Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 294 The Ancestor of Fire

The five elders and nine elders were even worse. They sprayed a mouthful of blood, and their eyes withered in an instant.

Especially the nine elders, first of all, he had a fear of the practitioners who survived the disaster, and because he had been injured just now, under this blow, he was injured, and there was no fighting power.

Weinan's pale face gradually regained his blood color, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger and stronger. The thunderbra sword in his hand buzzed, as if trembling or excited.

Tian 18 looked at Wei Nan with a playful smile on his face.

It's really interesting. It's worthy of the Thunder Sword!

Wein seems to have his potential been stimulated, and his breath has become extremely irritable, but it is not disorderly. The violent breath poured into the thunder sword, as if the famous sword suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty murder weapon.

You can see that Weinan's hand holding the hilt of the sword has withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, with prominent bone joints and blood vessels soar.

"Kill!" Weinan slowly closed his eyes and opened his arms gently, as if he were flying, as if he wanted to hug something.

Then, he held the sword in his right hand and stabbed forward slowly and smoothly.

This action is like the clumsy sword move stabbed by a teenager who has just learned to sword.

Seeing Wei Nan's action, a bright light immediately flashed in Tian 18's eyes. The teenager in front of him was actually changing, and suddenly became less immature.

A small light spot gradually condensed on the tip of the Leisha sword. There was a faint thunder from the light spot, and there were countless 'Zizi' sounds at the same time.

The light spot slowly became larger, becoming the size of a fist, and then a little smaller, when Weinan's right arm stretched out straight.

The light spot on the tip of the sword has become only the size of a walnut, and the light spot comes out of the sword and crushes it all the way.

"Compress the sword!" Tian 18's face didn't care at all, and there was no worry in his heart. He is a master in compressing the method of sword meaning. The other party's cultivation in the divine period should have had this method long ago.

It seems that the disciples of Xuantianzong are nothing more than that!

Tian 18 smiled, his right hand slowly leaned out, and his finger became a sword.

A little black light on the middle finger shines with cold light, cold light like a needle.

Looking at the approaching sword, he gently. The black light spot at the end of the finger slowly flew away against Weinan's compressed sword.


The two light spots collided together without a violent collision, just like a bubble burst.

Two light spots dissipate at the same time as if they had never happened. Only the wind is raging, as if it is talking about the collision that just happened.


Xiao Fei is very busy, or he is already dizzy.

Two hands kept throwing people within reach to the barren tower. Thousands of people, from the disciples who only wanted to save the Fire Gate at the beginning, to later did not distinguish whether they were disciples of the Fire Gate at all, all of them were thrown into the Tower of the Desert God.

Yang Yuqing's eyes are red, and the sword in his hand is soaring, and the sword light is horizontal, which is inseparable from the mountain thieves. Her white and flawless clothes are now stained with scarlet blood. Dizzy out a blood flower, enchanting and gorgeous.


The shadow moon in Yan Yuqing's hand was suddenly stopped.

She didn't see who blocked her attack. There was only one purpose in her heart, which was to kill all these mountain thieves. But all those who are not dressed in the clothes of disciples of the Fire Gate are all people who should be killed.

A sword has just gone, and a sword comes again.

Xiao Fei blocked Yan Yuqing's sword with the Wild God Tower, but found another sword cut.

He was beaten by this, but he recovered his Qingming.

Seeing Yan Yuqing's crazy attack, Xiao Fei grabbed Yan Yuqing's waist with a gentle set of beast rings.

"Qing'er, it's important to save people." Xiao Fei's shouting full of Zhenyuan power made Yan Yuqing, who was still struggling, couldn't help but be stunned. Then Xiao Fei said, "I have saved many brothers from the Fire Gate. Go and comfort them so that they won't make trouble in the Wild God Tower."

The blood in Yan Yuqing's eyes faded a little, and she nodded in a stunned way.

Xiao Fei took his hand and gently pushed it to send Yan Yuqing to the Huangshen Tower.

In the tower of the wilderness.

More than 300 disciples who were thrown into the Fire Gate by Xiao Fei, as well as more than 300 mountain thieves.

In the tower of the wilderness, the two sides still shouted. In the face of such a scene, Tong Yao did not make a sound, and she looked on coldly. As long as the guy shouted, she raised her hand and smashed an ice sword. The ice sword could not hurt them, but it allowed them to freeze for a few minutes.

The chaos gradually became quiet from the beginning. They just looked at each other fiercely and wanted to kill them all.

At this moment, Yan Yuqing came in.

Many disciples of the Fire Gate saw the smoke and rain as if they had seen life-saving straws and stretched out their hands to grab them.

"Senior Sister~"

"Master sister, save us~"

"Big Sister~"

The messy calls for help came one after another.

The mountain thieves were frightened. They could see that the enchanting woman who came in was full of frost and murderous spirit.

