tian zong dao yan

Chapter 32 The Third Method

The first of the two methods mentioned by Qingyan is extremely demanding on his own strength, otherwise it is impossible to enter the stars. Although the second seems to have no requirements, the difficulty and time required are indeed immeasurable. Qin Bing himself is just a practitioners of the Jindan period and will be found in his lifetime. The opportunity to practice Zhou Tianxing's master is extremely slim.

"Do you really want to give up this skill?" Yu Jian, who recorded Zhou Tianxing's art, was taken out from his arms, and a trace of helplessness flashed in Qin Bing's eyes. The chance for him to succeed in practicing this skill is too small. The probability is almost zero, and Qin Bing doesn't want to waste his time.

"This skill is originally a strange skill. Countless practitioners want to practice it, but few people can really practice successfully. At least in your current situation, it is almost impossible to practice successfully. Instead of wasting time, it is better to give up as soon as possible." Qingyan's old voice sounded again, and the next moment seemed to think about something, he was shocked, "Well, wait, there seems to be another way."

"Is there another way to practice Zhou Tianxing's art?" Qin Bing was stunned at first, and then was overjoyed. He thought he had given up this skill, but he didn't expect that Qingyan would sound another way in the end.

"Don't be happy yet. Whether this cultivation method is useful or not, but no one knows, because no one practices this method at all!" Qingyan's words splashed Qin Bing with cold water and quickly calmed him down.

"No one has tried this method?" Qin Bing looked puzzled. Since no one has tried it, how did Qingyan know?

"I had some friendship with the disciple of that senior. In a chat, I learned that the senior had some other conjectures when he was successful in this skill, but he did not try." It seemed that he also heard the doubts in Qin Bing's words. Qingyan explained, "After all, this skill itself is already extremely dangerous. The refining of the star cave is extremely dangerous. Once it fails, the light one will be seriously injured and the serious one will fall. But that senior's conjecture about this skill is bolder, and that kind of cultivation method is unbearable.

"The predecessor's conjecture is bolder than the refining star cave." Qin Bing was also stunned. This skill was already extremely dangerous. Listening to Qingyan's words, it seemed that the predecessor's conjecture and the cultivation method he came up with was more dangerous and crazy.

"In fact, this method is extremely simple, which is to cultivate 365 stars at the same time and directly evolve the Zhou Tianxing!" Qingyan walked slowly.

Three hundred and sixty-five stars evolved at the same time! Hearing this, Qin Bing and Qin Bai were stunned.

"How can this be? A star is so difficult to refine. How can it be possible to practice 365 at the same time?" Xiaobai said in surprise that he had seen Qin Bing practice Zhou Tianxingchen. It took a year to refine a star cave without success. 365 stars were practiced at the same time, which was not a simple number addition. Among them, the requirements for the talent, qualification and control of the practitioner are far higher than 365 times that of practicing one! One is so difficult to refine, let alone 365!

When Qin Bing heard the words, he did not open his mouth to refute, but showed a thoughtful look. The predecessor who created Zhou Tianxingchenshu is undoubtedly a talented genius. The conjecture he made at the time of the great success of this skill is not come up without any reason, but must have his truth!

What is the truth in this? Qin Bing's mind kept flashing with information about Zhou Tianxing's art, and at the same time, many Taoists in previous lives had the knowledge of Zhou Tianxingchen. Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in his mind, which suddenly brightened his eyes. Yes, that's it!

"Perhaps it is not as difficult to cultivate 365 Zhou Tianxing at the same time. People's thinking is limited. When we see that a star cave is so difficult to practice, we naturally think that 365 stars are more difficult to practice. But~" Qin Bing's words turned around, and his tone also became confident. "We have forgotten which predecessor this week's star art is. From Zhou Tianxingchen, what it contains is the principle of heaven, which can never be violated. Therefore, 365 stars practice the truth of heaven at the same time. Maybe Instead, it seems easier."

"You are more and more surprised that you can come up with this truth in such a short time." As soon as Qin Bing's words fell, Qingyan's slightly emotional voice sounded, "If you can't answer this truth, I will never teach you this method, because the senior once said that if you can't understand this truth, you can't practice with this method."

Luckyu! Qin Bing secretly congratulated himself that if it hadn't been for the Taoist's understanding of Zhou Tianxing in his previous life, and with some understanding of this life, he could not come up with this truth at all.

