Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 103 Heavenly Skill Image, Dragon Devil Girl on

With the passage of time, all three teams gathered here to break out the battle in front of them.

They were not the only ones who came here. In the corner of the nearby forest, several people in the Philippe team were also attracted by the light of the signal bomb. It's just that like Zhou Weiqing, they are hidden in the forest without showing up.

Such a big scene, especially a big scene with a dragon as the background, Zhou Weiqing saw it for the first time. After a brief surprise, his eyes were attracted.

What attracted him was not the dragon egg, nor the white-hot battle in the field, but a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes belonging to the dying dragon.

What kind of eyes are they? It didn't look at the battlefield outside at all. It just silently stared at the dome in front of it, kept rubbing it gently with its head, and gently licking the remaining blood stains on the dome with its tongue.

Its eyes are so gentle and touching. Occasionally, two huge tears will roll down. It seems to be saying to the Dome, child, mom can't protect you.

Looking at those eyes and feeling the tenderness, attachment, reluctance and sadness in those eyes, Zhou Weiqing only felt that his blood was boiling with it.

This is a mother's deep love for her child. At this moment, he has completely forgotten how much benefit a dragon can bring. In his heart, there is only one mother's reluctant eyes for her child.

"Little witch." Zhou Weiqing shouted in a low voice.

"What are you doing?" The little witch was shocked by his sudden voice. She also saw the scene in the field, but she was evaluating the strength comparison between the two sides. At the same time, I was also moved by the existence of the dragon.

Zhou Weiqing said in a low voice, "Can you go and treat the dragon?"

The little witch was stunned for a moment, "Wei Qing, are you right? Treat the dragon? Do you know what will happen if the strength of the dragon clan recovers? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we can reap the benefits of the fisherman and get the body of the dragon or the dragon egg, do you know what this means?

Zhou Weiqing raised his right hand, and the light flashed in his hand. The cult lent to him by the little witch had already appeared in his hand. He raised his hand and stuffed the cult to the little witch. He looked at her coldly and strode out of the woods without saying anything.

The little witch held the cult and looked at Zhou Weiqing walking out in a daze. She clearly saw that in Zhou Weiqing's cold eyes, there was a little contempt.

He, why does he look at me like that?

The next moment, Zhou Weiqing had already told her the answer. Without any hesitation, Zhou Weiqing actually rushed into the battlefield, and the overlord bow reappeared in his hands. The bow string is lightning-like rhythm, shooting twelve arrows one after another, and the targets are all from the Zhongtian Team and the Blancpain Team.

What he used was the method that Shangguan Binger had used to harass him.

And Zhou Weiqing's harassment is different from Shangguan Binger, because he has the blasting skills attached to the overlord bow and the attack power enhanced by the twisting method. Even a strong man with five or six bead cultivation should weigh it when facing his bows and arrows.

With a series of roars, the Beast Team, which had already retreated, suddenly felt that the pressure had eased a little, and the situation that was retreating also stopped.

"Zhou Weiqing, you are crazy." Shangguan Fei'er's voice came. With an eager face.

Zhou Weiqing kept shooting a sharp arrow with the twisting method of twisting the bow in his hand, and always finding the most tricky angle, which greatly affected the members of the Zhongtian team and the Blancpain team.

"I'm not crazy."

Shangguan Fei'er said angrily, "You are Bing'er's fiance. You should be on our side. How can you get along with the Beast Team?"

Zhou Wei said lightly, "What do you mean by co-flowing? I can't watch a dying mother die in your hands. No matter how bad the Beast Empire is, how many unreasonable things have been done. At least the current Beast Team is fighting to protect the mother. And my goal is the same as them.

As he spoke, his arrows were still shot steadily. Although his cultivation was only three beads, Mu En's original twisting method made him play the greatest role in the group battle in front of him. The whole battlefield has stabilized. Although the Beast Team is still at a disadvantage, at least the situation is much better than before.

After stopping Zhou Weiqing's words, Shangguan Fei'er's eyes also showed a little confusion. When she turned her head and looked at the dragon, her eyes suddenly showed a little unbearance. And Zhou Weiqing's eyes looking at her just now also left a deep mark in her heart. That resolute determination, although the courage of tens of millions of people, deeply shocked her heart. You know, the natural cultivation of anyone present is higher than his, but when he released this courage, Shangguan Feier seemed to feel that he had become the core of the whole audience.

