Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 302 Under the Resentment Space

Chapter 302 Resentment Space (Part 2)

"At the beginning, we still had the ability to destroy it together, but the lord of the underworld was so cunning that he actually drilled his space into the ground, so that our ancestors did not find him for a long time. By the time he found him again, he had become stronger, as powerful as the burning sky you faced before. At that time, we did not have holy attributes. The elf queen of that generation completely burned herself to beat it to a weak state, but could not kill it. The Dragon Emperor sealed it with a group of strong dragons, which barely sealed it, so that it could no longer absorb the resentment of the outside world.

Hearing this, Zhou Weiqing felt relieved. But the Elf Queen's face showed sadness, "It is also because of that war that our elves and dragons are very weak, and the most powerful people fell into that battle. This has accelerated the process of unifying the world.

Zhou Weiqing said, "In that case, the sealed Lord of the Underworld should be very weak! In the case of not being able to receive the grievances from the outside world, he should not be able to become stronger again. What's going on now?"

The Elf Queen smiled bitterly and said, "It was true at the beginning. He couldn't strengthen his strength, and we thought we could seal him all the time. However, with the passage of time, things have changed. I don't know how the Lord of the Underworld did it. He drilled a small hole in the seal and carefully absorbed the resentment from the outside. By the time the Dragon Emperor found it, it had become more powerful. In desperation, the Dragon Emperor could only constantly strengthen the seal. But since the Lord of the Underworld can break the seal once, there will naturally be a second time. If I guess correctly, when it breaks a little seal for the second time, it is more careful than the first time, and even contacts the Blood Red Prison, which enhances resentment from the outside world, and is imported from the Blood Red Prison into the Nether Space to make itself strong enough. And at this time, it's a little late for us to find out again.

"The destructive power formed by negative emotions has been continuously purified by the Lord of the Netherworld and has become so powerful to the level of natural change. And your holy power can't break through to that level. Now I just hope that I can completely seal the underworld space with the help of your holy power. In this way, you only need to strengthen some holy power to inject it every time, so that it will not continue to be powerful. Although this is only a way to treat the symptoms but not the root causes, it is the only way to cure the root causes.

Zhou Weiqing nodded silently. The Lord of the Underworld made such a powerful existence of the dragon clan and the elves clan so helpless. It can be seen at what level it is powerful, but there is no other way to deal with it. Treating the symptoms but not the root causes can at least make the world exist.

Huiyao and Duosi kept flying to the depths of the abys, and Huiyao spit out a fire from time to time to illuminate the road ahead. The abyss seems to have no end. At the speed of their flight, they have flown for a quarter of an hour, at least more than a hundred miles deep, but there is still no sign of reaching the destination.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a soft sound, and a strong force of destruction gushed out of the cave below.

Zhou Weiqing's perception was the most powerful. He reacted at the first time. His body did not move. From the position of the chest armor of his hateful ringless suit, a white-gold nebula holy force ejaculated from a light star imprinted on the armor. Although the power of destruction is not weak, it is not pure. With a flash of white and gold light, all the power of destruction has been consumed by the holy power.

"We need to speed up a little bit." The Elf Queen said anxiously.

Zhou Weiqing nodded, and dozens of nebula holy forces shot out of his hateful ringless armor, supporting a huge white-gold mask and covering both dragons.

Without Zhou Weiqing's command, Huiyao and Duo Si both accelerated with all their strength and went straight to the depths of the abys.

Both dragons are god-level cultivation, which accelerates with all its strength, is fast, and the wind is fast. The breath of destruction in the air has obviously become stronger with their depth. Everyone's face was very serious, and they were praying that the seal could hold on, at least until they arrived.


A force of destruction, which is several times stronger than before, hit the holy power mask held up by Zhou Weiqing, which suddenly reduced the flight speed of the two giant dragons, but fortunately, there was a holy power. After the peak of the god level, Zhou Weiqing's holy power was purified again, and the powerful holy power abruptly suppressed The destructive energy in the gas, so the two dragons just paused slightly and then accelerated again, towards the depths of the abyss.

Just then, there was a burst of shouting, "Who is it?" Then, a strong wave of energy came out of the abyss below. A huge figure blocked the way of Zhou Weiqing and his party.

Zhou Weiqing was also well-informed, but he was also shocked when he saw this huge figure.

