tian zong dao yan

Chapter 52 The Real Treasure

It can make a martial saint so secret that it will never be worse than the previous three treasures. Thinking of this, Qin Bing quickly continued to look at it.

"If you want to open the universe bag, you must have a law to lead. This universe bag has been lifted to recognize the Lord, and you only need to recognize the Lord with blood again, and you can use it after learning the method..."

How dare you recognize the Lord with blood? Qin Bing frowned and couldn't help recalling the mysterious black tower that had been hiding in his Dantian. It seemed that the black tower was also his body through blood dripping.

"Is that the black tower and this universe bag the same treasure?" Qin Bing looked at the bag in her hand, smiled slightly, and bit her middle finger. A drop of red blood dripped on the earthy yellow bag and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And at the moment when the blood disappeared, Qin Bing seemed to feel that he had an inexplicable practice with the universe bag, which was like his hand. Although I have this feeling, I can't move the bag, as if there were no nerves.

"Decisive!" Qin Bing hurriedly looked down and saw that the last two rows of small words on the satin were the decision to collect and put the universe bag.

The method is not difficult. Qin Bing can easily use it if he only practices a little twice.

"Open!" To the universe bag, Qin Bing shouted in a low voice, and saw that the universe bag, which was torn by him with all his strength without any damage, suddenly opened. At this moment, the scene in the universe bag also appeared in his mind.

"The universe bag has the universe in it, and there is such a treasure!" Looking at the scene in the universe bag, Qin Bing took a deep breath and surprised him more than his previous life.

There are about four or five cubic meters of space in the Qiankun bag, and there are many jade boxes densely. Qin Bing doesn't know what is in these jade boxes, but this Qiankun bag shocked him. Can the contents be ordinary?

With a pinch, Qin Bing quickly took out a jade box from the universe bag and opened it.

"Red ginseng, 500 years of red ginseng!" When the jade box was opened, a familiar elixir appeared in his eyes. It was the red ginseng he had taken, but I don't know how much better this red ginseng was than what he took at the beginning. At the beginning, he took red ginseng for less than 200 years, but the red ginseng in front of him was 500 years.

It should be noted that the longer the year of the elixir, the better its efficacy. Five hundred years of red ginseng is absolutely priceless. Although it is not comparable to the foundation elixir, it is definitely a boutique among red ginseng.

"Let's see what else!" Looking at the secret jade box, Qin Bing was instantly excited. He quickly took out several jade boxes and opened them one after another.

Most of the jade boxes are elixirs. Although there are not many extremely precious ones, none of them are considered high-quality products, and there are rare ores in the few jade boxes that warriors dream of. Any of these ores is enough to make countless warriors grab their heads.

"I thought I was rich, but now I find that I am just a better beggar in the eyes of these powerful warriors." Looking at the hundreds of jade boxes on the stone table, Qin Bing couldn't help smiling bitterly.

In the past two years, Qin Bing has also searched a lot in the wilderness. With Xiaobai's unique sense of smell and the strong strength of the two, it is almost unfavorable, and he has obtained countless elixirs. But the combined value of the elixir Qin Bing harvested is not even as good as two or three jade boxes, and it is the worst of all jade boxes. This made him feel frustrated, and he was really popular.

Of the more than 100 jade boxes, the elixirs account for nearly 100, and many of the remaining dozens are ores. Of course, there are no more strange materials such as gold flame iron, but there are several kinds of highly ranked ores. There are also some things in the jade boxes that even Qin Bing can't name, and these things are also not recorded in the spiritual treasure.

"It's worthy of Wu Sheng. With so many treasures, the combined value of the three treasures on the stone table is probably not as good as one-tenth of these total value!" With emotion, Qin Bing pinched the magic in his hand, and hundreds of jade boxes on the stone table disappeared in an instant.

"With this universe bag, it will be convenient if there are any treasures in the future." Looking at the jade box that had arrived in the universe bag, Qin Bing couldn't help smiling.

Seeing that there is still a lot of space in the universe bag, Qin Bing also put Jinyan iron and Zhujidan into it. After all, it is really inconvenient to put 3,000 catties of things on his body. But when put into the universe bag, it seems to have no weight.

After everything was sorted out, Qin Bing looked at the empty cave again and knew that all the treasures in the cave had been taken away by him.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Qin Bing walked to the mouth of the cave and thanked him respectfully in the belly of the mountain before leaving.


In the belly of the mountain, the three forces have withdrawn from the leftmost cave and once again gathered in the three forked caves.

Whether it is the Liu family or the Wang family, or the Jianzong, everyone carries a lot of jade boxes. Obviously, their harvest in the cave is not small. Among them, the most harvest is naturally the Liu family. The strongest ones occupy 45 of the treasures. Although the Wang family and Jianzong only occupy 50% in total, they are also full of manpower.

"Hasn't anyone come out of the other two caves?" Looking at the empty mountain belly, Liu Xie's face changed slightly and his eyebrows frowned.

