Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 265 Desert Island Array

However, at this time, Deng Xi could not recognize the eldest son of the black scale king. The Shen girl became the black scale priest in the name of Uti, and Uti was originally a spiritual person in the clan, and it is not surprising that her face has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Deng Xi won't become a young ebony to recognize his relatives, will he? Regarding this time-travel, the Shen girl did not make it public, because it was too troublesome to explain.

So in the end, he could only bury this matter in the bottom of his heart, and if he had nothing to do, he would visit the large group of king's grandsons and king's great-grandchildren who he had left in the Wuling clan.

At other times, Deng Xi and the girl of the Shen family began to force the white monk to confess. He must grasp the inside story of the heavenly monk's capture of the Three Worlds as soon as possible.

In this regard, the Shen girl has an unparalleled advantage. Although most of the power of the demon god has been transferred to Deng Xi, the body of Uti's spirit man and the secret treasure book of the Wulin clan, she has used all kinds of charm skills. How can the white monks who have been completely banned can resist? Question mark After a few rounds, he began to take the initiative to explain.

What I didn't expect was that there seemed to be chaos in this person's consciousness, and the content was also upside down.

It took two days to gradually clear their minds. It turned out that there was not only one person's soul in this person's body, not even two, but many. And when talking under the art of charm, these gods have lost their constraints and coordination with each other, so they often say a sentence to me, and the foreword doesn't match the afterword.

It turned out that this person's real body was just an ordinary human monk named Tengyu. Hundreds of years ago, when he was looking for medicinal herbs on an unknown island in the south, he strayed into a grand magic array. In the magic circle, he met a dying monk, and as a result, he was quickly taken away by this man and his consciousness was sealed.

And the person who seized his body was another person who had a similar experience to him, who was also robbed after straying into the phalan.

Going back all the way, it was found that the same cycle had taken place seven times, and the original one in the array was an invisible spirit body. This spirit body did not have a complete self-consciousness, but a fragment, which should have been separated from someone's divine consciousness. Its main function is to forcibly implant a task into the will of the person who has been taken away.

This task is to keep the magic array for a lifetime. When the magic array sends a signal, it is transmitted to the person who owns the Three Realms through the magic array, kills it, takes back the treasure, and then sends it back to heaven through the magic array.

If a person can't wait for the signal of the magic array in his lifetime, he needs to release false treasure hunting news to lure some qi practitioners to the island to search for treasure, seize it again, and pass on the task one by one.

When Deng Xi and the Shen girl completely sort out all these contents in many messy words, they were disappointed to find that these people trapped in the barren island array were only responsible for taking back the Three Realms, but they were not the originators of the logistics into the human world. They still haven't figured out the context of the Three Worlds.

However, when I learned about the magic array that could reach the heavens, a strange idea couldn't help but arise in my heart.

"Brother Xi, do you want to go?"

The girl of the Shen family tilted her head, flashed her touching eyes like water, and quietly stared at Deng Xi.

Deng Xi was silent for a moment and then nodded: "Originally, our qi refining people took flying to heaven as the highest goal. But the road to soaring is extremely difficult and dangerous. Even if the strength arrives, if you are unlucky, you may be destroyed and turn into flying ashes. And if this magic array really has the ability to go straight to the heaven, why not take advantage of it?

Besides, according to Tengyu, even if we don't go, the other party will definitely come again. Instead of sitting and waiting, it's better to take the initiative to attack.

The Shen girl's eyebrows bent and showed a sweet smile: "I know that if you don't figure out the details of this treasure for a day, you won't feel at ease."

"Of course." Deng Xi held her jade hand and said with a shallow smile, "If I hadn't done this, I wouldn't have gone to the Dongzhou mainland in those years, and I wouldn't have met you in this underwater city."

The girl of the Shen family's heart was sweet, and then the corners of her mouth were up: "Yo, you showed me again. Did you save me in the predetermined abyss? However, if it hadn't been for you, a bully who bullied the people and robbed the people in Black Dragon City, how could I escape?

"Strong robbery of women?" Deng Xi smiled bitterly: "It's our parents' order, and the media is getting married. How can it be regarded as a robbery of a people's daughter?"

"That's it! That's right!" The girl from the Shen family said loudly, "Your Deng family is the most bully. First, it is said to marry the young master. A few days later, it is said that the young master is dead, and another young master said that he wants to marry me. They began to prepare the dowry, but before they passed the door, the second young master had an accident, saying that he was a harmful bastard, and the young master came back. So back and forth, tossing people over and over again, who do you think I am? Do you think your Deng family is bullying?

