Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 296 Zhou Weiqing's Another Bottom Card

The huge wings unfolded behind Zhou Weiqing, and the dragon and tiger evil god were completely released. The left hammer pointed to the air, and the wings behind him suddenly slapped, and Zhou Weiqing also rose to the sky.

The sky is the real battlefield of the god-level strongmen. Otherwise, on the top of the snow god mountain, the god-level strong people like them keep colliding, I'm afraid that those heavenly kings and heavenly emperor-level strongmen will all be destroyed in the aftermath of their collision in a short time.

As early as Zhou Weiqing was still the middle-level cultivation of the Heavenly Emperor, he once shook the Elf Queen. At this time, he was already the peak of the Heavenly Emperor, so how could he be afraid of burning the sky? The power of creation and the power of destruction restrain each other, and Zhou Weiqing's pure holy power is completely cultivated by himself, but the power of destruction of burning the sky comes from external forces. In any case, it is impossible to compete with Zhou Weiqing's holy power to a pure degree.

With the take-up of the two people, the whole battlefield was divided into five places. The air battle is the battle between the elves against the two giant dragons, the god-level collision between Long Shiya and Shen Mo, and the battle between Zhou Weiqing and the head of Burning Heaven.

On the ground, it is Huang Xingyun and his wife, a god-level high-level strong man, against the vast palace, the vast earth, the vast array, and hundreds of love valley, blood red prison strongmen besieging Xueshen Mountain led by Xue Aotian and the unparalleled teaching strongmen.

From the comparison of strength, the battle elf clan in the air has a slight upper hand, but the combat ability of the dragon clan is stronger than that of the elf clan at the same level, and the elf queen has also been instructed by Zhou Weiqing not to hurt them. Under the stalemate, there is no winner for a while.

The pair of Long Shiya and Shen Mo is also an opponent, and they can't decide the winner for a while. As for the battle between Zhou Weiqing and Fentian, it is the key, but it is not possible to decide whether to win or lose in a while.

It can be said that the three battles in the air take continuous time to decide.

On the ground, although the vastness of the vast palace is strong, Huang Xingyun and his wife have cooperated for a lifetime. At this time, they are all high-level strong people. The husband and wife work together, even if they can't break the vast array, they can completely contain these powerful people in the vast palace.

In this way, these four aspects of the battle can be said to be in a stalemate. The only obvious advantage is the battle with the largest number of people.

Although there is Xue Aotian on the side of Xueshen Mountain, the number of enemies is almost four times that of them, and all of them have destructive attributes. Almost as soon as they came up, they were completely suppressed. The crazy attack on the enemies of Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love can only be defensive.

You know, in the Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love, there are more than 70 strong people above the Heavenly Emperor level alone, and there are more than 300 Heavenly King-level strong people left. With the attribute of destruction, they can even work together to make an extremely powerful destruction of the divine realm. Just one impact caused the loss of six or seven guardian beasts on the side of Xueshen Mountain.

On the side of Xueshen Mountain, including the guardian beasts, it has only a hundred combat effectiveness, and the Wushuang Sect is even more pitiful. There are only a dozen people in total.

The situation on the battlefield is already obvious. As long as Xueshenshan and Wushuang teach these people first, the strong people in the Valley of Love and the Blood Red Prison can help Huang Xingyun and his wife. At that time, it will never be able to resist the vast array. The ground is solved, is it still a problem in the air? The only trouble may be the elves. But as long as the siege is finally formed, can the elves resist it?

Even if Zhou Weiqing invited so many strong people from the elves, in terms of the overall situation, the Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love have the upper hand.

In this case, Zhou Weiqing did not expect that the key problem was actually coming out of the elves. The kindness and resistance to killing of the elves make it impossible for them to exert all their strength.

And the appearance of the dragon Huiyao and his wife also went beyond Zhou Weiqing's expectations. The situation on the battlefield has also become complicated.

Xue Aotian kept waving the divine scepter in his hand, and with the help of the Heavenly Divine Realm, he barely resisted the other party's destruction of the divine realm. Although he is a god-level strong man, all he can do now is to resist the divine realm laid by the other party. Otherwise, once the destructive energy is overshadowed. I'm afraid that in a moment or three, our side will completely overthrow the army.

As the strongest man in the world, Xue Aotian has never been as aggrieved as in front of him, but he has no choice. This can only be resisted with the help of Tian'er, who also applies the divine scepter to release the holy power. Otherwise, the destruction energy released by the enemy's top 400 people is not something that Xue Aotian can carry alone.

