Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 8 Jiang's undercurrent

"Come back to Jiang's house with me." The man said with a slightly unhappy look.

Jiang Danwu looked up, and a strange face appeared in front of him, and then a message poured into his mind. The seventh uncle Jiang Jianhua, a sixth-level star spirit, was one of the members of the Jiang family council.

With the appearance of Jiang Jianhua, his strength naturally appeared in Jiang Danwu's mind, and at the same time, some information related to the cultivation of the world also automatically appeared in Jiang Danwu's mind.

The Star Land does not have the same heaven and earth spirit as the earth. This world cultivates a force called star power.

Through hard physical refinement and perception of the power of the starry sky, everyone formed the first white star in Dantian, which can truly enter the threshold of cultivation and become a first-class star. At this time, the strength, speed and physical strength are much stronger than ordinary people. With the continued cultivation, more stars will be formed in the body until nine white stars become nine stars.

After the nine-level star cultivation reached its peak, the nine white stars burst with the squeezing of the star power in the body, and formed an earthy star. At this time, they became a star master. At this time, they could even see a layer of earthy light flashing in the attack.

The star master also has nine levels, which lies in the number of yellow stars in the body, but after the star master's cultivation, the star power can fill the whole body, and each attack will glow yellow, and the strength is several times higher than that of the master.

There are also star spirits, star kings, star emperors... There are also nine levels of cultivation, and the color of their star power is also different. As for whether there is a more powerful existence above the Star Emperor, Jiang Danwu can no longer be found in this limited memory.

The realm of the star spirit can directly release the star power and attack from the body. As the realm is higher, the power of attack will become more powerful.

And the realm of the star king is a huge watershed. At this level, you can condense your own star power into a piece of armor to form a strong defense. It is almost difficult for opponents who are lower than their own cultivation to break through their own defenses.

He often heard from his family that his grandfather was a ninth-level star king before he was born, and he was also one of the most powerful people in Xingzhao. However, he closed his death to attack the realm of the star emperor soon after his birth, and now it has been 15 years.

As for my body, it seems that the first star condensed in Dantian at the age of 12 in my memory, which is still because of the large resources of the Jiang family, and it took more than three years to cultivate from the first-level star to the fifth-level star, which is also the reason why Princess Tianyang looked down on Jiang Danwu.

In this world where martial arts is respected, no matter how prominent your family background is, if you don't have strong strength, you still can't be respected by others.

"Uncle Jiang, you can't blame my boss for this..." Looking at Jiang Jianhua's bad face, Feng Yingcai immediately helped explain.

"Excellent, this is my family's family." Although Jiang Jianhua didn't say much, it was very obvious that he wanted Feng Yingcai to shut up.

Feng Yingcai also knows something about the internal situation of the Jiang family. Since Jiang Danwu's grandfather Jiang Xiaotian closed his death and threatened not to enter the Star Emperor, he passed on the position of the head of the family to Jiang Jianchi, who was the only son at that time, who was Jiang Danwu's father. He was afraid that Jiang Jianchi would not manage well and let Jiang Danwu again. The six uncles formed a council, which limited the rights of Jiang Jianchi's family to a certain extent and coordinated the management of the Jiang family's affairs.

After Jiang Jianchi took over as the head of the family, he was conscientious. Although his calm personality was not enterprising, he was also more than enough to defend. It was also because he put his mind on the family and had less control of Jiang Danwu, which made Jiang Danwu a complete dil.

Over the years, several uncles of Jiang Danwu have also given birth to sons. They all believe that Jiang Jianchi's ability is not enough to support the huge industry of the Jiang family. The reason why the old man was passed on to him was that his son Jiang Danwu's birth took advantage, so everyone began to make small calculations. Of course, there is not much good face for Jiang Danwu.

"Well... boss, I'll wait for you at the college." Feng Yingcai spit out his tongue and said to Jiang Danwu.

Jiang Danwu nodded, quickly followed Jiang Jianhua, and constantly tried to search for memory fragments in his mind. Jiang Danwu also had some preliminary understanding of the current situation of the Jiang family.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, Jiang Danwu saw a luxurious spirit beast sitting. Although he did not know any of the carved pattern on the outside of the driver, he could feel an incomparable majesty on the pattern. There was a big flag in the sky. A dragon flying and phoenix dancing oscillated in the wind on the flag, and the front end of the driver was Four strong spiritual beasts were on the hook, but unfortunately Jiang Danwu couldn't call the name of the spiritual beast for a moment.

"When will you not cause trouble for the Jiang family?" As soon as he entered the driving room, Jiang Jianhua immediately shouted to Jiang Danwu with a calm face.

Jiang Danwu just squeezed his lips and did not explain so much. Such a situation is not uncommon in his memory. Even at this time, he can imagine that his uncles should be waiting for him to go back in the family's lobby, waiting to count his wrongs, so as to hit his father. Status in the family.

However, Jiang Danwu did not think he was wrong this time.

Seeing that Jiang Danwu did not admit his mistakes, flatter, say good words as usual, Jiang Jianhua was also slightly stunned, but he did not think deeply about it. He was just thinking about how to better attack the eldest brother's position as the head of the family through this conflict with the Long family, so that he could get greater benefits from it...