Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 156 Five Beads

Leizi was finally enraged. It's absolutely not good to be chased like this all the time. He has been completely suppressed.

With a roar, he finally stopped retreating. Suddenly, a layer of brown rock armor emerged, and his right foot suddenly stamped on the ground. Suddenly, a slanting earth thorns leaped out of the ground, pushing his body forward without retreating forward, rushing towards Zhou Weiqing like a cannonball. At the same time, there were From Zhou Weiqing's feet, he protruded from all directions and stabbed Zhou Weiqing himself in an all-round way.

Zhou Weiqing's honest smile on his face was undimined. He just made a very simple move, and his right foot was raised and then fell.

In the loud noise, around Zhou Weiqing's body, including his feet, all the earth thorns that had just protruded the ground and were going to hit Zhou Weiqing disappeared. Under the shock of powerful forces and natural forces, the earth element is scattered and cannot form an attack. At the same time, the six skills that originally chased Leizi in the air, accompanied by his charge to hit him, also changed.

The cyan wind blade is in contact with the gray whirlpool. The wind blade is integrated into it according to the direction and speed of the vortex rotation, and the other four skills are suddenly scattered around, just like the audience, watching the gray whirlpool mixed with cyan blocking Leizi's way.

Leizi can't dove even if he wants to dodge now, not to mention in his eyes, what can such a small whirlpool do?

The harsh friction sound has sounded in the next moment. The wind blade is just a one-star evaluation skill. Even if it is a compressed wind blade, it is only two stars. The evaluation of rock armoring is much higher. According to reason, the wind blade should not be able to break through its defense in any case.

However, in the harsh friction, Leizi only felt a chill in his chest. He was stunned to find that the rock armor of his chest could not stop the rapid cutting of the wind blade. Obviously, the power of the wind blade was enhanced by the gray whirlpool.

Not good.

He couldn't avoid it. At this time, it showed Leizi's fierceness. He suddenly roared into the air, regardless of his chest and put his hands on the sky. Suddenly, a strong yellow light broke out in the air, and dozens of huge stones condensed in the air and smashed fiercely at Zhou Weiqing. In the past.

Rockfall, a very practical group attack skill in the earth attribute skill, with Leizi's six-bead cultivation, although it is used in a hurry, it is also quite powerful.

Just as he finished this skill, a cold evil force that made him fall into the ice cellar had spread all over his body in an instant, and his whole body was cold. His momentum of rushing suddenly exhausted. When he looked down, he happened to see that the blue-purple ball of light that had chased him before had reached his chest. It got in through the gap cut by the wind blade.


Leizi's whole body was directly blown up to the sky with blue-purple brilliance. There was not much pain, but there was a strong paralysis. Coupled with the cold evil power in his body, he was already in a state of stalemate.

What a strong control, this is the only idea in Leizi's mind at this time. With a combative Tianzhushi like him, he was so embarrassed in the face of Zhou Weiqing's only control of some low-rated skills.

However, Leizi does not think that he has lost. His falling stone skill has been launched, which is an opportunity to turn defeat into victory. Even if the other party can deal with it, he will inevitably be very embarrassed in the case of controlling so many skills. As long as there is some time to force himself out of evil, paraly If you release it, there will be a chance to turn the tables.

However, Leizi, who was blown into the air, also saw a scene that can be described as magic. The 30 or 40 falling stones launched by his falling rocks stopped in the air when he flew less than five yards.

The reason is very simple, because before each stone, there is a small wind shield.

If the wind shield wants to block the falling stone, it is naturally impossible under normal circumstances. The evaluation of falling rocks is at a five-star level. However, what if dozens of wind shields are scattered to resist falling rocks? That's completely different. Those falling stones were not only stopped, but also wrapped in wind shields one by one, slowly falling to the ground without making any noise.

The wind shield used by Zhou Weiqing is just a two-star evaluation skill. After Long Shiya's teaching, he realized that the low-star evaluation skill is not useless. Although the power is small, the loss of natural power is also small. You can play enough role when using these low-level skills. Why use powerful skills? How many days can you save?

After the cultivation of Zhou Weiqing's six control skills in the past two months, even Long Shiya said that he had become a small success. At this time, it was naturally handy. The reason why the skills he used can be instantaneous is that the skills are not rubbing at all, but directly condensed through the heavenly power.

Many boulders disappeared after landing, which was originally a skill condensed by natural power. And Leizi also fell to the ground heavily and snorted. After all, Zhou Weiqing did not fall on him with all six skills. These skills themselves were not very powerful, but although he could not hurt Leizi under his clever use, he abruptly broke his offensive.

