Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 36 Pervert in Genius

However, it seems now. This means a lot. At the moment when he made a mistake just now, not to mention a second, even half a second of speed control can help him pass that inch of distance. Another advantage of having two original beads is the ability to use two original beads at the same time. Of course, there is nothing special about the ordinary Tianzhu Master, but for Zhou Weiqing, it is different. His Yizhu has six attributes, that is to say, after having two stone cat eyes, he can use the skills of two different attributes at the same time. For example: time and space.

How do you know if it's okay if you don't try? Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Zhou Weiqing couldn't wait to spread a piece of condensed paper again, closed his eyes for a moment, and then started writing again.

The power of space was integrated into the nib as before, and began to move with the designed lines. Soon, the previous rhythm problems arrived.

Absolutely slow, Zhou Weiqing did not hesitate to release this sixth skill on himself. The power in his body was suddenly greatly consumed, but the writing speed in his hand also acted according to what he wanted in his heart, and the place where the problem had occurred before was suddenly passed. The pen hooked back to complete the first stroke of this condensed scroll with a three-inch-long line.

There is a play. The completed stroke is presented on the condensation paper. The condensation liquid converges and forms, shining with a faint light, which fully shows that the condensation liquid has been fused with the condensation paper at a specific rhythm. Zhou Weiqing was overjoyed, but he dared not be careless at this time. You know, in this condensed scroll, even if there is only one error, it will be a failure.

Each condensation scroll is composed of many lines. You can't stop halfway through each stroke, but after completing this stroke, you can temporarily stop. After all, the natural power of the condenser is also limited, and it takes a lot of natural power to complete the production of a whole scroll at once.

Seeing that his method was effective, Zhou Weiqing stained the condensation liquid on the pen and continued the second stroke. It turned out that the absolute slow control of time could fully match the injection of the force of space when he made the condensation scroll. When each stroke reaches the most critical time, when he can't master the rhythm, he will control his speed in the rhythm with absolute slowness, and then naturally scratch with all his strength, and this stroke will naturally take shape.

Although the speed of doing so is a little slower, it will eventually lead to success step by step. However, the production of this condensation scroll failed in the end. At the last few strokes, Zhou Weiqing forgot the consumption of his natural power, and the skill did not appear when he used it again, thus interrupting the outline of that stroke. The whole condensed scroll was scrapped again.

But. He was not depressed at all. Looking at the scrapped condensation paper in his hand, he laughed proudly. The first time is always the most difficult, and the pain is absolutely greater than happiness. But as long as you have experience, hehe.

Sit cross-legged and try your best to urge the vortex of the Eleven Dead Cave to absorb the power of heaven and earth to restore the power of heaven. When he painted the condensed scroll again, he was already familiar with it. As the saying goes, once he is familiar with it twice. With the first successful experience and the second painting, he even feels that even if he does not have to be absolutely slow to control, his probability of success will not be less than 20%.

Zhou Weiqing's feeling is right. The key to making a condensation scroll is the first production. As long as you succeed once and feel the rhythm, it will be much easier.

However, in order to successfully make his first condensation scroll, he did not dare to be careless at all, and still controlled it with absolute slowness, during which he paused three times to restore his natural power.

The last stroke. Draw a circle and finish. The light gold condensation liquid shining with silver light blended with the previous stroke. Suddenly, a golden light flashed quietly, the condensation paper fluctuated slightly, and a special energy breath arises spontaneously, as if this condensation paper came to life.

Zhou Weiqing stared at the condensed scroll that had been successfully made in front of him, and suddenly had an indescribable sense of achievement in his heart, which was the feeling of creating life. Yes, it was the creation of life. It was he who gave life to this condensed paper and turned it into a condensed scroll!

Without hesitation, he took a piece of condensed paper again. Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath, closed his eyes, recalled the feelings of the successful scroll just now, and began to sketch again.

This time, he drew very slowly, but not every stroke was controlled with absolute slowness. Only when he felt a little uncertain, did he use absolute slow time control to influence his sketch. Only half of the time for the first reel was made, and the second condensation reel was successful again.

The second one is the third one, and then the fourth one. With the more and more proficient in making this shield condensing scroll, Zhou Weiqing's speed is also getting faster and faster. After integrating the black bead, his perception ability is stronger than that of ordinary people. In the process of making condensation scroll, once he finds something wrong, Release your absolute slowness to control at the first time, so that. In the subsequent production process, except for several failures caused by lack of concentration, he actually succeeded more than a dozen copies in a row.

