Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 299 Chaos Demon King

The width of the cave where Deng Xi is at this moment is not exaggerated, that is, about a thousand steps. But its height is amazingly high.

Looking up from the position where he stood, with Deng Xi's eyesight at this moment and his broad aura exploration ability, he could only see the darkness and could not even touch the top position.

Walking forward, not far away is a cliff pit, and the pit below is not too deep, up to three or four feet deep. Under the pit, there is a huge stone as dark as a house, protruding from the ground.

The boulders are smooth and transparent, with a crystalline appearance, and are composed of smooth planes. An extremely condensive chaotic aura rolled out of the black crystal, overflowed the whole cave, and then gushed out along the channel. It seems that this crystal is the source of chaotic aura in the whole chaotic underground palace.

And it was not these that really surprised Deng Xi. In this huge crystal, there seemed to be a smoke-like thing, slowly twisting his body. Sometimes it is close to the crystal surface, and sometimes it hides into the darkness.

Is this the so-called chaotic demon king?

In the three travel notes borrowed by Deng Xi, the three authors seemed to have an agreement. After seeing the final chaotic demon king, they stopped writing and only vaguely mentioned that the other party's strength was strong and difficult to deal with. Then jump straight to the story of the return journey.

This made Deng Xi doubt whether they had not been able to defeat the Chaos Demon King and retreated directly.

Looking at the plot they described earlier, it is extremely easy to enter the cave, showing quite strong skills. If it is really a come back in the end, how powerful is the power of this chaotic demon king?

At this time, there was silence in the cave, and only the smoke-like objects in the black crystal lingered silently, and the whole atmosphere was extremely strange. It made Deng Xi's breathing heavy.

It's just that since you have come here, there is no reason to go back empty-handed. The two princes behind him are also coming here. If I don't seize the time to take down the last demon king of the chaotic underground palace and get its chaotic essence, the advantages created by painstaking efforts before will be wasted.

Deng Xi secretly boosted his true spirit, and in an instant, his whole body roared like a river rushing. The powerful aura shrouded his whole body for a moment to prevent anything unexpected.

At the same time, he slowly flew up and carefully floated to the black crystal.

And just as he was about to fly over the black crystal, the smoke-like object in the crystal suddenly penetrated from the surface of the crystal, floating in the air one by wisps, and gradually condensed into a huge smoke mass three or four people high, drifting and rolling like clouds.

Deng Xi's heart was stunned, and he quickly stepped back a few steps and held his breath.

"No one has come for a long time. Has anyone finally come to die?"

A voice that seemed to be far and near, unable to distinguish between men and women, suddenly came out of the smoke. With the appearance of the sound, the smoke also faintly formed a vague human face shape, and its mouth and nose were talking with open.

And when it comes to the last sentence, it roars and buzzes like a huge bell.

"Are you the Chaos Demon King?"

Deng Xi said loudly.

"Chaos Demon King? Ha ha..." The smoke laughed in a low voice, "You practitioners like to name others. I'm not a demon king. I'm me. I'm the owner of the underground palace, waiting for you practitioners to come to my door.

"Delivered to the door?" Deng Xi smiled coldly: "What? Listen to what you mean, are you hunting us practitioners here instead?

"You're right!" The chaotic demon king shouted in a low voice, "If you idiot practitioners often run to death, how could my body gather so quickly? Without the souls of you practitioners, I'm afraid it will take two thousand years to fully take shape. And now, with only a few souls left, I can condense my essence.

With that, the smoke suddenly surged in the direction of Deng Xi like being blown by a gust of wind, and bullied him less than three feet before stopping. When he looked at Deng Xi carefully, he seemed to draw back in surprise for some reason.

"You, your soul, why is it so strange? Aren't you from the fairy rock world?

There was obviously a little shocking in his voice.

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard the words. He couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's words at all. Although I flew up from the human world, now that I have soared, I should be a person in heaven. Where does this "people who are not in the fairy rock world" start?

"I'm not from the fairy rock world, am I still a ghost?" Deng Xi laughed.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly seemed to be a little confused. The smoke kept rolling, and the illusory face was also changing rapidly. For a long time, it condensed again.

"Yes, it's a ghost. Although your people are here, your soul is not there. Your real soul seems to be still in the underworld."

As soon as the other party said this, Deng Xi was immediately shocked.

