Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 191 Philippe God of the Army

Ming Yu looked at him with burning eyes, "Be a puppet of Zhongtian?"

"No, of course not. The Tiansong Empire can only belong to our Tiansong people, and will never be anyone's puppet.

Ming Yu's eyes turned to the unparalleled warriors in the distance behind Zhou Weiqing. If his army exudes a bloody and murderous atmosphere, then what the unparalleled warriors exudes is the toughness full of confidence. Only a winning army can have such momentum. Its momentum is not fierce, but it is full of the grandeur of victory.

"Does this army belong to you or to Zhongtian?" The smile on Ming Yu's face converged a little, but became positive. Moreover, when he asked this sentence, he asked with the power of heaven to compress the sound.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "With the news of your Philippe Empire, I don't know if you have heard of the strange things that happened in the northwest camp of the Zhongtian Empire this year?"

Ming Yu nodded and said, "Although the Zhongtian Empire sealed the news as much as possible, we got some information from the prisoners of the Beast Empire. Unparalleled camp, right? An army of only a few thousand people helped the Northwest Camp defeat several times the enemy in the past. And it has caused heavy losses to the Beast Empire, and it has even shocked the Snow God Mountain.

Zhou Weiqing's smile expanded a little. After saying a word to Ming Yu, he turned around and returned to the team. The second test is about to begin.

After listening to Zhou Weiqing's words, Ming Yu was stunned for a few minutes. Then he came to his senses and looked at the unparalleled warrior opposite, and there were many more things in his eyes.

What Zhou Weiqing said to him was very simple: Wushuang Camp was established by me, and it was also mine.

is such a simple sentence, which has revealed a lot of information to Ming Yu, and the reason why Zhou Weiqing is willing to say it is not because he is the god of war, but because he was born in a cult.

The restoration of the country is about to begin. What Zhou Weiqing has to do is to unite all the forces that can be united. Since he had that kind of relationship with the little witch, he has been very clear that the relationship between himself and the heavenly cult can't be solved in any case. Moreover, he has never felt bad about the heavenly cult, and even has a good impression. After all, the cult has helped him a lot, including letting him read the cult and so on.

At present, what Zhou Weiqing has is just his unparalleled division. The Zhongtian Empire did not prevent him from taking away the Wushuang Division, which has given him a lot of face. It is impossible to really support him closer. In that case, it will undoubtedly turn against the Baida Empire. Although the three Shangguan Tianyang brothers attach great importance to Zhou Weiqing, they have not yet been able to compare with a big empire.

Therefore, Zhou Weiqing wants to restore the country, especially to take back the land of the Tiangong Empire from the Cresi Empire held by the Baida Empire. There are still many difficulties he has to face. Therefore, he must unite all the forces that can be united.

Today, the reason why he dealt with the Philippe Empire so much is to establish the prestige of the Heavenly Bow Empire. At the same time, there is also a little revenge against the Philippe Empire as an ally but did not do his best for the Heavenly Bow Empire, and all of this is based on the support of the Zhongtian Empire.

Zhou Weiqing still has a good impression on Ming Yu, not because of his recognition of himself at the beginning, but because of the similar personalities of the two on the battlefield. Since Ming Yu is a member of the Heavenly Cult, who can guarantee that he will not help the Heavenly Bow Empire in the future? Therefore, Zhou Weiqing did not shy away, but directly told him the unparalleled camp he owned.

Ming Yu took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Weiqing, who had returned to his own side, with a faint smile rippled at the corners of his mouth. No one knows what he is thinking at the moment.

After a short gaze, Ming Yu shouted, "Get ready to fight."

In the sound of the neat stomach, the seven hundred devil horse cavalry raised the spear in their hands at almost the same speed, and the long hair wrapped in cotton cloth was raised flat, and the murderous spirit rose in an instant. It's like a blood-stained Liwai, ready to pierce the enemy's chest again.

The officials on the rostrum were secretly surprised. Most of them had only heard of the prestige of the Jade Army God. It was the first time that they really saw Ming Yu appear on the battlefield. Seeing the terrible momentum of the devil's horse cavalry, confidence suddenly soared.

Shen Zhi stood beside Cai Cai, his eyes full of complex light. For a long time, he thought that the Philippe Royal Knights he commanded was the most elite army. Today, when he saw Ming Yu and his guard battalion, he realized that the gap between himself and Ming Yu was so big.

In terms of cultivation, Ming Yu is obviously not as good as his, but in terms of leading troops, even if there are ten, I'm afraid he can't compare with Ming Yu! No wonder Princess Caicai likes Ming Yu, yes! Who doesn't like heroes?