"This cultivation method is to directly turn itself into a galaxy, take the star cave as the Zhou Tianxingchen. 365 stars are cultivated at the same time, secretly combine with the heavenly way, and naturally evolve the Zhoutian stars, instead of condensing the star cave by themselves and then evolving the Zhou Tianxingchen. Although this cultivation method is easy, the danger is also great. After all, the condensed star cave has been tried and the chance of failure is extremely small. At the beginning, it takes itself as a galaxy. Once it fails, it will only fall!" The sound of Qingyan came again.

"This method is like first completing the framework of Zhou Tianxingchen with face and point, and practicing at the same time, instead of the initial cultivation one by one, evolving the whole galaxy of stars. Although the latter method seems very difficult, it is not too dangerous, while the former is too dangerous. Listening to Qingyan's explanation, Qin Bing also understood the principle of this cultivation method.

"Brother, why can't I understand what it is?" Qin Bai listened to the conversation between the two with a puzzled face. Demon cultivation is like this, even mythical beasts, and there is always some gap with human beings on some perceptions. After all, Tiandao is fair. Demon cultivation has a strong body, strong inheritance memory, and a long life, but it also makes them a little insufficient in other aspects.

"You little tiger, it's right if you don't understand. If you all understand, it will be strange." Qingyan laughed and scolded.

Hearing the words, Qin Bai couldn't help smiling awkwardly.

"I have told you in detail about this practice method. What are you going to do now?" In Qin Bing's body, Qingyan said in a slightly heavy tone.

There is no doubt about the power of Zhou Tianxing's art. If Qin Bing succeeds, his future achievements will be unlimited, but this refers to his success. It should be noted that Zhou Tianxing's magic has been in great danger, but today's cultivation method is undoubtedly more dangerous. If you are not careful, you may fall.

"Big brother~" Xiaobai's face also became worried. No one has tried this method at all, and no one knows what the danger is. From the bottom of his heart, Xiaobai doesn't want Qin Bing to practice this skill, which is too dangerous! But Xiaobai also knew that this skill was extremely powerful and attractive to Qin Bing, so he could only wait for Qin Bing to make a decision.

Qin Bing gave Xiaobai a reassuring look when she heard the words, but immediately fell silent. After all, this skill is too dangerous, and even he has to think about it carefully. As Qin Bing fell into thought, the whole cave suddenly became quiet, and the sound of the wind in the air echoed in everyone's mind.

"I've decided!" After a long time, Qin Bing, who was thinking, broke the silence. As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Bai's eyes looked at him.

"How about practicing or not practicing?" Qingyan's voice came from his body.

"Creation!" A fine light flashed in Qin Bing's eyes and said solemnly.

"Oh~" Qingyan was slightly stunned. Although he hoped that Qin Bing would choose to practice this skill, when Qin Bing really chose it, he couldn't believe it and couldn't help but be surprised, "Do you know the danger of this practice method?"

"I know that without the experience of predecessors, everything can only be explored by myself." Qin Bing nodded and said in a low voice, "The law of the world of cultivation is to respect the strong. There are countless battles here every day. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, there are fights, and there is no absolute safety. If you give up because this cultivation method is dangerous, then I think he must not go far in the world of cultivation!"

"You're right. The practitioners compete with others and fight with heaven. Only by maintaining an unyielding awe can they become the real strong. Those practitioners without an unyielding heart can never become strong!" Qingyan's slightly appreciative figure came out.

"I'm flattered!" Qin Bing shook her head. The reason why he chose to be a man for two generations had a lot to do with the dream that had always existed in his heart and the pursuit of the peak of martial arts.

"You don't have to be modest. Although you are not the most talented practitioners I have ever seen, this kind of heart is one of the few practitioners I have ever seen." Qingyan said faintly.

"Senior, when will we start practicing?" Qin Bing scratched her head and changed the topic.

"No hurry, this cultivation method is extremely dangerous. Even I don't know what will happen in the future. If you are well prepared to improve your understanding of Zhou Tianxing Chenshu before you start practicing!" Qingyan shook his head. Although Qin Bing has chosen to practice this skill, Qingyan does not want Qin Bing to practice too anxiously. After all, no one has tried this method before. It is undoubtedly a good way to minimize the danger and improve his understanding of Zhou Tianxing.