Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 236 Pearl Number Next

Chapter 236 Pearl (Part 2)

Compared with the vast continent, this Xuantian continent is indeed much smaller, about the size of only one and a half Philippe Empire, which is much inferior to the Zhongtian Empire. It is also because of this that the needs of the people on the Xuantian continent for the sea far beyond the vast continent. Therefore, in terms of ocean navigation, it is far from comparable to the vast continent.

Regarding Tianzhu Master, there are also many sects on the Xuantian Continent, but it is different from the five holy places of the Haomiao Continent. The Xuantian Continent is dominated by the Xuantian Palace, which is against the background of the Xuantian Palace. The Xuantian Empire unified the whole continent as early as 1,300 years ago. There is no other country. And most of the small sects of those Tianzhu Master also have to survive under the breath of Xuantian Palace.

This also makes the situation of Xuantian Continent very simple. Everything is dominated by Xuantian Empire and Xuantian Palace, without too many fights. Although this made the development of Xuantian Continent very prosperous. However, in the absence of competition and foreign enemies, the Xuantian Empire is bound to slack off.

Of course, Zhou Weiqing is not very interested in these. One of the most useful news he got is about how to join Xuantian Palace.

Xuantian Palace is the supreme existence on the Xuantian continent. There are only two ways to join it. The first is to accept the selection of Xuantian Palace before the age of ten. After the selection is successful, you can directly enter the Xuantian Palace, and then go through a lot of screening, and it depends on the talent of cultivation and the awakening of the life beads. Only the best young people have the opportunity to really join the inner palace of Xuantian Palace.

In addition, there is another way to enter the Xuantian Palace, which is also different from the five holy places in the Haomiao Continent. Perhaps because there is only one holy place on the Xuantian Continent, it is not afraid of being infiltrated by the enemy at all. Therefore, the Xuantian Palace is also recruited for scattered cultivation. Of course, it's just recruiting the best study.

This is the annual Xuantian draft of Xuantian Palace.

This Xuantian draft was first held in the major cities of the Xuantian Empire. If you get the top three major cities, you will have the opportunity to go to Tiancheng, the capital of the Xuantian Empire, for the finals. The number of scattered cultivations that can join the Xuantian Palace every year is not fixed, but will depend on the strength and potential of the scattered cultivation.

Among them, the first requirement for recruiting Sanxiu is age. Generally speaking, only those under the age of 30 are recruited and added to the outer palace of the Xuantian Palace. These people can get the skills of the Xuantian Palace by accumulating achievements. If there is a particularly excellent potential and has been tested by the Xuantian Palace, there is also a chance to join the inner palace.

Of course, this age limit does not include strong people above the king level. If a strong person above the Heavenly King level wants to join the Xuantian Palace, he needs to go through another assessment. As for what it is, it is not what Zhou Weiqing can know on this big ship.

There is no doubt that the age of Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger can only choose the second one.

Joining the Xuantian Palace is not only a great glory, but also a huge source of benefits for the Tianzhu Master on the Xuantian Continent. The disciples of the inner palace of Xuantian Palace can unconditionally obtain condensation and rubbing resources. Even the disciples of the outer palace have countless benefits.

All the Tuoyin Palaces on the Xuantian Continent are all owned by the Xuantian Palace. You can imagine how powerful the Xuantian Palace is. Even if the emperor of the Xuantian Empire changes, it must be approved by the Xuantian Palace.

Zhou Weiqing's goal this time was the stone of space transmission. After getting this information about Xuantian Palace, Zhou Weiqing understood that he and Bing'er were probably enemies of the whole Xuantian Continent this time! It is very difficult to get the Space Transfer Stone, which is much more difficult than he expected.

However, Zhou Weiqing also figured out a way. In any case, join the Xuantian Palace first. The near-water platform gets the moon first. Only by entering its interior first can there be more chances of success. Otherwise, I'm afraid they can't even know where the space transmission stone is.

During the next sailing time, the big ship did not encounter any trouble. After all, there is a king-level strong man on the ship. As long as it does not meet the horrible sea beasts such as the giant turtle before, it is difficult for the big ship to encounter danger.

Zhou Weiqing was easy-going, and Shangguan Bing'er was so beautiful that she soon integrated into the Tianzhu masters on the big ship. The detached position of Tianzhushi is the same in Xuantian Continent, and the ordinary crew naturally dare not be disrespectful to them.

This big ship is called the Pearl, which is owned by the master of the ancient language. And this ancient language master does not belong to Xuantian Palace. He is the patriarch of a few powerful clans on the Xuantian mainland except Xuantian Palace.

