tian zong dao yan

Chapter 4 Yuzhou (!)

Time flies, and it comes to the annual meeting again in a flash.

In the past six months, Qin Bing has spent most of his time in Qinjiazhuang. In addition to his own cultivation, he taught other talented children in the village to practice. In half a year, he cooperated with various basic medicinal materials. Among the descendants of Qinjiazhuang, there were also several children who practiced not slow.

The strongest has reached the peak of second-rate masters. I believe that for a period of time, there will be acquired masters in Qinjiazhuang, so that the foundation of Qinjiazhuang will be more solid.

The record is constantly refreshed, and the data that people dare not imagine in the past is also growing. Although Qin Bing's achievements have been broken so far, but looking at this situation, I believe that it will not take long for this record to be broken.

In those years, Qin Bing was born, and Qin Jiazhuang was naturally very happy, but no matter how strong the warrior is, there is only one warrior after all. If a Zhuangzi wants to be strong for a long time, he absolutely does not know that he relies on the power of one person. These growing descendants are the future support of Qinjiazhuang.

This race is not only a matter of the children of future generations, but also a major event in Qin Bing's life, his coming-of-age ceremony!

It is also because the clan will be Qin Bing's adulthood, not only Qinjiazhuang is extremely lively, but also Zhendong. Du Tianhao and others also rushed over to witness Qin Bing's coming-of-age ceremony.

After the race is over, it is the coming-of-age ceremony. Qin Bing also slowly walked to the martial arts arena in the eyes of everyone.

"Xiaobing is a warrior in the middle of his innate period. I'm afraid he has tens of thousands of pounds of power alone. I don't know how much power he intends to use in this coming-of-age ceremony?" Looking at Qin Bing on the field, Du Tianhao said secretly.

There is a row of stone locks on the ground, ranging from dozens of catties to 3,000 catties. After 3,000 catties, it is a stone lock cast by black iron. After all, 3,000 catties of stone locks are big enough. Once the warrior reaches the day after tomorrow, their strength is far more than 3,000 catties, and the stone locks are too heavy. Qinjiazhuang, who has financial resources, specially built a batch of black iron locks, ranging from dozens of catties to tens of thousands of catties. Even if the black iron reaches 10,000 catties, it has reached an extremely horrible volume.

Qin Bing walked all the way, and soon passed the 5,000 catties of black lock, still moving forward, and finally stopped in front of the last lock, 10,000 catties!

10,000 jin is almost the weight that can be lifted by the acquired limit, and then there is a congenital warrior. Naturally, it does not need to be measured by heavy objects.


With a low shout, Qin Bing took the black iron lock with both hands, and his arms were violently strong. The black iron lock, which was several times bigger than his body, was lifted in an instant. Suddenly, there was a good cry in the martial arts practice field.

This coming-of-age ceremony is not only Qin Bing's personal business, but also an opportunity to set a benchmark for Qin Jiazhuang's descendants and let them work towards this goal. 16 years old, 10,000 jin, the acquired limit, this is Qin Bing's request to Qin Jiazhuang's descendants.

After the family, there was a dinner party. Because of the arrival of Du Tianhao and his party, the dinner party was also particularly lively. Qin Jiazhuang laughed happily.

"Brother Du, come on, let's have two drinks!" Qin Bing took the wine glass and walked to Du Tianhao and his party.

"Okay, we haven't had a good drink for a long time!" When Du Tianhao heard this, he couldn't help laughing and picked up the glass and drank it all.

This night, Qin Bing respected many people, Du Tianhao and others, Qin Hong and others, and the descendants of the Qin family also drank a lot. Except for a few people who know that Qin Bing is going far away, most people just know that Qin Bing is going out to practice and don't know that Qin Bing is going far away.

The full moon is hanging high, and the noise in Qinjiazhuang is gradually fading.

In the early morning, Qin Bing's house.

Two dark shadows quietly drilled out and walked out of the village. These two shadows are Qin Bing and Xiaobai. The sadness of separation is always sad. So Qin Bing intends to leave quietly. Two dark shadows looked at the familiar room. After a moment of silence, their bodies shook and disappeared from the front yard.

After a while, Qin Yi's door suddenly opened, and Qin Yi and Chen Yan slowly came out.

"Xiao Bing is gone?" Looking at the empty house and front yard, Chen Yan said disappointedly.

"Xiaobing has grown up and has his own way to go. We should be happy for him." Qin Yi looked at the dark sky and said sadly.

"Hmm!" Chen Yan leaned her head on Qin Yi's shoulder and choked.

Wo! Oh!

Outside Qinjiazhuang, two shadows suddenly jumped out of the village.

"Xiao Bai, let's go!" Looking at Qinjiazhuang, Qin Bing was silent for a moment, touched Xiaobai and whispered.

"Hmm!" Xiaobai nodded, and then the two dark shadows made one together. In the blink of an eye, he walked in the direction of Wanliping. Soon, the dark shadow disappeared into the dense woods of Wanliping.

"Xiao Bing, don't worry about pursuing your martial arts road. After you leave, I will guard Qinjiazhuang!" At the gate, Qin Hu looked at the shadow that disappeared in the mountains, clenched his fist tightly, and said resolutely.

