Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 216 In the Body of the Earth Spirit

The crow rushed forward, his left foot suddenly hit the ground, his huge body rolled in mid-air, and Xixi made the same action almost at the same time, and the two sisters actually hit each other.

Just as the crow rolled out, on the only way she had just rushed forward, a huge thorn rushed out of the ground.

The crow and Xixi collided quickly, but strangely, there was no sound of metal collision.

The crow's black golden slaughter axe unexpectedly hooked a pair of tomahawks from Xixi. The two women threw each other out at the same time.

That's right, just throw it out. The crow threw high, while the west was flying. Outsiders can't see how this power is used. That is, with such a shift, the opponent between the two women has changed, becoming a crow facing Bai Qiu and Xixi facing Yuling.

Xixi flew out and rushed straight to Yuling. Yuling also showed no weakness. Step by step, under the strong yellow light, it turned into a giant cone again and hit the west.

On the other side, the crow rose high in the sky, but the Wujin slaughter axe unfolded on both sides of the body. The strength of the two sisters was too great. In this soaring air, the crow actually flew more than 20 meters high, and Bai Qiu was stunned.

At this moment, the hot breath burst out in the air, and the rising crow emitted a dazzling red light. Even the cold iron armor on her body turned red.

Especially her pair of black gold butcher axes, which directly turned into a dazzling golden red.

The red light that burst out of her body formed a huge beam of light in the air, directly covering Bai Qiu.

It's good that Bai Qiu is good at agility, but how can he pass the light faster no matter how fast he is?

In an instant, Bai Qiu only felt that the air around him became hot in an instant. "He did not feel the attack because of the red light, but he felt a strong limit. He was stunned to find that he could not rush out of the range of the red light.

Control skills of fire attributes? Bai Qiu was stunned to think of it.

You should know that among all the attributes, the fire attribute is the least good at controlling, but isn't it the control skill that the crow in front of you exerts? Moreover, the power of this control skill is so powerful that it can't rush out with Bai Qiu Liuzhu's cultivation. And at this time, the crow, as bright as the sun in mid-air, has fallen down like a strange star, and the target is directly at Bai Qiu.

Even Zhou Weiqing didn't know that the crow had such strong skills. His confidence in the crow came from his previous understanding. Only the three-beaded crow dared to hit the five-bead-level opponent in those years, not to mention now. Her actual combat experience and cultivation are not comparable to those years. Coupled with the hard training in the Wushuang Fu regiment over the years, it can be said that all aspects of ability are available.

Bai Qiu was directly dumbfounded. His only feeling was that if he was hit by this meteorite-like fireball, he would definitely die. Absolutely unstoppable.

The terrible pressure that broke out on the crow has completely exceeded Bai Qiu's cognition. Moreover, he could also vaguely feel that the strength released by the crow at this time was not as simple as that of her heavenly power.

"If you don't want to die, just jump down." Xixi's soft and glutinous voice also sounded at this time. In the loud noise, Xixi's double axe also collided fiercely with the earthy yellow cone of Yuling over there.

The body of the earth spirit is worthy of the body of the earth spirit. With the help of the power of the earth, she was extremely terrible in strength. Even if Xixi was prepared to break out in an all-round way, she was still shaken back by the strong shock force.

Yuling also found that Bai Qiu's situation was not good, but the crow's figure fell like a meteorite fell too fast, and it was not easy for her to deal with Xixi's full blow. There was no possibility of rescue at all.

If you are a person, you will be afraid of death, not to mention the future of Tianzhu Master. "In the face of the attack that he is obviously unlikely to be able to block, Bai Qiu sighed secretly." [Body] The inner heavenly power of cotton broke out, and the body rotated rapidly. With his body as the center, the heavenly power The wind rose to the sky and went straight to the fireball transformed by the crow. While giving his strongest blow, he also jumped off the stage. Even in order to save your life, you should consume your opponent's natural power as much as possible to create opportunities for Yuling.

However, while Bai Qiu jumped out of the ring, the huge fireball collided with the wind blade and made a series of explosions, and a battle axe flew out of the fireball at this time. The target was not another Yuling of Griffino, but Xixi, who was shocked in the air.

Do they want to hurt themselves? Yuling retreated in the anti-shock force brought by Xixi, while showing doubts.