Of course, they also have to be attached to the Xuantian Palace, otherwise, it can only be the fate of destruction. The harvest of this trip to sea is very good. Their purpose is to accumulate some precious gifts for Xuantian Palace, so that the children of their clan can have the opportunity to enter the inner palace for screening.

In the Xuantian Continent, the strength of each clan is not compared with their respective combat strength and financial resources, but with the status of the children of the clan in the Xuantian Palace. This strange situation will not exist in the vast continent.

The ancient language master originally intended to accept Zhou Weiqing and the two into the clan, but after learning that Zhou Weiqing had practiced immortality, he gave up his mind. No clan is willing to cultivate a person who may be killed at any time because of practicing his skills.

So, when Zhou Weiqing went to the master of the ancient language, hoping that he could write a letter of recommendation for his husband and wife to participate in the Xuantian draft, the ancient language agreed happily.

Zhou Weiqing performed very well on the ship. Once he met some medium-sized sea beasts, he would not hesitate to help the Tianzhu master on the ship deal with it, and did not pay at all. He just said that in order to repay the kindness of saving his life, his performance was normal, and there has always been no doubt. As the old saying goes, I am also happy to do personal feelings. After all, Zhou Weiqing's immortal skill is not completely impossible to succeed. If he really practices it in the future, maybe there will be a monster-level existence.

How did he know that on the vast continent much larger than the Xuantian mainland, Zhou Wei had been a real monster early in the morning.

The ship sailed at sea for a whole month, and far away, the dark coastline finally appeared in their sight.

Even those Tianzhu masters on the ship couldn't help cheering and jumping up at the moment they saw the coastline after going to sea for so long. It is a blessing for anyone on board to come back alive from the sea full of uncertainty.

Zhou Weiqing also stood on the deck with Shangguan Binger's hand and looked far into the distance. At this moment, his heart was full of pride. I shouted in my heart, Xuantian mainland, we are coming.

Another half hour, the Pearl finally sailed into the port. The ship had just docked steadily, and the port was already full of lively scenes and crowds.

"It feels good to be able to come back alive." The voice of the old saying came from behind. Zhou Weiqing looked back and saw the king-level strong man slowly coming to him.

Through contact, Zhou Weiqing's impression of the ancient language is also good. This is a rigorous e-age, and his temperament is also quite gentle. The cultivation has reached the high level of the king level. Although there is no hope to hit the emperor in this life, he is also a generation of strong people in Xuantian Continent.

"Master, are you afraid of the sea even with such a strong cultivation?" Zhou Weiqing said with a smile.

The old saying laughed and said, "How can you not be afraid? To say something disrespectful, even if the contemporary palace owner of Xuantian Palace goes to the sea, he will also be cautious.

Zhou Weiqing said curiously, "Will the people of Xuantian Palace also go to sea?"

The old saying nodded and said, "Of course, the sea is an endless treasure house. I heard that many years ago, when the Xuantian Palace was just established, it had hunted a demon sea dragon that had been hit hard for some unknown reasons, and got extremely rich benefits from it. That is, it made a fortune, and the Xuantian Palace was established. After so many years of development, it is today.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Master, I'm afraid we have to say goodbye to you."

The old saying nodded and said, "Take care all the way. If the Xuantian draft is not successful, you are also welcome to my clan.

"Thank you, Master." After Zhou Weiqing saluted him again, he took Shangguan Binger off the boat.

Two disciples of the ancient language were behind him, and one of them said, "Teacher, I always feel a little strange this week. He doesn't seem to care much about anything.

The old saying smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "If you can see this, you have made great progress. Not to mention you, even I can't fully see through this young man. His origin is certainly not as simple as he said. However, for us, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

Zhou Weiqing naturally didn't know what the old saying said about him. After getting off the boat with Shangguan Binger, he finally squeezed out of the crowd.

As long as a large oceangoing ship like the Pearl can return safely, it will definitely return with a full load. Those large crowds are almost all businessmen. Try to buy some precious things from such a big ship for sale.

Squeezing out the crowd, Zhou Weiqing took Shangguan Binger directly into the port city.

It feels so good to be down-to-earth! Feeling the rich earth elements on the earth, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er have a feeling of separation.

"I really want to stay on this Xuantian continent regardless of everything. No one here knows us, and there is not so much trouble and things that must be done. Zhou Weiqing couldn't help saying.

Shangguan Binger looked at him with a faint smile, "Are you willing to give up?"


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