Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 269 Why aren't you dead yet?

Uti and others trapped in this terrorist array used their tricks to fight back.

However, at this moment, the enemy they are facing is Deng Xi, who has been injected with the spirit of a huge demon god after nearly three years of cultivation. That terrible power is not something they can resist at all.

In addition, there are huge psychological obstacles in the hearts of several women such as Uti. Deng Xi is the man they thought had lost forever. Now that they suddenly appear, they are in a crazy surprise. How can they fight hard?

So they disappeared. In a short time, they were completely suppressed. Except for the bitter support, there was no room to return.

Seeing that the whole black sea city and all the people in it will be completely destroyed in this terrible bloody massacre.


The dark Shen girl suspended in the sea and looked timidly at Deng Xi, who was like a demon, and couldn't help laughing. It's like the person who did it was herself.

"Little bitch, do you see it? Do you think I can't kill you, so there is no way to deal with you? Do you think you can resist me if you know all my tricks? You are so naive!

"Record of the Three Realms" is here, and Haotian Baojing is also here with me. Only I can think of using the connection between the two Haotianbao mirrors to go to the cave of Zhenshi Wuzun and find my brother of the Deng family. With him and the power of my demon god, you can only wait to die! My brother Deng, work harder. After completely eliminating them, the whole Kyushu world will be ours!"

In excitement, she waved with one hand and instantly summoned countless black dragons from the Three Realms and rushed to the array of resentment. She can't wait to see the final victory.

At the same time, in the chaotic and poisonous array of resentment, Mingqiluo, who was struggling to support and almost fall into despair, suddenly remembered something and immediately forced back a group of wasp-like grievances and rushed to the Jiangyue and Orange Star sisters.

"Sister Ming, I'm afraid we can't stand it. Why did that dead guy get the trick of that bitch? When Jiang Yue saw her coming, she couldn't help shouting anly.

Ming Qiluo gritted her teeth and said, "Don't complain. Deng Xi is involuntarily now. We have to help him."

"How can I help?" Jiang Yue frowned: "Can't he resist himself? What's the use of our cultivation?

"Use the formula!" Ming Qiluo said urgently, "This skill was created by Deng Xi himself. It is not in the Three Worlds. Miss Shen doesn't know. As long as we open contact with him, the three of us will hit him one by one. Are you afraid that we can't stand it?"

Hearing this, the Xingyue sisters couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and a trace of joy flashed in their eyes at the same time. But a moment later, Orange Star said worriedly, "However, if we just urge the secret, that person can't open it, and we can't connect."

"There's no time. Let's be a living doctor. Let's have a try!" Jiang Yue made a decision immediately.


Another dark storm containing tens of thousands of grievances was exploded into debris in front of them, but the three were also shocked again, and it was difficult to hold on for too long.

The three had no choice, so they took a deep breath at the same time and ran the skill that had made their faces red and heartbeat in the process of cultivation.

And as soon as their formula opened, Deng Xi, who was releasing his horrible power in infinite rage, suddenly felt shocked. He can't open the connection between the two sides without taking the initiative, but the other party's unilateral operation will generate a strong communication signal to hit Deng Xi's heart and prompt him to make a relative reaction.

At this time, his mind was sealed, and of course he would not react normally, but the other party was three people at the same time, and the signal generated was doubled. After entering his body, it converged into a strong torrent and rushed to Deng Xi's spiritual platform, trying to arouse Deng Xi's own consciousness.

However, it is not surprising that around Deng Xi's spiritual consciousness, there is an extremely strong dark will that firmly blocks it out. The power of this dark will is like a towering and insurmountable mountain in front of the consciousness of the three people.


The three had no other way out, so they could only hit the mountain in front of them in vain. In the rumble, they still stepped still and it was difficult to move forward.

At the same time, because all the skills of the three people are invested in the formula, their own protection is dangerous and they have been in danger several times. Uti and Chang Feng were shocked when they saw this and quickly came over to help them resist Deng Xi's resentful attack.

After discovering their efforts, Uti immediately gathered all the great wizards of the Wulin clan and launched a Dinghai array around the three. This formation was stimulated by eight wizards and used the flesh and blood of countless black-scale warriors as weapons to block Deng Xi's offensive regardless of sacrifice.

