Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 210 Deep Consciousness

This is a situation that Deng Xi has never encountered before.

The opponent's attack actually has no attack power, and it has no actual damage to his body or soul. The reason why he lost control of his body and fell into the sea was that the other party opened a dark space door in front of his consciousness at the last moment.

When he instinctively resisted, he found that the other party used his own strength to pull his consciousness into a strange space that he had never seen before.

What surprised Deng Xi most was that the other party was clearly a trick against divine consciousness, but the golden light of the guardian god of "Record of the Three Worlds" did not respond. Even at this moment, he couldn't feel the existence of this supreme object at all.

"How could this happen! What on earth is Ling Deng from? Why can't this strange move even be stopped by the Three Worlds?

For so long, Deng Xi has been used to relying on it to deal with all kinds of unfavorable situations. Now he has suddenly lost it. The ultimate sense of loss and uneasiness makes him unable to help but surge and uncontrol. I almost wanted to shout out.

After a long period of horror, he finally calmed down. At this point, no matter how much he thinks about it, he can't change the reality. It is reasonable for him to deal with the current situation first and find a way to return to his world as soon as possible.

Looking around, the space where you are is very narrow. At the top of the head is a sky that looks no more than ten feet high and full of gray haze; at the feet, a gray earth is full of cracked ravines. Around, around, also ten feet away, the fog is blocked, and it is difficult to see things.

What is this place? What kind of person made the space? How can it be so small?

A series of questions poured into Deng Xi's heart in an instant. He couldn't help rushing and wanted to walk behind the fog, but was surprised to find that the fog around and the haze above his head seemed to be following him. No matter which direction he went, the scenery around him had not changed at all.

Deng Xi became more and more surprised, and he quickly expanded his consciousness and looked around.

At this time, he was even more stunned. It turned out that when he sent the divine consciousness into the fog, those divine consciousness seemed to have entered an extremely twisted space. After a strange circle, he actually returned to his space from the opposite direction.

"How could this happen?"

Deng Xi panicked and waved his hand to make a true breath.

Sure enough, with a bang, the true air disappeared from the fog in front of him and hit back from his back. He almost caught himself off guard.

"It doesn't work on all sides. What about the top? Can you still come out of the ground?

Deng Xi gritted his teeth and bombarded him. This time, the real anger did not emerge from the ground, but turned back the same way and rushed to himself without hindrance. It felt as if it had hit its own Haotian treasure mirror.

"Below!" Deng Xi still did not give up.


A huge fireball burst from the ground in an instant, and the desolate land splashed and smoke and dust. A deep pit appeared in front of him.

He immediately laughed at this: "I really think you have no flaws, that's all."

However, before his words fell, the smile on his face froze, because the ground under his feet was like a weathered rock, which soon dispersed into a dust and dispersed without wind. This strange weathering process finally stopped until it was flush with the bottom of the bombarded pit. As a result, it returned to the starting point, as if nothing had happened.

"Who can tell me what kind of place this is?"

After Deng Xi shouted, a feeling of weakness immediately hit his heart, and his legs were soft, and he sat down on the dry and cracked ground. All the efforts show that this is a perfect closed space, a place where anyone can be blocked, and all the struggles are just a waste of their energy.

I don't know how long it took for him to gradually recover from his confusion.

"No, this is by no means a real alien space. With that Ling Deng, if he can create such a magical space, does he still need to fight like me? Do you still need to follow Xiang Kunpeng's buttocks? I'm afraid that people who can create different spaces by themselves can already travel through the three worlds, right?

Thinking of this, he immediately began to re-examine the strange world around him.

After a long time, he suddenly had some vague ideas.

"If I go further, it will take a step back, and all the power will be reversed, especially the low ground will return to its original state. This is not real, but like an illusion, including the true qi I blew out, which is an illusion against my own consciousness.

Attributing everything in front of him to hallucinations, the doubts in his heart began to become clearer.