Although the abyss has been downward, the overall diameter has been reduced, but it is also about 500 meters. But the huge thing that suddenly appeared below abruptly blocked the cave with a diameter of 500 meters, which showed how huge its body was. In front of it, Huiyao and his wife can only be described as a little witch. A stream of destruction kept coming out from around its body. What hit Zhou Weiqing and others before was just a aftershock.

The huge thing is a turtle-shaped beast, but it has a completely different place from the turtle, that is, its head. Its head is almost exactly the same as Huiyao's, even a little bigger than Huiyao, the dragon's head turtle body. At this time, the pattern on its back was shining like a flower, and a pair of dragon eyes stared at Zhou Weiqing and his party who stopped.

"It's a dragon turtle." The Elf Queen said with some surprise. With a flash of her body, she flew out of Dosi. The soft green light waded down, and the green light full of the holy power of life gently fell on the dragon turtle.

The dragon turtle was stunned for a moment, "Elf clan? Holy Power of Life, are you the Queen of Elves? Looking at the six wings behind the Elf Queen, the hostility in her eyes quickly faded away.

The elf queen hurriedly said, "I am the elf queen of this generation, the respected dragon turtle senior, how is the sealing situation now? We have just killed the spokesperson of the Lord of the Underworld in the human world, and found that the seal here is unstable, so we are here to help. This is Zhou Weiqing, a strong human, and his wife Tian'er. They have cultivated holy power with four sacred attributes, and I believe it will be helpful to the seal. These two dragons are descendants of the Dragon Emperor.

At this time, the dragon turtle has clearly seen Zhou Weiqing's party, and Zhou Weiqing also removed his holy power.

There is no doubt that the holy power of life of the Elf Queen is trusted by the Dragon Turtle, which is an ancient race. It has confirmed the goodwill of the comer when it sees the six wings behind the Elf Queen and feels the holy power of life that makes her extremely comfortable.

Huiyao's voice sounded in Zhou Weiqing's ears, "The dragon turtle is actually a member of our dragon clan. It is a mutant dragon clan, which is very powerful. The cultivation of this dragon turtle senior should also have a high-level realm of god-level. Moreover, the dragon turtle is known as the most powerful heavenly beast. But even in ancient times, the number was extremely rare. I didn't expect that the ancestors had a dragon turtle senior to serve.

As he spoke, Huiyao also took Duosi forward to salute the dragon turtle who didn't know how many years he had lived.

The dragon turtle's big head came to Huiyao, and a thick red light spewed out of his eyes and fell on Huiyao. Huiyao did not dodge and let the red light shine.

After a while, the dragon turtle and Huiyao's eyes showed a little golden light at the same time.

The dragon turtle nodded to Huiyao and said, "You should be the descendant of your majesty in the light and shadow space. In that case, come with me quickly. I'm afraid the seal can't be kept, we said as we walked. You all come up."

Huiyao and Duo Si fell quietly, and their huge bodies fell on the dragon turtle, and they didn't feel crowded at all.

With a loud noise, Zhou Weiqing noticed that the limbs of the dragon turtle were inserted in the surrounding hole wall before, and its limbs were also in the shape of dragon claws, which was extremely huge. At this time, his limbs were withdrawn, and he immediately fell down in a straight line with everyone.

"You came in time. There have been several battles on the sealing side, and your majesty is seriously injured. I can't stand it anymore."

"What? The ancestors were seriously injured? Huiyao was shocked.

The dragon turtle said in a low voice, "I don't know why the Lord of the Underworld's strength has continued to increase greatly in the past decade, and we can't even find where he got the power from. Just recently, it has attacked the seal several times. There have been many cracks in the seal, and not long ago, it forcibly broke through the seal. It was His Majesty who re-stabilized the seal at the cost of serious injury. But all the cracks are getting bigger and bigger. There is a possibility of being broken at any time. You should also feel the impact of the destructive energy, that is, the Lord of the Nether is doing the monster. Moreover, judging from the increasing energy of destruction, I'm afraid that the seal may be broken at any time. If I hadn't found you coming out, I would have rushed back immediately to help everyone strengthen the seal.

After listening to the dragon turtle's words, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath. The situation was worse than they thought. They could accept the crack in the seal, but the Dragon Emperor, as the leader of the seal, was injured. What does this mean?


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