Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 13 Killing and Treasure

And before his laughter fell, he heard a man's surprised voice outside the cave buried by rocks: "Brother Hu, it should be here, but why is there still a voice in it!"

Deng Xi was stunned. What kind of disciple is this? Is it that you are here to chase this eagle?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling bitterly. He couldn't touch a few of his monsters, but the ghosts who came in to practice touched one by one. The girl he met before was at least a disciple of the mighty hall, but how could he always have this kind of luck?

Now that I have been blown up by the qi-eating spiritual sculpture, I have just escaped from death, and the true qi in my body is empty. If I meet several three disciples with profound cultivation, I'm afraid the situation is not good.

Just as Deng Xi's mind turned around, another slightly older voice came from far and quickly landed from mid-air: "Brother Fang, we have been following this eagle for three days, and now it is finally blocked. No matter who else is in it, solve it together!"

Deng Xi frowned when he heard this, and the two really came to chase the spirit eagle. Now that the eagle is dead, they are bound to seize the inner elixir. Originally, they have used the Three Worlds to include the eagle, which is equivalent to subduing this monster that cannot be subdued. Even if the Dan in the area is given to others, they will not lose much.

But listening to Brother Hu's words, if he wants things, he will kill people. Even if he is willing to compromise, he can't escape the fate of being lost and refined by the soul.

"Well, it hasn't been many days since I arrived at this vast universe pot. I have experienced several life-and-death juncture, and not this time."

Deng Xi secretly gritted his teeth and then began to operate.

Before the battle against the qi-eating spirit eagle, because his whole body was boiling and uncontrollable, he simply released all his power and won the victory. But the result is that the whole body is empty and almost in vain. But even so, he is still making every effort, hoping to at least recover the ability to summon monsters from the Three Worlds in the shortest time.

As long as you can summon the two monsters you contain, especially the pot demons that are particularly effective for the ghosts in the soul weapons, you will not have no chance to deal with one or two disciples in the inner hall.

At this moment, there was only a loud noise, and a burst of sand and gravel splashed at the mouth of the collapsed cave, and the stones blocking the mouth of the cave had been shaken out by foreign forces. The light was restored in the limestone cave.

After the dust fell slightly and the vision was clarified, two figures, one high and one short, flashed beside the giant eagle in front of Deng Xi.

The two people in front of him, tall, are a young airway monk. His eyes are not bright and his cultivation seems to be limited, at least not beyond Deng Xi's three levels of airway at this moment.

But another monk, who is slightly older and looks close to 40 years old, is exposed and looks like a blade. Obviously, he is a master of monism who has been condensed into a gasified realm. No wonder they dare to chase this monster with powerful powers against airway monks.

However, at this moment, the two people's eyes are a little strange, because they saw the body of the spirit sculpture lying on the ground, and Deng Xi sitting behind the sculpture with a faint smile.

"Did you kill it?" The tall brother Fang asked hesitantly.

Deng Xi was still running the true qi in his body with all his strength, hoping to create miracles, so he just nodded slightly to show his affirmation.

The younger brother Fang looked up and down for a while with a very suspicious look, as if he was confirming his cultivation.

"Really? If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid you don't even have the cultivation of the third layer of the airway. Can you kill it?

Den Xi is not in the mood to correct the other party's judgment of his cultivation. In fact, the lower he estimates of himself, the better he will be. So he simply nodded and made a very helpless expression. That means: "I did it, believe it or not."

At this time, the short "Brother Hu" suddenly said, "Brother Fang, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's get rid of him. Let's take something and go. This time, we have beented too much time for this spiritual sculpture. The door of the beast Mingyuan has been opened for a while, and many monsters have been released. We can't fall behind others.

Hearing this, Deng Xi only felt curious. It seemed that a special door had been opened in the cave, which attracted many monsters. They were in a hurry to hunt and practice. However, this means that the two will do it soon. I am about to face an extremely critical situation.

"Yes, brother!"

Brother Fang answered in a low voice, and then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he withdrew the mottled ancient sword he was wearing.

"Puff!" With a sound, he cut open the chest of the devouring corpse and carefully picked out a red inner elixir from it. I was about to get into the bag, but I heard Brother Hu say again, "Brother, be careful. This thing is extremely poisonous and can break the true spirit of protecting the body. The material of your storage bag is simple and shabby. I'm afraid you can't afford it. You'd better put it here."

