Tianxing Emperor

Chapter 235 Evil Brothers

Don't you have to go to the realm of Xingzun to warm up your star knowledge? Jiang Danwu frowned slightly and expressed some doubts about his sudden perception.

Because he is not sure, he did not say his perception at this time, not to mention whether this group of teenagers will believe in themselves, even if they believe that what if they are wrong? Moreover, Jiang Danwu felt that although the two breaths were slightly strong, they were only the cultivation of the first-class star sect.

"Hold on, and you can rest soon." Looking at Jiang Danwu's appearance, he thought that he was powerless and comforted him. At the same time, he pushed out a star power to support Jiang Danwu's body, so that Jiang Danwu would not work so hard.

"Thank you!" Looking at the slightly red face, Jiang Danwu did not refuse Yunqiao's kindness, but a little better in the girl's heart. The kind person is always pleasing.

The speed of the strong man of the Star Emperor is by no means ordinary. Although he dares not fly empty in the Xingyun Mountains, he can't be underestimated under running with all his strength. In a blink of an eye, he has already reached the mountainside of Qinling Peak.

As it keeps approaching, Jiang Danwu's sense of the two powerful breaths is becoming more and more obvious, and even at this time, he can almost be sure of their orientation.

Suddenly, it seemed that a mysterious force fell from the sky, cutting off Jiang Danwu's perception, and the two breaths disappeared in an instant.

"Stop!" Jiang Danwu, who realized that something was wrong, shouted loudly, and everyone stopped and stared at Jiang Danwu's eyes full of inquiry.

Jiang Danwu carefully glanced around and suddenly said, "If I'm not mistaken, we have fallen into the star array arranged by others in advance."

Hearing this, everyone tightened their faces and glanced around one after another. Unfortunately, none of them was proficient in array, and they were just at a loss.

"I didn't expect that there were star arrays among you, but this can't change your ending!" At this time, the two people came out from the top of the mountain and suddenly disappeared from Jiang Danwu's perception. Obviously, they were the two people in front of them.

"Evil brother?" Seeing the people clearly, Ji Feipeng not only lost his voice.

When they were humanized, the two raised their eyebrows and seemed to be very proud. "I didn't expect you to know our two brothers, so then naturally I don't have to talk nonsense anymore. Do you know what to do?"

The extremely evil brothers can be said to be notorious throughout Xingyunling. The eldest brother Wen Long and the second brother Wen Hu are twin brothers. The two brothers are extremely cruel. Even if they do according to their requirements, if they are in a bad mood, they will often end up very miserable. And even if both of them have the cultivation of the first-class star sect, because the twins have a tacit understanding, even the second-class star sect is unwilling to fight head-on with them.

The two brothers have been wandering around the outer area of Xingyunling and the junction of the core for many years to make a living by robbery. Because the two brothers have never provoked major forces, they only target some teams without *, so that they have lived well in the cracks these years.

The shadow of the tree, the name of the person. Facing the extremely evil brother, Lin Tian's eyebrows also frowned tightly, as if thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

At this moment, everyone is also surrounded by Lin Tian. Although his face is slightly ugly, they are waiting for Lin Tian's decision.

"I'll give you ten breath. If you don't take the initiative to hand it over, then our two brothers will have to do it ourselves!" Wen Hu looked at the young people who were scared and pale, and his heart was full of pride. Obviously, he enjoyed such a process very much, but stopped when his eyes swept over Yun Qiaozhi.

"Let the boss give it to them first!" Feeling the invisible pressure on the extremely evil brother, but Lin Tian has not moved for a long time, Ji Feipeng couldn't help saying.

"No, the beast core that Qinger needs can't be handed over." Yun Qiao immediately said, "Qing'er can't wait for us to kill a fire spirit beast!"

Ji Feipeng opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"It seems that you are waiting for me to do it!" Seeing that these teenagers were still motionless, Wen Hu began to look a little impatient.

"Senior, we can hand over everything we have, but I have a request!" Just as Wen Hu had just taken the first step, Lin Tian took out a fiery red nucleus from the storage bag and said, "We use the nucleus of this fire spirit beast to save a friend. In addition, everything on us can be given to you. Do you think it's okay, senior?"

If it is Lin Tian's character, he would rather die than compromise, but he understands that his decision will be related to the life and death of his partners around him, so he has to choose to compromise, but leaving the beast core is his bottom line.

"This requirement can be met. It's better for me to speak!" At this time, Wen Hu's eyes flashed with ** evil light. He looked at Yun Qiao and said, "But let this girl be happy with our brother!"

