Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 279 The Holy Power of the White Gold Nebula? Next

You know, even the divine realm office of the god-level strong has a certain range, but the bright starry sky in front of him does not seem to have such restrictions. How can he not be surprised?

"It's time to end it." Zhou Weiqing stepped out of the void, and the Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand waved at the same time. While the two hammers were waving, two star lights fell from the sky, just shining on the Gemini Hercules hammer. The double hammer in Zhou Weiqing's hand suddenly shone, as if two stars had A wave of terrible energy fluctuation made the black-dressed heart cold-hearted, and the black sword burst out with all its strength and turned into a black tornado to resist Zhou Weiqing's attack.

However, Zhou Weiqing, who is also the emperor level of heaven, how can Zhou Weiqing, who has the sacred power of the nebula, give him half a chance?

This time, there was no roar, only a crisp sound. A strange scene appeared. The twisted light around the body of the man in black disappeared, and the black sword in his hand was broken inch by inch, turning into countless fragments and dissipating in the air.

Zhou Weiqing's movements did not look fast... However, when he made every simple action, a starlight would fall on him in the air, causing his nebula to soar in an instant. And the nebula light on Zhou Weiqing's chest has become extremely strong, and the original red gold is even a little like the development trend of white gold.

With a muffled bang, the black sword was broken. The man in black no longer had the weapon to stop Zhou Weiqing. In desperation, he had to use all his strength to release his powerful skills and touch Zhou Weiqing.

His body flew backwards again, and this time he did not escape. While his body flew backwards, a strong breath burst out of him.

At the level of the Heavenly Emperor, it is no longer as simple as spraying blood. Zhou Weiqing's hammer directly shocked his whole body violently. There are subtle cracks in the legendary suit on his body. Of course, if it hadn't been for the obstruction of this legendary suit, only this hammer could have seriously injured him.

"Shout up." The man in black shouted sharply, and the light in his hand flashed... A beautiful little girl had already appeared in his control and was blocked by him.

Zhou Weiqing's squatting hammer suddenly stopped. Isn't it the elf princess in the hands of the man in black?

At this time, the Elf Queen had also rushed over and suddenly saw her daughter, and her face suddenly became extremely cold.

The little girl is now in a coma. She was obviously locked in storage by the man in black before. Of course, she is still alive, because the Elf Queen and Zhou Weiqing can feel the breath of life on her.

The man in black gasped loudly. He didn't understand why Zhou Weiqing suddenly became so powerful. What scares him more is that the powerful attributes he has always relied on can no longer feel the existence of any energy elements in the air.

Even in the natural realm of the Elf Queen, you can at least feel the natural attributes, but it is more difficult to mobilize. But at this moment, he can't feel the existence of any attributes, and all his attributes are suppressed. Otherwise, it would not be so passive. It can be said that he can't even exert 80% of his cultivation at his peak. And all of this is undoubtedly brought by the bright starry sky.

He can't understand what's going on at all, especially his last attacks just now used that kind of power! But the result was still the same, which made him unable to accept it at all.

Zhou Wei looked at him coldly, "What else do you have to say now? Hand over the little girl, and I can consider spareing your life.

The man in black said viciously, "Dreaming. If I hand her over, will you let me go? Don't talk nonsense, get out of my way, put away this damn thing in the air and let me go, otherwise, I will immediately tear up the little girl and let her bury her. He knew very well that under the bright starry sky released by Zhou Weiqing, he could not escape even if he wanted to. Moreover, he can also vaguely guess that while Zhou Weiqing releases this ability, his own consumption should also be huge, and it is impossible to maintain it for too long. Therefore, procrastination is the most beneficial to him, and with the elf princess in hand, he can also make Zhou Weiqing and the elf queen throw a taboo. That's why he has been calm before.

The Elf Queen clenched her fists because of anger, and her beautiful face was even more pale. Looking at her daughter falling in her right hand, the anger in her heart can be imagined, but at this time, she really did not dare to act rashly. Even if she has absolute confidence to kill the enemy in front of her, the other party is also a heavenly emperor-level strong man. It really only takes a moment to kill the elf princess.

The man in black was cunning enough that he chose to take out the elf princess before he was hit hard, so that he could escape again.

