Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 261 Mrs. Liang


Yangzi opened his eyes and shouted fiercely.

Deng Xi's heart tightened. He didn't want Dao Zhengzi to be hurt, but he knew better that Yangzi would not let Dao Zhengzi go at all. Because after the launch of the Dongfu magic array, in the process of crossing tens of thousands of years ago, due to the loss of the body, other people must enter together to ensure that there is enough flesh and blood to reorganize the body in the end. Just like that day, Qing Chengzi lured Bo Yuntian's subordinates to travel with him.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave the five caves and let the other party open the magic array.

So he immediately said harshly, "Return Yangzi, don't dream anymore! I am..."

But when he was only halfway through his words, the second sound of Yangzi had sounded: "Two!"

And the true qi in the other party's body has been fully mobilized, and obviously it can be taken action at any time.

"Wait a minute!"

Deng Xi was helpless. Even if the other party would not let go in the end, he could not watch Dao Zhengzi be killed by the other party.

"Ha ha ha..." Yangzi opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood and whispered bitterly, "Deng Daoyou, isn't this all right? Why do you have to scare me? I have practiced Yangzi for so many years, and there is no hope of soaring. It's not easy to get this opportunity to get a few ancient artifacts. You can just let my old man go and take it as a good deed.

Speaking of the last sentence, seeing that Deng Xi seemed to want an interface, he immediately shouted harshly: "Let's go! Do you still want to procrastinate?"

Deng Xi was furious, but he could only take a deep breath and retreat step by step. He was extremely slow and tried to find any opportunity to do it.

Yangzi saw his intention at a glance and continued to smile bitterly, "Deng Daoyou, I know what you want to do. Don't think about it. It's useless. As long as I feel a little danger, I will kill him. Anyway, if you see through it, I can only ask for life in death. How can I have any scruples?

When he heard this, Dao Zhengzi immediately shouted: "Master! Leave me alone and kill him directly!"

This young man was more painful than his death when he saw his master, who regarded him as a god, being coerced and giving in.

But Deng Xi had no choice but to ignore his life and death and could only continue to retreat.

Seeing that he had retreated to the door of the cave, he still couldn't find any chance to do it. He couldn't help but feel very anxious.

Seeing Deng Xi stop again, Yangzi's two long white eyebrows immediately stood up: "Three!"

And just before his voice fell, the whole cave suddenly swayed violently as if it had been hit by something.


The three people in the hole were slightly shocked at the same time. Deng Xi and Huan Yangzi couldn't help but be lucky enough to explore the four directions. Then, they immediately felt that at their feet, something was quickly drilling up from under the ground.

seems to be a huge thing!


Before Yangzi's voice fell, the sand and gravel splashed and the smoke and dust rolled. A huge hole was drilled into the ground in the middle of the cave, and a black thing quickly rushed out of the hole. It looks like a huge centipede-like head, covered with black and red hard armor all over its body, its jaws are like pliers, and its eyes emit a terrible green light. The viscous ** dripping from the mouth exudes a pungent smell, showing strong toxicity.

After a sharp hiss, the huge head rushed up and rose to the height of almost the top of the cave. Looking at the limbs below it, with many feet, claws and body links, it was indeed a centipede monster.

"Well, how can there be such a thing here?"

As soon as Yangzi opened his mouth, he immediately felt that his whole body was soft and his breath was suffocated: "This fishy smell is poisonous!"

As soon as this idea came to his mind, he immediately foresaw another terrible result.

"Oh, shit! Deng Xi..."

In an instant, he only felt a pain in his eyebrows, and a strong true qi had rushed straight to his brain, instantly cutting off his mind's control of his whole body. It was Deng Xi who missed the opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

At the same time, Deng Xi has rushed to him and pulled the Taoist priest out of his hand. Then he was ready to return to deal with the huge uninvited guest.

But who knows, this huge monster, for some reason, did not launch any attack. Instead, after staring at the body of Yangzi on the ground, it lazily twisted its long body, retreated from the hole and disappeared from the sight of the two.

"Huh? Why did this monster run away? Isn't it the wrong door?"

At this time, Dao Zhengzi was unblocked by Deng Xi and shouted strangely.

Before the voice fell, a long voice came from the wind in the distance: "Deng Daoyou, are you all right?"

Hearing this sound, Deng Xi couldn't help frowning in surprise: "How could it be her?"

The voice turned out to be Mrs. Liang. After a moment, she rushed to the door of the cave.

