Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 279 The Last hope

Starting today, the update will resume. Xiaodao apologizes for the previous paragraph update. I hope that brothers who like this book will continue to support it. Thank you!


The development of things can be described as a twist. First, the father wants to kill his son. In a blink of an eye, he turned into a son who wanted to kill his father.

This is definitely a big play, and as an audience, they can only express their feelings with stunned mouths.

Yan Yuqing was at a loss. She no longer had her own position. She didn't want her master Lie Yuanshang to be killed, and she didn't want her brother Lie Wuji to be killed. And this is a confrontation between father and son. She found herself so powerless and helpless at this moment.

Xiao Fei was stunned that he no longer knew whether he should intervene or not. Originally, his purpose was only to rescue Ji Teng and bring back the fairy weapon belonging to Tianjianmen. But now, everything is in chaos, and the scene of father and son fratricated him suddenly misses his father very much.

I haven't seen my father for a long time, and I don't know if my father has found my mother?

As for the words explained, they did not attract Xiao Fei's attention. Shi just sighed for a moment and threw himself into the state of watching the play. Generally, this kind of scene of father and son being cruel to each other can only be seen in the play. When this kind of thing happens in front of you, there is another more strange feeling.

Lie Yuanshang and Lie Wuji fought together. The father and son hugged each other, and they were killing each other desperately.

It seems that they are caught in a duel, and the result of the duel is that only one person can survive. At this moment, they are not father and son. They have no humanity. They only have the desire to survive. Whoever is strong can survive.

The law of the jungle is the rule of the development of all things.

It seems cruel and very cruel when this rule happens to a father and son.

"Master?" Yan Yuqing couldn't stand it anymore. Lie Yuanshang and Lie Wuji were bathed in blood and tearing each other's flesh and blood. They even opened their mouths and bit each other. Brother..."

Yan Yuqing looked at this scene and cried bitterly. She tried to rush up several times and was held by Xiao Fei.

In this battle, the feelings of Lie Yuanshang and Lie Wuji are in a different situation.


Chaos, nothing.

A feeling like drowning spreads, pain, endless pain.

This is a pain of the soul. He wants to grab his head, and now he has a splitting headache.

He roared loudly, but was hugged together by the other party.

"Don't resist, Wuji!" A familiar voice came, with supreme pressure, which made him breathless.

"Dad?" He finally remembered whose voice it was.

"Son, your mission has been completed, and now you can go to rest." Lie Yuanshang's voice is full of **, and there seems to be a magical power coming with the words.

"Do you want to take my body away?" He realized what his biological father wanted to do.

"I'll tell you a secret." Lie Yuanshang no longer forcibly occupied the infinite sea of gods, and the endless sea of gods suddenly calmed down at this moment and looked calm and peaceful.

Lie Wuji gasped, and he quietly waited for Lie Yuanshang's announcement. He knew that he was powerless to resist at all and could only wait or convince his father.

"You are 20 years old this year. Do you know what I have been doing for the past 20 years?" Lie Yuanshang said calmly, "I am constantly practicing, cultivating, and condensing my yuan god. Because if I want to live long, I must let the yuan god continue to grow. Only when the yuan god is strong can I be reincarnated and get rid of the limitations of physical decline and give up. However, it is not easy to take away. It is too difficult to find a body that matches your soul. However, 20 years ago, he discovered a very strange method, which will continue to improve my cultivation, that is to say, it will make my soul continue to grow.

Say this, he paused for a moment and looked deeply at Lie Wuji.

He stretched out his finger and said, "Twenty years ago, my soul could not continue to grow at all, so I was thinking about how to make my soul continue to grow. Only when the soul grows can the yuan god condense and survive. At that time, I found a very strange spell, which was the soul division. After using it, my soul was indeed divided into two as described in the spell. In this way, my soul can continue to practice and grow. And the best way to save the split half of the soul is to reincarn this group of souls.

"And then?" Lie Wuji felt a faint uneasiness.

"Then you were born. You are right. You are reflected by my differentiated soul. It can be said that you are my split, or you are my son." Lie Yuanshang's words were amazing and told a strange story. And this story is definitely a true story.

Lie Wuji believes that his father is true. He has never seen his mother since he was born. He doesn't know who his mother is, and even everyone in the Fire Gate doesn't know who his mother is. Now that I think about it, there are too many similarities to my father. He didn't care before, but now he can feel that his soul has a wonderful connection with his father's soul.

The same source!

