Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 89 Three kinds of highly toxic

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei also showed a smile on his face. This solicitation is by no means a bad thing. Whether it is a good relationship between the Philippe Empire and the Zhongtian Empire, or Zhou Weiqing and Haomiao Palace, it is of great benefit to them. He is a follower of Zhou Weiqing, so he naturally has to think about Zhou Weiqing.

The talent shown by Zhou Weiqing today is so amazing. As the saying goes, Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. It is not a good thing to be too dazzling. He already understood that Zhou Weiqing did this for Shangguan Binger, but if he didn't have enough backers, his excellent talent would be easy to died.

There has never been a shortage of geniuses in this world, but there are very few geniuses that can grow up.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian respectfully saluted Shangguan Longyin and said, "Thank you for your care. Wei Qing's injury is very serious. Please stabilize the injury for Shen Xiaomo first. We will first use the juice of your dragon holy fruit to heal him, and then help Miss Shen treat him. What do you think?"

Shangguan Longyin was so old and spicy. Naturally, he could see that Lin Tianwei took over the olive branch he threw. He couldn't help smiling and nodded to him, and his good impression of this calm young man greatly increased.

He pinched his nose and poured the bottle of Dragon Holy Juice into Zhou Weiqing's abdomen. He didn't wait for Lin Tian to take action, and Shangguan Longyin had already walked over. In fact, he can't help Shen Xiaomo stabilize his injury. The mixed poison of the dark demon evil god thunder is so powerful that once he touches it, it will attack immediately. What's more, he originally wanted Zhou Weiqing to owe someone.

Shangguan Longyin came to Zhou Weiqing, brushed his hands gently, and fell on him at the same time. His hands, which could wave the power of heaven, were as white as jade, and kept passing from Zhou Weiqing like a pipa. Under the traction of Tian Daoli, the Dragon Holy Juice quickly integrated into Zhou Weiqing's body.

In the process, Shangguan Longyin was secretly surprised. Previously, he had explored Zhou Weiqing's body on the stage. At that time, he found Zhou Weiqing's serious injury. But after such a while, when he came into contact with Zhou Weiqing's body again, he suddenly found that Zhou Weiqing's meridians had begun to repair themselves. The repair speed is still quite dissatisfied. Such self-healing ability may not be possessed even at the patriarchal level. Only those who understand the way of heaven can have it.

Talented, Shangguan Longyin secretly praised. Of course, he didn't show it on the surface. In a while, the Dragon Holy Juice had traveled all over Zhou Weiqing's meridians, and a faint fragrance also emanated from Zhou Weiqing's body. The hot white neatly overflowed from his pores, and his breathing became obviously even.

This dragon holy fruit is a rare natural treasure, and the condensation liquid needed to make some divine master-level condensation scrolls has its ingredients.

The sacred fruit of the dragon grows in a very special environment. The dragon is extremely rare in the vast continent, and only occasionally appears in the deep mountains. The adult dragon clan can at least be comparable to the king-level strong. It's just that they all live alone and rarely enter the human world, so there is not much threat to human beings.

But for human beings, any dragon is a rare treasure. Dragons have the habit of collecting gems. It is easy to find huge wealth in their caves. Not only that, the dragon's body is also a treasure. Dragon scales can be used as armor. Dragon blood is one of the best condensation materials. The keel is ground into powder, which is also a good thing to make condensation liquid They are all treasures.

The growth environment of the dragon's holy fruit is related to the dragon clan. It must grow in the dragon's cave. The dragon's saliva drips on the ground. After hundreds of years, it is possible to give birth to the dragon's holy fruit. It is itself a sacred product for healing, and it also has the If an ordinary person drinks the juice of the dragon's sacred fruit, as long as he is not more than thirty years old and only needs one drop, he can awaken his own bead and at least become a bead master or a bead master. For Tianzhushi, it can also treat most injuries, especially physical injuries.

With the help of Shenlongsheng Juice, Zhou Weiqing's already strong self-healing ability was completely stimulated, and the meridians were quickly repaired. When Shangguan Longyin finished, his natural power was able to fully operate on its own.

Standing beside Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Longyin's face showed a little thought, and even with some doubts, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Senior Shangguan, the captain is dying." It was not until a member of the Denton team shouted anxiously that Shangguan Longyin was awakened.

He gently pressed his palm on Zhou Weiqing's forehead. Zhou Weiqing's body trembled slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Shangguan Longyin in front of him, Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, and then he felt the change in his body.

