Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 98 Swallow Thunder

Being scolded by Han Feng, Deng Hongbo did not dare to refute at all and muttered in his heart. Has Jiang Danwu seen the elder? This seems unlikely, doesn't it?

At this time, Jiang Danwu in the underground fire room, with the recovery of Qi Dan, his breath stabilized slightly, but his pale face still did not improve at all because of the excessive mental energy consumption.

As he worked hard to play out the elixirs, the colorful light emitted by the elixir in the elixir in the elixir also began to materialize. At this time, it seemed that a layer of colorful fog shrouded eight elixir.

However, due to the emergence of Han Feng, the clouds over the sky expanded again. With the continuous expansion of volume, the pressure was also several times steep.

"he!" With a soft drink, Jiang Danwu's hands and fingers were tightly tied together. At the same time, the spark in the Danding also quickly gathered. Under the strong pressure of the spark, the colorful fog outside the elixir was also pressed into the elixir. The eight elixir in the elixir in the elixir became more dazzling, and the whole Danding sparkled with a dazzling light.

Boom... Also at this time, on the strong pressure, the roof of the overbearing ground fire collapsed, and countless gravel fell from the sky.

Immediately, a strong pressure pressed on Jiang Danwu's body before the gravel, making Jiang Danwu's whole body half squat down.

Fortunately, all the elixirs have been finished at this time, otherwise this will be stagnant, but it is enough to destroy a furnace of elixir.

In mid-air, Han Feng shouted softly without any movement, and countless blue lights flashed like stars in the sky. The falling gravel was smashed in an instant, and even disappeared without leaving a trace of dust.

Son of a sudden, the colorful Danding and Jiang Danwu with a rickety body appeared in front of everyone.

Although everyone has already known the answer, there is still an unreal feeling when looking at this scene, especially at this time, blood is constantly oozing between Jiang Danwu's seven holes, and people can't believe that the pressure of Danjie makes seven holes bleeding and can actually refine the elixir that leads to the elixir.

However, no matter how shocked they are and don't believe it, the iron facts are in front of them. At this time, almost everyone is worried about Jiang Danwu. Even if Han Feng has promised to resist the disaster, he is still worried about Jiang Danwu at this time. In his current situation, even the remnants of Danjie may not be able to bear it.

Constantly turning the star formula, Jiang Danwu tried his best to stand up straight and saw a five-color cloud covering his head, and suddenly a complex smile appeared between the corners of his mouth.

Dan Jie? I don't know how many alchemists in this world are eager to see in their alchemy career, but now it seems to be a life-threatening charm for them.

With his current situation, not to mention Danjie, even a five-level star can easily put himself down, especially under the continuous pressure of the robbery, Jiang Danwu's momentum is constantly depressed.

"Little guy, don't worry, I will help you resist this robbery. Just protect yourself later." Feeling that Jiang Danwu's momentum was constantly declining, Han Feng, who was suspended in the air, immediately supported his star power, and his whole body bloomed with blue light. At the same time, he also stopped a lot.

Jiang Danwu, who was greatly under great pressure, found that there was still a man standing above his head. Who else could listen to his voice if it was not Han Feng? At this time, looking at Han Feng's star-stull logo, Jiang Danwu's depressed momentum immediately rejuvenated, "Old man, I didn't expect you to come, and I'm much more relieved to have you."

"Of course, how can I let you die easily?" Hearing Jiang Danwu call himself an old man, Han Feng suddenly seemed to be much more comfortable. For him, such a title was much better than those who were too elders and masters. "The thunderstorm is coming. Be careful!"

At this time, all the links of alchemy have been completed. When the alchemy disperse, Jiang Danwu only needs to save his life. At this time, he looked around and seemed to be ready to find a relatively safe place, but there was empty around, and only the little swallowing beast was still sleeping there.

It was all this little guy who got into trouble. Jiang Danwu couldn't help staring at the little swallowing beast fiercely, but in the end, he still caught the little swallowing beast in his hand.

Although he was a little angry that the little swallowing beast suddenly grabbed the amethy honey, almost all the little swallowing beast accompanied him in this six months of alchemy, and Jiang Danwu could not ignore him at this time.

Being held in Jiang Danwu's arms, the little swallowing beast seemed to have no feeling at all and still fell asleep.

click! At this time, a crisp sound, a purple electricity as thick as an arm fell from the sky, like the Milky Way, and hit Han Feng straight at the ground. In an instant, the whole Xingdan peak was illuminated by the strong light like day. At the same time, the sound of purple electricity cutting through the air has a breathtaking smell. If you are not strong-minded, you don't even need to be hit by purple electricity in an instant, you will be shocked and spit blood and die.