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard the words. Although he knew that the Shen family had a problem with his family, he had never put himself in the shoes of her, the bride-to-be. At this time, I felt guilty for a moment and quickly hugged the jade man in my arms and apologized repeatedly.

But the resentment of the Shen girl has not yet fallen, and she continued to say, "Then, the most annoying thing is that you still came to the door and made the whole Black Dragon City restless. The second ancestors of your family were even more domineering, and finally asked me to marry you to ask for peace, just like treating me as a goods. Although I am not a daughter, I also have my own self-esteem. What else can you do besides running away?

Deng Xi's apology was dry at this moment. For a moment, he had nothing to say, so he could only make a pitiful look with a bitter face.

The girl of the Shen family looked at him fixedly for a long time, and her beautiful face, which had been flaming, suddenly relaxed and laughed: "Well, well, I have forgiven you for a long time."

Then, she reached out and stroked Deng Xi's cheek and said softly, "Actually, when I met you when I was eight years old, I decided to marry you, so when I heard you die, I was really sad. When my parents wanted to marry me to your brother, if I wasn't afraid that they would be sad, I would have wanted to die. Fortunately, you came back and ruined the marriage. Do you know how happy I was when I heard this? But later, what happened in Black Dragon City really made me angry. I just want to find a way to show you some color.

Deng Xi smiled and said, "So you crossed the eastern continent and want to become a peerless magic skill. Come and step on me?"

"Yes, my original cultivation was so poor that no matter how much I practiced in the Zhongdu mainland, I couldn't catch up with you, so I had to go to the Dongzhou mainland to try my luck. Who knew that as soon as he arrived at the uncertain sea, the boat capsizes and was changed. Fortunately, you came up to make trouble, otherwise I could only be given that by that disgusting abyss demon. Speaking of this, the Miss Shen curled her lips hard.

Deng Xi didn't want to answer her last sentence, so he turned to her and said, "In this case, why didn't you forgive me and run away?"

The Shen girl stared and hummed coquettly: "I have suffered so much grievance, is it so easy to make you cheap? And..." Her tone suddenly changed: "At that time, I absorbed the power of the demon of the abyss demon, and began to be affected by its evil power, and my revenge became heavier."

Deng Xi's heart moved: "I see. In this way, in Shangtian City, in Gao Yangfeng, and later disguised as Ling Deng to deal with me, they were also influenced by the abyss demon?"

"Of course, I didn't hate you at all on the peak, but when I killed Mrs. Sun for revenge, the feeling of killing immediately burst out the magic in my body. So..."

"That's why you went to slaughter the Han family." Deng Xi smiled bitterly. Thinking of this, he unconsciously remembered the Han San girl who had suffered a series of misfortunes, and a vague apology came to his heart in an instant. Although her experience is mainly because of her father and brother's greed, it is also largely related to herself.

And after the fierce fight between herself and the Shen girl, I'm afraid the girl's later situation will not be too ideal. For a moment, he remembered the Heavenly City that had been turned into ruins and couldn't help sighing gently.

How smart a woman the Shen girl was. She immediately saw through Deng Xi's thoughts and grinned, "Brother Xi, do you miss Miss 3? Is it my fault for causing people to be full? So can't you let go of your arms and include a delicate girl in the room?

Deng Xi stared and said, "Look at what you said, she and I have never done anything. And how can I blame you? Aren't you also influenced by the abyss? With your skills at that time, how could you resist the erosion of an alien demon god?

The two hugged and talked to each other for a long time before coming out of the Dragon God Tower. At this time, Deng Xi had executed Tengyu and put the seven souls he entangled in the universe pot.

At the same time, in his Three Realms, a special illustrated book appeared. In addition to the stacked seven people, the original fragments of divine consciousness also had a brief introduction: "Heavenly monk Cang Zhenglan devoted himself to the separation of the human world to inherit the method of parasitization forever. It is to collect the Records of the Three Realms for Cang Zhenglan and return it to the heavens.

"Cang Zhenglan? It turns out that the person who hides in heaven is called this name.

Deng Xi suddenly felt that he had found a goal to act, soared to heaven, found this man named Cang Zhenglan, and spread out the problem with him to solve it, which was what he had to do next.