"Are you dazzled? The boundary between the two worlds is clear. Since I am in the heavenly world, how can my soul be in the underworld? I don't have the supreme power to connect the three worlds.

And the chaotic demon king obviously understood this truth, so he shook his head slowly: "Am I wrong? It's impossible."

Den Xi did not have time to discuss these inexplicable problems with the other party. The rumble of fierce fighting behind him has become closer and closer along the dark cave, and he must do it immediately.


Deng Xi's dark air gushed out in an instant, and the boundless dark curtain reappeared, making this already extremely dark underground cave darker.

With a buzz, the god-killing death blade suddenly appeared. An invisible boundary condenses on it, making its appearance magical, jumping and flowing like a ghost fire.

"Don't talk nonsense. You want my soul. I want your essence. Take it according to your ability and get what you need."

As soon as the words fell, his figure gathered millions of resentment spirits and turned into a violent whirlwind, spiralling towards the clouds. In an instant, thousands of ghosts howled and the wind roared. The depths of this chaotic underground palace seem to have suddenly fallen into the deepest end of hell.

After a while, Deng Xi came out of the cloud. But his heart was empty in an instant, because he clearly felt that his attack was like an arrow piercing through the clouds, and he was not affected at all.

He quickly turned around, but found that it was the other party who quickly changed his shape at the moment he attacked, opening a huge opening from the middle. After he passed through, the other party quickly closed again. It's safe and sound!


The Chaos Demon King laughed loudly: "Do you only have such a little cultivation? Even less than half of the person who came last time, just like this, want to kill me? Well, since your practitioners call me the Chaos Demon King, I will let you taste the power of my Demon King. Spiritual knowledge is devoured!"

His loud voice filled the whole cave for a moment, shaking the whole mountain wall began to rumble under the sand and rocks.

In the voice, his smoke-like body, like an airbag suddenly blown into a breath, suddenly expanded and expanded directly into the whole cave at a suffocating and horrible speed.

Deng Xi only felt that his body was shocked, and an inexplicable suction instantly rushed into his brain. This suction was so strange that he completely ignored his true qi protection and directly acted on his divine consciousness, as if to extract his divine consciousness from his body.

"Come on, let me have a good look at what's wrong with your soul." The chaotic demon king sneered.

Almost at the same time, the figures at the gate of the cave were swaying, and Long Keqin and Qiu Minghui had both killed.

As soon as they came in, they saw "Meng Sansi" swallowed up by the smoke. Unconsciously surprised and happy.

Of course, the boy was happy that he played tricks for a long time, but finally fell into the trap and found his own way to die. This makes them feel very happy. But at the same time, in the face of this huge fog that they had never seen before, the two of them were also shocked and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Two more? These two are one level higher than the one just now! Great! This time, I can eat the souls of three practitioners at a time, and my real body is about to be refined!"

The chaotic demon king was extremely excited, and there was a strange change in the illusory smoke body, which condensed two giant palms and bombarded the two people.

Long Qiu and the two had just stood firm, and before they could see each other's situation clearly, the head-covering trick attacked in front of them. They couldn't help shouting at the same time and retreated. At the same time, he counterattacked casually and bombarded the brilliant magic seals.

The two are highly qualified and excellent. Their long-term cultivation has already given them the ability to be shocked. The attack moves in his hand are clear and powerful.

But soon, they were shocked to find that their tricks had no hindrance to the other party. The other party's cloud-like body, as soon as it met their powerful power, immediately changed its shape, like running water, squeezed through various cracks.

Seeing this, Long Qiu and the two quickly collected their tricks and directly detonated their anger around them.

hong hong hong...

The seal is broken, the halo is shining, and the colorful light balls that seem to melt everything in the world explode one after another. Full of their powerful energy in the later period of breaking the sky, they suddenly rushed out in all directions unscrupulously and rushed to the surrounding mountain walls, causing sand and stones to fly, the rock layers to break, and a large number of earth and rocks were instantly melted into crystal lava, and then evaporated into high-temperature steam, forming a larger explosion.

For a while, the whole cave began to collapse slowly.

However, while the violent explosion was still in progress, the two struggling people suddenly felt that the invisible smoke of the other party was still penetrating from somewhere.

"How is this possible?"

The two exclaimed almost at the same time, and it was too late to fly back.

The smoke covered their bodies. In an instant, they only felt that their heads were tight, and the terrible power had forcibly penetrated into their minds and sucked their souls crazily.