Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 221 Crazy Beast Tide


The blood shadow man's action was cruel, and the blade hit the Tianyuan beast ring on Tong Yao's body fiercely. The powerful impact made Xiao Fei avoid several steps.

The blood shadow dispersed, revealing the true face of the person - a young man with blood rolling all over his face with a gloomy smile, a pair of eyes red, unable to distinguish the pupils and white eyes, only a piece of blood red.

Tong Yao snorted and shook her body. She dealt with Wu Daozi, the blood shadow man at the peak of Jindan, because of the cultivation of the second layer of the condensation period. Although most of her strength was borne by the Tianyuan Beast Ring, that small part also shocked her with a burst of blood.

Tong Yao's face changed, but she was guarded in front of Xiao Fei.

The power on the Tianyuan beast ring passed on the Taoist pagoda in a wonderful way. The whole exquisite tower just vibrated slightly, and the light on it flashed and calmed down.

"Oh, it turned out to be a soft-eating guy!" Wu Daozi Jie laughed in his strange laughter.

"It's better to have food than no food. People like you who eat shit are incomprehensible, just like you don't know what power is." Of course, Xiao Fei understood what it meant to eat soft rice. Of course, he himself did not want to shrink behind the woman, but should stand in front of the woman. But when he heard Wu Daozi's words, he changed his mind to protect Tong Yao.

"Power?" Wu Daozi smiled very happily, "Power is to make me live longer and destroy more enemies. Little guys like you don't deserve to talk about power with me." After saying that, he looked disdainful.

"The strength of power is not reflected in cultivation. The Jindan period is not necessarily stronger than the condensation period." Xiao Fei talked quietly.

"Ky, then you can try it." Since Wu Daozi practiced the blood magic skill, his strength has increased too fast, which makes him a little crazy and always do something unexpected.

At this moment, he screamed strangely and pushed his palms in front of his chest, and two bloody fingerprints came out of his palms.

After Wu Daozi came out of the two palm prints, his face suddenly became extremely pale, like the power contained in the blood fingerprints, and the endless bloody smell was his real blood.

Xiao Fei did not dare to be careless and stretched out his hand a little on the beast control ring. The whole beast control ring rotated in front of him. Then his hands quickly danced, and countless runes between his hands were uncertain. With the destruction of these runes, an inexplicable relationship was established between him and the beast control ring.

The beast ring is like a naughty child, pursuing that inexplicable relationship. It briskly circled around Xiao Fei and wrapped Xiao Fei and Tong Yao in the center together.

The bright red blood fingerprints emitted a disgusting smell, and the violent force oppressed them, and the blood fingerprints suddenly encountered obstacles like a storm.

The front of the blood fingerprint suddenly flashed like thousands of stars, and the light spots that disappeared built into a strange defense circle, which protected Xiao Fei and Tong Yao thousands of them. However, the body of the beast ring smelled the disgusting blood fingerprints but became inexplicably happy. The beast ring suddenly expanded, and a green light wrapped the two blood fingerprints, and it was useless to struggle.

Wu Daozi's pale face was red, then turned purple, and gradually spread under his body. His neck and hands slowly became purple.

However, just as he was about to sacrifice his life, a huge crisis hit his mind.

As soon as he made a decision, his right hand scratched in the void like a blade, as if an invisible silk thread had been cut off, and the two struggling blood fingerprints suddenly calmed down.

A bloodthirsty suction suddenly appeared on the beast ring, like an ancient fierce beast finally opened his huge beast eye that looked at the world, and also exposed its truly fierce and domineering face.

In the green light curtain, thin lines like slender blood vessels were quickly dyed red, and the blood spread from the two blood fingerprints to the beast control ring. For a moment, the whole beast ring became strange, and the blood lingered and covered the green.

The blood fingerprint disappeared like this. The beast ring was really like a bloodthirsty beast, digesting two blood fingerprints, and Xiao Fei was very stunned. However, the beast ring was not satisfied with the blood and energy in the two blood fingerprints. It roared softly and flew to Wu Daozi.

"Help, master." Wu Daozi shouted with horror in his eyes.

"Waste." Xin Wuqi has recovered from the injury just now and waved an understated punch against the beast ring, and the beast ring was suddenly shocked and flew back.

"Thank you, master, thank you." The horror in Wu Daozi's eyes had not faded, and he kept thanking him, with a charming and envious look on his face.



Heavy gasps, violently undulating chests, flushed cheeks.

Zhu Yi looked at the piano in front of her. At this moment, she bent down, and in front of her was a huge warcraft. He was very surprised that the little girl could handle a warcraft alone, a three-grade warcraft, which was equivalent to the condensation period.

The two are now just three layers of cultivation in the foundation period, dealing with a warcraft layer of the condensation period. This achievement is really nothing to say.

