Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 144 First Dew Next

Zhou Weiqing is right. In this world, there are only eternal interests. With enough interest to attract, he can make the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion completely tied to himself. Of course, feelings need to be cultivated, but it is also necessary to let these people get used to obeying their own orders and then have feelings for the group of Wushuang Camp.

For his own people, Zhou Weiqing is not stingy, and can even be said to be generous. The soldiers practiced hard and hit the limits of the body almost every day. He specially asked Lin Tianwei to ask the doctor to prescribe a prescription to get a batch of nourishing medicinal herbs, which are usually added to the diet.

The soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion are raised tall and energetic one by one, and their speed of progress can also be said to be thousands of miles a day. Later, Shangguan Feier was embarrassed to deliberately suppress the medicine, from ten people a day to 20, 30 people a day, and even 50 people.

Not only is the personal strength improving, but the equipment is also in the process of continuous promotion. The condensation scrolls made by Yun Li and Xiaojiu are constantly sent. Zhou Weiqing asked Lin Tian's customized armor to be delivered in batches. The highest number of people in the Wushuang camp now have storage props in their hands. The overall strength is constantly surging. Not to mention others, even these people of Tiangong Camp are secretly surprised to see the great progress of Wushuang Camp every day.

Of course, they are also very clear that the money spent on such an army is absolutely astronomical. Zhou Weiqing told them that they won 100 million gold coins in the gambling in the Tianzhu Competition, so they were not too surprised.

In fact, with the passage of time, Zhou Weiqing's 100 million gold coins have been spent for a long time. However, there is a leather bag given by the six absolute emperors, and the value of the heavenly core in it is astronomical. No matter how much Zhou Weiqing spends it, it will definitely not be used up in ten years.

Time passed day by day, and it was another three months in a blink of an eye. The weather in northern Xinjiang is also getting warmer. Although it is not hot, there is no doubt that this is the best season of the whole year in the north, and summer is coming.

With the advent of summer, the frontier has also begun to become unstable. Every year, the plunder of the Beast Empire is carried out in autumn, because the weather is not too cold at that time, which is suitable for fighting, and their main purpose is to store food for the winter. Summer is the time for the Beast Empire to explore and harass the northern frontiers.

The Empire of Beasts, the head of the Fast Wolf Division.

A big man who looked in his forties sat behind the handsome case and respectfully stood seven or eight people in front of the handsome case.

With a loud bang, the huge and solid handsome case was slapped by the big man. "Bastard, what do you guys eat? Sending out three squadrons not only has nothing to gain, not even one of them came back alive.

Butler is the commander of the Fast Wolf Division, with 10,000 wolf cavalry soldiers in his hand. For the Beast Empire, this is already the highest-staffed army.

Ten thousand wolf cavalry galloped up in the wilderness, which was the momentum of covering the sun. With the strength of his division, he even defeated a regiment of 100,000 troops of the Zhongtian Empire.

Among the werewolves, Butler is the head of the contemporary werewolf clan, the eldest son of Batulu, the wolf king, and the future heir of the patriarch. Moreover, he is also a powerful Tianzhu master, and his cultivation is as high as nine beads. It is the best among the young generation of the Beast Empire. On his left chest, he wore a triangular white badge, which means that he had climbed the Snow God Mountain and received the baptism and guidance of the Snow God Mountain. This is a supreme honor for any soldier of the Beast Empire. Therefore, in the whole army of the Beast Empire, this Butler has a very high status.

Today, Butler was very angry. In the previous half month, he had sent three squadrons of wolf cavalry to cruise the border of the Zhongtian Empire, but what was completely different from before, the three wolf cavalry squadrons he excluded did not have even one of the wolf alive.

This situation is unprecedented and has never happened. It is 300 wolf cavalry. Every wolf cavalry is an elite warrior selected from the werewolf clan. He has been domesticated wolves since childhood and can only set foot on the battlefield as an adult. How can he not feel sad? Under normal circumstances, three hundred wolf cavalry are enough to defeat the ordinary cavalry of several battalions of the Zhongtian Empire, let alone infantry. As for the heavy cavalry of the Zhongtian Empire, it is impossible to approach the wolf cavalry at all. Compared with the speed, who are the wolf cavalry afraid of?

In the left hand, a short but very strong werewolf said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, why don't we send more people out to check? It seems that the Zhongtian Empire is ready this time. Our people must have encountered the ambush of the army. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the whole army to be destroyed, and no one would have come back.

Butler snorted coldly, "Sent more people? How much are you going to send?

