Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 134 Beast Wolf Cavalry

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "Know yourself, know your enemy and win every battle. I also want to know the wolf cavalry of the Beast Empire and see how strong they can be. Well, Lao Wei, you bring out seven horses, and then give us nine of the guard soldiers we got last time. We pretend to be a patrol sent by the Northwest Battalion, and we will meet these wolf cavalry. Even if they are defeated or let someone escape, it will not expose the position of our unparalleled camp.

After Wei Feng hesitated for a moment, he still nodded. Thinking of the scene where Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Feier did not fall behind in the face of nine Tianzhu masters with more than six beads, he was confident.

After Zhou Weiqing came to the Wushuang camp, Wei Feng saw the changes brought to the Wushuang camp. Everyone has now recognized this battalion commander. At least, Zhou Weiqing can give them enough to eat and wear warm clothes. And more importantly, Zhou Weiqing gave them a hope that they might leave this damn place in the future.

Zhou Weiqing said, "Lao Wei, you can also take everyone to ambush in the woods to see how we fight. These are all my teachers. This time they came back with me to teach everyone the way of bowing and arrow. It just so happens that everyone can see the amazing archery of my teachers.

"Good." Hearing that these people turned out to be Zhou Weiqing's teachers, Wei Feng's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at them. Zhou Weiqing is so perverted. Can these people be worse?

In a while, the horses and equipment have been sent, including Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Feier, who have been replaced with the light armor of the personal guard of the 16th Division. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Feier still rode their devil horses. The nine people rushed down from the mountain bag and pulled the position in the direction of the plain.

"Master, you can command it." Zhou Weiqing said to the wind.

The wind smiled and said, "A hundred wolf cavalry don't have to command much. You and Miss Phil are responsible for close defense. If the enemy approaches, you are responsible for blocking. Leave the rest to us."

A simple sentence shows the strong self-confidence of the Heavenly Bow Camp. Although there are only seven of them, and their opponents are wolf cavalry that they have never faced before, don't forget that the former Heavenly Bow Empire relied on the Heavenly Bow Camp to deter the Crecy Empire, or even the Baida Empire. Before, he did not tell Zhou Weiqing that among the many Tianzhu divisions sent by the Baida Empire to the Tiangong Camp to besiege and kill them, the leader was a king-level strong man. It can be imagined how much the Baida Empire valued the Tiangong Camp.

That's right, these people in Tiangong Camp are not very strong, but they can use their arrow skills to the extreme. When they are seven-in-one, even in the face of the Tianzhu master of Jiuzhu's cultivation, they have the strength to fight.

Shangguan Fei'er is by Zhou Weiqing's side, and she is also curious about what Zhou Weiqing's teachers have. With her cultivation, she can naturally clearly feel that these people have no natural power to surpass her own, and there is not even a Tianzhu master, which is just an ordinary imperial pearl master. However, looking at Zhou Weiqing's appearance, she admires them very much.

Just then, in the distance, a wisp of dust flew in the direction of them.

"It's so fast." Zhou Weiqing's eyes suddenly showed surprise. There was no doubt that it was the wolf cavalry. Looking at the smoke and dust they brought, you can find that the speed of these wolf cavalry is even faster than the devil horse, almost as fast as Zhou Weiqing's unicorn devil horse. Moreover, as the wolf cavalry ran, the sound was not loud. They could be seen in sight, but they did not hear the sound like horses's hoofs.

Everyone's eyesight is better than that of ordinary people. At this time, it can be seen that about a thousand yards away, a team of hundred cavalry is coming quickly.

The wolf cavalry stepped on the war wolf's hair, gray-black, much stronger than the ordinary wolf, nearly three meters long, taller than the ordinary war horse. Although the distance is still far away, there is already a fierce atmosphere.

The wolf cavalry sitting on the back of the wolf has only simple leather armor, and the most striking thing is the double-horned helmet they wear on their heads. They are fierce one by one, and their physique is extremely strong. He holds a large chopper nearly two meters long.

After Zhou Weiqing and others saw the running wolf cavalry, they made certain adjustments in the direction of their way forward. Obviously, they also saw the existence of Zhou Weiqing. The running speed actually increased a little bit again and went straight to their side.

"Arrow tower, fort, you two main attack, Yi Shi, battlefield assistance, hooligan is responsible for the fish that leaks the net, enter within 200 yards, you and Mu En are responsible for the grass, I am maneuvering." The lazy voice of the wind sounded, and the distribution was quickly made. In fact, with their years of cooperation, even if he doesn't say it, there will be no difference in everyone.