"Wait for me to kill all these guys." Yan Yuqing saw this group of mountain thieves, snorted coldly, and the cold light flashed on the shadow moon sword in her hand, so she wanted to slaughter them.

"Slow, you are the elder sister of the Fire Gate. We are just ordinary mountain thieves. You should find our captain or our three village owners." The mountain thief squatted on the ground, and then a man who looked quite majestic stood up. He was not afraid of Yan Yuqing at all.

"I killed you for heaven." The misty rain and cold eyes looked straight ahead.

At this time, Yuanyuan and Dang suddenly appeared. The two children are becoming more and more cute now, and they are very familiar with Tong Yao and Yan Yuqing.

"Dangang wants them to be playmates, Sister Yan, okay?" The cat blinked his eyes and stared with a pair of begging eyes. Her chubby little hands pointed straight at the mountain thieves at this moment.

When Yan Yuqing saw the dang, the murderous intention in her heart suddenly faded. She looked at the dang and said no words.

Half a sound, she smiled and said, "Of course, they are yours from now on."

Dangduang jumped up happily when he heard the words, "Thank you, sister, thank you sister."

"Brother, help me quickly!" The ang is in command.

Yuan Yuan pretended to be cold. He casually drew a circle in the air, which enveloped the mountain thieves.

"Go!" His immature voice sounded, and with just one blink, more than 300 mountain thieves disappeared.

"Let's go." With a smile, he took Yuan Yuan's hand, and his body disappeared in a flash.


Weinan's sword compression is getting smaller and smaller, but it is limited to cultivation. At present, he can only compress it to the size of mung beans. He can't compress his sword to the size of sesame seeds.

The time between each sword and each sword is very short, and every sword is extremely simple to stab forward. Such a simple thorn has a strange power.

At this moment, take out a magic weapon like a wooden fish, and the magic weapon is suspended in mid-air. Whenever Weinan's sword spirit comes, the wooden fish magic weapon will jump high and then hit it down heavily.

Break with one blow!

Suddenly, Tian18 saw how the mountain thieves below were half missing, and all the disciples of the Fire Gate disappeared. I saw a ghost-like figure shuttle through the crowd.

Only where this figure has passed, several mountain thieves must disappear.

Da Damn, where did this bastard come from?

Tian 18 scolded angrily.

Suddenly, his eyes couldn't help jumping slightly, and he actually saw a familiar smell.

In an instant!

The bastard below actually uses the instant wind step. The instant wind step is unique to Tianjianmen. Is it a disciple of Tianjianmen below? However, in this mission, the leader has ordered that the disciples of the family are not allowed to travel in this area.

Just as he was distracted, Wei Nan seized the opportunity and suddenly threw out two compressed swordsmanships.

Tian 18's reaction slowed down by half a beat, and his sleeves were cut by a broken sword spirit.

"Bastard!" Tian 18 was furious, reached out and grabbed the wooden fish in front of him. He waved his arm and knocked it down.

The thunderbola sword in Weinan's hand pierced boldly without any fancy.

Simple and direct.

However, this time, his sword slowed down, and even the compressed sword condensed on the tip of the sword became gloomy at this moment.

The wooden fish knocks out a transparent light wave!

Wein suddenly snorted and bowed like a shrimp. He can hear the sound of rib exercise just now.

"What's the entanglement with a waste?" At this moment, a very majestic sound came from the sky.

"This is coming." Eighteen looked at Weinan coldly. This boy's life was really hard. The move just now did not shock him to death.

A floating figure in the sky flew away to the door of fire, and Tian18 suddenly raised his body and followed him.


Gate of Fire, Hall of Fire!

The elder was silent, and the new * leader was also in a daze at this moment.

"Han Yi, what do you think we should do?" The elder's eyes that seemed to fall into a deep sleep opened slightly.

"I can't help it. He is still in the period of becoming a god. The other party is in the period of disaster, and three people came at once." Han Yi was not worried at all. Anyway, he was also *, and he was just a puppet. In order not to offend the elder, he then said humbly, "Please ask the elder to make the decision."

The elder fell into meditation again.

After meditating, he raised his head and glanced around at all the people. These people avoided the eyes of the elder, which made the elder very disappointed. At this moment, he missed Lie Yuanshang in those days. At that time, he had never cared about such a fart. Thinking of Lie Yuanshang, he was furious.

If this guy hadn't provoked Tianjianmen, there would have been no such annihilation at the Fire Gate. So far, he really couldn't think of any good way.

Is there only one way to use it?

He pondered for a long time, stood up slowly and said to the crowd, "I'll come as soon as I go."

The figure of the elder trembled and walked towards a secret and desolate valley.

At the end of the valley, a deep cave appeared, and there were gusts of wind in the cave.

"The fire came to visit my uncle!" The elder's body suddenly straightened up and said powerfully.

No one knows that the way the elder thought of at this moment is actually the only surviving master of the Fire Gate! He is also the ancestor of fire.