Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 286 Inducing the dragon into the scroll, the world is unparalleled

No. 1 snorted coldly... "I was also a strong man at the level of the Emperor of Heaven in those years. Unfortunately, I lost ** after the resurrection. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for you to stop us from taking action just now.

The burning sky will not let you go. You are waiting to accept the arrival of destruction.

As soon as the voice fell, two roars sounded, and No. 1 and No. 2 actually chose to self-explode at the same time. The powerful black è The flame of destruction broke out in an instant and swept towards Long Shiya.

Long Shiya relaxed his vigilance because of the shock brought to him by No. 2 and No., otherwise they would not have self-exploded successfully.

The colorful light formed a huge whirlpool around Long Shiya's body, easily blocking the black flames, while the No. 1 and No. 2 did not even leave any slag, so they completely disappeared.

Standing there for a moment, Long Shiya's face showed a thought-provoking skeleton? It still has the genus of destruction. What a fierce burning emperor! Obviously, these skeletons come from the ancestors of the blood-red prison. Not to mention how the burning sky did it, it is already natural for him to dig out the remains of his ancestors from the grave.

Long Shiya didn't stay here for too long. God knows how many people the Burning Emperor sent this time. The most important thing is to protect his precious apprentice.

Zhou Weiqing in mid-air did not seem to be affected by all this at all, and continued his condensation process without any feeling for foreign affairs.

With the green & è lines in the air, it gradually shows its magnificenceè and then, the blue yù dragon on the other side begins to shrink in volume, but from its volume, this void condensation is just the beginning.

Zhou Weiqing was suspended there, with no expression on his face. There was only concentration and persistence in his eyes, and his hands were constantly rhythmic, and gradually speeding up from the beginning. Increase the speed of condensation.

The three Shangguan sisters are all on the ground at this time. The previous destructive power has a certain impact on them, because the pure degree of the destructive energy this time is much stronger than the previous one. However, they must be shocked to condense the holy elixir. Although it is not a real holy elixir, the holy power is not weak. After a After the solution, it gradually recovered.

The time of condensation is very long for the outside world, and soon, three days have passed. In mid-air, Zhou Weiqing's eyes were still so condensed, and his figure was still so stable, just like when he first condensed.

However, discerning people can see that Zhou Weiqing's five-meter-high energy body is slightly illusory compared with the beginning, which is obviously due to the continuous consumption of his own energy. However, the volume of the dragon has also been reduced by nearly one-third.

The condensation time is so long that the strong people of Wushuangjiao dare not be careless at all. Under the mobilization of Long Shiya, he took a rest in batches. At the same time, a large number of soldiers in Tiangong City were also mobilized to block all the passes around Tiangong City, and all commercial exchanges were temporarily suspended. For the safety of Zhou Weiqing, the Tiangong Empire can definitely be said to spare no effort.

In a blink of an eye, another four days have passed. After seven days, Zhou Weiqing's condensation is still not over. When the volume of the dragon was reduced to half, Zhou Weiqing's condensation speed was significantly reduced. Although he doesn't know what to think about it, the reduction of speed means that his overall condensation time will become longer.

Zhou Weiqing's energy figure has obviously become a little illusory, and he can even faintly see the ontology in this illusion.

However, the only thing that has not changed is Zhou Weiqing's eyes, which are so focused from beginning to end.

The most shocking thing is the scroll formed by the void. After these seven days, we can probably see its shape.

The light of greenè seems to outline a large net in the air, on which there are many strange lines, and each line is so complex and gorgeous.

If it is a general condensation scroll, you can see what the condensation is from the pattern on the condensation scroll, but Zhou Weiqing can't see it at all. Those patterns look very regular, but they can't tell what kind of condensation equipment it is. It can't really be an Internet cafe.

The only one who really knows the secret is Duantian because this scroll is simply designed by him. Even Zhou Weiqing, who is making the scroll, doesn't know what kind of condensation change that the hateful ringless suit will be brought to him after this scroll is completed.

Duantian has been watching below and is unwilling to let go of any details. Even if Long Shiya came to persuade him to rest in person, he was rejected by him without hesitation. In other words, his eyes never left Zhou Weiqing and did not pay attention to Long Fatty at all.