In terms of strength, because Leizi does not have enough condensation equipment, he is at most slightly higher than Wei Feng. In the face of Zhou Weiqing, who is fully equipped and skilled, how can he have a chance?

Leizi rolled on the ground and jumped up. The paralysis and cold evil on his body had been forced out of his body under the urging of his strong natural power. As soon as he looked up, he saw Zhou Weiqing looking at himself with a smile.

To be honest, although he lost, he didn't know how he lost. It was just a few small skills, which made him so embarrassed. It was completely because of his nervousness. Leizi was unconvinced and extremely unconvinced. He is not a gentleman. He will admit defeat as soon as he loses. He roared, suddenly squatted down, and his fists hit the ground fiercely.

With a loud bang, a local dragon rose with a strong shock wave and attacked Zhou Weiqing fiercely. This is the strongest skill that Leizi has, the reincarnation of the earth dragon.

The left hand turned stone cat's eyes lit up, and Zhou Weiqing's palm patted forward, and a silver light floated out, which was accurately imprinted in the middle of the earth dragon's forehead. He no longer planned to fight with Leizi anymore, but with the method of six unique control skills, it still needs to be wasted to defeat Hands and feet.

With a soft sound, the momentum was so fierce that even a small mountain bag could be smashed. There was a big hole in the forehead. When the silver light disappeared, the whole earth dragon burst into collapse.

Before Leizi could react, he was stunned to find that Zhou Weiqing suddenly appeared in front of him in some way. When he wanted to resist, he found that he could not move at all.

Under the dual effect of absolute slowness and wind, even if Leizi's natural power is higher than Zhou Wei, he can't break free in three seconds. Then there is a lightning disease with multiple paralysis effects.

Under the paralysis of his body, Leizi clearly saw that Zhou Weiqing raised his left hand and pressed it in the middle of his eyebrows. Then, a dark force that frightened him rushed in and forcibly poured into his mind.

In a trance, almost in an instant, Leizi had already judged that this was actually a dark seal skill. No, it can't be sealed. If it is sealed, it will become a slave. His spiritual power is struggling crazily.

However, at this time, he saw a pair of purple-red eyes, and two purple-red lights came. His spiritual power, which he was going to compete with, collapsed in an instant. Then, there was a cold and a burst of fire on his forehead. Under the action of a drop of blood from Zhou Weiqing's fingertips, a symbol had been brand Isn't that the mark of blood sacrifice?

According to the normal situation, Zhou Weiqing wanted to seal a person with the mark of blood sacrifice, which must be willing to the other party. Otherwise, it is easy to bring counterattack, especially Leizi's power is still above him.

However, with the spiritual impact generated by the domineering skill of the dragon demon sealing god, he broke the opponent's resistance and succeeded in one fell swoop with the mark of blood sacrifice.

The cooperation of these two skills is directed by Long Shiya. Under the guidance of Long Shiya, he can now fully control the skill of Dragon Demon Fengshen to exert a powerful spiritual shock wave, which is equivalent to this skill having two functions. In the face of opponents with higher natural strength than yourself, you can impact the spirit of the other party. If you are lower than yourself, you can control the other party. Compared with the dragon demon ban, it is also a powerful skill.

Withdrawing his left hand, Zhou Weiqing waved to Wei Feng and said, "Brother Wei, let's go."

Leizi stood there in a daze and didn't come to his senses until a few minutes later. He subconsciously raised his hand to touch his eyebrows. With the recovery of memory, the remorse filled his whole body in an instant.

was sealed, and it was forcibly sealed like this. How could it be like this? How could it be like this?

In fact, he was completely stunned by Zhou Weiqing. Zhou Weiqing's series of skills just now also consumed a considerable amount of natural power. He showed that by cutting and condensing in one point in space, he broke the reincarnation of the earth dragon. The skill of Tulong reincarnation has a seven-star evaluation, but the space fragmentation has a ten-star evaluation, which basically makes up for the power gap between the two sides. What's more, Zhou Weiqing still condensed the power of the skill of space cutting with the powerful control he improved, so there was no problem to break the earth dragon.


At the last moment, I haven't decided whether it will explode tomorrow or June 1. Brothers and sisters, can I see hope? Seeing hope, we will explode tomorrow and make the last move. If it really doesn't work, we will work harder in June. I will definitely work harder to write a better plot to thank you for your support.