Wang Wei and Wang Tong, who followed them, looked at the empty mountain belly. Their original excitement calmed down in an instant, and their faces suddenly became solemn.

"Xu Lang, look at the other two caves!" Liu Xie had a bad feeling in his heart and quickly said to Xu Lang around him.

"Blood Kill, you go too!" Wang Wei said in a low voice.

"Young master, come and have a look!" A moment later, two slightly frightened voices came from the far right.

Sure enough, something happened! Liu Xie, Wang Wei and others suddenly changed their faces and hurried to the rightmost cave.

"Hss! This..." Looking at the cave on the far right, everyone took a deep breath. There are still caves here and there. The whole cave has already been filled with countless stones, and the cave has been sealed.

"Who the hell did it!" Wang Wei looked at Liu Xie and Wang Tong angrily.

"Wang Wei, you'd better see it clearly. Don't wrong people!" Wang Tong frowned and said in a low voice.

"What else is good? There are only our three forces here. Now that something has happened, isn't there anyone else?" Wang Wei shouted fiercely and looked at Wang Tong and Liu Xie coldly.

The Wang family came this time with one more person than Jianzong. In order to be fully sure of getting the treasure of Wusheng, Wang Wei had arrangements long before entering the cave. There were Wang family people in all three caves.

Chen Hui's group, the other two parents, now a cave has been destroyed, that is to say, one side is finished. Whether it is the two elders or Chen Hui, Wang Wei can't afford to lose. This is not an ordinary warrior, but the peak warrior. Even if Jianzong doubts that it is Shu Wangzong, there are very few such masters. As for Chen Hui, it is more related to the layout of Tongzhou, which is even more unbearable.

"Wang Wei, take a closer look. If our two families have the ability to destroy this cave, it should not be difficult to kill other forces and swallow this Wusheng treasure alone. If we want to do all this, we can't do it without innate cultivation." Liu Xie pondered for a moment and said.

"Innate warrior?" This time, Wang Wei not only looked at Liu Xie with a bad face, but also Wang Tong looked up and down at Liu Xie.

As we all know, there is only one innate martial artist on the surface of the whole Shu country, that is, the king of Shu. If there is an innate warrior, then the only possibility is the king of Shu!

"Have you forgotten that this innate strong man can't enter the Wusheng Cave at all!" Seeing the unkind faces of Wang Wei and Wang Tong, Liu Xie said with a wry smile.

If the king of Shu can really come here, the king of Shu can monopolize the treasure of martial arts, so why do so many things? Thinking of this, Wang Wei and Wang Tong's faces couldn't help softening.

"Since the innate warriors can't enter, how can there be innate warriors here?" Wang Wei was puzzled.

"Maybe it's not an outsider, but an innate existence in this cave!" Liu Xie said lightly.

"How can it be that the life expectancy of innate warriors is only 200 years. This Wusheng Cave has existed for at least 400 to 500 years. It is impossible for innate warriors to live so long!" As soon as Liu Xie said this, Wang Wei sneered and disagreed.

"Prince Wang, this is not impossible. The young patriarch said that he was a congenital existence, not an innate martial artist. These are two different concepts." Wang Tong seemed to think of something, took a deep look at Liu Xie and said in a low voice.

"The congenital existence is not a congenital warrior, and what will it be? You won't tell me it's innate..." Wang Wei seemed to want to say something, but his voice stopped abruptly, because he suddenly thought of a possibility. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and four words slowly spit out from his mouth, "Innate beast!"

Liu Xie and Wang Tong nodded.

The life expectancy of the innate martial arts is only 200 years, and this martial arts cave is clearly more than 200 years, and it is also congenital. The life expectancy is even five or six hundred years. The existence of the god of martial arts is not within their consideration at all. The only possibility is that the innate barbarian beast can even live for thousands of years. In this way, it is also possible to explain that there are innate strong men in the Wusheng Cave.

"Look at the mark above the cave, which should be left by it!" Liu Xie looked at the blocked cave and whispered.

Hearing this, Wang Wei and others immediately looked over the cave and saw a huge claw mark on the mountain wall, which was clearly not owned by human beings, which immediately confirmed Liu Xie's conjecture.

"Why did this beast destroy this cave? Is there any treasure in it?" Now we know that the innate barbarians destroyed this cave, Wang Wei also has no temper, and the strength of the innate barbarians is absolutely beyond their ability to cope with. Wang Wei exclaimed when his mind turned around.

"I want to die, no one stops you!" To Wang Wei's surprise, his words were not only opposed by Liu Xie, but also Wang Tong beside him with a sneer.

"Don't you want treasure?" Wang Wei looked at several people puzzledly.

"Idiot, haven't you noticed that there is nothing missing in this Wusheng Cave?" Liu Xie snorted coldly and said faintly.

I Jianzong actually chose such a family cooperation. Maybe we should reconsider! Looking at Wang Wei with a puzzled face, Wang Tong said coldly, "Master of the cave!"