tian zong dao yan

Chapter 25 The Last Madness

In Yizhou City, the warriors of the four gates continue to gather in the direction of the Wang family. Although the Wang family's retreat was timely, some casualties were inevitable on the way to retreat.

Among the four teams, Dongmen Wangjun and others retreated at the latest. When Qin Bing and his party arrived, the other three parties had already arrived. It has been less than half an hour since the siege, but the casualties of all parties are not small. Hundreds of people have been lost in the alliance of the Liu family, which shows the strength of the Wang family.

"Xiaobing, are you hurt?" Because Qin Bing and Liu Xie have a good relationship, Liu Xuan also changed his name to Qin Bing Xiaobing to shorten the distance between the two sides.

"It's just a little skin injury, it doesn't matter." Qin Bing smiled and waved her arm.

"Is it Wang Jun?" Liu Xuan frowned and still knew something about Qin Bing's strength. He knew that Qin Bing's strength was at least in the early stage. Even in the middle period, he could fight. It was reasonable that he should not be defeated by Wang Jun.

"No." Qin Bing quickly shook his head and said solemnly, "It's a mysterious middle-aged man in black robe, with the lowest strength and the late congenital period!"

"Black-robed man, congenital late?" Liu Xuan frowned and his face darkened, but his mind was quickly searching for the information of the Wang family.

He knows the strength of the Wang family very well. In the whole family, there are only two innate warriors, Wang Qi and Wang Jun, who has just broken through the innate. There are no other innate martial arts at all, let alone in the late innate period.

"It should be the person of the Seven Killing Gate. It seems that the Seven Killing Gate is very concerned about the royal family's seizure of the throne!" Just thinking for a moment, Liu Xuan had the answer in his heart, and his face became extremely ugly. Anyone who knew that his throne would not look good if he was spied on by others, and it was a sect that was far stronger than the king of Shu.

"So three innate late warriors came after seven kills!" An old voice next to Liu Xuan suddenly sounded. Hearing this sound, everyone looked at Liu Xuan.

I don't know when there was an old man with a blue shirt and silver hair beside Liu Xuan. With the help of the fire, I could faintly see that the old man and Liu Xuan were somewhat similar.

"Three innate strong men?" Qin Bing's face suddenly changed when she heard the words. Seven Killsmen dispatched three congenital warriors, two of the Wang family. In this way, there are as many as five innate martial artists in the Wang family! This number is more than that of the alliance.

"There is also a congenital martial artist beside Wang Qi, and he is the innate limit. Even if I am against him, he dare not say that he will win!" The old man in blue shirt said with a solemn face.

"For good, Wang Qi was injured and his combat effectiveness is not as good as before. It's not that we don't have a chance!" Liu Xuan smiled and said that Wang Qi was injured, which was his situation. He deliberately lured Wang Qi to attack him. After that, he was working with the old man in blue shirt to hurt Wang Qi. It was so fast that the seven-killing strongmen who came with Wang Qi were not found and suffered a great loss.

"Wang Jun was also injured by me. It is impossible to use force in a short time!" Qin Bing also smiled and said that Wang Qi's injury was good news for everyone.

"In this way, the Wang family has no advantage anymore!" Liu Xuan couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although Shu Wangzong is not as strong as the Wang family now, only Qin Bing was slightly injured, but the Wang family has lost its combat effectiveness and greatly reduced its strength. After calculation, it was Shu Wangzong who had the advantage.

"Guys, the destruction of the Wang family is at this moment, and everyone will follow me into the Wang family!" Liu Xuan shouted loudly to the rest of the warriors.

"Kill!" The warrior who had already killed red eyes suddenly roared.

Immediately, the group rushed to the Wang family.

"Xiaobai, let's go too!" Qin Bing touched Xiaobai beside him and smiled.

"Roar!" Xiaobai suddenly roared excitedly. In the previous battle, Qin Bing asked Xiaobai to follow Du Tianhao and others. With Xiaobai's speed and strength, he did not suffer any damage in the battle, but the white fur was stained with a lot of enemy blood. With Xiaobai's low roar, his petite body also has a strong murderous atmosphere.

After a while, everyone crossed the street and came to the gate of the royal palace. At this moment, there are still several bodies lying in front of the royal palace, which were left by the warriors who had no time to withdraw into the royal family, but the gate of the royal palace not far away was closed.

"What about the suzerain now?" Looking at the closed gate of the royal palace, Luo Wanping looked at Liu Xuan.

It is convenient for the people of the Wang family behind the gate, but no one present will believe that the Wang family inside is ready to be killed, and it must be a overwhelming attack to rush in to welcome everyone.

Looking at the closed scarlet gate, Liu Xuan's face changed, and he immediately smiled coldly and said, "Disperse and open the wall and gate directly!"

As soon as Liu Xuan's words fell, the martial artists were stunned at first, and then they all showed a heartfelt smile. Under the leadership of their respective commanders, they scattered by the wall and waited for Liu Xuan's order.

It is worthy of being the king of Shu, and he was able to come up with this idea! Qin Bing praised it secretly.