Although the tiger king Xue Aoying and the lion king Gust ride their guardian beasts, those blood red prison strong men have obviously cooperated for a long time and will never give them a one-on-one opportunity. In joint attacks, they can always be forced to retreat.

The real lethality of Xueshenshan and Wushuang Sect are more than a dozen people of Wushuang Sect, the most obvious of which is Shangguan Xueer.

Shangguan Xue'er, who wears a full set of vast and infinite suits, is like a sheathed sword.

The crystal armor pierced through her body, like a layer of glue, in which the smoke and clouds flowed, and there was no completely fixed form. The only thing that remains unchanged is the vast infinite sword in Shangguan Xueer's hand.

The vast infinite suit of the eleven-piece set is so powerful that it shows a lot of money on the battlefield.

One person, one sword, Shangguan Xueer rushed into the enemy's battle.

The snow-white sword light chose the most direct front thorn like a dragon going to sea. At the same time, at least a dozen strong people from the Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love launched an attack on the rushing Shangguan Xueer. However, when their attack fell on Shangguan Xueer, what they could feel was a vast wave of smoke, as if all their attacks had fallen into the water and disappeared. However, the horrible sword meaning burst out from Shangguan Xue'er took away the lives of two heavenly king-level strongmen in an instant.

The Tiandan condensed by Shangguan Xueer is the same as her two sisters, both of which are semi-saint elixirs. Therefore, the destruction attribute has little impact on her. From childhood to her age, she has been practicing swordsmanship hard, and the sharp spirit of the strong sword is invincible. Even Shangguan Xueer, who is facing the emperor-level strong man and wearing a full set of vast and infinite suits at this time, should avoid it for the time being. I dare not touch it.

Therefore, Shangguan Xueer was like an alternative in the enemy's battle array. The emperor-level strongman could barely cope with or dodge her attack, but in just a moment, seven heavenly king-level strongmen died under her sword. Four of them turned into skeletons immediately after death.

How can Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love cultivate so many heavenly kings and emperors in such a few years? Just like those who attacked Zhou Weiqing at the beginning, more than half of these strong people were those who excavated their ancestral graves and resurrected the bones of their ancestors to help them fight. And among these bones, few can recover memories, and more are just killing machines.

Xue Aotian had heard Tianer say about this situation before, but after seeing it, the impact on him was even greater. At least it is the same holy place, but now the Blood Red Prison and the Valley of Love don't even want their ancestors. It is even more disgusting to the owner of the Snow God Mountain.

It was also good to have Shangguan Xue'er's rush to make Xueshenshan and the unparalleled strong men to stabilize their pace and gather together to form a dense formation to barely resist the attack of the time. The number of casualties on both sides is rising, and the most damaged are the guardian beasts of Xueshen Mountain.

What should I do? At this time, Xue Aotian's hatred was so strong that he couldn't wait to rush into the enemy's array to detonate his Tiandan and die with the other party. This is his Snow Mountain! But in such a short battle, the top of the Snow God Mountain is already in a mess, and the Snow God Castle has already been destroyed. How can we not let this owner of the Snow God Mountain be angry?

However, he is also very clear that even if he wants to self-detonation, it is not so easy. At that time, the other party may not die clean, but I'm afraid that no one on his side will stay. It will even affect the Haomiao Palace not far away. Of course, self-explosion is impossible, but if it continues to consume like this, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable.

The gap between the enemy and us is really too big. Even if the other party does not have a god-level strong man, it can be abruptly suppressed by Xueshenshan and Wushuangjiao, which needs Xue Aotian, a god-level god-level, to resist, and can't even participate in the war. It can be said that at this time, it has reached the juncture of life and death.

It seems that the other battlefields are temporarily in a balanced state, and the elves still obviously have an advantage, but in fact, as long as the results appear in the battlefield here, there will be a chain reaction immediately! At this critical moment, suddenly, a low but majestic dragon roar sounded, and a huge body rushed straight up from the cliff next to the God Mountain.

The wind blew, and the fierce pressure rushed straight to the center of the battle between the two sides, forcing the strong people who were in the front of the bloody prison and the Valley of love to stagnate, and the momentum also stopped for a moment.

It was a huge black dragon, and the strong dark smell kept bursting out of its huge body. When Xue Aotian felt the dark attributes that burst out of it, his heart was already cold.

It's over, the enemy actually has a black dragon, a god-level black dragon. With the participation of this black dragon, how can this battle continue? There is no doubt that it will be defeated.