A sad scream kept coming from the mouth of the black-scaly warriors rushing to the front, and their bodies had already been full of holes. But under the support of this formation, these black-scale warriors, who should have died, still urge their broken bodies to fight bravely like immortal zombies. It was not until the last arm was completely corroded by the highly poisonous hellworm that he stopped swinging the weapon in his hand.

Seeing that the number of people in the array is getting smaller and smaller, the black scale king, who was already trapped in madness, immediately issued a whale-like call. Thousands of black scale men, whether they have the ability to fight or not, rushed out of their hiding place and joined this hopeless resistance.

Gradually, the top of the black scale sea city has turned into a sea of blood, and a pile of black scale warriors have been ruthlessly killed. This horrible massacre is almost going to destroy the black scales again after the disaster hundreds of years ago.

"Are you really in a hurry to die? Then fulfill them!" The blood of the demon god in the Shen girl's body has completely boiled. She shouted almost frantically over the array of resentment, while continuing to transmit her power to Deng Xi's body.

At the same time, the three Mingqiluo failed again, and the powerful counterattack power generated by the dark will outside Deng Xiling's platform was directly transmitted to them, shaking the three people's consciousness almost at the same time.

"No! The power input by that bitch is getting stronger and stronger, and we can't get through it. Jiangyue almost cried.

And the two daughters of Mingqiluo and Orange Star also showed despair almost at the same time. They looked up in the high sea. At this time, Deng Xi had already been filled with the power of the demon god. His whole body was like a demon. He only knew one thing, which was killing.

"Don't give up, try again!"

With a delicate shout, she immediately gave up her defense and sat in the middle of the three women. The secret was turned around and quickly injected her true qi into the body of the three people.

Although Uti's power at this moment is far less powerful than that of the Shen family girl with dark attributes because of the divine power of the abyss demon, after several years of cultivation, it is not small. With her sincere support, the spirit of the three women was refreshed and immediately stimulated the heart formula again and launched an impact.

But at this time, because Uti, as the great priest of Wulin, gave up his support for the Dinghai array, the array immediately lost half of its strength and began to fall apart under Deng Xi's attack.


Millions of grievances finally broke through the array that had buried the lives of thousands of black-squall warriors and rushed down to the people in the array. The scene was like a black waterfall, hanging upside down from the zenith with harsh screams.

"It's too late!" Chang Feng opened his eyes and shouted in a low voice.

With a bang, those resentful spirits have rushed to the front of everyone, and Mingqiluo and the three still have not been able to break through the wall erected by the Shen family girl outside Deng Xilingtai.

In an instant, everyone was swallowed up by the dark turbid current.

"Good! Little bitch, you can finally die! I finally don't need to face an existence exactly like myself every day, hehehe..."

The girl from the Shen family looked up to the sky and laughed in an instant.

However, after she laughed for a while, she suddenly frowned: "Huh? No! How can I still feel that little bitch? Why isn't she dead yet?"

Then her eyes turned sharply, looked at Deng Xi in the distance, and screamed, "Hey! What are you doing? Why haven't you killed that little bitch yet?"

Deng Xi slowly turned around, and his scarlet eyes were still expressionless: "Her skills are very strong, and I'm not strong enough."

"Isn't enough? I have given you so much magic skills!"

The Shen girl then bit her lip hatefully: "Okay, I'll give it to you again! We must completely eliminate the little bitch!"

With that, her hands were connected, and in an instant, she carried out the power of the demon god in her body and condensed into a huge black gas magic ball between her hands. Then she shouted harshly and pushed her hands. From the black ball, she quickly shot a beam of light, roared down and rushed directly into Deng Xi's vest.

Deng Xi's whole body was shocked, and the extremely magnificent power of the demon god instantly made his body expand violently. But soon, he struggled to run the true spirit and turned the power of the demon god into the meridians around him.

But then, to the surprise of the Shen girl, he did not urge his formation. On the contrary, he suddenly accepted his tricks, and the horrible grievances that permeated the whole ocean suddenly withdrew and disappeared into the dark curtain around the array.

This is not to mention, and what shocked the Shen girl was that when the resentment retreated, the women of Wuti Mingqiluo, who had already submerged in the sea of resentment, as well as the black scale king and his remaining close warriors and wizards, stood intact in the undersea city.

For a moment, an extremely bad thought immediately surged into my heart.

"Deng Xi! What's going on? Why is none of them dead?"

She screamed.