Yamcha is an excellent warrior in the werewolf tribe of the Beast Empire. With his accumulated military achievements on the battlefield, he has been promoted to squadron leader, and if his military achievements are higher, he may be promoted to deputy battalion commander.

The population of the Beast Empire is far less than that of the Zhongtian Empire, but it can be a soldier for all. This time, Amcha led his squadron to sneak into the territory of the Zhongtian Empire to hunt some patrols sent by the Northwest Camp.

The food looted last autumn was almost finished, and the branch of their werewolf tribe was a little overstretched. Although I look down on the cavalry of the Zhongtian Empire, the horses of those cavalry are good as food. Moreover, if you cut a few more heads back, maybe the chiefs of the tribes will nominate themselves as deputy battalion commanders.

It is not the first time for Amcha to do such a thing. With the advantage of the wolf cavalry in speed, they have repeatedly made gains at the border. When they check it in Yam, this time will never be an exception.

From afar, he saw a team of the Zhongtian Empire at a glance, patrolling cavalry, it must be that they all have horses. Haha, it's really going well this time. These horses are enough for the tribe to eat for a few days.

So, Yamcha immediately ordered and launched a charge against a small group of Zhongtian Empire soldiers over there.

The charge had just begun. Suddenly, Yamcha had a bad feeling that he had a wolf's bloodline, which made the wolf warriors feel much better than ordinary human beings.

Just then, with the harsh sound of breaking the air, a sharp arrow had arrived in front of him.

Yamcha is worthy of being an excellent werewolf squadron leader. At the critical moment, the chopper in his hand was almost instinctively lifted up. The wide blade just blocked the arrow.

With a burst of noise, the sword in Yamcha's hand trembled violently, and his whole upper body also leaned a little.

I have a lot of strength to meet the human pearl master. This is Yamcha's first judgment. Then he saw an arrow with a shining red light passing by him.

With a loud bang, a werewolf soldier was lifted off his wolf's back in the sudden firelight, and his reaction was not as fast as Amcha. The leather armor on the chest is completely broken, and the chest is also blurred.

However, at this time, the elite of the wolf cavalry of the Beast Empire also appeared. The other wolf cavalry behind the bombarded werewolf warrior quickly swept away to both sides without a collision. In the back, the werewolf soldiers who had time to react picked up their companions.

"Bastard, he is the archer of the imperial pearl master of the Zhongtian Empire. Tu Lu Lu." Yamcha shouted loudly and waved the machete in his hand. In an instant, a layer of blue light appeared at the same time as he stepped down with the wolf, and his body seemed to have grown a little.

"Tulu--" The same shout also appeared in the mouths of other wolf cavalry.

In the Beast Empire, there is no profession of Royal Pearl Master, but only Tianzhu Master. That is to say, they don't have simple body bead masters and Italian bead masters. Either Tianzhushi or an ordinary warrior.

However, the clansmen of various tribes of the Beast Empire have their unique place, that is, the power to call the blood of the totem. Enhance your combat effectiveness in a short time. The spell of the werewolf calling for the power of the blood is: Tu Lulu.

The blood power of the werewolves can enhance their own defense and speed at the same time, including their wolves.

On the other side, Han Mo and Gao Sheng, who each released an arrow, showed surprise on their faces.

The arrow blocked by Yamcha was shot by Han Mo, which bombarded a wolf cavalry, which naturally came from the high-level fire attribute additional arrow.

Although the two sides are still 700 yards away from each other at this time, they are very clear about the attack power of their arrows. The wolf cavalry leader actually blocked Han Mo's arrow relatively easily, and although the ordinary wolf cavalry was hit by a high arrow, it did not seem to be dead, but just injured.

Tu Lulu's shout came from the mouths of hundreds of wolf cavalry at the same time. In the blue light, their speed of stepping off the wolves suddenly soared, rushing this way with a strong fierce spirit.

"No wonder it can be one against ten. The warriors of this beast empire are really strong." The wind is still elegant, but there is a little surprise in his eyes.

Shangguan Feier watched coldly, and she was also secretly surprised. She was not surprised by the strength of the wolf cavalry, but by Han Mo and Gao Sheng's archery.

That's a distance of 700 yards. If ordinary people look at it, I'm afraid they can only faintly see some small black spots. Moreover, in the weather in the north, the wind is very strong. At such a long distance, the arrows they shoot still find the target like long eyes, which is no longer what a simple archer can do. It is no ex far from Zhou Weiqing to praise their archery with his amazing skills.


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