Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 193 Will you go or I go?

This is a tug-of-war.

Because Deng Xi no longer needs to hide his identity, he can use a wider range of tricks. Whether it is the hot beam of the Haotian treasure mirror, or the resentment army of the soul refining flag in the underworld, so that the powerful piercing of the Dinghai God Spear began to pour out on this group of thousand-year-old monsters infinitely.

Uti, who lifted the ban, also began to show her own tricks. She has the best spirit body and absorbed a large number of magic power of the abyss. At this time, she is no longer comparable to the original Shen girl or Uti herself.

Although there is still a big gap between her skills and Deng Xi, with her flexible figure and the cover of Tu Lin, she walked through the middle of these huge monsters and attacked their key points from time to time, which was also full of results.

In an instant, amputation flew across the four sides, and a piece of blood rain sprinkled all over the sky. A head of a monster was knocked to the ground, and the sad howl and angry roar echoed on the whole peak for a moment.

Finally, when the body of the monster in front of him had gradually piled up into a hill, Tulin's strength was also exhausted. He was instantly picked up into the air by a mammoth-like monster with long teeth, and then crossed through by more than a dozen sharp-horned flying dragons flying in the sky, cut into pieces and dissipated in the air.

Deng Xi and the two were shocked at the same time. Without the suppression of Tu Lin's momentum, the combat effectiveness of these monsters was equivalent to a level of improvement.

Sure enough, the battle situation took a sharp turn, and the two were immediately forced back to the corner, which could only be supported by the powerful power of Haotianbao Mirror.

However, with the decline of Deng Xi's power, it is only a matter of time before even the hot beam of the Haotianbao mirror can only burn those powerful monsters with rough skin and thick skin.

"No! In this way, we will all die. You'd better send me up and escape by yourself.

Looking at the sad look on this beautiful face, Deng Xi shook his head resolutely: "Even if you are willing, I won't do it. You are the daughter-in-law of my Deng family. This has been decided for a long time, and no one can change it.

In an instant, the other party's eyes were suddenly full of tears.

After Deng Xi's chest fluctuated violently a few times, he suddenly frowned and his heart lit up. Then he tried his best to repel several giant beasts that rushed up, and then carried his strength to the sky and shouted, "Han Lun! You can't think of what I can't get. Everyone will die together. It's just a clean one!"

The sound swayed up in an instant, rushed out of the thick spiritual miasma and rose into the sky.

At this time, the Hanlun couple had been observing in mid-air for a long time, and they had already noticed the faint fierce fight below. Although the miasma is strong, it can't completely block the sight of the two people.

As soon as she heard Deng Xi shout out in a Pang Zheng's tone, Mrs. Sun was immediately shocked and said, "Sir, this old man wants to burn all the jade and destroy my son's Uti."

Han Lun's eyes twitched slightly: "Don't worry, Pang Zheng won't do this unless you have to. I think this fierce battle is quite lively, and you should be able to fight for a while."

Looking at her husband so calmly, Mrs. Sun is like an ant on a hot pot: "Sir, he has given us the position. As long as you go, isn't it easy to get it? Why wait at the risk? If there is a long time, won't Haier blame me to death?

"He dares!" Han Lun opened his eyes.

Mrs. Sun looked at her husband with hatred: "Okay, you don't go, I'll go. I don't believe it. I still can't take a exhausted Pang Zheng.

As she said, her body twisted as if she was going to fly down.

"Hey! Madam, what's wrong with you? All right! I'll just go."

After appeasing Mrs. Sun, he shook his head helplessly, and then turned around and fell straight down like a meteor outside the sky.

"Bum bang bang..."

Han Lun, who had been cultivated for a long time, was full of true energy and like a demon god. As soon as he fell near the ground, there was a series of attacks. The monsters surrounding Deng Xi's mountain depression immediately collapsed.

Due to the narrow terrain, there are not many monsters that could have directly attacked Deng Xi and the two, and most of them can only cluster around and wait for opportunities.

At this time, when they saw that someone was killed from outside, they immediately rushed up like wolves who had been hungry for dozens of days. Especially when he saw that he was the human who angered him at the beginning, they were even more emotional and became manic again.

In the face of this situation, Han Lun couldn't help frowning secretly. Before, he only needed to provoke the anger of the monsters, and he didn't need to fight with all his strength. If you want to leave, you can run away. But now he has to force himself to kill from the other party's mountains and sea of monsters. It is also not a relaxing thing for him.

After all, unlike Deng Xi, his skills are greatly affected by Lingyu, and his tricks are more limited. Almost all large-scale attack tricks will be naturally absorbed.


He was as lucky as a sword, cut head-on, shaped like cutting melons and vegetables, and rushed straight to the position of the sound of "Pang Zheng".

Along the way, more than a dozen thousand-year-old giants were cut in half vertically in his hand and fell down with grief. His figure has rushed behind the last layer of monsters surrounded by Deng Xi.


A burst of blood rushed, and none of these monsters were stabbed to the ground by Han Lun.

In front of him, "Pang Zheng" seemed to be almost overdrawn. At this time, he put his hands on his knees, bent down to gasp, raised his eyes forward, and forced himself hatefully.

As for the beautiful Uti, he lay far away in the mountain depression, with his eyes closed and didn't know what had happened.

Han Lun couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this: "How can it be? What happened? Pang Laoer can still support it himself. It's impossible to kill Uti!"

"How is she?"

Han Lun asked in a low voice and walked forward slowly. In his seemingly heavy footsteps, he inadvertently showed a kind of tension and panic.

"Ha ha ha..." Deng Xi looked up to the sky and smiled bitterly: "How's it going? I have already said, since I want to die here, how can I leave such a treasure in the world to you? It has been killed!"

When it comes to the last sentence, he is already fierce.

Han Lun's eyes widened in an instant and shouted angrily, "Pang Zheng! How dare you! I'm going to smash ten thousand pieces of you!"

But at this moment, he suddenly found that the Uti on the ground seemed to be slightly undulating in his chest. Even the fingers have made a small position adjustment.

"Huh?" Han Lun's anger dissipated in an instant. He shook his head and sneered: "Pang Zheng, you are not even good at waving people. Do you want to provoke me and distract me so that I can sneak up?"