"Dearn't you heard what I said? If you don't do it, I'll tear off one of her arms first." As the man in black spoke, he pulled up the elf princess's small arm like a lotus root.

The Elf Queen almost subconsciously shouted: No.

Zhou Weiqing's pupils in his eyes suddenly contracted. Tianer already had his child, and he was about to be a father. Seeing that the other party was so despicable, the anger in his heart had risen to the peak.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Weiqing slowly put down the double hammer and said in a low voice, "I can remove the starry sky in the air, but you must leave the child, otherwise, I would rather burn all the jade than let you bastard leave."

The man in black smiled, "Kid, weren't you arrogant just now? Do you think I can't let me go if I don't let me go? Elf Queen, this is your child. Is it true that she was born from your adultery with this boy? If you want this little guy to live, you can kill the boy beside you, otherwise, hehe." As he spoke, he had straightened the little arm of the elf princess, and he could tear off the delicate little arm with just a little force.

"He's right. You are really a scum and a beast." The elf queen's mood was a little out of control, her whole body trembled, and the strong breath of life was constantly released from her.

With a flash of light, Zhou Weiqing put away the Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand, raised one hand and pressed the Elf Queen's shoulder. "Don't be impulsive. For the sake of the child, let's let him go.

As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing raised his hand and made a move towards the bright starry sky. The stars in the sky suddenly dimmed, as if they were gradually disappearing.

He was secretly happy in his heart, and he could feel the fluctuation of the elements that were originally completely shielded from the outside world began to appear. Obviously, Zhou Weiqing is collecting the ability similar to the divine realm.

The starlight in the sky was dim, and a strange scene also appeared. All the starlight seemed to have become distant. The bright light converged quickly, and the night sky, which had spread almost infinitely, gradually condensed into a small ball. The light flashed and fell from the sky and fell into Zhou Weiqing's control, just like Zhou Wei Qing caught those star lights from the sky.

In this scene, even the elf queen, who was in a very unstable mood, was in a daze.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing suddenly shouted angrily: "Aren't you going to kill her? Let's do it. I'll kill her for you." As he spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and went straight to the elf princess to pat her. A strong white-gold light came out of the palm of his hand and went straight to the elf princess.

This sudden change is too fast. When Zhou Weiqing was talking, the action had already been made, and even the elf queen around him had no time to stop him. And his words also surprised the man in black. But he obviously won't dodge at this time, otherwise Zhou Weiqing's attack is likely to fall on him.

People are selfish. At this time, the man in black will naturally choose to block himself with the elf princess. Moreover, he also has an idea in his mind. This boy dares to fight against the daughter of the elf queen. Isn't they infighting? Even if the elf princess dies, he has a chance to get out, but Unfortunately, the task can't be completed.

The light of the white-gold nebula is accurately printed on the elf princess.

"Bastard, you..." The Elf Queen was shocked, her eyes turned red, and she slapped Zhou Weiqing beside her almost without hesitation.

With a muffled sound, Zhou Weiqing's whole body flew out, in the air, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly. He also shone alternately with golden and gray light, flying thousands of meters away before barely stopping.

Why is the cultivation of the god-level strong man so strong, and the blow under the angry attack is even more powerful. Even if Zhou Weiqing has the protection of the hateful ringless suit, he also has strong defense capabilities such as undead, evil god body protection, dragon and tiger transformation. But it is not easy to be hit by the full force of the Elf Queen without any obstruction. This is the first time he has been hit hard since he became the king of heaven.

It can be clearly seen that Zhou Weiqing's whole hateful ringless suit on his right shoulder was broken, and the whole suit was also cracked.

The Elf Queen is now extremely angry. After slapped Zhou Weiqing, the next moment, her eyes changed.

Because she clearly saw that the whole body of the elf princess in the hands of the man in black turned into white gold, and the little starlight looked brilliant, like a platinum sculpture inlaid with countless starlight gems.

What's going on? Under the power of the Elf Queen's mind, the man in black on the other side also found something wrong, because he clearly felt that there was a strong force of repulsion on the Elf Princess. Moreover, all the attribute energy in his body poured out crazily and rushed straight into the elf princess's body, as if the little girl's body had turned into a bottomless hole, which was simply a terrible hot potato.