Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 34 What he said

Deng Xi came out of the gate of Qiankun Grottoes. After looking around, he found that not only was Mingqiluo missing, but also no other brothers, so he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But soon, he recalled that what the disciple of the ghost royal hall surnamed Bai said about the four-class competition when he reported to Zhou Yulou that day can now make the whole majestic hall empty. What other reason is there besides such a big competition meeting?

"Has it started so soon?" Deng Xi frowned in an instant.

For him, the importance of this meeting is obvious. If he can't steal the Xuanfuding to open the door of the universe in the shortest time. The door of this universe cave will be closed to the failed three halls.

According to Mingqiluo, Wei Wutang's strength has been seriously insufficient recently. If he does not take action, failure is almost inevitable. The result of failure is that I will not be able to enter the Qiankun Grotto through the entrance of the mighty hall for a year.

Although for those who refine gas, a year is not long. But for Deng Xi, it is too long. Any accident in the middle will destroy his plan to escape from the vast universe.

especially the identity of the Xingyue sisters. When each hall can send people into the cave, they can also fish in troubled waters to hide themselves. But if only one disciple can enter the trial in the end, they will be exposed immediately. Once this matter is discovered by the guardians of the Qiankun Hall and returned to the owner of the vast Qiankun pot, the ending of the two sisters will be imagined.

If something happens to them, who will tell themselves how to open the door of the universe?

At the thought of this, Deng Xi's heart suddenly jumped up.

At this moment, how far has the comparison been? Can you catch up with it?

With his heart moved, his body turned into a shadow in an instant and flew to the Qiankun main hall where the meeting was held.

But just as he passed through the two halls and entered the huge corridor leading to the main hall, he suddenly felt that his palm shadow in front of him was like a mountain, and a turbulent true air rushed to himself quietly.

Deng Xi's heart was shocked. Fortunately, his cultivation at this moment was not what it used to be. The fifth layer of the airway returned to the realm of nature, so that his divine senses could be integrated with the surrounding environment at any time. As soon as this palm came out, he immediately felt it. So, he finally flashed out diagonally at the moment when the magnificent palm hit his chest.

What surprised him more was that this true anger did not continue to advance after missing the target and hit the wall behind him. Instead, it rushed through less than a foot away from his body and quickly dissipated silently and became invisible.

"Chengqi is clear?" Deng Xi was stunned and was able to control the true qi to such an extent at will, which is a typical feature of the fifth level realm. Who is this person who attacks himself?

When he turned his attention back to the direction of the palm, he found that it was the gate of the side hall. The door was half open, and the back of the door was dark, and he could not see the scenery clearly with his eyes. Through divine exploration, he immediately found that there was a thin figure standing in the shadow behind the door with his hands on his chest.

Before Deng Xi could speak, the man snapped away: "The fifth level of airway cultivation, which disciple are you?"

The tone of this words, in arrogance, is obviously mixed with surprise.

Deng Xi doesn't have time to wait at this time, and there is no time to delay here. But no matter how anxious he is, he has to be patient with at least the fifth level of airway cultivation in front of him.

Because it is obvious that people who can reach such a level in the Qiankun Hall should either fight with people in the front hall now, otherwise they must be at the first level of elders and guardians. And he can't afford to provoke these people for the time being.

"The disciple is...mighty." He answered in a low voice.

Seeing that he was respectful and polite, the man smiled coldly and slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Don't you know that the twelve laws of the Qiankun Hall must run quickly before the main hall?"

When Deng Xi heard this, he couldn't help shouting that it was bad. He rushed to the competition, but forgot that there was such a thing in the ban of Qiankun Hall, and the punishment was to be imprisoned for ten days. If you are stopped like this at the door of the meeting, you will die unjustly.

In an instant, a murderous intention suddenly rose in his chest. If the other party insisted on stopping him, even if he took the risk, he had to try. Because when I arrived here, the rumble of the rumble in the main hall of Qiankun in the distance was clearly heard, and I didn't have time to delay.

"The disciple had to rush to the four big meetings, but he forgot it for a moment." He responded hurriedly and slowly gathered the true qi.

While talking, the man had come to him. Deng Xi looked up and found that the man was a crane-haired childlike face, with a torch in his eyes and not angry. It's just that I haven't seen it before.

"Participate in the cave-grabbing meeting? That's all right." The man laughed and said, "However, do you think you are a powerful disciple? What's your name?"