The shorter werewolf said blatantly, "Your Excellency, I would like to lead a battalion of wolf cavalry to kill all those ambushes and avenge my brothers."

"One camp? Three hundred people have fallen. Do you still want me to fall into another camp? Since the Zhongtian Empire dares to attack us, it naturally knows how many troops we have. They were so optimistic that we would send a small number of troops to harass us at this time of year, so they set a trap to wait for us. OK, I'll ask you to set traps, and I'm going to completely destroy these ambushes. Therefore, it is not one battalion or another to attack, but our whole division. I don't believe how many people the Zhongtian Empire can ambush. Give me an order to ask the brothers of the Eagle clan to help explore and see if there are any established enemy troops on the border. If not, we will leave in three days.

"Your Excellency, are you going to report to the above?" Another werewolf general couldn't help saying.

Butler said angrily, "Report? Can they bring my three hundred brothers back to life? There is a saying that human beings will not accept the life of the emperor. It's not too late for me to report to the above before I wipe out those who dare to ambush us. All right, you all go down and get ready. Let's wait for the news from the Eagles.

Although he is in high rage, he can still maintain his mind and will not send troops blindly. If the enemy ambushes an army, he will not rush to attack. But as long as there is no established army ambush, Butler has absolute confidence to lead his ten thousand wolf cavalry to make the border between the two countries like a plow. Generally, if you clean it up, you must avenge your 300 people.

Butler was in anger, while Zhou Weiqing was very excited.

It has been four months since he separated from the Liujue Emperor last time. His six control skills are becoming more and more proficient. I have to say that Zhou Weiqing is still very talented in control. In addition, he has learned the exquisite archery for two years, and his own control is stronger. Therefore, he has now achieved a small success in the primary cultivation of these six unique control skills. Next is the problem of constantly improving the heat through practice.

Liujue Emperor hasn't come back yet, and Zhou Weiqing is not in a hurry. After all, if Liujue Emperor doesn't know where his friend is, it's not easy to find someone on the vast continent.

Zhou Weiqing had just returned from the headquarters of the Seventh Army. He brought a big gift to Shenji, the bodies of 300 werewolves and the bodies of 300 war wolves.

Speaking of which, the magic machine is still very good for their Wushuang Battalion. Since he knew that he and Shangguan Fei'er are from Haomiao Palace, and after the confirmation of Zhan Lingtian, as long as they have anything they need, there has never been a shortage. Military grain, ordnance and various materials have always been very supportive The group ensures safety.

The three squadrons excluded by Butler's Fast Wolf Division were cleaned up by the Wushuang Battalion. At the beginning, the seven members of the Tiangong Battalion had cleaned up a squadron, not to mention after nearly half a year of training, now the whole Wushuang Battalion is in a state of excitement.

When the three wolf cavalry squadrons met thousands of archers with condensed bows, they were doomed to their tragic fate. They were not close to 300 yards at all, and each incoming squadron was killed, and no one was left. And the Wushuang camp is naturally undamaged. The benefits of long-range attacks are also reflected for the first time. Such a record has immeasurable benefits for the improvement of the confidence of the whole Wushuang Battalion.

When Zhou Weiqing sent these results to the Seventh Army, he also lost his eyes. That's 300 wolf cavalry. It's definitely a great achievement to kill so many wolf cavalry. For a battalion commander, it's enough to be promoted to deputy division commander.

However, Zhou Weiqing declined the military achievements that the magic machine wanted to give, and all of them were replaced with rewards. And Shenji himself didn't find it strange that he could lead the Wushuang Battalion to kill so many wolf cavalry. After all, in his eyes, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er were both from Haomiao Palace. Although the wolf cavalry is strong, it is nothing to the strong in the Holy Land. He has personally learned the power of Zhou Weiqing, and he will not have any doubts.

In addition to the bounty, Zhou Weiqing made another request to Shenji, that is, he hoped to collect the soldiers of all the ruffian battalions of the three major armies of the Zhongtian Empire. Although he now has 1,500 people in his hand, there is still a gap with the number in Zhou Weiqing's heart. He would rather not have military merit and hope to collect more ruffian.

It turns out that the potential of military ruffians is much greater than that of ordinary soldiers, and they are also exiled by various divisions, and the collection of these people will not cause any trouble.

Shenji promised to try it for Zhou Weiqing. After all, he was only subordinate to the Northwest Army and could not talk to death. In fact, it's just a few ruffian camps. It's nothing to give these people to Zhou Weiqing.


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