The change of mentality has also caused a certain change in her output in the battle. Originally, her arm claws had left a lot of scars on the giant ape, but now she couldn't help slowing down.

"Belong to the Philippe team, follow Weiqing and fight." A strong and loud voice remembered at this time that under the leadership of Lin Tian, the Philippe team, which had already gathered on the edge of the forest, rushed out.

Lin Tian made a horse first, followed by crows, drunken, Xiaoyan and leaf bubbles. The five did not directly join the battle, but quickly gathered towards Zhou Weiqing.

Seeing that Zhou Weiqing suddenly rushed out to fight, it also surprised the Feili team. After a short thought, Lin Tianwei still rushed out with everyone. Although they know that this will be the opposite of the Zhongtian team and the Blancpain team. It may even affect the situation of the three empires fighting against the beast empire in reality, but they still came out. How can they watch Zhou Weiqing fight alone there?

A white light quietly came out of Zhou Weiqing's arms. Her white figure swelled in the air. In an instant, she was more than three meters long. It's a fat cat.

At this time, the fat cat's face was full of tears. She didn't ask anything from Zhou Weiqing. When Zhou Weiqing resolutely made a decision to help the dragon mother, the last line of defense against Zhou Xiaopang in her heart was also broken. No matter how many shortcomings he has, at least he has a kind heart. Isn't that enough?

The fat cat did not say a word to Zhou Weiqing, but in her heart, she had already said a thousand words to Zhou Weiqing. At this moment, she had completely fallen, and she knew that there could be no other men in her heart.

The appearance of the fat cat has even more impact on the Beast Team than Zhou Weiqing's arrow.

Zhan Lingtian was also shocked and roared, "Holy Heavenly Tiger?"

Seeing the huge white tiger, every member of the Ten Thousand Beasts Team was in high spirits. At this moment, it seemed that their own natural power had sod a little, and so were the heavenly beasts released by them. Immediately turned the situation into a balance of power.

Nine golden lights shot out of the fat cat one after another, falling on Zhou Weiqing and eight members of the Ten Thousand Beast Team respectively. At the same time, they felt the heat on their bodies, and the natural power in their bodies seemed to boil with it, and the natural power consumed when the same skill was released again was greatly reduced.

Sacred attributes, among the three sacred attributes, are best at assisting and treating. There is even such a powerful ability as resurrection.

After releasing an auxiliary skill to everyone, the fat cat has rushed to the dragon, and the rich golden light continues to be released from her, covering the dying dragon.

When the dragon saw the fat cat, her already dim eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of hope, but she did not care about herself, but kept whining at the fat cat, and then gently touched the dragon egg in front of her, as if to entrust the dragon egg to the fat cat.

The fat cat shook his head at her hard, and the sacred attribute golden light was released with all its strength and rushed to the dragon's body.

In fact, the reason why this dragon has become like this is on the dome in front of him. The size of this giant egg is far greater than that of a normal dragon egg. Although it was barely born, the female dragon was exhausted and later bleeding heavily in her body. Although the dragon clan has tenacious vitality, the heavy blow from the inside out quickly takes away its vitality. When it was about to die, it was discovered by the people of the Zhongtian team.

The healing ability of the sacred attribute is undoubtedly extremely strong, but the cultivation of the fat cat is too far from that of the dragon in front of him. In other words, her cultivation is really beyond the reach of the treatment of such a huge dragon and such a heavy blow.

Tianli is quickly consumed, but Tianer can still feel that the vitality of the dragon is still lost.

"S senior Ye, do you have any therapeutic skills?" While releasing the arrow, Zhou Weiqing asked Ye Paopao eagerly. At the same time, he also cast his inquiring eyes on Zui Bao.

He has been with Tian'er for so long, and he is more or less connected. He just glanced at the situation over there. From Tian'er's eyes, he could see that with her alone, he could not cure the dragon. Even if the injury is stabilized, it will not work.

Ye Paopao said, "We try our best." Although he does not have the healing skills of the water system, the water element itself has the healing ability. With the heavenly power, as long as the soft output can at least replenish the physical strength of the dragon.


** Coming soon, how will our Zhou Xiaopang turn the tide? Please keep watching. Support Tianzhu, please vote for monthly votes and recommendations. In the new week, our Tianzhu needs the support of book friends. Thank you all.