Everyone's soul is different, and often their own body is rotten, but the soul that each body can accommodate is not the same. Those practitioners who take away will need a long time and divine power to polish and polish the fit between soul and body.

But Lie Yuanshang does not need it at this moment, because the infinite soul is differentiated by him. This young body is already very powerful and can perfectly fit his soul.

"Now, don't resist anymore. I am you, you are me. We are originally one." Lie Yuanshang's voice was full of kindness. He opened his tolerant arms and hugged the stunned Lie Wuji tightly.

In the sea of gods, after the two hugged each other, the soul began to merge little by little, which made his strength begin to rise.

Time passes slowly, but this seemingly slow passage of time is very fast, and it can end with dozens of breaths.

Lie Yuanshang smiled with satisfaction. He was so happy that he had planted seeds for 20 years and was finally about to bear fruit.

However, at this time, what he was worried about happened.

The smooth fusion was interrupted.

Lie Wuji suddenly opened his eyes, became very angry, and became more crazy. He shouted, "Since we are one, why should I integrate into you and be occupied by you? Why don't you integrate into me?"

He wanted to resist, but he was unwilling to disappear like this. For more than 20 years, he has worked hard to practice, and everything turned out to be a wedding dress for others. All of your body and soul will disappear in this world.

"Because you are differentiated by me, you have no choice." Lie Yuanshang was also furious and had reached the most critical moment. How could he give up his previous achievements? At this moment, he is no longer kind, he is no longer soft, and he will never allow his 20-year plan to fail. Although they are all his own souls, he never wants to be forbidden by others.

"Well, you can't wait so much. How can I let you get it?" Lie Wuji was like a madman. He began to go crazy, which was his best thing.

"I have been planning for 20 years, and I have taken all kinds of factors into consideration. Son, just integrate into my body obediently." Lie Yuanshang once again took the initiative, and he was full of self-confidence.

Their divine consciousness has been merged, and the power of the soul is constantly growing. After the fusion of the divine consciousness of the two strong men, it becomes very horrible.

Lie Yuanshang has already reached the cultivation of five layers of incarnation. At this moment, after integrating Lie Wuji's divine consciousness, he has reached the ten layers of incarnation. As long as he can perfectly absorb this part of the consciousness, he can enter the disaster period.

The world is about to change. He has these times to successfully overcome the disaster, practice the body of immortal scars, and overcome the disaster. It can be said that Lie Yuanshang's preparation is very in place, and his divine consciousness has met the requirements of crossing the disaster. After practicing the immortal scar, he will make the body have the ability of half immortals, just like he has passed the immortal disaster.

In those years, Lie Yuanshang reached the period of transformation, and he did not hesitate to spend his essence and lost his vitality to make this chess game. His magic ability is even better than that fat man, and he has planned everything for a long time. It's just that the emergence of this fairy weapon has advanced his plan a lot. This is a variable and a variable that develops in a better direction.

The divine consciousness is not as powerful as Lie Yuanshang, and the soul is not as tough as Lie Yuanshang.

"Dad, I won't let you succeed." Lie Wu said weakly.

"What can you do?" Lie Yuanshang was very proud that he knew that he was the winner.

"I went to the forbidden place. There are many strange spells in it, one of which I believe you don't know." Lie Wuji smiled strangely, "Bodhi Seal."

With the fierce words, he was completely sealed, although it was only his soul.

"Self-sealing!" Lie Yuanshang found that he had lost some power, but this part of the power was very small, and he didn't care.


Things happened so quickly that people couldn't react at all.

Xiao Fei and Yan Yuqing looked at it in a daze, and the performance of the father and son in front of them was very, very strange. This kind of killing is not understandable to them.

Suddenly, they separated, and Lie Yuanshang's body retreated rapidly. He covered his chest in pain, and his mouth overflowed with blood. Lie Wuji fell to the ground and didn't know whether to live or die.

"Master?" Yan Yuqing finally couldn't help it at this moment, and she rushed up.

"Qinger, this fairy weapon is handed over to Tianjianmen." He explained, "He also took me to Tianjianmen, and Ji Teng was imprisoned in the castle."

"I'm going to kill him..." Yan Yuqing burst into tears, and he wanted to kill Lie Wuji.

"No." Lie Yuanshang held Yan Yuqing tightly. When Yan Yuqing was no longer impulsive to kill Lie Wuji, he was relieved. He turned his head and stared at Xiao Fei and said, "Xiao Fei, in the future... Qing'er will get rid of your care."

Then, the vitality of Lie Yuanshang passed quickly!

Death enveloped his body.