Self-harm? Of course, Xixi and the crow sisters would not do such a thing. Xixi just raised her hand, and the tomahawk in her hand hooked with the flying black gold butcher axe. Suddenly, the big fireball that broke through the tornado and was about to fall to the ground was actually driven by her to roll out and go straight to Yuling. At this time, many people noticed that there was a long chain behind the Wujin Slaughter Axe.

Because of Yuling's body, before the game began, no one was optimistic about the combination of Crow and Xixi. However, when the actual battle really began, these people who once underestimated the Tiangong Empire really found out that they were wrong.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the crow and Xixi have shown tacit cooperation, and the powerful attack is almost perfect. As the superior Tianzun, Bai Qiu was forced by them to jump off the stage. And the crow's blow has not been wasted.

While the crow was thrown at Yuling, the black gold butcher's axe with a long chain suddenly pulled, and Xixi also followed closely and went straight to Yuling to hit.

Xixi's whole body emitted dazzling blue light, and the strong water attribute energy fluctuated into ice, and her huge body actually curled up in the air and rolled violently. The tomahawk was outside, and her whole body was like a destructive ice hockey.

Yuling's face also became solemn, and her feet retreated slightly. At the same time, she shouted delicately and stepped hard on the ground with her right foot. Suddenly, the surface of the whole ring turned into a rich earthy yellow, and the earth attribute energy fluctuated and rose in an all-round way. She turned around, and under the The crow hit it.

With a loud bang, the fire splashed everywhere, the crow showed its shape again, and withdrew seven or eight steps back to stabilize its figure.

And under the package of earth elements, the Yuling has become a giant with earth attributes. She didn't have a chance to chase the crow, because Xixi's frontal bombardment had also arrived. The fireball was followed by the ice ball, which was ice and fire.

His fists were smashed upwards at the same time, and the roar sounded again. The huge force, the whole ring burst out with a large amount of dust, as if it had been hardly smashed into the ground.

Xixi's body was also shaken off again, and the loess giant transformed by Yuling fell to the ground knees up to the ground.

The Griffino Empire, who is most familiar with Yuling, can't help but take a deep breath. They know best how horrible Yuling's power can reach with the help of the body of the earth spirit. Even compared with the upper Tianzong of Jiuzhu's cultivation, the pure power is no less! Unexpectedly, he was attacked by the other party twice in a row and smashed his legs into part of the ground. It can be imagined to what extent the power of the two women in heavy armor on the opposite side was.

Xixi's staggering figure was held by the crow, and the two sisters were also shocked by the power of Yuling. The body of the earth spirit really can't be based on common sense.

The earth element giant transformed by Yuling is five meters high, but he stood there motionless.

"Your strength is really strong. Without the help of the earth element, even ten of me, it is impossible to compete with you. However, as long as I step on the ground, the earth elements in the earth will help me. Therefore, even if I am the only one left, you will still be defeated.

Yuling's voice came out. In the short collision just now, both sides consumed a lot of natural power, and they needed to take a little breath at this time.

The crow smiled indifferently and said, "Your earthly spirit body is really strong. If you can fully exert its power, any of our sisters will not be your opponent. Unfortunately, you are too persistent in colliding with our strength and have too much confidence in yourself. Yes, the earth attribute does have the strongest defense, but it is impossible for a single attribute to compete with two attributes at the same time, not to mention that these two attributes are still the opposite? Can you try to move by yourself?

Yuling was stunned for a moment. The next moment, the strong earth attribute Tianli rose in an instant, and the brilliance of Huang Mengmeng burst out in the ring again.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see the huge native transformed by Yuling. At this time, cracks are beginning to crack on the surface.

"I just want to break free now. It's too late." The crow smiled indifferently and took action with Xixi at the same time. The four huge tomahawks flew straight out and hit the native heavily. He smashed the natives out of the stage fiercely.

With a bang, the native was broken in the air, revealing the Yuling body. She spewed out three mouthfuls of blood in the air and was picked up by a member of the Griffino team.

In the lounge of the Skybow Team, Zhou Weiqing said with a smile: "The heat makes it dry, and the cold makes it vulnerable. What a double heaven of ice and fire! It's not wrong for Yuling to lose. Unfortunately, there is not enough cooperation between her and her teammates, otherwise it will be more troublesome.