Brother Fang was slightly stunned when he heard the words, but then nodded and answered, and then respectfully picked the spiritual carving elixir into the storage bag taken out by Brother Hu with a sword.

Brother Hu collected the storage bag and laughed and said, "Brother, you don't have to be unwilling. Although this monster is the first to find, with your power, not only can you not take it, but it will also be eaten by its magic sound. In the caves of the universe, there are many natural resources and earth treasures, but you need to have the ability to live in them. What's more, I have promised you that after my brother refines it, I will choose some refining materials for you.

"Yes, thank you, brother." Although Brother Fang's expression was a little stiff, he did not dare to complain.

Seeing that the thing had arrived, Brother Hu smiled contentedly and then curled his lips to Deng Xi: "And this boy. I've never seen him before. I'm afraid he's newcomer, and his skills are similar to yours. I'm afraid that there will be a war sooner or later. I think he seems to have internal injuries at this moment. Let's do it to save trouble in the future.

When Brother Fang heard this, he suddenly turned his head, and the two cold light in his eyes immediately fixed on Deng Xi's face, and the ancient sword in his hand quickly overflowed with the true air.

Deng Xi was very anxious when he saw this. Because the time for him to transport his skills was too tight, until this time, the true spirit he condensed was not enough to summon any monster in the Three Worlds.

"Just a little longer! Just a moment!" He shouted in his heart.

Just as soon as the ancient sword in Brother Fang's hand was raised forward, a wild laugh suddenly came from the air outside the cave: "Hu Tianxing, what a good play of killing and robbing treasures. I should have missed anything, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, Hu Fang and the two were shocked at the same time, and then looked at each other and turned back together.

Without for them to exit the cave, a figure flashed at the mouth of the cave, and a tall and thin middle-aged monk fell from the sky and blocked them in the cave.

When Hu Tianxing saw this, he stopped and then stopped and sneered: "Zhao Chengdong, why are you here?"

"Me? Do you still need to ask? Why is Brother Hu here? Of course, why am I here?

Hu Tianxing took a deep breath and frowned, "You also came here for this sculpture?"

Zhao Chengdong held his head and said, "Of course, Brother Hu, do you think that only you can find such a monster?"

Hu Tianxing nodded: "Yes, there hasn't been any powerful monster in the Qiankun Grottoes for a long time. Recently, it is rare for this thing to be born, and it is easy to attract the attention of all families. However..." His eyes suddenly condensed: "We don't have to talk too much. The inner elixir of this demon is already in my hands. Brother Zhao appeared at this time. Do you still want to do it?"

"Why does Brother Hu need to ask knowingly?" Zhao Chengdong turned his head and pointed to Deng Xi, who was still closing his eyes and carrying out his skills: "The qi-eating spiritual sculpture was not taken by your brothers. The real person here is here. I didn't say, why can't you do it after a few days? Because you are not easy to do it, and you are afraid of making wedding clothes for others. Now that this brother kills this eagle desperately, you come out to grab the elixir. Since you can do it, don't blame me for being like this.

As soon as these words came out, the Hu Tianxing brothers immediately took two steps back and became nervous. Obviously, the two of them knew that their cultivation was under Zhao Chengdong. At this time, the other party had already fought an open battle, and they had no way out. And this is the default rule of the Qiankun Hall, and everyone in it is already ready.

And behind them, Deng Xi's heart was secretly relieved at this moment. The imminent death situation was broken by the sudden appearance of Brother Zhao, and he finally had time to breathe.

"Fight, fight, fight to death quickly. If you want to kill and seize treasure, give me more strength. It would be better if both sides can be injured. When you finish playing, I will have the strength to clean up the mess. He thought with hatred.

While talking, the tide-like true qi has spread throughout the cave.

Because both sides of the battle have reached the state of condensation, this expansion of the true qi outside the body, like a tangible entity, surging pressure on everyone present.

Hu Tianxing and Zhao Chengdong naturally had nothing to do, but the younger brother surnamed Fang couldn't stand up immediately. He was suddenly pushed out and hit the mountain wall heavily, smashed a large stone wall with a bang and scattered all over the ground. The flying dust immediately filled the cave.

Compared with him, Deng Xi, who had just recovered a small amount of true qi, couldn't bear it. Fortunately, he was already cross-legged on the ground and lay down on the ground under this heavy pressure. But the waves from his body still suffocated him and almost dispersed the hard-earned true qi.


Hu Zhao and Zhao have already made their own unique moves and are in one place.