At the beginning, he just thought about this method of breaking through, but he did not expect that there was such a simple and effective way to directly bombard the wall. Naturally, the Wang family was exposed to everyone. I'm afraid that the warriors of the Wang family would not have dreamed that Shu Wangzong would use this method to enter. After all, ordinary people can't enter the Wang family even without the guard of martial arts. Who would have thought that Liu Xuan would directly order to bomb down the wall of the Wang family.

"Attack!" When all the warriors came to the wall, Liu Xuan shouted in a low voice.

Suddenly, countless prepared warriors bombarded the wall with all their strength. These warriors are mostly more than second-rate warriors. Not to mention such a courtyard wall, even pure iron can bombard a hole.

Countless attacks were mixed with violent gas explosions, bombarding the wall, and suddenly there was a violent explosion in front of the royal palace. The wall in front of us was blown away and collapsed like soil.

And when the wall collapsed, there were countless empty sounds in the royal palace, and countless black lights flashed in the air. Although Liu Xuan's order was unexpected by the Wang family, the warriors of the Wang family released the hidden weapon in their hands as soon as the wall fell.

The next moment, there was a sound of blocking and screams in front of the royal palace. The Wang family's attack was concentrated in one direction, in front of the original gate. There are not many alliance warriors there. In the face of the overwhelming hidden weapons, except for a few warriors who can resist, more of them fell into the hidden weapons.

Hearing this block and scream, Qin Bing sighed in his heart. This is the battle of the big family, and most of the warriors are just a number in their eyes. How to win with a small number is what they consider, and it is God's consideration for winning without numbers. There are always sacrifices in battles, either you or me!

As the wall fell and the smoke dispersed, the people in the royal palace also appeared in the eyes of Qin Bing and others.

"Wang Qi, you have lost this battle!" Looking at Wang Qi, the leader of the Wang family, Liu Xuan sighed softly.

"Lost, that's not necessarily!" Wang Qi smiled disappealingly, "Liu Xuan, my Wang family will never give up until the last moment."

He glanced at the two old green-shirted old men beside Liu Xuan and continued, "I admit that I underestimated your Shu Wangzong, but I didn't expect that there were such two old monsters hidden. However, even with the help of these two old monsters, you can't beat my Wang family today!" In the end, Wang Qi's face also became ferocious.

Looking at Wang Qi's ferocious face and the crazy look, Liu Xuan couldn't help sighing in his heart. Tonight's battle was destined to have only one family to survive.

Wang Qi quickly took out the jade box and quickly swallowed a black pill into his mouth. The next moment, the momentum on his body suddenly changed. He was a little pale just now, but his face became a little dark, and a strong evil spirit on his body continued to condense and become stronger. The momentum also breaks through to the innate limit in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of elixir is that that is so powerful!" Feeling Wang Qi's change, Qin Bing couldn't help but be shocked.

Liu Xuan and others also felt the changes in Wang Qi's body, and their faces suddenly became extremely difficult to look at. At this moment, he, who was originally believed to have greatly reduced his combat effectiveness, has broken through to the innate limit, which is not good news.

"I told you that it's not so easy for you to win!" Wang Qi sneered ferociously, and the evil spirit on his body had already reached its peak, like a devil from hell. It makes people shudder.

"Hang them, the more powerful the elixir, the shorter the time, and the greater the side effects. As long as we survive Wang Qi's attack on the elixir, we will win!" Liu Xuan looked at Wang Qi, whose momentum had reached the innate limit, and frowned.

When the four commanders heard the words, they all nodded solemnly.

"Xiao Bing, Di Chen will give it to you. You must delay him!" Liu Xuan looked at Qin Bing beside him and said solemnly.

Now the top strength of the Wang family is similar to that of the Liu family, and even a little stronger. If Di Chen joins the siege again, the Liu family will be in trouble. Among the people, Qin Bing is the only one who can hold back Di Chen. This battle, which was originally dominated by the Liu family, also became a little uncertain with the change of Wang Qi's strength.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to delay him!" Qin Bing also nodded solemnly. He is also very clear about the current situation. The strength of the two sides is not much different, depending on who can hold on to the end.

"Kill!" Wang Qi shouted loudly and rushed to Liu Xuan and others in a flash.

Looking at Wang Qi rushing, the fourth emperor's uncle beside Liu Xuan greeted him with a flash, "This man is handed over to me, Xuanzi, you deal with the middle-aged man, and the eldest brother against the old man in yellow robe."

The old man in green shirt and Liu Xuan nodded when they heard the words. Today, Wang Qi's strength is a little stronger than that of Liu Xuan. Among the three members of the Wang family, the men in black in the late congenital period are easier to deal with. As for the yellow-robed old man himself, he is an innate limit, let alone Liu Xuan can deal with.

Qin Bing and several people shook their bodies and met their respective opponents, and thousands of warriors of Liu Wang were also hanged together in an instant.

Suddenly, there was a shocking fight in the whole palace. At this time, anyone knew that the battle between the two families of King Liu had reached the last moment. The warriors who had already killed the red-eyed on both sides did not keep their hands at all and tried their best to attack the enemy. Whether it is to become a dead body on the ground or a prince Wandai, just in a thought.