Illusion is the result of changing your sensory input, or adding a false sensory memory from the outside world to make yourself feel like you are in another world. This is not a damage to divine consciousness, so it will not touch the protection of the Three Realms.

That is to say, your divine consciousness is still in your body, and you can't command your body just because of the misleading of your senses. If this speculation is not wrong, then what you have to do is to dispel these false feelings and reconnect with your real senses.

But how to do this?

After thinking for a moment, Deng Xi suddenly opened his eyes: "Since it is a false feeling that can affect my consciousness, I can influence it with my will. Of course, I still have to rely on my mind to break the illusion. After practicing in the divine realm for so long, isn't it just refining my soul? Now it's time to use it!"

Thinking of this, he immediately held his breath and devoted all his attention to his heart. These illusions seem to come from the outside world, but to break them, you must start from your own heart.

Concented and guarded the middle palace, Deng Xi not only stopped paying attention to the chaotic and strange scenes around him, but turned to himself, carefully examining every line of information that came into his heart and tried to find out their flaws. So that they can be exposed in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, as his mind continued to sink into the deepest part and disperse into those seemingly clueless sensory information, these messages became bigger and clearer. He seemed to see the content of this information and began to be decomposed into strange runes. A series of

"What do these represent?"

Den Xi was not sure about the meaning of these runes for a moment, so he moved and began to try to change the contents of these runes with his willpower.

As soon as he started, he immediately felt a sense of power. Because this is the first time he has entered such a small field of vision to observe what is in his consciousness, and it is still difficult to grasp everything. If he wants to change such a subtle structure, he is still in the stage of entering the noble realm, like walking on thin ice.

Fortunately, Deng Xi had no other way to go at this time. He finally found this unprecedented field and immediately devoted all his energy to it. If he did not get the ideal result, he would never give up easily.

After thousands of hard experiments, he can finally decompose his willpower to such a delicate level and start operating those runes.

However, these runes seem to have a power of self-protection. He condensed great spiritual strength. As soon as he tried to remove one of the runes, he immediately saw a flash of light. The changed runes immediately began a strange deformation, which seemed to be from some runes at the end. , copied it again and filled it in the original place.

In an instant, the whole string of runes took on a new look.

Deng Xi couldn't help but light up when he saw this. Isn't it like the strange scene he saw in his eyes? The fog and haze that will never change around will restore the cracked land to its original state.

Is this the root cause of these illusions that cannot be changed and broken?

Deng Xi was very excited. He didn't know how to start those illusory scenes, but can't he deal with this small rune in front of him?

Thinking of this, he gathered his spirit again and studied the runes on those strings. Gradually, he found something interesting.

It turns out that most of each string of such runes is strange and difficult to recognize. It should be used to identify the characteristics of perceived external things, but at the end of each string, there are some very similar runes. Every restoration of the previous rune is completed through this last part.

"Is this what identifies the source of these illusory messages?"

Dun Xi guessed boldly.

Now the senses brought by my real body are completely isolated from divine consciousness, which may also be related to these.

So he changed his target goal and focused his willpower on these terminal runes.

Sure enough, the tenacity of these runes is by no means the one he tested before. No matter how concentrated he is, it is difficult to move them at all.

"My spiritual strength is not enough!"

Thinking of this, Deng Xi not only did not feel discouraged at all, but became more energetic. Since his spiritual strength is not enough, he should simply practice here.

He has already found that when he carried out the previous experiment, his willpower will also improve rapidly. The speed of improvement is tens of millions of times faster than the previous practice in the real world!

So in the next ten hours, he gathered all his spiritual strength again and again, focusing on the rune, a round of failure, followed by a round of repeated impact. Just like endless waves, rushing to a solid embankment, maybe not ten times or a hundred times, not thousands of times, but after years and hundreds of millions of impacts, no matter how strong the dyke is, there will eventually collapse one day.


In Deng Xi's perception, it was as if he heard the loud noise of the last collapse.

He finally broke through the seemingly indestructible connection and broke the strange rune at the end of the message.