Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 7 Learn from Teachers

"This "Water Dragon Secret" heart method can help you make your body stronger. You have to practice well and can't be interrupted." The old Taoist priest was quite satisfied with Xiao Fei. A mountain boy who was still wearing animal skin could remember the mental formula so quickly, but it was also beyond the expectation of the old Taoist priest. Without my permission, you are not allowed to pass it on to anyone, and you can't let people know that you can spell.

"Yes, Master." Xiao Fei answered respectfully.

The old Taoist priest looked up at the sky and saw that the sky had begun to turn white. And the sky and the earth are gradually darkening, which is the last darkness before dawn. He still needs to continue to heal, and it is not a good choice to heal in the woods during the day.

"Apprentice, do you know if there are any remote caves or other places around here?"

"Master, there is a small cave not far ahead," Xiao Fei said. "That's what I found. No one knows."

"No one knows?" The old Taoist asked.

"Well," Xiao Fei looked at the snow in front of him, and there were traces of beasts on the snow. Except for the beast, I'm the only one who knows that place. That's my secret cave.

Yu Hua looked at the traces on the snow and asked, "Does beasts often pass by here?"

"There are few beasts passing by here," Xiao Fei looked carefully at the traces on the snow and was very puzzled. There were not so many traces a few days ago. Why did so many beasts suddenly pass by?

"Let's lead the way!" Yuhua Taoist tidied up his dilapidated Taoist robe.

Xiao Fei answered and led the way in front of him.

The two stepped on the snow, walked around the woods, and finally reached the secret cave in Xiao Fei's mouth. The cave is hidden under a big tree, surrounded by thick thorns, completely covering the face of the cave.

The entrance to the cave is extremely small, allowing only one person to squat in, but after entering is a stone room three feet high. The stone cave is not big, and there is a small spring trickling at the right wall of the stone room.

"Master, it's very warm here. You won't feel cold when you sit on the big stone on the left." Xiao Fei was very happy. He walked to the stone and reached out and wiped the dust on it with his sleeve.

"What I asked you to practice is the Water Dragon Secret. There is a cold spring in this stone room," Yuhua Taoist put a Buddha behind the robe and sat on the warm jade. "You need to use water vapor to practice the water dragon secret, so you can sit by the spring water."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Fei shrank his neck and sat by the spring. He drank the spring water in summer, which was very cool, but at this time he felt a chill coming. It's so cold!"

Yuhua Taoist took a look at Xiao Fei and said lightly, "The cultivation of immortals is against the sky. Only when you are not afraid of hardship can you achieve something!" After saying that, Yu Hua Taoist took another pill and began to meditate to heal his wounds.

Xiao Fei also thinks that he practices the knife method taught by his father every day, but he is still not as fast as his father's knife.

Xiao Fei followed the mental method of the Water Dragon Secret, sat down cross-legged, pinched a secret method with both hands, and began to practice. Yuhua Taoist told Xiao Fei that there are three stages in practicing the water dragon formula. The first stage is to suck water fog, the second stage is to suck water spirits, and the third stage can suck water essence. At that time, you can manipulate a hundred miles of water to make the river flow back. It can also turn into a water dragon and have the ability to turn the river upside down.

And the water dragon formula also has a huge advantage, which is that it can wash the body with the help of water and make the body gradually stronger.

According to the mental method of the water dragon formula, Xiao Fei communicates between the trembling acupuncture point and Dantian. The trembling acupuncture point is the qi acupuncture point. Only through the air hole can the qi be stored into the Dantian Qihai, and then lead the qi of Dantian to practice seven acupuncture points such as viscera, blood, veins, bones and marrow. After opening these seven acupuncture points, you can practice qi. The previous species All species belong to the strong body.

Xiao Fei kept practicing, but he was never able to introduce the gas from the trembling acupuncture point into Dantian. He worked hard over and over again until he felt nausea and dizzy. He still can't communicate with Dantian for no other reason, but his trembling hole has no air at all, and how can he be introduced into Dantian.

Xiao Fei couldn't continue to practice, so he opened his eyes and found that his master was still mediting. His stomach kept screaming. He went to the mouth of the cave and looked out and saw a sun hanging diagonally in the west.

Xiao Fei thought for a moment and entered the cave with his master from the dawn. It was already afternoon. No wonder his stomach would scream.

"Apprentice." The voice of Yuhua Taoist came from behind.

"Master, are you hungry?" Xiao Fei ran back from the hole and said, "I'm going to hunt two rabbits."

"No," the essence flashed in Yuhua Taoist's eyes, and a chill spread out with the opening of his eyes. Eat this first." After saying that, I lost a pill.

"Elixir?" Xiao Fei grabbed the elixir and looked at it carefully. He saw that a brown elixir the size of a thumb was emitting a slight fragrance, and then swallowed it. I haven't felt anything yet. The pill has been swallowed into my stomach.

"This is not a fairy elixir, it's just a valley elixir. It can only keep you from feeling hungry for the time being." Yuhua Taoist said lightly. I have offended some people who are chasing me. It's not suitable for you to practice now, so you can practice according to the mind of the water dragon formula. At this time next year, I will come back to assess you to see if you can complete the first test.

"Master, then you..." Xiao Fei was very happy to worship a master, but he never thought that the master would leave his apprentice in less than a day.

"This is a Xuanbing sword charm. After instilling spiritual power, it can stimulate three sword spirits. After the fourth one is stimulated, the sword charm is scrapped. I have poured spiritual power into it, which can be stimulated as a last resort. Yuhua Taoist took out a white sword-shaped rune, and then took out a black cloth bag the size of a palm. This is a hidden talisman bag I used in my early years, and this short knife, called Hu Xiao. Although it is not a magic weapon, it can also cut iron like mud. You take it to protect yourself. The old Taoist priest took out another black-yellow ruler long and short knife.

"I will teach you another set of swordsmanship, called instant swordsmanship. Instant swordsmanship includes two tricks. The first is the secret of hiding swords. Only by hiding a good sword can you kill the enemy with lightning speed when the sword comes out. The second is the sword secret, and the sword secret is the key to the sword, so it must be fast and accurate. This is the best swordsmanship in the world. After saying that, Taoist Yuhua passed on another trick to Xiao Fei about swordsmanship. Xiao Fei has been very happy with the spell since he saw his master's spell when fighting. I wrote down the whole instant swordsmanship without any effort. I put a fairy sword in the Tibetan rune bag. When you practice three layers of Qi, you can break the seal on the fairy sword, and then you can practice instant swordsmanship. Now you can practice the sword formula in instant swordsmanship, practice with that short knife, and use it to defend yourself when you are familiar with it.

"Before I come next time, don't mention me." Yuhua Taoist shouted harshly, "Don't let people find out that you know Taoism. You can remember it."

"Hmm." Xiao Fei nodded and agreed. The disciple remembered it."

"If you leave as a teacher, you can also go back to your home!" Yuhua Taoist calmed down a little, sighed and drilled out of the hole.

"Master!" Xiao Fei was full of tears and knelt down and seriously kowtowed nine times. I will practice seriously, Master.

When Xiao Fei raised his head, Yuhua Taoist had already gone far away. Xiao Fei walked back to the place where the cow was tied yesterday and led the cow to the village...


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