Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 29 Under the Magical Archery

Three people are moving at full speed. After walking for more than an hour, Rock's enemy slowed down. Not far away, the barracks that Zhou Weiqing had seen had appeared in their sight, and the patrol soldiers in light leather armor had noticed them.

Zhou Weiqing said curiously, "Is this your Tiangong Camp?"

Rock's enemy snorted and said, "Of course not, they are just stationed on the periphery. In this area, there are three battalions belonging to the five brigades and exclusive to the royal family. There are a lot of light posts and dark whistles, and it's our Tiangong camp inside.

With that, he stepped in with two people. The soldiers on patrol were extremely vigilant. When they saw that it was Rock's enemy, they immediately saluted in awe. No one even came to ask about the identity of Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger. At most, they cast a little curious look.

After entering the barracks, the two found that there were few people in the barracks. Undoubtedly, at least most of the soldiers stationed here were patrolling and on duty outside. Judging from the position of their previous patrol, the three battalions in Rock's mouth should have surrounded the Skybow camp in the center to prevent anyone from approaching.

Continue to move forward about 500 meters through the barracks. After passing through another forest, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a large yard appeared in front of Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger.

The yard is surrounded by three meters of thick wooden boards tied with vines, and ordinary small beasts can't go in at all. The yard is quite large. From the outside, the front is more than 100 meters wide. Two tall wooden doors are open, and you can see a wide courtyard inside and a row of wooden houses behind.

Each wooden house exists separately. There are more than a dozen in the inner courtyard.

Rock enemy took the two people into the yard. The whole yard was empty, not like in the forest at all, but there was fresh air in the forest.

Zhou Weiqing said in his heart that the people in the bow camp these days really enjoy it.

"The newcomers are coming, and they are all out." Rock's enemy stood in the yard and shouted.

"R hooligan, why are you arguing? I don't know which of us are going on a mission tomorrow?" The door of a wooden house on the left opened, and a person came out of it. This man is of medium stature, about 1.75 meters. His short hair looks extremely neat, his shoulders are wide and his back is wide, and the muscles on his shoulders are like a tattooed hill bag. Although he is not tall, it gives people a very heavy feeling. He is about 40 years old. Although his appearance is ordinary, his eyes are fierce and strong. It's like a volcano ready to go. It can break out at any time.

Rock's enemy smiled and said, "Little Momo, these two newcomers were told by Lao Zhou. We finally need to add some fresh blood. We always want to meet. They also came in time, so that I could go on a mission with you.

The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Shangguan Binger and Zhou Weiqing, with a very indifferent expression and said faintly, "My name is Han Mo. R hooligan, if you call me little Momo again, I will break all your collection of wine. Leaving this sentence, he had turned around and went straight back to the room, and the door slammed.

Rock shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "He is this virtue. This guy is the most indifferent among us."

"Are you a newcomer? Wow, it's great to have a beautiful woman. Welcome, welcome, you are very welcome to join us. At this moment, a tall figure came out of nowhere and came to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger in a few steps.

This man is more than 1.9 meters tall and is also extremely strong. He looks a little older than the Han Mo just now. He has messy red hair and brown eyes. He looks powerful and resolute. At this time, he has an enthusiastic face, which is very different from the previous Han Mo.

"My name is Gao Sheng. Little brother, this ***, what's your name? Gao Sheng stepped forward, put one hand on Rock's enemy's shoulder, and asked the two of them.

"My name is Zhou Xiaopang, and her name is Shangguan Binger. Hello, senior Gao Sheng." Zhou Weiqing said with a simple face.

Gao Sheng smiled and said, "What kind of senior is not a senior? Isn't it just a few years older than you? Just call me the eldest brother of Gaosheng. Hooligans, you should treat them well! I'm going to sort out the arrows of me and Han Mo. With that, he waved to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger, and then turned away.

Rock's enemy shrugged his shoulders and said, "There are seven people in our Tiangong camp. Now there are five people at home, and two of them are on a mission. Gao Sheng and Han Mo are a pair of partners, and the other two at home should also be nearby.

Shangguan Binger smiled and said, "This senior brother is really good."

Rock's enemy curled his lips, smiled and said, "Are you a good person? If these two guys ask me to choose one as a friend, I will definitely choose Han Mo and not a high school student. Little girl, do you know what the nickname of a high school student is? Han Mo's nickname is Arrow Tower, and Gao Sheng's nickname is Fort. In our Tiangong camp, Gao Sheng got the most evaluation in one sentence, called: kill and set fire to find Gao Sheng. The other six of us add up. He is not as much as a murderer as him. This guy is a murderer.

