Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 248 Dragon Claw Hand-- Medium

Moreover, Zhou Weiqing devoured only a part of it, which did not involve the origin of the dream awakening. It only takes a few days to recover, and with the power of the origin, it can naturally return to the original peak level. If you can really devour all the heavenly emperor-level strong man, including the original heavenly power, into holy power, then Zhou Weiqing's cultivation is likely to break through to the level of the Heavenly King level in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is also an almost impossible task. Not to mention whether his body can withstand it, but the emperor-level strong man is not what he can fight against. Even so, the benefits of today's war are still quite great to him. After fully integrating the holy power that was swallowed from the awakening from the dream and transformed with his own holy power, Zhou Weiqing saved at least three months of hard labor.

In fact, if the dream wakes up at the first time to use the power of the Heavenly Emperor, Zhou Weiqing's evil spirits can only be swallowed for a moment at most. However, due to the bet between Zhou Weiqing and her, coupled with the strong deterrent power of Zhou Xiaopang, the obscene guy's dragon claw hand, the dream not only made the guy swallow a lot of time in vain, but also the teased body was almost out of control. He was supposed to take revenge on Zhou Weiqing, but who knew that he was the master of today's emperor who suffered losses in the end.

Since this day, Zhou Weiqing has never seen a dream awakening in the next month. It doesn't matter if he doesn't see it, at least he doesn't have to be beaten again. The feeling of suppressing strength and fighting with the other party, even the holy power can't be used is absolutely not good. He simply practiced with Shangguan Binger in the room. Although it is not as good as practicing with Tianer, his own holy power has formed a cycle after all. The progress is still very fast. However, after Jiuzhu, the natural power required for each promotion is extremely huge, and it takes a considerable amount of savings to rush from level 37 to level 38.

These days, Zhou Weiqing also heard some news. Since they met and discussed with the Dark Dragon, the whole Xuantian Palace has been preparing intensively these days, and all the ships that originally planned to go to sea have been suspended. The whole Xuantian Palace is also running at high speed.

"Courly worship." There was a familiar voice outside the door, but it was not a dream.

Zhou Weiqing opened the door and let Nie Han, who was also a priest, in.

Nie Han saw Zhou Weiqing's smile and said, "Zhou worship can really stand the loneliness! Since you lived in our Xuantianbao, you haven't gone out once. Usually, I seldom go out of the door. At your age, you can endure loneliness so much. No wonder you can achieve such an achievement now.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Compared with you and all the elders," I'm still far behind. What can I do if I don't practice hard? He said so, but Xinping thought to himself, what are you going out for? Do you want the people of Xuantian Palace to monitor it? Compared with the vast continent, the Xuantian continent is far behind. If it weren't for the stone of space transmission, who would like to come to this place? Besides, it is possible to face these strong men of Xuantian Palace at any time. If you don't work hard to practice, how can you avoid danger when you are in danger?

How is the preparation for " Nie Gong" to hunt the demon sea dragon? I've been looking forward to it. This has been prepared for a long time, hasn't it? Zhou Weiqing asked.

Nie Han said, "I'm here to inform you that in five days, we will set out to hunt the demon sea dragon.

The meaning of the palace owner is that it's better for you to stay at home and sit in the well.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhou Weiqing also understood that they were worried that they were not strong enough.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said, "I'm afraid there is only one such a rare opportunity in my life, and the predecessor of the Dark Dragon also promised to protect me. If I retreat, what will the senior Dark Dragon think of me? I must go." Nie Gong didn't have to persuade me. But Zhuo Jing won't go with me.

Nie Han nodded and said, "All right. I'm here to inform you about this. Now that you have decided, get ready and we will leave directly in five days. I'm going to continue to discuss countermeasures with a few elders.

After Zhou Weiqing sent Nie Han away, he closed the door. The light in his eyes flashed. After waiting for so long, he was finally coming.

Shangguan Binger came to Zhou Weiqing, held his big hand, and said, "They seem to despise you very much, and they don't call you to discuss how to deal with the demon sea dragon. Xiaopang, I always have a bad feeling. If not, don't go with them.

Zhou Weiqing hugged Shangguan Binger and kissed her on her red lips. "Silly girl, there are so many strong people. At worst, I won't do it. Can't you protect yourself with your husband's cultivation?

Shangguan Binger looked up at him seriously and said, "Xiao Pang, you should always remember that if you die, then I will never live alone."

Zhou Weiqing's heart suddenly contracted, and his hand holding Shangguan Binger suddenly tightened a little.

Five days arrived in an instant. Early in the morning of the sixth day, Nie Han personally called Weiqing last week, and everyone got up to the cliff outside Xuantianbao.