In the past, both of them have hunted four-grade warcraft. Compared with the cultivation of the nine layers of condensation, the power of cooperation is not only twice as powerful as that of single combat.

"Brother, I've got it." Seeing that he had killed Warcraft, Zhu Yi appeared. Qiner had a trace of dissatisfaction and inexplicable excitement at the same time. She had called for help, but Zhu Yi actually ignored it. She was excited that she could handle it alone. Although she had paid a hard price, including that her clothes were torn, her feet were twisted, and even tripped down by the vines she laid in panic.

But no matter what, I finally got rid of this wild boar-like warcraft.

"Take a rest quickly. Compared with the outside, it's still dangerous." Zhu Yi was dangerous, carrying a thunder sword on his shoulder, with a young chivalrous posture.

Qiner was really tired. When she fought just now, the inexplicable fear made her nervous all the time. At this moment, after relaxing, she only felt sore all over. Hearing Zhu Yi say this, he rolled his eyes, then sat down and began to recover.

Half a sound, Qin'er suddenly jumped up from the ground, with a frightened look on her face and shouted, "Let's escape quickly."

Zhu Yi was shocked by Qiner's sudden shouting and asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

"There are soul beasts, monsters and warcraft, and they are all coming this way." The panic on Qin'er's face became stronger and stronger. She urged, "Let's run away. There are too many of those guys, about hundreds, no, thousands..." Qin'er felt it carefully, but the number was too much. "I can't count it. It's too much."

Zhu Yi turned his head and looked ahead. The sound of fighting outside suddenly came in. His face changed, and he instantly understood what had happened.

The hole broken by the Wild God Tower, the boundary of the hole has disappeared, was discovered by the beasts inside, and I don't know what happened in the whole soul beast cave. There is only the 'rumbling' vibration sound, like the whole soul beast hole is about to collapse, or the vibration of those monsters or monsters running.


The two ran quickly, and the roar behind them was getting closer and faster.


Zhu Yi and Qin'er were severely impacted by a huge soul beast behind them, and then they ejected out of the huge black cave.

Then there was the endless tide of beasts, the roar of various beasts and trampling, which rushed the whole battlefield to pieces for a moment. Because the demons besieged the disciples of the Fire Gate and the Yellow Dragon Taoist Temple, they have now become the first line of defense to protect the disciples of the Fire Gate and the Yellow Dragon Taoist Temple.

Soul beasts, monsters, warcraft, the brilliance of various attacks in the sky are colorful and colorful. Xiao Fei saw Zhu Yi and Qin'er thrown into mid-air at a glance. He stretched out his hand, and the barren tower turned into a colorful and relaxed support of Zhu Yi and Qin Er.

"Who are you?" Zhu Yi struggled with the shackles of the Wild God Tower and asked vigilance.

"Well," Xiao Fei was stunned and then realized that the two experienced different times and laughed, "I'm Xiao Fei, and this is Tong Yao."

Zhu Yi has long noticed the super beauty around him, but the breath on the other party made him dare not make a failure. Before he could say hello, Qiner had already cheered, "Sister, why have you grown tall and become beautiful, and your clothes are so beautiful!"

Qin'er chatty and noisy, as if she had completely forgotten the chaotic scene below.


A cow-like warcraft rushed over, and the heavy exhalation sounded.

Before they could react, the beast ring rushed up very angrily, as if venting the 'being blown away' gas he had just suffered. The green light turned into a hammer and beat around the Warcraft.

It seemed that he was tired, and the beast ring paused, and then the glory flashed. The cloud beast that had not come out for a long time was released. This guy seemed to have no ventilation for so long and was suffocated. Suddenly, he rushed up and hissed at the Warcraft in front of him.

"Idiot, why don't you use the beast ring to collect these demons, monsters and soul beasts? It's such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." He cursed angrily, as if he had really seen a fool.

It seems that the ring of beast control also has a sense. A strange rune actually passed through Xiao Fei's divine sea. Xiao Fei did not think about it and immediately issued a formula with both hands.

"The secret of collecting beasts." Xiao Fei shouted softly.

Where the magic formula passed, whether it was a monster, a warcraft or a soul beast, it was pulled into the beast ring.

With this encouragement, he began to subdue the second monster. Before the magic formula was added to the monster, the monster spewed out a flame and burned the flying rune completely.

Xiao Fei began with the weakest monster and only collected one by one. Just as he was happy to receive it, the whole crazy beast tide suddenly calmed down.

In the middle of the beast tide, a five-inch unicorn on the head of the monster that has always been like a golden dog is emitting a circle of light. Affected by the light, all the beast tides are arranged with a rule.

The horrible and dangerous breath broke out of the beast tide, and the place this breath pointed to - it was Xiao Fei.