"R hooligan, don't scare children." At this moment, a very magnetic voice sounded. When Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger looked back, they saw two people coming in from the outside, with extremely strong contrast.

A person on the left, with a slender figure and looks like he is in his forties. Rock's enemy is also handsome, but compared with this middle-aged man, he is more than one grade worse. This man's face is like jade, his skin is white, his sword eyebrows are tiger's eyes, and his nose is straight. A long blonde hair is scattered behind his head, and he is elegant. In particular, the melancholy in his blue eyes is a natural killer of women. Wearing a spotless white robe on him, it complements each other.

Shangguan Binger noticed that the middle-aged man had a pair of big hands, and his fingers were extremely slender, as crystal clear as jade.

Just when Shangguan Binger paid attention to the handsome middle-aged man, Zhou Weiqing was stunned to look at the other person, who stood beside the handsome middle-aged man, and the contrast was extremely strong. He is only about 1.6 meters tall. There is very little meat on his body. He looks like he is in his fifties. His gray-white half-long hair is scattered behind him, and his eyes are dripping around. He is looking at Shangguan Binger silently. His throat knot is squirming, as if he is swallowing saliva. In addition, he tilted his mouth and held a cigarette in his mouth, so it would be more obscene.

When Shangguan Bing'er found his eyes, she couldn't help frowning and subconsciously hid behind Zhou Weiqing. This old man, who looks very obscene, has a more annoying look than Rock's enemy.

"Teacher." At this moment, Zhou Weiqing shouted out two words, which surprised Shangguan Binger.

Zhou Weiqing rubbed his eyes hard. After confirming that he was right, he rushed over with a surprised face, "Teacher, it's really you!"

Is that handsome middle-aged man his teacher? As soon as Shangguan Bing'er had such an idea in her mind, she saw that Zhou Weiqing gave the obscene old man a big hug.

Shangguan Bing'er's pretish face suddenly became strange. She seemed to have found Zhou Xiaopang so precocious, and it was the root of her dirty thoughts.

"Oh, why are you son of a bitch? Did your father ask you to come here? The obscene old man's eyes turned over, and he was also very surprised. He said angrily, "Let go of my old man quickly. I'm not interested in men. What are you hugging!"

Rock's enemy was stunned and said, "Mu En, is this boy your apprentice? Is that Lao Zhou's son? I x, didn't you say that this boy is a loser? Lao Zhou is such an old-fashioned person. Why would he spoil his son to you? No wonder this boy is full of bad water. After making trouble for a long time, he learned it from you old man.

Mu En was immediately furious and pushed Zhou Weiqing away, "Rock enemy, what are you little hooligan talking about? What do you mean by ruining me? Why did I ruin it? I'm a famous teacher and a good apprentice, okay? If you talk nonsense again, I will spoil you first.

"Okay, okay, you two should be restrained. Don't scare the children." The handsome middle-aged man shook his head helplessly and said to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger with a smile, "The two of them are like this. In fact, they have a good relationship, but they quarrel when they are together. Don't mind, they are actually not malicious. Let me introduce myself. My name is Qifeng, and I'm the commander of Tiangong Battalion.

As soon as the wind opened, Mu En and Rock's enemy both calmed down. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger bowed to the wind and said, "Hello, rowing senior."

Zhou Weiqing never expected to see Mu En here. Four years ago, just after his tenth birthday, one day, Marshal Zhou brought the lustful old man Mu En to him and asked him to worship him. After that. He studied with this teacher for two years. What I learned is not a killing skill, but the ability to survive in society and the ability to deal with people. Of course, I also learned a lot of Mu En's obsceneness.

Marshal Zhou and Zhou Weiqing commented on this old man in this way. In terms of strength, he may not be very powerful, but in this society, this guy is the kind of person with the strongest ability to survive. If you can learn some of his skills, at least you will definitely not starve to death in the future. In fact, Zhou Weiqing did not know that when Marshal Zhou invited Mu En to be his son's teacher, he struggled countless times before he made up his mind. Mu En's nickname is a scoundrel. You can imagine what Zhou Weiqing can learn from him. Zhou Weiqing, who was just 14 years old, could understand so much. It can be said that most of them were taught by Mu En in those two years.

The wind smiled and said, "Welcome to join the Tiangong Camp."

Shangguan Binger said, "Senior rowing, didn't you say that there is another test, and you can only officially join after passing it?"

said, "Marshal Zhou can recommend you to come, which proves that you are qualified to join the Tiangong Camp. Otherwise, the hooligan will not bring you here. As for the test, you will participate in the task with us tomorrow, and the performance in the process is the result of your test.


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