Long Shiya is also helpless. He can only use his own natural power to carefully help break the sky to adjust his body. Fortunately, Zhou Weiqing had done a very good job of Duantian's physical transformation before. Although it consumed him a lot this time, the impact on the body was far less than before. At least it won't be life-threatening.

"Old break, how long will it take for Weiqing to be completed?" Long Shiya couldn't help asking.

Duan Tian looked at the air, shook his head gently and said, "I don't know. The more you go to the back of this design, the more difficult it is to complete. Because it involves the echo of the previous one, the speed of Weiqing will be reduced. But you don't have to worry. If Weiqing can't hold on, then no priest in the world can stick to the production of this scroll. I have absolute confidence in him. Under the Star God Realm, miracles will be born.

It's another seven days.

Seven days and seven days. When the time was extended to the twenty-first day, Zhou Weiqing's confidants were already a little restful. Even the Liujue Emperor Long Shiya is the same.

In mid-air, the blue yù dragon has already lost the dragon shape, but only the last little green light left, and Zhou Weiqing's appearance is an important reason why they can't calm down. The original energy body has disappeared, and even the Star God Realm in the air has become extremely dim. The starlight can no longer be seen clearly. Looking at that, it is clear that it may collapse at any time. In this case, who can say how long Zhou Weiqing can last?

Zhou Weiqing showed his body, and his eyes were still shining, but his face was pale, and when his hands were rhythmic... his body would shake slightly from time to time, so it was clear that he could not be supported. At the current speed, it will take him at least a few days to complete the whole condensation! Therefore, no one can calm down. However, at this time, Zhou Weiqing has paid so much. Who dares to be the first to persuade him to stop?

Day after day, another three days have passed between the curtains. Zhou Weiqing's body in the air has begun to tremble, constantly trembling, and only his hands and eyes are still stable.

Over the Tiangong City, Zhou Weiqing's figure is already very small, only the huge green light

The Star Art Realm has completely disappeared yesterday, and the turquoise void condensation scroll is like a new starry sky, reflecting the top of Tiangong City into a dazzling green e.

The condensation has reached the last moment, but Zhou Weiqing's condensation speed has been reduced to the point of crawling like a slap.

Tian'er, Shangguan Xue'er, Fei'er, Bing'er, Xiaowu nv. At this time, they did not guard Zhou Weiqing in the air, and there was Long Shiya there. All five nv knelt down in front of the sky. Although they didn't say anything, everyone knew what they were begging. Even if the sky is broken, it can't be moved.

Broken teeth clenched, and he didn't say anything. For him, this scroll is too important. In particular, the condensation has reached the last moment. Although Zhou Weiqing's movement is extremely slow, he is still moving forward after all. Behind Zhou Weiqing, his wings have been unfolded, but he consumes not only the holy power, because his holy power has been completely exhausted. Now what he consumes is his own vitality, which is completely supported by a breath in his chest.

At this time, Duantian is not only for himself, but also for Zhou Weiqing. If Zhou Weiqing can't succeed, then the blow to him can be imagined. It is likely that he will never break through to the god level, and once Zhou Weiqing succeeds, then the general leading to the god level is completely open for him, even if he It's only a matter of time to break through immediately. And this time will never be long.

It was because he felt the passage of Zhou Weiqing's life that he knelt down in front of the broken sky. They are all very clear that if someone in Tiangong City can stop Zhou Weiqing from continuing, then this person is not Zhou Weiqing's father, Marshal Zhou, or Zhou Weiqing's teacher Liu Jue Shenjun Long Shiya, but the uncle in front of them.

The kneeling of five nv is a day and a night. However, Zhou Weiqing in the air shook more and fell. It's too difficult for him to complete this scroll alone. Yes, Zhou Weiqing's cultivation is enough, even more than that, but don't forget that in a sense, he is not a real divine master! The reason why he can complete the production that the priest can do depends on the countercurrent of time. And when he began to make this condensed scroll, the consumption of holy power was far beyond the supplement of the outside world. The dragon is much more difficult than he thought. Therefore, even Duantian didn't expect that it would be so difficult to make this scroll. RA