Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 20 Running Naked in the Morning

The two most famous colleges in Xingzhao Country are Xingzhao College and Dingguo College.

Xingzhao College is a royal college in the name of the country. Although it is extremely grand, everyone knows that those who can enter this college are some nobles or royal children, and civilians are absolutely not eligible to enter.

Dingguo College is open to all the people in the country, and the college only recruits students based on talent and strength without regard to their origin. If the talent is not standard, even the crown prince of the dynasty is not allowed to enter Dingguo College. Therefore, for Xing Zhaoguo, Dingguo College is the real institution of higher learning.

With the solid foundation laid by his childhood life, Jiang Danwu was fortunate to become the only third-generation son of the Jiang family who entered Xingzhao Royal College.

At least they are people who have lived for thousands of years. Although their cultivation has fallen greatly now, Jiang Danwu really has no interest in quarreling with these two little children, and he doesn't even feel them as opponents in his heart. He closed the book and walked to the door.

Anyway, there are enough things to see today. It will take some time and practice to fully understand and combine it with the experience of alchemy in the previous life. Jiang Danwu naturally has no time to play with them here.

Watching Jiang Danwu leave, the two brothers were not surprised. They seemed to be used to such a result. "Brother, there is a sentence you should remember that the Jiang family is not comparable to Long Xiuping's waste. If you don't want to lack arms and legs, you'd better be more knowledgeable a year later."

"Let's talk about it in a year!" Jiang Danwu, who didn't look back, left a word and left the second floor.

After coming out of the Tibetan Pavilion, Jiang Danwu found that the sky had darkened. Unconsciously, he had read a book for a day and walked to his bedroom again.

He ordered his servants to bring some food. After eating, the sky finally darkened and lived up to expectations. Jiang Danwu found that at night, dozens of stars were actually sucked into his body under the automatic rotation of the stars in Dantian.

At present, Jiang Danwu immediately calmed down, hoping to enter the realm of yesterday again and understand what this unknown star map is.

However, no matter how hard Jiang Danwu tried, he could no longer enter such a realm. On the contrary, just as he was about to give up, a bitter formula appeared in his mind. Jiang Danwu could clearly feel that this formula came from the star map on his body.

Because he had practiced the Xuanxing formula of the Jiang family, Jiang Danwu immediately realized that this was also a cultivation formula. Even if he did not know much about the cultivation of the world, Jiang Danwu had already felt that this skill was many times higher than the Xuanxing formula, and immediately practiced according to this formula.

As soon as the formula started, Jiang Danwu found that the star power in his body had at least doubled, and he practiced harder with great joy.

With great joy, Jiang Danwu, who was not satisfied with the status quo, calmed down and tried his best to run the formula. As soon as the formula was running, Jiang Danwu found that each star power entering the body had become twice as thicker, that is to say, if he practiced with all his strength, the speed would automatically inhaled twice the star power, and time slowly passed...

When he exhaled and opened his eyes, it was already early in the morning. Jiang Danwu, who had not slept all night, was not only not tired at all, but also looked energetic.

Although the stars in Dantian have not changed much, Jiang Danwu likes this nameless star map and formula very much. For practitioners, a good practice formula is absolutely fatally attractive.

"What's your name?" Standing up from ** and relaxing his muscles and bones, Jiang Danwu was considering how to name the name of the unknown star map and skills.

"Star map, star secret!" Although Jiang Danwu wanted to get a domineering name, he still did not come up with a too powerful name after consuming a lot of brain cells, so he had to temporarily name the name of the nameless star map, and the formula from the star map is naturally called the star formula.

After being worried, Jiang Danwu quickly took off his clothes, began to smear the medicine in the vase on his body, and then began to run naked in the morning.

After feeling the abnormality of the star secret absorbing the star power, Jiang Danwu was more eager to increase the strength of his body. Otherwise, he was really worried that the body would not be able to withstand the growing star power.

What's more, Jiang Danwu also enjoyed the moment of running naked. The light wind brought by the trot blows the medicine on the skin, and the faint coolness brings indescribable comfort to the whole body. Especially after a night of practice, this feeling makes people groan almost happily.

Just as Jiang Danwu was intoxicated, the door of the bedroom was violently destroyed, and a woman rushed in.