Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 247 Wake Up

Chapter 247 Awakening from the War (Part 2)

What is this? Isn't it that she can't use her skills?

Just when Zhou Weiqing was puzzled, the dark energy suddenly converged. When he woke up again, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help exclaiming, "transation?"

Yes, the dream wake-up is completely different from before.

On the slender body, all the clothes have disappeared, replaced by a layer of fine black scales. At a glance, these scales are somewhat similar to her legendary suit. The strangest thing is that her eyes have turned into a strange blood-red color, just like Zhou Weiqing once saw the eyes of the Dark Dragon.

Behind the dream, a pair of huge dragon wings have been opened. At this time, her whole body is full of a feeling of strength and beauty. The whole figure seems to have become much longer, with an extra mask on his face, all covered, but he can see the strange red eyes.

With an arrow, the dream woke up and did not dodge at all. With a tinkling sound, the scales on her body easily detated Zhou Weiqing's arrows.

"Bastard, I won't let you go today." Even the sound of waking up seems to be a little colder. With a flash of her body, her speed at least doubled, and she came to Zhou Weiqing almost in an instant. Because of her hands transformed into dragon claws, she went straight to Zhou Weiqing's shoulders.

Dark magic dragon transformation, this is one of the biggest secrets of waking up. Even those elders don't have the strong ability.

The dark magic dragon transformation can double her own speed and strength, and her defense can triple. It is an extremely powerful transformation ability. At this time, she can't use the condensation rubbing ability, but it does not affect her use of the power of her own blood.

Zhou Weiqing was called a speechless choking, and he only had time to blow out his fists to block the awakening claws. However, the awakening in the state of dark magic dragon transformation is obviously not what he can compete with. In the loud noise, Zhou Weiqing's body had been blown out like a cannonball.

The wings behind the dream woke up with a sudden pat, the body suddenly accelerated, and the powerful attack chased Weiqing's body last week like raindrops. He screamed a series of screams.

Fortunately, Mengwakening didn't really want to kill him, and he was still a little measured. Although Zhou Weiqing was very painful, it was not a heavy blow to him after all.

"Are you really going to kill me?" Zhou Weiqing said angrily.

"Make you shameless and obscene. I just want to kill you." The cold voice of waking up kept ringing, and the movement of her hand did not slow down at all.

"I'm fighting with you. Do you think you will transform? A cold to the extreme breath suddenly burst out of Zhou Weiqing's body at this moment, but in an instant, his palms once again blatantly met the dream-awakening dragon claws.

In the loud noise, this time, it was shaken and changed to a dream.

Meng woke up and only felt that a powerful force was driving him to fly backwards.

How could his power suddenly increase? The skill limit hasn't arrived yet!

The next moment, I woke up and saw Zhou Weiqing, who had also changed.

Zhou Weiqing's clothes were broken in the air, and his whole body rose a little. The tiger skin magic pattern, which was dazzling and full of evil, was rhythmic on his skin as if he were alive. On his forehead, a king's line exuded a strong domineering spirit, and his eyes also turned red. A pair of huge wings opened behind, emitting a thick gray airflow all over the body. His right leg was slowly raised above the back of his body, and his right foot had turned into the shape of a hook.

What is this? How could he transform? In the loom, he woke up and saw that there seemed to be a huge tiger behind Zhou Weiqing.

The devil has changed.

That's right, Zhou Weiqing used the demon change instead of the dragon and tiger change.

From the dark demon dragon change of the dream, he can see that the dark demon dragon blood must flow on the body, and his dragon bloodline must not be easily displayed, because the dragon blood he inherited is the bloodline of the dragon emperor from Huiyao. The bloodline of the dragon emperor does not belong to this continent, but in Hao. On the mainland. This was mentioned by the Dark Dragon. If he shows his dragon emperor's bloodline, isn't it equivalent to telling people that he is not from the Xuantian mainland? Therefore, he can only use the evil change.

With the strength of sacred power, it is not difficult for Zhou Weiqing to split his transformation. The increase of the demon change is mainly in the strength. The power is tripled in an instant, and the defense also increases, but it is not as big as the increase of the Dark Dragon. Of course, the cold perception he has is not what the Dark Dragon can have.

Judging from the overall growth rate, the dark demon dragon change is still slightly higher than the demon change. But even so, Zhou Weiqing's demon changed, which also surprised him. Looking at Zhou Weiqing's eyes, there were suddenly some strange things.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing brings the feeling of waking up like a huge treasure house. In him, he can always dig out many secrets. And these secrets all represent genius or strong strength.

