Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 123 Either be the groom or be assigned

"Zhou Xiaopang, where are you from?" Shenbu asked in a cold voice.

Zhou Weiqing lowered his head and looked honest with fear, "People from Zhongtian City in the Zhongtian Empire." He is familiar with Zhongtian City in the Zhongtian Empire, and he can only pretend to be like this.

Shenbu curled his lips and said, "It's still from the capital, the Four Pearl-level Tianzhu Division, but you ran to the army arena to compete. Did you deliberately come to our 16th Division to make trouble?" After saying this, she suddenly patted the table beside her.

If he and his sister hadn't been bullied by this guy, Shenbu might have been fooled by Zhou Weiqing's pitiful appearance. Thinking of this bastard breaking her sister's clothes, sitting on her, and holding her neck in front of so many people, she was very angry.

Just now, she has been comforting her sister.

Shenbu and Shenyi sisters have both died since their parents were young. After being adopted by a powerful Tianzhu master, they embarked on the road of cultivation. The two sisters can be said to be dependent on each other and have a very good relationship. After comforting her sister, Shenbu thought about Zhou Xiaopang for a long time, and then came to the Chinese military account. Of course, she did not mean to let Zhou Weiqing wait here stupidly.

"It's unfair, the leader of the division. How could I come to make trouble? I want to join the army and fight to kill the enemy." Zhou Weiqing looked grieved. "When I passed by Tianbei City, I heard the soldiers there say that there is a fighting arena in our barracks. If we win some games, we can be an officer. My family was originally a dilapidated little aristocrat. I finally had some achievements in my practice. Naturally, I was quite an officer and honored my ancestors. How can you make trouble?"

"I'm not very familiar with the things in the arena, so I can only play according to their arrangements. I really didn't know you were the commander of the division, otherwise, I would definitely not challenge you. I've never seen such a beautiful female officer as you, so this is a misunderstanding, and although I won, it's also a coincidence."

Zhou Weiqing can be said to be a lotus with a tongue. He keeps flattering the divine cloth with words. He has no choice but to fool around with others in the future. What if this relationship is not done well? Leaving here and going somewhere else to join the army again is just a bad idea, not a last resort. Zhou Weiqing will never make such a choice. He has always been good at pretending to be smart, and it would be good if he could muddle through.

Sure enough, Zhou Weiqing's words played a role. Shenbu's face gradually eased a little, and he asked faintly, "Zhou Xiaopang, how old are you this year?"

Zhou Weiqing said, "Seventeen years old."

"What? Only seventeen years old? Shenbu looked at him in surprise, and a trace of incredible in his eyes could not be hidden.

Zhou Weiqing touched his face and said with a wry smile, "I developed early, so I look more mature."

Looking at his self-pity, Shenbu almost laughed and reluctantly suppressed his smile, "Are you really only seventeen years old?" Judging from his figure and appearance, Zhou Weiqing looks like he is twenty-three or four years old. The key is that the 17-year-old subordinate Tianzun is an absolute genius. Shenbu is 28 years old this year, and his cultivation has reached six beads. Among the young officers of the Zhongtian Empire, he is already outstanding.

Zhou Weiqing nodded repeatedly and said, "I'm really only seventeen years old. It doesn't make sense to lie in the grade."

The divine cloth leaned against the back of the chair, looked at him with great interest, and said, "Just now, you said I was very beautiful and a beautiful woman, right?"

Zhou Weiqing nodded hurriedly and said, "Of course, the leader of the division, you have the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, and the appearance of closed moon and shy flowers. Rarely, you are a little more heroic than those delicate girls. Women don't give up their eyebrows, but they are dragons and phoenixes

Shenbu snorted, "Oy, okay. Don't flatter me. I despise such a person the most. Well, since you said I'm beautiful, what do you think of my sister? She is much more beautiful than me.

This Shenbu is right. Although the two sisters are seven points similar, the lines of Shenyi are softer than Shenbu. In addition, they are at least five or six years younger. When they are young, they are naturally more beautiful than Shenbu.

"The battalion commander of Shenyi is really beautiful." Zhou Weiqing restrained a little before, because he didn't know what Shenbu meant.

Shenbu nodded and said, "Well, let's open the skylight and speak out. Your strength is really good. Not only is you a four-bead master, but also your wind skills must not be low. I only recognized the storm raid and the bondage of the wind, and I have never heard of the other two skills. Your performance on the field of the army today can also be said to be perfect. According to the regulations of the army, this battalion-level establishment must be given to you. Even if I am the commander of the division, I can't erase your glory.