Taking advantage of this short time, Deng Xi quickly took back Yangzi's storage bag and quickly found another piece from the middle that matched the jade card that Yangzi had just given him. What is recorded above is exactly a method of protecting the mind called the flow of the heart, which can retain its own consciousness in the process of crossing time, without returning to the state of the previous life with time.

It seems that Qing Chengzi at that time relied on it to retain the memory of this life after crossing.

Before Deng Xi had time to carefully study this secret, Mrs. Liang's figure had already entered the cave.

"It's okay, I'm finally not late." She saw the Yangzi on the ground and seemed to breathe a long breath.

Deng Xi put the jade card into his bag and said curiously, "Mrs. Liang, what are you?"

Mrs. Liang was stunned for a moment, then sighed gently, pointed to Yangzi's body and said, "Oh, Deng Daoyou, I accidentally found this man's conspiracy and came to inform you. I released the ground centipee just now.

"So that's it!" Deng Xi was extremely surprised to hear this. He first thanked Mrs. Liang for her help, and then asked, "How did you know that this person was going to hurt me?"

And Mrs. Liang's next words made Deng Xi even more confused.

"I heard it from Lian Chengyue."

"Lian Chengyue?"

Mrs. Liang nodded and said, "Yes, it's him. Deng Daoyou, you may not be able to imagine this matter, because Yangzi is actually Lian Chengyue's uncle, who was instructed by Lian Chengyue to lure you out of the mountain. The purpose is to use you to deal with Feng Mingshui and Lan Pingchao, who he can't deal with.

"What! Is he the one behind the scenes? Dao Zhengzi felt that he had been confused and kept touching his forehead.

Deng Xi's expression calmed down at this time. He took a deep breath, lowered his head and thought for a moment before asking, "In this case, how could Lian Chengyue reveal such an important thing to your wife?"

Mrs. Liang shook her head with a wry smile: "Of course, he won't reveal it to me casually, because when he told me, I was almost a dead man in his eyes."

"Dead people?" Deng Xi raised his eyebrows: "You mean, he also attacked you?"

"Yes, he killed Feng Mingshui first, then Lan Pingchao, and finally raided me and almost killed me. Fortunately, the ground centipede I raised gave him a fatal blow, which made me win." Mrs. Liang said.

"What the hell is going on? Can you make it clear from the beginning?" The more he heard, the more Deng Xi couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Mrs Liang smiled and said, "No wonder you don't understand. If Lian Chengyue hadn't been willing to say it himself at the last moment, I would have died in the end. I don't know what's going on."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Liang sorted out her thoughts and said slowly.

"In fact, Lian Chengyue is the descendant of the Shen family among the four families mentioned in the Lanping Dynasty."

"What? The descendants of the Shen family? Deng Xiqi said.

Mrs Liang said, "Yes, he is a descendant of the Shen family, and I am a descendant of the He family. All of us have been calculated by him. Because his skills are the worst among us, he also knows that if he wants to win the last treasure, he has no chance of winning by himself. So he must find someone who can help him solve all his problems. This person is not easy to find. You should know that neither Feng Mingshui, who has the power left by his ancestors, nor the strong Lan Ping Dynasty, can be shaken by ordinary people.

And they can defeat them, but it is more difficult to control. While driving the tiger at the front door, the back door attracts the wolf.

But it happens that Lian Chengyue's uncle is still Yangzi, or his real name Lian Zhanshan, suddenly found your existence.

At this time, Dao Zhengzi jumped out again: "Oh, it turns out that this old boy's name is Lian Zhanshan. No wonder he wants to grab things from us."

Deng Xi held down Dao Zhengzi and frowned, "Looking for me? Just because my cultivation is relatively high? Can you help him be a threwd?"

Mrs. Liang looked solemn and said word by word, "I just said that this is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is that you didn't get the secret and didn't know the secret of the time travel of the cave. In addition, you are familiar with Yangzi, and it is easier to gain trust. Fortunately, after you deal with others, you can use the power of the shuttle array to kill you.

Deng Xi originally had some thoughts about Mrs. Liang's coincidental appearance. After listening to this paragraph, he only felt slightly stunned and secretly strange. Since the other party is the heir of the He family, it's good not to deal with himself. How could he come here to help so deliberately? Also take the initiative to mention the hidden content of the secret method.

"Secret? What secret?" He pretended not to know and asked casually.

"I'll tell you about this later." Mrs. Liang said, "Let's talk about what just happened. Shortly after you left, everyone also dispersed, but Lian Chengyue never left, saying that he wanted to have a few words with Lan Ping. I didn't care at that time, so I left first. Who knew that as soon as I was not far away, he killed Lan Ping and the three people on the spot.