low voice, "That is to say, when you little rabbit ate the black bead and practiced this bullshit immortal skill, you attracted the power of the black bead to awaken the evil bead, and then you forced Shangguan Bing'er to complete the awakening process of the bead awakening. Bing'er hasn't killed you

Zhou Weiqing secretly slandered in his heart, Dad, you call me a little bastard, then you...

"It seems to be like this..."

Zhou Dashuai's eyebrows unfolded slightly, sighed, and said, "Bing'er is really a good girl! You should treat them well. From now on, she will be the daughter-in-law of our Zhou family. Can't you pretend? Didn't you learn all the rogue tricks? I don't care what method you use to bring her home as soon as possible, but remember that they must be willing to be with you.

Zhou Weiqing blinked his eyes and said with great joy, "Dad. So, do you agree with me and Bing'er?

Marshal Zhou snorted, "You're a cheap little son of a bitch. As for Huyan Aobo, when you are 16 years old, you should work hard to learn the production of condensation scrolls. You should understand how important a condensation master is to our Tiangong Empire. Well, you can get out of here now. Go back and pack your things. If you go west, you can go back to the barracks. Tomorrow morning, go with Bing'er and go to Tiangong Camp to report.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that his father was not angry after knowing that he had that kind of relationship with Bing'er, let alone beat himself again.

He asked tentatively, "Dad, is it over? Are you not going to urge me to practice?

Marshal Zhou's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he said angrily, "Supervising bullshit. Is your bullshit magic useful for supervising? Little son of a bitch, remember that if you dare to die in front of me, I will break your leg even if I turn into a ghost. Get out of here quickly."

Zhou Weiqing saw that his father was on the verge of a rampage. How dare he say more? He turned around and ran away.

Looking at the back of his son's departure, Marshal Zhou suddenly laughed uncontrollably and muttered, "He **, who dares to say that my son is a waste? This is simply his ** genius. Bing'er, this little girl, is really good. It's enough for her to restrain this boy. He **, this little son of a bitch even asked me to teach him, teach him a shit! The eighth dark bead is the touch of darkness. This little bastard... Hahahaha..."


Khan, I made a typo just now. I'll revise it. The fourth update and 12,000 have been sent. Here I wish my friends a happy New Year.