Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 90 Spiritual Rune Array

Since moving to Chiyan Peak, the little arrow has disappeared, and several people I knew before have not seen one. Every time he thinks of the huge bronze sword carried by Zhu Yi, Xiao Fei feels very funny. "I don't know what fairy fate Qiner got, and her sister Tong Yao."

After refining the fire curse, he only felt exhausted and lay face to the ground. Thinking of Tong Yao's cold expression, he suddenly felt excited. He didn't know why he thought of Tong Yao. He immediately took out the Edict of Alchemy and read it carefully.

At the beginning of this jade slip, it briefly introduces the basic content of alchemy, how to open the furnace, how to put in the herb elixir, how to control the fire, how to collect the elixir, etc. Xiao Fei looked particularly carefully. These are related to whether the elixir can be refined. If it can't be refined, he doesn't know what the hot-tempered master will do. The result must be punished.

The arms lying down were sore, and his eyes began to bloom. Then he got up again and sat on the futon. Then he looked down. He looked very carefully for fearing to miss a detail.

After the words that came into view became the elixir, he was sure that he had finished reading the "Alchemy Edict". The first elixir turned out to be the Pigu elixir. This elixir is refined from nine elixirs. The amount of each herb is described in detail in the elixir. In the elixir, there is a king's medicine, two flavors medicine, and four flavors of medicine. , two medicine.

Xiao Fei looked at it for a while before he understood the relationship between these kings and ministers. The king's medicine determines the medicinal properties. The minister's medicine is to assist the king's medicinal properties. The auxiliary medicine is to improve the medicinal properties of the king's medicine, and the medicine is to stabilize various medicinal properties, so that the final refining can be successful. As the saying goes, one is indispensable.

After figure it out, Xiao Fei jumped on the ground, opened the door, and went straight to the alchemy room next door.

This is the first time he has entered the alchemy room. The furnishings in the room are simple. There is an elixir furnace more than one person high in the center of the room. Xiao Fei now knows that the magic weapon is also divided into nine grades. The big guy in front of him is estimated to be one grade, but it is also enough for refining the valley elixir.

There is a fire rune array under the Dan furnace, and this is the source of fire. He has learned about it in the Alchemy. On the belly of the Dan furnace, there is a gossip pattern, which is the rune array to control the fire.

Xiao Fei knows that if it is an advanced alchemy furnace, there is no such rune array. The advanced rune needs to be promoted by high cultivation. At that time, this control rune is not needed.

After seeing it, Xiao Fei retreated and walked to the material hall of the elixir.

Opening the door of the courtyard where the materials were placed and looking at the man in front of him, Xiao Fei was stunned, then arched his hands and said respectfully, "Goodby Brother Luo!"

Luo Hang was also very surprised. He didn't expect Xiao Fei to come to the material hall. The surprise on his face flashed away and he smiled, "Brother, you don't suddenly want to come to visit me, right?"

Xiao Fei was stunned. How kind and amiable this cold brother is at this moment. "Master asked me to refine the valley elixir, so I want to come and get some herbs."

Luo Hang was obviously shocked. In just a few days, this little brother is going to refine the valley elixir. Alchemy requires fine control of spiritual power. Is this younger brother really a genius? The younger brother is really a genius. He is about to start alchemy so soon.

Xiao Fei smiled helplessly and said, "Master's arrangement can only be completed as much as possible. I don't know if it will work!"

Luo Hang waved to another disciple beside him and said, "Go get 30 pieces of Pigu Dan materials."

Xiao Fei arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Brother Luo."

When Xiao Fei saw that Brother Luo was so easy to get close, he asked a few questions about cultivation, and Luo Hang also answered them one by one.

The disciple in a blue shirt held a jade plate with many herbs on it and walked to Xiao Fei and said, "Brother, there are ten crystals in total."

Xiao Fei said 'ah'. This is the first time he heard of it. He asked puzzledly, "Crystal?"

The disciple in blue said respectfully, "Ten crystal stones."

Luo Hang saw Xiao Fei's appearance and concluded that the little brother must have no crystals, so he waved his hand and said, "Record it to the account first."

The disciple in blue responded softly, handed over the jade plate to Xiao Fei, and turned around and left. Luo Hang said with a smile, "Brother, you have to work hard to alchemy. One valley elixir is worth five crystals. As long as you practice it into two, you can resist the cost of materials."

Xiao Fei thanked him very sincerely, and then turned back. He needed to quickly refine the valley elixir.


Returning to the alchemy room again, Xiao Fei pressed his mind seduced by the crystal and went to the elixir furnace. According to the method of the "Alchemy Edict", he pinched the magic formula and stimulated the fire array under the elixir furnace.

With the sound of 'miso', a flame rose.

Xiao Fei was shocked and felt the faint heat. He pressed his hands on the gossip pattern and mobilized the seed of the fire spell in Dantian. The water-like seed suddenly shot 56 runes, and the runes entered the gossip pattern and immediately linked with the 56 runes in the fire control array.

With a slight movement, the runes in the fire control array rotate, and the fire below change with the fire array, and the fires that burn to the bottom of the Dan furnace continue to change.

Xiao Fei dares not invest in herbs and start alchemy now. He has to familiarize himself with the whole control process to avoid wasting herbs. That's what he has never seen before!

For a while, Xiao Fei found that his true qi had been exhausted, and the fire he controlled became unstable. His palms evacuated from the gossip pattern, closed the fire array, sat on the only futon in the whole alchemy room, and began to recover his true qi.

This practice was very smooth. A thin aura penetrated from the trembling hole, and the recovery of Zhenqi was surprisingly fast, as if the surrounding aura had been attracted.

Xiao Fei now opens his consciousness and let go a little, and he sees that the aura around him is really rushing towards him.

Xiao Fei knew that he had not made great progress and had no means to make the aura rush to him, so there must be something like something in this room.

He knows that there is a formation that can gather aura, called the aura array.

However, he didn't know what the rune looked like and had never seen it.

Is it this futon?

Xiao Fei toured the whole alchemy room for a week. The only possibility was this futon and immediately threw his consciousness into the futon under his buttocks.

The whole white jade futon, the surface is very smooth, and the divine consciousness penetrates in. Sure enough, you can see some small patterns shining, which are slowly running with certain rules.

Is this the spiritual charm array?

Xiao Fei was overjoyed and kept looking at the rune array. The rune array was not too difficult. Looking at it, a bold idea was born in his heart?