Shangguan Binger also sent it out. Most of the time, women can't stop what men have to do, although she has always been a little uncomfortable. But after all, she still didn't persuade Zhou Weiqing. She also believed that with Zhou Weiqing's cultivation, it should not be difficult to get out.

Those who also appeared on the edge of the cliff were all strong men of Xuantian Palace, the owner of Xuantian Palace in the east, four elders, and twelve elders. Zhou Weiqing's dream awakening, which had not been seen for many days, naturally appeared. But when he woke up, he didn't seem to know him at all, and he didn't even look at him. With so many people, it is not easy for Zhou Weiqing to say hello.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the owner of Xuantian Palace said in a low voice, "Send a signal."

The water elder raised his right hand, and a dark light flashed out and went straight to the abyss.

Just a moment later, with a deep dragon roar rising from below, the forces of heaven and earth in the surrounding air suddenly became crazy restless.

The elders of Xuantian Palace looked solemn one by one, and their faces were full of respect. In less than ten breaths, the huge figure of the dark demon dragon has suddenly risen to the sky. Its huge wings, like a large dark cloud, pushed the huge body to rise to the sky. After hovering in the air for a week, it slowly descended down to everyone.

Under the leadership of the owner of Xuantian Palace, everyone shouted in unison, "See Lord Magic Dragon."

"Hmm." The dark demon dragon snorted, and the first of the huge dragon's eyes turned to be Zhou Weiqing. He nodded to him, and then a low voice sounded, "Come on up."

"Yes." The owner of Xuantian Palace answered, took the lead in getting up and landed on the back of the dark demon dragon. Others dare not neglect it. Jump up one after another.

But Zhou Weiqing found that not all the elders came up. Only six of the twelve Heavenly King-level elders followed, and the remaining six still stayed in front of Xuantianbao. Obviously, he stayed to guard Xuantianbao.

Although Zhou Weiqing was surprised, he naturally would not show it. He just turned his eyes to Shangguan Binger and winned at her slightly.

According to Zhou Weiqing's original judgment, to deal with such a powerful existence as the demon sea dragon, the Xuantian Palace will definitely come out. After all, Xuantian Palace does not have any enemies in Xuantian Continent, and it does not need too many strong people to guard. In that case, once he can get the stone of space transmission, he will inform Shangguan Binger as soon as possible. If Shangguan Binger wants to leave, no one can stop her. But now it's different. There are six strong people at the level of heaven who stay behind. Even if the cultivation of the above official Binger is added to the wings of the wind god, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult. Zhou Weiqing's eyes to her were telling her to be careful.

Shangguan Bing'er nodded the beginning of the episode.

Including Zhou Weiqing, although the Xuantian Palace did not come out this time, it also came out of the absolute main force. Dongfang, the owner of Xuantian Palace, led the team, with three great masters, four elders and six ordinary elders, a total of fourteen people, cooperating with the dark dragon at the level of the gods. It can definitely be regarded as 90% of the strength of Xuantian Palace.

The dark dragon's body was huge enough. There were more than a dozen people sitting on its back, but it still did not seem to be crowded at all. Its huge wings suddenly slapped. The next moment, its huge body had already risen to the sky and flew straight to the west.

Although Zhou Weiqing has seen the dragon more than once, it is the first time to sit on the dragon's back.

There are sharp bumps on the back of the Dark Dragon. They just sit between the bulges and firmly attach their bodies to the Dark Dragon with their own cultivation, which is quite stable.

Zhou Weiqing came into contact with a god-level strong man so closely for the first time. When the dark demon dragon flew up, he was already in the dark.

After the dark dragon flew into the air, it was surrounded by large areas of dark clouds. With the powerful power of perception brought to him by the holy power, Zhou Weiqing could clearly find that these dark clouds were not summoned by the dark dragon with its own power. It is condensed by itself in the air.

Of course, it is not a dark cloud, but a dark magic cloud formed by the condensation of pure dark elements and evil energy. They are only condensed under the influence of the dark dragon's own breath. It seems that at this time, this dragon has completely become the master of heaven and earth.

As for the wind in the air, they can only support the huge body of the dark dragon, but they will not become any resistance at all, let alone a positive blow.

This is the real strength! Although there are at least six Heavenly Emperor-level strongmen on the back of the Dark Magic Dragon, including the dream awakening, Zhou Weiqing obviously felt that in front of the Heavenly Emperor-level strongmen, the Heavenly Emperor level is just like a baby who has just learned to walk. Even if these people add up, they can't be the opponents of the Dark Dragon.