"Xiao Wei, it's time to eat." Hu Yan Aobo's voice came from the outside. Although he went to rest, he had been listening to the movement here. He was still very satisfied with Zhou Weiqing's practice of forgetting to eat and sleep.

The door opened, and Huyan Aobo came in from the outside. When Zhou Weiqing looked up at him, he was shocked by Huyan Aobo, because he found that Zhou Weiqing's eyes were covered with blood and his face looked a little pale.

"Xiao Wei, you haven't stopped?" Huyan Aobo asked with concern, but his eyes were full of joy. As a condensation master, he knows best that for a condensation master, if he wants to succeed, what he needs most is persistence. Zhou Weiqing has just begun to learn the production of condensation scrolls, which can bring himself into this feeling. As a teacher, of course, he is extremely satisfied.

"It's time to eat so soon!" Zhou Weiqing muttered and stood up from the ground. Suddenly, he only felt a whirlwind, and as soon as his eyes darkened, he fell forward.

Huyan Aobo hurriedly caught his body, and a pure natural force was injected into Zhou Weiqing's body. He saw too much of this situation. Obviously, it was caused by serious mental loss, and he himself often had similar situations because of making condensation scrolls. Help Zhou Weiqing lie down. At this time, he needs to rest most.

casually picked up a piece of condensation paper that Zhou Weiqing threw on the ground, and Huyan Aobo was ready to see how his baby apprentice was doing. Even if you have been failing, you can still see how much you have drawn on the scroll. Talent is very important to the condenser.

"Huh?" As soon as he bought the condensed paper, Huyan Aobo suddenly felt something wrong. He was too familiar with the condensed scroll, as if he was familiar with his body. The breath of energy flow made his fingers tremble slightly. He stared at the scroll in his hand with a pair of small eyes and sat there without saying anything for a long time.


Feng Yu, who was sitting in the canteen with a bowl ready to eat, jumped up with a sudden scream and rushed out.

"Old man Huyan, what are you smoking?" When he saw that Huyan Aobo was fine in Zhou Weiqing's room, he couldn't help but be angry, "What the hell?"

Huyan Aobo muttered, "It's more terrible than seeing a ghost. Look at it." As he spoke, he handed the scroll in his hand to Feng Yu.

Feng Yu took the scroll and looked at it casually and said, "It's a very ordinary primary condensation scroll. How dare you shout when you make this kind of thing?"

Huyan Aobo looked at him, and then at Zhou Weiqing. Feng Yu clearly saw that the fat on his old friend's face was constantly twitching. Suddenly, he understood, his eyes widened, and lost his voice, "You don't want to tell me that he made this scroll, this scroll, right?"

Huyan Aobo did not answer Feng Yu's words. He quickly picked up all the used condensation paper scattered on the ground. Feng Yu also came to him quickly. Two people who were more than 100 years old kept looking at the condensed paper, and their expressions began to become richer and richer.

"Isn't this true?" After reading the last piece of condensation paper, Huyan Aobo almost collapsed to the ground.

Feng Yu muttered, "If you don't cheat, it's not these scrolls you made, it's true. There is no condenser here except for your master and apprentice. Old man Huyan, I think you have found the treasure.

In general, when Huyan Aobo encounters something very excited, he will laugh out loud, such as making some particularly proud works. But at this moment, he can't even laugh. I just feel weak all over my body.

"What happened to me just now? I have a headache." At this moment. Zhou Weiqing turned over and got up from the ground. He himself was a heavenly pearl master and integrated the black pearl. This physical quality is absolutely non-human. After a short period of relaxation, his over-exhausted spirit has recovered a little. However, a splitting headache is inevitable. After all, the concentration time is too long.

With a swizard, the two figures surrounded him in the middle in an instant. Huyan Aobo trembling his hands and handed the condensed paper to Zhou Weiqing, "Xiao Wei, did you do all this? Have you succeeded?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Yes! It worked. It has a sense of accomplishment. It's like giving life to these condensation paper. It's really enjoyable! But I have a headache now. Teacher, Elder Feng Yu, don't look at me like this! I know I'm a genius, but the genius is hungry now.


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