At this time, Ming Yu had pulled out his long sword from his waist, and his left heel hit gently on the belly of the horse. His one-horned devil horse took three steps forward, and the 700 devil horsemen behind him also took three steps forward. The movements are so neat and uniform.

The roar of three horses' hoofs on the ground made everyone's hearts seem to freeze in an instant.

These three steps are very exquisite. First, Ming Yu is telling Zhou Weiqing that we are going to launch an attack. At the same time, these three steps also instantly raised the momentum of Ming Yu's guard camp to the peak. The fierce murderous atmosphere went straight to the opposite side.

In the face of Ming Yu, Zhou Weiqing never dared to be careless. He shouted in a low voice, "Array." The unparalleled warrior behind him instantly unfolded according to the formation he had ordered before.

The first brigade of the Wushuang Division is definitely the most elite brigade. Every Wushuang warrior has considerable strength, and they have paid the most in training. Although it is not as good as the opponent in terms of neatness, it is not slow at all in the speed of the array. Almost in an instant, a long snake array, which is a little funny in the eyes of the officials of the Philippe Empire, has already appeared on the campus.

The so-called one-character long snake array is that all 700 people are lined up horizontally. Transform into a word to face each other.

The biggest advantage of such a formation is that the coverage is large enough, but its shortcomings are too obvious. That's thin. How thin is the formation of only one layer of soldiers? It only takes a breakthrough to break through this barrier, and then you can break away the word long snake array, so that its head and tail cannot be taken into account. Even a rookie on the battlefield will never have such a formation.

While the Unparalleled Warriors are in a formation, Ming Yu has begun to charge.

Compared with the Wushuang camp, Mingyu's Qinwei camp obviously shows a completely different side. I don't know how many times the training of his boat is stronger than Wushuang camp. When the charge was launched, it was still a square array, but after less than a hundred yards forward, the formation had turned into a triangular array, and there was no stagnation and confusion in the whole process.

How much training does it take to change the formation in the charge? How many elite soldiers do you need to do it? Ming Yu used his own actions to teach everyone present a lesson and told them what the real elite teacher is.

With Ming Yu's experience of leading troops, he saw through Zhou Weiqing's purpose at the moment when he put up a long snake array on Zhou Weiqing's side. It's very simple. Obviously, Zhou Weiqing has absolute confidence in his soldiers to put on such a battle. One is to counterencirclement, and the other is to give full play to the individual combat effectiveness of these soldiers.

Zhou Weiqing's confidence obviously came from the 200 super heavy cavalry in his center. I have no doubt about this. And Ming Yu can also see the strength of those warriors. But so what? This is a battlefield, a battle between 700 people and 700 people, not a one-on-one battle. Ming Yu didn't think that the other party's 200 people were enough to affect the whole war situation at all, and he also had absolute confidence in his own guard camp.

Don't you want to use the one-word long snake array to give full play to your personal combat effectiveness? Then I'll give you some broken noodles.

A strange light flashed through Ming Yu's eyes. Although he appreciates Zhou Weiqing very much, it is precisely because of this that he has to use his best in the game with Zhou Weiqing to test the extent of Zhou Weiqing's ability. The strong will always respect the strong.

The battle arrays of the two sides approached quickly, and the one-word long snake array really began to change as Ming Yu expected. Under the command of Zhou Weiqing, the two wings of the one-word long snake array accelerated forward, encircling from both sides, and the central front did not move at all. Everything was exactly the same as Ming Yu's guess. Zhou Weiqing wanted to use the advantage of this word long snake array to surround his guard camp.

On the rostrum, Cai Cai has unconsciously clenched her fists, and her beautiful eyes, which are always elegant and indifferent, can't help but be excited at this time. Although it is not the first time she has watched Ming Yu's performance on the battlefield, she still has a feeling of boiling blood. The battle commanded by Ming Yu is so easy to infect people. She seemed to have seen that Ming Yu led the guard camp to defeat Zhou Weiqing and his unparalleled warriors and won the battle. Zhou Weiqing stood in front of her in dismay.

The collision between the two sides was different.

Just when Ming Yu's triangular piercing formation was less than 50 yards away from the central front on Zhou Weiqing's side. A sudden mutation.

The one-horned devil horse under Ming Yu suddenly stopped, and the long sword pointed to the right finger. In an instant, his figure was already covered by the triangular battle array behind him. Ming Yu disappeared. Under such a rapid charge, the triangle battle array turned to the right, brought a short but absolutely exquisite arc, and rushed straight to the left wing of Zhou Weiqing's battle array.

This triangular battle array does not give people the feeling that it is like an army, but more like an individual. Its command, change the array, and control are simply like an arm's finger. This is the soldier of the Jade God of War.