Although Han Feng had enough self-confidence with the cultivation of Xingzong, he looked at the magnificent purple electricity in the sky and rolled with supreme power. At this time, his face was condensed. Between his hands crossed, a blue light flew out of the storage ring and transformed into a star sword three feet above it.

At this time, the little swallowing beast that had been deposited in Jiang Danwu's arms suddenly opened its eyes and looked at the purple electricity in the sky. An unspeakable excitement flashed on its face. It jumped out of Jiang Danwu's arms and rushed to Han Feng's star sword in an instant.

The little swallowing beast opened his mouth. At this time, his mouth almost occupied most of his body. The next moment, Zidian was in his big mouth.

Then, the snow-white fluff of the little swallowing beast was immediately dyed purple and blue, and its body was constantly trembling.

"Xiao Bai!" Looking at this scene, Jiang Danwu couldn't help shouting, and as soon as his voice was out, he was submerged in the endless roar around him.

The purple electricity, which was as long as a giant dragon, kept entering the mouth of the little swallowing beast, and the body of the little swallowing beast continued to expand. Such a scene lasted for a quarter of an hour. The purple electricity stopped, and the body of the little swallowing beast also quickly shrank.

In a blink of an eye, it returned to its previous appearance, and the fluff on its body returned to a snow-white color. At this time, the little swallowing beast looked at the clouds in the sky, his eyes were full of excitement, and he kept licking his tongue.

Looking at this scene, not to mention Jiang Danwu, even all the elders present and even Han Feng were stunned there.

Swallow thunder?

Even the elders present are well-informed people, but they have lived all their lives, let alone seen them, and have never heard of such a situation.

Han Feng was speechless. He was already full of star power all over his body and had nowhere to vent. At this time, he had to quickly run the skills and restrain it. However, at this time, he also did not care about complaining, but looked at the little swallowing beast above his head as shocked as everyone. How could this guy do it?

Suddenly, Han Feng thought of a possibility, and his eyes kept sweeping back and forth between Jiang Danwu and the little swallowing beast. Even if he had the realm of Xingzong, his face couldn't help but change at this time.

"Well, am I dazzled? What did you see?"

"You are not dazzled. It must be my be dazzled!"

On the other side, the elders looked at this scene, as if they could not find a second explanation except for their eyes. After all, it was really incredible.

Don't say you have heard of such a thing. Even if you don't think about it, if the facts didn't happen in front of you, who would believe it was true?

The unsuctainable colorful disaster cloud seemed to feel that its majesty had been greatly challenged, and a purple lightning flash was spit out again between the expansion, which was almost several times more than the size and momentum of the previous one.

Before the thunderstorm arrived, the momentum reached first, the purple light flashed, and a strong airflow was immediately formed in the air, falling from the sky like a needle and knives, and the soil on the whole Xingdan Peak ground kept rolling, and suddenly raised dust all over the sky.

The powerful pressure made Han Feng's heart tighten, and the star power that had just dissipated filled his whole body again. This time, he could not guarantee whether the little guy above his head could bear it. Once the little swallowing beast failed, he would immediately attack it. Otherwise, Jiang Danwu would definitely die under the thunderstorm that has been raised again! Because at this time, under the strong power of Robbery, even Han Feng has a long-lost heart palpitation.

Similarly, purple light flashed at the other end of the sky. Under this powerful power, almost all the elders have run the star power to the limit, as if they are ready to take action at any time.

At this time, the little swallowing beast roared repeatedly. Not only did it have no fear, but with boundless excitement. The big mouth opened again, and the robbery thunder bombarded it again. The little swallowing beast's body became purple and trembled again, but there was nothing else.

It lasted for half an hour before this wave of thunder was swallowed by it, making the eyes of the little swallowing beast looking at the clouds in the sky more excited.

It also makes everyone look at the little swallowing beast more frightened.

The powerful thunderstorm just now, even with the cultivation of the Star Empire, can't guarantee that they will survive, but in front of this little guy, the thunderstorm seems to be a snack.

"What the hell is this?" A question mark appeared in everyone's hearts. Except for Deng Hongbo and Yu Wanfa, no one knew the details of the little swallowing beast.

And even if the two know the details of the little swallowing beast and look at such a scene, they look much better than others.

It has lasted for as many as eight times. The excitement in the eyes of the little swallowing beast not only did not mean to weaken, but became stronger and stronger.

Just when the ninth thunderstorm fell from the sky, Jiang Danwu finally came to his senses, "Xiaobai, leave a trace of thunder on the Danding!"

"Squeak..." What responded to him was the reluctant cry of the little swallowing beast.