"What kind of transformation are you?" The dream woke up and stared at Zhou Weiqing doubtfully.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that I have evil attributes? And this is the first generation of evil attributes, and naturally the evil has changed. Controllable demon change, have you ever heard of it? Do you feel that you admire me very much now?

She curled her lips when she woke up, but she had to admit that Zhou Weiqing shocked her too much.

"With your demon change, can you deal with my dark demon dragon change?"

At this moment, the two bodies trembled at the same time, almost without hesitation, and dark golden light rose in an instant. It turned out that their respective limited skill time arrived almost at the same time, and naturally they did not hesitate to release their condensing equipment.

The dark golden legendary suit, coupled with the transformation they used, at least in the eyes of waking up, this is the strongest strength that both of them can exert.

At the moment of putting on the condensed equipment, the bodies of the two people started almost at the same time. Under the surge in speed, they rushed to each other like lightning.

None of them chose to use their skills. With a series of violent collisions, no one took advantage of them.

"Zhou Weiqing, you are very strong, a little stronger than I thought." Meng woke up and stared at Zhou Weiqing with a slight gasp.

Both of them consume a lot of natural power. Although the natural power of waking up is almost endless, some strange things always emerge in Zhou Weiqing's attack. In particular, after the demon change, Zhou Weiqing's power tripled again, which was three times on the basis of the original sixty-four times. Although she can dodge as much as possible with her flexibility. But that must be a great threat to her. Therefore, in the series of hands just now, the natural power she consumed was far above Zhou Weiqing.

This power is too perverted. Now she can only use the six-bead level of cultivation, but she has to deal with a heavenly power. How to play this? Unless Zhou Weiqing's natural power is exhausted.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "You are the same! After all, you are limiting your natural power. Wake up, how about this? Let's call it a draw. Let's take it as a competition today.

When I woke up, I snorted coldly, "Daydreaming. Do you think you won?

As she spoke, her pair of dragon claws slowly lifted up, and the strong natural power fluctuation suddenly burst out of her body, still at the level of six beads, but I don't know why, this time Zhou Weiqing felt something was wrong.

Dimly, Zhou Weiqing saw that the awakening body seemed to have increased a little. To be more precise, it seemed that the legendary suit on her body was merging with her dark dragon change.

What kind of ability is this? Zhou Weiqing's eyes widened. He had never seen anyone's own ability that could be integrated with condensed equipment.

Meng woke up and looked at him coldly, "This is the second change of the dark demon dragon, the real body of the dark demon dragon. You can be proud to force me to use such a must-kill skill. I won't lose. After using the real body of the Dark Dragon, all my abilities will be doubled. In this state, even if my cultivation is only six beads, even in the face of the king-level strong, I can resist for a while. Your strength is strong. But in front of my dark dragon, it is still small. The real body of the dark magic dragon can give me the strength of the dark magic dragon in a short time. Of course, it's just a six-bead-level dark magic dragon. But it's enough to deal with you.

As she spoke, the awakening body changed rapidly, and the strong dark breath kept gushing out of her body. Her whole body is really changing like a dragon, just a reduced version of the dragon.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhou Weiqing really couldn't believe that all this was true. Although he himself has the ability to become like a dragon and a tiger in the second stage, it is just a change in the body. It can never really become a dragon like waking up from a dream.

At this moment, for Zhou Weiqing, Xuantian Palace seems to have become more mysterious again. How many magical skills are there in this powerful holy place?

I can't wait. Zhou Weiqing also doesn't want to lose. The key is that he doesn't want to be abused by the other party.

Today's dream wakes up and calls him out. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as testing his ability, but also for some other purposes. If she loses this battle, I'm afraid she will not only look down on herself, but also be able to hit herself hard.

The red light flashed in his eyes. Just before he woke up, he had completed the real change of the dark dragon, Zhou Weiqing moved. I rushed to wake up like lightning.

Meng woke up and looked at him with a trace of disdain in his eyes. He snorted and said, "It's useless. In the process of the real change of the dark demon dragon, my whole body will be in a hegemonic state. Unless your cultivation can surpass my original cultivation, at least at the level of the emperor of heaven, it is impossible to prevent me from completing my transformation. What are you doing..." RO