Although it is still a pain all over the body, it is much lighter than the almost unbearable pain before the coma. In particular, the operation of the fourteen-point cyclone made him constantly absorb the natural power from the outside world to supplement himself. The natural power moistens the body, and the meridians are also healing quickly.

"Thank you for healing me." With Zhou Weiqing's cleverness, how can he not understand what's going on?

Shangguan Longyin nodded to him, not hiding his appreciation of Zhou Weiqing.

Lin Tianshi walked to Zhou Weiqing's side at the right time and whispered the guarantee of Shangguan Longyin. Zhou Weiqing looked at him and saw that Lin Tianwei nodded to him, and he understood that his friends didn't care about saving Shen Xiaomo.

"Since we have a senior guarantee, we have nothing to worry about, but I'm not sure whether we can save Miss Shen. It's my first time to use that skill today. I'll try it."

Shangguan Longyin nodded and said, "The bell is still a virtual bell. If you can't do it, there's nothing you can do." As he spoke, he turned around and waved to the members of the Denton team.

Although he was full of hostility to the Philippe team, it was related to Shen Xiaomo's life and death at this time. Naturally, these Danton team members did not dare to neglect and hurriedly carried Shen Xiaomo into the lounge.

The originally spacious lounge suddenly seemed a little crowded. Looking at his face like gold paper, his whole body was constantly shining with three colors of light, and in the trembling Shen Xiaomo, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but feel strange in his heart.

Naturally, this feeling is not because of Shen Xiaomo's appearance, but because of the skill of the dark demon evil god thunder. Although he said before that he would try not to use it in the future, Zhou Weiqing's heart was full of desire for the power of this skill. If you can really fully master this three-attribute combination skill, there is no doubt that it will have a strong deterrent to opponents whose cultivation is higher than you.

Thinking so, Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "You put her on the ground."

The members of the Danton team hurriedly put down Shen Xiaomo. Although they didn't know what to say to the guy who injured the captain in front of them, with Shangguan Longyin, Zhou Weiqing also promised to save Shen Xiaomo. Naturally, they would not regret it.

However, what Zhou Weiqing did next made their faces full of strong anger.

Zhou Weiqing raised his right foot and stepped directly on Shen Xiaomo's chest.

"What are you doing?" Lan Feng was about to rush up, but was blocked by Shangguan Longyin's raised hand.

Shangguan Longyin said in a low voice, "That attack was made by him with his right foot. If I'm right, he can only bear this ability with his right foot."

The members of the Danton team couldn't help but be a little stunned, but their eyes showed humiliation. Anyway, Shen Xiaomo was trampled under Zhou Weiqing's feet, and this humiliation made their faces turn red.

Zhou Weiqing naturally won't pay attention to these. What he is thinking now is that the circumference is thirty-five, the No. 4 cup, which is quite soft and elastic.

Of course, he is no longer the one who was stunned two or three years ago, and he can't say it easily. He even has a serious face, and he really looks a little sanctimonious.

Tianli runs, Zhou Weiqing's feet are close to Shen Xiaomo's chest, and Tianli runs slowly, communicating the physical connection between him and Shen Xiaomo.

But communication is communication, but he is a little confused. Although he felt the three energies that were raging in Shen Xiaomo's body, he could not suck it out through his strong right foot.

With a flash of inspiration in his heart, Zhou Weiqing bent down, and the sky beads lit up on his wrist. His hands were rudely pressed on Shen Xiaomo's swollen chest.

Not only the Denton team, but also the Feili team's eyes widened. However, without waiting for them to question, Shen Xiaomo's situation has changed.

The three colors of black, gray and blue light appeared on Zhou Weiqing's palm at the same time, and the same light fluctuation began to appear on Shen Xiaomo's body, quickly converging towards Zhou Weiqing's palms, just like he devoured Shen Xiaomo's heavenly power on the stage before.

Yes, it is the devouring skill used with two palms.

Seeing that the captain's injury had changed, the Danton team did not rush up, but they clenched their fists one by one, and their teeth giggled. How can it be so healing? Isn't this an insult?

Zhou Weiqing is happy both physically and mentally at this time. When he first started, he really had no evil thoughts. The reason why he chose Shen Xiaomo's chest was that when the dark demon evil god thunder bombarded him, Shen Xiaomo blocked it with his palms, and the main position of the impact was in the front chest.

But when his hands are really pressed up, the strong elastic touch is so cool. Moreover, after the energy of those three attributes is sucked out of Shen Xiaomo's body, it will immediately be transformed into his own natural power, which is the result of his energy attack


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