When Deng Xi saw that the other party's tone was relaxed and seemed to have the possibility of letting go of his past, he said truthfully, "Mighty Deng Xi."

"Dun Xi?" The other party seemed to be stunned for a moment: "Interesting, interesting."

Deng Xi was anxious and urged, "So, can I go?"

The man looked up and down and said without hurry, "Go ahead, but you'd better save more strength. There may be other things later."

"What? Something else?" Deng Xi was surprised, but he didn't ask. He didn't want to make any more branches, so he quickly answered and quickly went to the Qiankun main hall.

Behind him, after a faint smile, the man suddenly broke his body and dissipated into pieces of debris in the air.


"Master Mingtang, you have given up the previous game. If you give up this game again, this universe cave will have nothing to do with you for a year. Think about it yourself." Li Hufa said coldly.

Ming Qiluo hasn't answered yet. Wen Donglai, who had already made a scene because of her abstaining before, sneered again at this time: "Don't be so stubborn if you don't have the strength. What do you say to give an explanation on the court? It turns out that the statement is abstaining? Fortunately, Xiao Xiang gave me a long face, otherwise, he would have been killed by you.

Ming Qiluo only didn't hear his words, smiled bitterly, looked down at the disciples of the mighty hall, and finally nodded: "Yes, I give up."

"Good!" Li Hufa said loudly, "The Weiwu Hall has been abandoned in both games, and the Ghost Royal Hall has been promoted."

The disciples of Guiyutang, who had already guessed the result, were all relieved. Sun Guangyuan nodded with a smile. Although he really fought, he didn't pay attention to these weak disciples, but it can save some strength, which is still good for the fight behind. After all, Qian Yunlu won until he was exhausted, and there was not much difference between losing.

At this moment, the huge door of the hall was pushed open, and an eager voice shouted, "Wait a minute, who said we gave up?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a sudden chaos in the whole hall of Qiankun. Everyone followed the sound, but saw the opening of the hall door. Deng Xi was walking proudly and walking into the middle of the arena.

When everyone saw him clearly, there was a whisper.

There is a humane: "Oh, who is this person? Speak so arrogantly!"

Another person said, "Hey, I know this person. Isn't it him who challenged the scene in front of the death array last time?"

"Yes, his name is Deng Xi. At that time, he was still a beginner in the airway. Unexpectedly, he killed Xu Shao, the most powerful man in the outer hall, on the spot, and only used one punch."

There is also a humane: "What is he going to do?" Do you want to end up?"

"Can't? Why did he fight with people when he just entered the inner hall?

"No, don't underestimate him." A disciple of Tongshentang suddenly said, "I don't know how he was before, but a while ago, in the universe cave, I saw him take action with my own eyes, at least in the realm of condensation."

Hearing this, the people around suddenly became an uproar: "How is that possible? Are you kidding?"


Of course, among all, the most surprising thing is that Mingqiluo will be counted.

Because at this moment, Deng Xi's whole body emitted the breath of the entrance of the airway. And for Ming Qiluo, who saw Deng Xi directly upgrade from the entrance to the third level of Tiangan explosion in a short period of time, he would not believe it.

So if you want to show today's external state with high-level cultivation, the only possibility is that Deng Xi has broken through the fifth level of returning to the original state.

However, isn't this even more incredible?

But in just two or three months, why did he leap the level again?

However, if Deng Xi really reaches the level of her guess, the result of this hole-grabbing ratio will be completely reversed. The other four-level disciples of the airway in the three halls are like chickens and dogs in front of him.

For a moment, her eyes, which had been miserable for several days, suddenly changed to a thin smile.

Just as everyone was talking, Deng Xi had already crossed the crowd under the stage and strode to the center of the arena. Not long ago, he surprised the whole universe here. And now, he has to let them experience this feeling again.

"Li Hufa, a powerful disciple Deng Xi, is here to request the completion of the last competition just now."

Since he came in, Li Hufa was only slightly moved at the beginning, and then returned to his always indifference. At this moment, after listening to Deng Xi's words, he did not answer him directly, but turned to Mingqiluo and said, "Master Mingtang, what do you say?"

As soon as Li Hufa opened his mouth, everyone was immediately silent and turned their eyes to the young female master who had been squeezed by everyone for most of the day.

Mingqiluo lowered her head and looked at Deng Xi quietly for a moment. When she identified the confidentness in the other party's eyes, she couldn't help taking a long breath, and then turned her head and smiled faintly at Li Hufa: "What Deng Xi said is equivalent to what I said."