The night is still quiet. Qin Bing's departure has not been separated by most people. When they wake up tomorrow, they will find that the green-shirted teenager has left.


People come and go on the ancient road. These pedestrians are in groups, most of whom are carrying weapons. Although they are not strong, they should not be underestimated. In front of the ancient road is a towering mountain, and behind the mountain, it is the strongest dynasty in the southwest, the location of the Mingyan Dynasty.

There is a dense forest beside the ancient road, surrounded by warriors and hunters.

"If you climb over this mountain, you will be the Ming Dynasty!" Looking at the mountains in the distance, the man in blue couldn't help muttering.

"Roar!" As soon as the man's words fell, a low beast roar suddenly came from his side, and a white tiger followed him not far away.

This person is naturally Qin Bing and Xiaobai, and they are about to enter the Mingyan Dynasty at this moment.

"There are still a hundred miles to enter Yuzhou before tonight, and it will be the annual festival in a few days. It's not too late to go after the annual festival!" Looking up at the sky, Qin Bing smiled slightly, shook her body, and disappeared into the dense forest.

It has been a year since he left Qinjiazhuang. In this year, Qin Bing has also gained a lot. Almost several countries in the southwest have his footprints. He has seen a lot of forces such as mountains, state capitals, kings, sects and families with strong forces.

In this year, there has been a legend of a Shura gun in the southwest. He is a powerful warrior. If he doesn't go anywhere, he will find the strongest local martial artist to compete with him. Along the way, he doesn't know how many martial artists have been defeated by him.

It is said that those sects with innate martial arts are also challenged. As for the result, outsiders naturally do not know. However, the figure that the Shura gun did not disappear told everyone that at least he did not lose in the challenge! Because of the battle with these powerful sects, there is only one end to lose! Die!

And this warrior who challenges many sects and is known as the Shura gun is naturally Qin Bing! In the past year, Qin Bing's progress has also been quite small, and his martial arts cultivation has reached the innate peak. I believe that it will not take too long to impact the realm of martial arts!

A year of practice has achieved such achievements not only because of Qin Bing's continuous challenges to absorb experience, but also because the elixir in the universe bag has also played a huge role. Qin Bing, whose realm is stronger than that of strength, is naturally extremely fast in the help and battle of the elixir, and he rushed to the innate peak in one fell swoop. This speed is also much faster than that of his previous life!

After a year of tossing and turning, Qin Bing passed through the low-level dynasties in the southwest and finally came to the Mingyan Dynasty.

Qin Bing and Xiaobai quickly ran through the dense forest, which also attracted some attention, but most of these eyes only glanced at the two people, and no one took the initiative to talk to them. After all, most of them were martial artists in the barren mountains. Although this place is not as rich as the elixir and continuous fighting in the wilderness, there is still hostility between strangers.

Qin Bing was also not surprised by this situation. Others did not talk to him, but fulfilled his intention. He happened to rush to Yuzhou, an important town in the west of the Mingyan Dynasty, before the evening. Otherwise, he will sleep in the forest again tonight.

For about an hour, Qin Bing still went to the depths of the mountains, but what made him feel a little wrong was that he had never seen a beast in this deep mountain. It seems that these beasts have been driven away by people.

You should know that barbarians are not only found in the wilderness, but all powerful beasts are called barbarians, but there are more barbarians in the wilderness, and these powerful beasts are called barbarians.

"Xiao Bai, something seems to be wrong!" Facing such a situation, Qin Bing couldn't help frowning and said to the little white people around him.

"Brother, it's really not right. It seems that the guardian beasts in this area have been driven away!" Xiao Bai glanced around and said slowly.

"Guard the beast!" Qin Bing's face changed slightly and quickly said, "You mean there is an elixir here?"

"Hmm." Xiaobai nodded and immediately continued, "There is still some smell of medicine in the air, which seems to be the elixir of fire ganoderma!"

Fire Ganoderma lucidum? Qin Bing was greatly disappointed when he heard the words. The value of fire Ganoderma lucidum is indeed not low, but it does not have much effect on him, who is already at the peak of his innate peak. It has these effects on acquired warriors. Naturally, such things cannot attract Qin Bing's attention.

"Forget it, forget it, let's go!" Qin Bing curled his lips, shook his body, and drilled into the dense forest. Xiaobai behind him also followed him quickly.

"Oh, there is a fight in front of you!" Suddenly, Qin Bing, who was running, changed his face, and there was a rapid fight in front of him, as if someone was fighting in front of him.

"Don't mess with me!" Shaking his head, Qin Bing is not going to pay attention to such a fight. In this year, he has also encountered such fights several times. Many of them ignored him, but some people killed him at first sight and provoked Qin Bing. Naturally, the result is extremely tragic.

With less than a fragrance, Qin Bing saw both sides of the battle. One side is a green-shirted warrior, and the other side is a group of masked warriors. The green-shirted warrior side is obviously at a disadvantage. There are only more than ten people left on the green shirt side, and the strongest one is just a warrior in the middle of the day after tomorrow, while there are more than 20 people on the masked side, and the leader is an innate peak of martial artist.