Zhou Weiqing's cooperative face showed joy, but he secretly thought that there was a but behind him.


"However, although your performance today is dazzling, it is stepping on the light of our two sisters on the field of our 16th Division. Let our sisters lose face. And you deliberately broke my sister's clothes and damaged her reputation. My sister is 20 years old. Although she has reached the battalion level, she is a big daughter. The reason why I came late just now is that she has been looking for death several times. I'm ashamed of myself. I don't care about you, but you have to give me an account about my sister. There are only two of us here, and I'm not afraid to tell you that on one mu and three cents of my 16th division, even if you are at the battalion level, it's easy for me to clean you up.

With a strong threat in Shenbu's words, the chill in her eyes also became strong again, and the previous oppressive force on the central stage reappeared.

Zhou Weiqing frowned slightly, but put away his previous humility, "What do you want, commander of the division?"

Shenbu raised two fingers and said, "You have two choices. First, I will send you to the ruffian camp and let you go there to be the battalion commander. You can't go back to the official establishment all your life. Just die there. I can't even want to be discharged from the army. My teacher is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Northern Army Group. As long as I tell him that you bullied Shenyi, you will be the battalion commander in the ruffian battalion all your life.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, recalled the green wolf he had faced in the game before, and asked doubtfully, "Master of the division, where is this ruffian camp?"

Shenbu sneered and said, "Ruffian Camp, as the name implies, is full of a group of soldiers and ruffians, all the most famous troublemakers in each division, the most dirty and dirty group of scoundrels. It was selected from the fourth, seventh and eighth corps of the Northwest Army on our side. There were about 1,000 people, specially formed a battalion, stationed in the closest place to the border, with the arch guards of the three major armies in the rear. Once the enemy attacks, they will bear the brunt. Only those who make big mistakes will be sent there. They don't have enough weapons and equipment, live in the most broken tents, eat the worst rations, but have to face the fiercest enemy. If you want to be a battalion commander in such a place, I will never stop you.

Zhou Weiqing asked tentatively, "Can the people of this ruffian camp also move casually in the barracks?"

God preached: "In non-wartimes, ordinary soldiers have one day off a week, and the people in the ruffian camp only have one day a month, and they are never allowed to leave the scope of the northwest army camp, otherwise they will be regarded as deserters and killed without mercy."

Zhou Weiqing was stunned and said, "This is too cruel. Ruffians are also human beings, and scoundrels also have human rights"

Shenbu sneered, "That depends on what they have done. As you can see, our Zhongtian Imperial barracks do not prohibit women from joining the army. Shouldn't some bastards who have nowhere to vent their energy, steal chickens and dogs, and moleses female soldiers be punished? Cheating and slippery, fleeing to the enemy, impersonating to ask for rewards, and not sending them to the jigana, it is already a very human right for them. On the contrary, in a word, the ruffian camp is the dirtiest and dirtiest place in the barracks. The army has photographed eleven battalion commanders one after another, and none of them has been able to persist for more than a month. There are also many strong people, including six serious injuries and four minor injuries.

Zhou Weiqing said, "What about another one?"

There was a trace of sadness in Shenbu's eyes, "The last one is said to have fallen from the horse and died. That battalion commander, like you, is also a four-bead master. Therefore, the ruffian battalion has not had a battalion commander for many years, and even the squadron leader inside was selected by themselves. They also have a title called: Devil's Concentration Camp.

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "Can't the people in this ruffian camp leave for the rest of their lives?"

Shenbu said faintly, "If they can live to the age of 60, they can naturally leave, otherwise they can only stay in the ruffian camp. Almost every month, a group of people will be sent to the ruffian camp, but over the years, the number of ruffian camp has always been maintained at about 1,000 people. Although it is still organized, the casualties of the ruffian camp are also the most serious.

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help saying, "After being treated so harshly, won't they escape or defect to the enemy?"

Shenbu smiled and looked at Zhou Weiqing as if he were looking at an idiot. "Between the two armies, there are thousands of square kilometers of Gobi Desert, and there are almost no other plants except for the barren grass. Every day, the people in the ruffian camp can only get a very small amount of food and water, not even enough for a day. How can they run? As for surrendering to the enemy, you haven't inquired about the situation of the war here at a glance. Once our people are captured by the Beast Empire and have no life, they will not be captured at all, because for the Beast Empire, the limited food will be left for their own people. In this case, you can tell me how the people in the ruffian camp will run?


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