Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 319 Dark Gold Box

In the fairy mansion, with the dawn, there was a pale morning light in the sky, and the young practitioners maintained a strange posture and remained silent.

It seems that he is still so lively, as if he has been sealed away from the meridians and maintained a movement. But if you look at it with your divine consciousness, you will find that he is dead. Death can't die anymore. The vitality of the body was cut off in an instant, and the original baby in the body was as if it had been frozen.

The young practitioners did not seem to be aware of the danger and had completely died.

At this moment, all the immortals, demons and demons who entered the infinite fairy mansion were awe-inspiring at the same time, and they realized that this place was really dangerous. Previously, I felt that those prohibitions did no harm to the practitioners of the divine period. However, the young cultivation in front of him, who was obviously in the deification period, died abruptly.

Treasures are very attractive, but without life, what's the point of seductive treasures?

The young monk stretched out his hand, and in front of him was a shining dark gold box, and he didn't know what it contained. The surprise on his face is so strong that it must be a good treasure.

Now, no one dares to touch and subdue this treasure. The dark gold box is like a huge monster shadow, covering everyone's hearts.

Take a detour and be careful!


Wuch aji Pavilion.

The so-called 'heart' is to use divine consciousness, but not divine consciousness, specifically, feeling.

Let the treasure feel you, be moved by your sincerity, and make the treasure feel that you are its owner.

To do this, you must immerse yourself in the whole mind and let the power of consciousness wrap the whole body.

"I knew you wouldn't look for it with your 'heart'." Xia Yan showed a proud look. Well, you can use this little formula, but there is a time limit, the time for a ray of incense. It can only be used once a day. With that, she threw out a jade slip.

The formula is very simple, and it is extremely easy for three people to learn.

Xiao Fei took a deep breath, pointed into swords with their hands, and quickly sketched them in front of him. After the last stroke, he suddenly closed his eyes, and then pointed his left hand to his heart, and his right hand pointed in the center of his forehead.

"It's so simple!" Xiao Fei felt this mysterious state, as if he filled the whole Wuji Pavilion and seemed to be above this Wuji Pavilion.

"Since the formula has been successful, let's start looking for the baby!" Xiao Fei shot a strange light from his forehead and looked for it back and forth in the whole Wuji Pavilion.

"I can get the infinite ball and pass the test. Sure enough, my understanding is extraordinary." Xia Yan saw that Yan Yuqing and Tong Yao were still trying, and Xiao Fei had already used spells to hunt for treasure.

Before Xia Yan finished sighing, he saw the strange light between Xiao Fei's forehead locked on a jade slip.

"That's not..." Xia Yan was simply stunned. In her memory, this jade Jane was very, very special. Because this is the skill of the cultivation of the infinite immortals - the Record of Immortals.

The biggest feature of the immortal experience of Wuji Immortal Cultivation is that it can refine immortal weapons, connect yin and yang to refine all things, pursue the extreme of heaven and earth, the source of all things, and only from Taiji to Wuji.

Xia Yan admitted that Xiao Fei is strange and can cultivate yin and yang golden elixir, but it is not special enough to get the immortals of the infinite immortals. In her heart, only the infinite immortal can practice this skill.

"What the hell, it's still resisting." Xiao Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed Yujian, but the purple Yujian emitted a circle of soft milky white light and struggled to resist, trying to break free from Xiao Fei's hands.

The two sides are arguing and don't want to give up.

"Turn, turn quickly." Xiao Fei urged Jindan, and there was no problem this time. The whole Jindan quickly turned around. The infinite ball in Jindan also rotated, and the whole Jindan 'rises and shrinks' again. The power of the mysterious in the left hand and the power of the fire in the right hand.

The two forces suddenly rushed, and the whole jade Jian no longer resisted and obediently fell into Xiao Fei's hands. Because of urging Jin Dan too hard, Xiao Fei snorted and fell from the air.

Xiao Fei looked up and saw that Yan Yuqing was fighting with his own shadow moon sword and a crescent-like flying sword. The crescent-like flying sword kept shining white, which was comparable to Yan Yuqing. Tong Yao is fighting with a strange beast, which looks like a big dog with snow-white hair. Xiao Fei saw through at a glance that this strange beast was just an illusion, and its body was a milky white print the size of a palm.

"I help my sister." Seeing that Tong Yao was suppressed by this phantom beast, Xia Yan was a little anxious and immediately took action.

But the strange beast with the square seal did not know Xia Yan, or was not afraid of Xia Yan. He raised his head and opened his mouth to bite Xia Yan.

"Be careful." Tong Yao suddenly turned her head when she saw the strange beast fighting with her, and the target was Xia Yan. She exclaimed, and her body flashed and came to Xia Yan.

The foreign beast roared and hit Tong Yao's body.

The magical beast disappeared, and the square seal also disappeared.

"I'm sorry." Xia Yan looked at Tong Yao awkwardly, "After being hit by the treasure, he failed."

