Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 379 Sun's family is in an emergency

The galloping all the way made the Fire Clouds sigh.

There are countless escapes and countless fast escapes in this world, and Luo Tianba's sword light escape is first-class. In the memory of the Fire Cloud, this escape can definitely rank in the top ten.

Suddenly, he remembered that this was the famous 'ecapempty step', and the milky sword light was the prop of the escape step, because Luo Tianba's cultivation did not seem to have reached the realm of being able to perform 'ecapempty step' at will.

Walking between the void and reality, it is amazing. The milky white flying sword sacrificed by Luo Tianba can stimulate a barrier to block the invasion of the void turbulence. After all, the human body is not as strong as the sword body of the flying sword. This sword has another function, which is to break through the void, which requires great mana.

In an instant, it is thousands of miles away.

The milky white flying sword turned pale and pale, just like Luo Tianba's face.


Luo Tianba could no longer control this flying sword. The flying sword fell to the ground, like a fish away from the water. After a few jumps, it stopped moving. Then, Xiao Fei and Luo Tianba also fell to the ground.

"This is miserable!" Luo Tianba rubbed his buttocks painfully and just fell from hundreds of feet high. Although he tried his best to control it, his weight and Xiao Fei's weight, and in order not to hurt Xiao Fei, he made a meat pad below. Severe pain came, as if the leg bone had been broken.

"Brother Luo, are you all right!" Xiao Fei asked with concern that he was deeply moved by Luo Tianba's behavior. If he was a woman, he must marry him. If Luo Tianba was a woman, he must also marry him!

"No problem!" Luo Tianba slowly climbed to his escape sword and gently stroked the milk-colored sword in his hand like touching his beloved. The sword is seven inches long and two inches wide. There is no hilt, only the blade. There is a faint halo at the edge of the sword, which seems to be nothing. He sighed, "The Zhenyuan power consumed just now is really great. This move is used by me to escape for my life. The disadvantage is that my Zhenyuan power is too cowardly. My own cultivation is too low. For the control of space, I basically rely entirely on the escape sword. If it is the cultivation of the Yuanshen period, then using the escape sword, I can travel around the world, at least hundreds of thousands of miles or even millions of miles, and now I can only control more than 10,000 miles!"

"Brother Luo, your escape sword is not damaged!" Xiao Fei also saw Luo Tianba spewing out of his mouth before, but now he is touching it in his hand. Has he been damaged by the escape sword just now?

"No, it's just that the power of the divine consciousness previously warmed in it was consumed too much, and I couldn't control it for a while. When I recovered my true power, I can warm up the divine consciousness in the sword." Luo Tianba showed an expression that reassured Xiao Fei, then shrugged his shoulders, sat down and said, "Let's recover our true power quickly so as not to catch up with that lonely fairy!"

"Good!" Xiao Fei answered, and the two swallowed the elixir and recovered their true power as soon as possible.


In Yunlan City, the voices are boiling and bustling with people.

They all looked up at the sky. Unlike in the past, there is no sun in the sky today, and of course there is no moon or stars. There was only a light golden light curtain that guarded the whole Yunlan City.

The defense built by the Lord of Beiming has not been used for hundreds of years. If it hadn't been for the use of Zhenyuan power on the street, everyone would have been because it was just a legend.

Today, the four abandoned spires on the corner of the city suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance. Then the four lights were intertwined and instantly hit an item floating in the center of the city, which seemed to be a huge bead.

The beads bloomed with countless light, and the faint light enveloped the whole Yunlan City in an instant. The light is full, and I only feel unspeakable warmth.

When people were surprised, suddenly a dark cloud rolled over in the distant sky.

At this time, a voice filled the whole Yunlan City, "All the masters above the Huashen period went to the four corners of Yunlan City and listened to the dispatch. I am the fire cloud vener of Tianji Pavilion!" While talking, the fire cloud slowly floated into the air, holding a white token in his hand, and the cloud pattern on it bloomed vastly.

"A group of juniors, are you safe to shrink in because you are turtles!" The dark clouds floated over Yunlan City, gradually revealing a young face. His long hair was tied into a bun with silver grass, and he was also wearing a shirt made of silver grass. In Yunlan City, clothes made of silver silk grass are generally women's favorite, because they are soft, because they can be empty, and because they will emit a faint light at night, which is very beautiful. And now this young man is wearing a woman's clothes and two bulging bags on his chest!

"Wow, what a beautiful woman, but she just speaks too rudely." A young dage in Yunlan City said with bright eyes.

"It seems to be a little sissy. Is it hermaphrodite?" Another dboy said thoughtfully.