"Senior, things can be left behind, and we have to go together!" Lin Tian's face also began to become bad. Together with the injured Qinger, the eight of them were originally orphans. Over the years, they have been dependent on each other and have been like brothers and sisters. Otherwise, they would not have taken the risk to go deep into this place to find the nucleus of the fire spirit beast for the injured Qinger.

Previously, Lin Tian could bow his head and compromise for everyone's safety, but now it is related to Yunqiao, and Lin Tian naturally can't let it go anymore.

"Go, of course, let you walk together. How about letting you live a life after our brothers play and let you leave safely together?" While Wen Hu spoke, his eyes kept sweeping back and forth on the towering peaks of Yunqiao.

"Do it!" Lin Tian snorted coldly, and the teenagers who had a tacit understanding had hardly hesitated at all. At the same time, the extremely purple light bloomed on their bodies. While the star armor condensed, the star sword in his hand drew purple lines and cut off the extremely evil brothers as fast as the wind.

Without even a little communication, the seven people were tacitly divided into two groups and cut their opponents at the same time. Years of combat experience made them understand that if they were too ready to give the other party enough time at this moment, then under the disparity of strength, they would never have any chance.

Now their advantage is that their evil brothers may arrogantly think that they dare not resist and suddenly take advantage of the other party's paralysis, so this attack is only fast speed and strong strength.

However, how can the extremely evil brothers be evil for many years? When Wen Hu said frivolous words, the two brothers seemed to be casual, but in fact, they were already alert. They only saw two blue lights rising from the sky and instantly hit the seven oncoming purple lights.

Lin Tian and others went quickly and returned faster. As soon as they first came into contact with the blue light, they were immediately bounced away. Except for Lin Tian and Ji Feipeng, who had the cultivation of the nine-level star emperor, they took a step back and barely stabilized their figure, and the rest fell to the ground one after another.

Of course, Yunqiao, who was picked up by Jiang Danwu, is an exception.

Suddenly hit hard, Yunqiao only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and his chest seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. With a muffled hum, his whole body couldn't help flying backwards. In addition to the shock, he felt a gentle force coming from his back. If the spring breeze brushed his face, the disordered blood in his body suddenly calmed down greatly. Looking back, I saw that I was being held in Jiang Danwu's arms at this time, and a blush rose above my cheeks.

"Huh... I can't believe there is a big fish here!" Jiang Danwu's action immediately attracted the attention of the extremely evil brother, "Kid, hand over your storage bracelet, and our brother will spare your life today!"

In fact, the star world is not what Jiang Danwu usually sees. Everyone is rich and oily. Although high-end goods such as storage bracelets are not as precious as the Star Land, not everyone can wear them, especially those who live in Xingyun Mountains all year round, and there are very few people who wear such valuable items.

And the people Jiang Danwu has been meeting in the star world are not the elders of the six sects or important disciples of the six sects, so they can be rich. Although the extremely evil brothers are so rampant, the star sword they use is just the best of the mysterious level.

"Do you want my storage bracelet? But there are two of you, who should I give them? Jiang Danwu put Yun Qiao aside and said thoughtfully.

"Give me this set back? Just give it to Grandpa Wen directly. How can there be so much nonsense? Wen Hu said that the blue hand had grabbed Jiang Danwu, and the star sword in his left hand seemed to be casual, but it sealed all Jiang Danwu's dodge routes together. As long as Jiang Danwu made a slight movement, he could immediately launch a stormy attack.

Although Jiang Danwu just showed that he only had the cultivation of the realm of the Star Emperor, these extremely evil brothers no longer know how many strong people have seen the ship capp in the sewer, so even in the face of the Star King and even the Star Spirit, they have never relaxed their vigilance.

"Brother Wu, be careful!" Looking at Wen Hu pressing towards Jiang Danwu, Lin Tian immediately reminded him that he wanted to help Jiang Danwu at this time, but found that in the collision just now, the blood in his body rolled over. As soon as his body moved, his inner body hurt badly.

It seems to grab it casually, but Yunqiao standing behind Jiang Danwu can still feel the fierce wind coming through Jiang Danwu's body. Even under this strong momentum, she is a little unstable with her sixth-level star emperor's cultivation.

After the sword killed Chai Mingxuan, Xingzong was no longer so unattainable in Jiang Danwu's eyes. Just as Wen Hu set out, Jiang Danwu's whole body rose and the star formula ran crazily.

"Want my bracelet? Just give it to you!" Jiang Danwu waved his right fist fiercely, and the purple-to-extreme light wrapped his fist and bombarded the palm of Wenhu's hand.

Crazy? Everyone present looked at Jiang Danwu's reaction and showed shock. How could they resist the power of Xingzong with the realm of the Star Emperor?