Tong Yao shook her head slightly. She was slightly disappointed. She seemed to fight with Xiao Fei to help Xiao Fei meet her parents in the demon world.

Xia Yan walked to Tong Yao's side and held Tong Yao's hand tightly. Although this attack will not cause any harm to Xia Yan, she is still very moved. There is a warm current stirring in the chest.

Is this what the owner said before - care?

It's so nice, warm and comfortable.

Xia Yan's face was full of comfort, as if he had forgotten the dangers outside.


Xia Yan saw that Xiao Fei and Yan Yuqing had gained something, but Tong Yao was empty-handed.

Although this sister looks cold, she just protected herself regardless of her own safety. You can't let your sister go home empty-handed. There are so many babies here that you have to find one.

Suddenly, her eyes became brighter.

"Sister Yao, I think of a baby that must be suitable for you." Xia Yan laughed happily like a child. She took Tong Yao's hand and said anxiously, "Let's go quickly and don't be collected."

"Will Brother Xiao Fei and Sister Qinger go together?" Xia Yan, who had just taken a few steps, turned her head and blinked her big eyes at Xiao Fei and Yan Yuqing.

"Of course." Xiao Fei took Yan Yuqing's hand and quickly followed Xia Yan.

Xia Yan aimed at a huge white pillar, hit it with his head, and disappeared in an instant. At this critical moment, Xiao Fei immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed Tong Yao's arm, which was about to disappear.

The Wuji Pavilion has returned to tranquility.

A round cabin with no doors and windows. On the sharp roof mountain, there is a dark gold box. The shape of the box is simple and generous. There is a soft light in the slightly opened box, but it has a fascinating attraction.

In front of the cabin, a young man, full of surprise, stretched out his arm, as if he wanted to touch the box at the end of the small roof. He maintained this posture like a sculpture.

Everyone looked at each other in congruous and uncertain. However, everyone knows that this is not a statue, but a monk.

"What's wrong with him?" Tong Yao looked at the practitioners in front of her, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Dead!" Xia Yan said lightly, "Although he is in the period of transformation, this baby is not something he can touch. This is one of the owner's favorite treasures."

The dark gold box is full of **, which makes people can't help opening it and want to see the true face of the treasure in the box.

"It seems too dangerous!" Xiao Fei frowned, but he didn't want Tong Yao to take too much risk.

"With me, how can I let my sister have something to do?" Xia Yan raised his little head and stretched out his hand to pat her chest. With the beating, the full and attractive plump and trembling trembling, as if he wanted to break free from the flame-like tulle clothes.

With a 'coong', Xiao Fei couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water. This fire elf was killing him.

"Ouch!" Then, there was a heartache from his arm, and he couldn't help exhaling. Turning his head, he saw Yanyu's eyes, staring at Xiao Fei very fiercely. Xiao Fei knew what she meant at a glance. Thinking that Tong Yao was about to face danger, and she actually moved her heart. It's really damn. He secretly reminded himself that he would remind Xia Yan to wear more clothes later.

"That's fine." Xia Yan danced with both hands and used a formula. When the formula was completed, he saw a touch of delicate red light wrapped around Tong Yao's arms.

"Hmm." Tong Yao trusted Xia Yan very much, nodded heavily, took a step forward, and then took another step.

"Look, that girl dares to touch that box." Several people who had not yet gone far immediately stopped and watched how Tong Yao was instantly extinct.

As she keeps moving forward, Tong Yao can feel that the dangerous atmosphere emitted from the box is getting stronger and stronger, but at the same time, a strong flying force is growing in her heart. At this moment, even if you know that the front is very dangerous, it is difficult to resist the strong ** force.

She forced herself to suppress the impulse born in her heart, paused slightly, and slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air. Yuanying's little hand in her body pinched a formula, and the power of coldness filled her whole body in an instant. For a moment, she was full of confidence.

There are still five steps away. She decided to go, and each step was like a war drum. He was almost worried to death in Xiao Fei's heart.

Finally, the dark gold box within reach has arrived.

At this time, the dangerous breath disappeared without a trace, as if it was just an ordinary box. Tong Yao knew in her heart that a huge danger was coming, just at the moment she opened the box. Now it's just calm before the storm.

She slowly stretched out her hands and stroked the long dark gold box, but her tentacles were warm.

This did not reduce her worries at all. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger.

The left hand holds the bottom of the box, and the right hand slowly lifts the lid.

The dark gold box is full of crisscross lines, and a strange light will shine after touching, but at this moment, no one will care about any strange light, and everyone's eyes are condensed inside the box.


The box made a crisp sound, ** out of the treasure inside.


ps: Watch "Liberated Diego", the story is not bad, and the picture is still full of Quentin-style blood! The most anticipated movie, I didn't go to the cinema to see it. It's a pity! Hurry up (165 minutes) to finish reading and code quickly!