"Wow, hermaphrodite, I like it so much." A dil beside him smiled, and then his body disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he appeared next to the lonely fairy. This girl, I like you so much, do you want to join me..."

The lonely old fairy stared suddenly and didn't wait for him to make a statement. The man screamed, "Wow, slightly frown, the melancholy look is so pleasing!"

"Get out!" The lonely old fairy saw this guy who had shining eyes and reacted in some parts of his body, and finally knew what the other party meant. He couldn't help bursting into anger and slapped the man who rushed up.

"Bang!" The whole guard array can't be approached.

Under the slap of the lonely old fairy, the teenager suddenly turned into a blood plasma, floating on the curtain of light.

"Wow, it's so cruel! Fortunately, I didn't rush up!" Just now, the teenager who only felt preempted by his companions immediately sighed.


"It seems that you are ready, so I'll come." The lonely old fairy did not do anything. After seeing that the light curtain below was more solid, he asked slowly.

However, it is obvious that no one will answer his question.

He slowly raised his head and suddenly pressed down!

"Bum!" Two shocks, where he pressed under his hands, countless light charms splashed, and two huge ripples rippled and staggered. The protective light curtain was colorful and colorful for a time, with beautiful. Countless girls actually sounded amazed.

"It seems that I'm going to use some powerful tricks!" The lonely old fairy seemed to be talking to himself. He stretched out his hand and pulled his back. Suddenly, a strange magic weapon appeared. This magic weapon was like a super-large toothpick, and the pointed two ends glowed with cold light.

"Go!" The lonely old fairy gave a gentle shot in the middle of the toothpick magic weapon and ordered.

The toothpick suddenly broke from it.

"Is it useless for a long time, rusty and broken?" A teenager below said in surprise.

However, the broken toothpick drew an arc in the air, one after the other, stabbing towards the protective light curtain!

"Move it with all your strength!" The Fire Cloud Venerable has seen the horrible strength of this lonely old fairy, and now he has taken out a magic weapon, and his power must be earth-shaking.

Before the "squeak~" toothpick arrived, it made a whistle when it cut through the air! Then, the toothpick suddenly stabbed the light curtain.

The protective light curtain is like a balloon, which is suddenly sunken inward with a strong poke. Countless light symbols burst, and layers of prohibition continued to break.

"Open the 18-layer ban!" The fire cloud master ordered. Suddenly, the spires in the four corners of Yunlan City once again appeared with a mass of brilliance. In an instant, there are nine layers of prohibition to make up for the attack.

At this time, the first half of the toothpick suddenly burst open and burst out with a little force. The nine-layer ban cracked as many as seven layers again, and then the second half of the toothpick took advantage of the situation and stabbed fiercely in the same position! Suddenly, the tip of the toothpick pierced through the curtain.

Just as people exclaimed and were ready to avoid one after another, the beads suspended in the middle of Yunlan City made a dull Buddha call, and countless golden runes gushed out and quickly wrapped around the pierced toothpick. Over Yunlan City, countless Sanskrit songs resounded in everyone's heart.

"Bang!" The toothpick magic weapon suddenly collapsed and turned into dust.

The light curtain recovered as before, and the Sanskrit sang disappeared, and the golden light on the bead was slightly dimmed.

"Haha, the toothpick is a toothpick. Do you want to help us remove our teeth!" A teenager shouted to the lonely fairy outside the sky.

"Hmm!" The lonely fairy seemed to be very angry. He stood in the void and suddenly took a horse step. The moment he stepped on his feet, it seemed that the earth trembled slightly. In a hurry, he took out a huge copper hammer and smashed it fiercely into the light curtain!

"Dong Dong~"

The sound of knocking, one after another, Yunlan City suddenly filled with knocking, laughter and Sanskrit singing. As if a grand event was being held, the copper hammer raised by the lonely old fairy was getting faster and heavier, and the flames scattered on the curtain were as bright as fireworks!

"Sung, the Sun family was attacked." A guard ran to the fire cloud and said breathlessly.

"Who dares to attack the Sun family?" The Fire Cloud asked coldly.

"That's him!" The guard stretched out his right finger and pointed to the lonely fairy who was attacking with all his strength.

"What?" The Fire Cloud Venant was shocked and took a look at the lonely fairy outside the sky.

"Haha, I'm just a split!" The lonely old fairy outside the light curtain laughed, as if the energy was exhausted, and immediately turned into countless particles and dissipated in the void.

"Go!" The fire cloud master shouted angrily, led dozens of people, and quickly galloped towards the Sun family. He had a token that he could shuttle through Yunlan City at will.